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Nomo +: NW Puiu Ourka Sasto Poramtta NIM = 2Ns834098 DI : Peo. MBP. —- Sm. 1 Kelas + C Moatkal + Ergsh Final Test Ll © Wok ore te importont things 40 keep the reputation Of a hotel ? 27 The importont things 10 keep the reputotion of a hotel are depands upon thie things. they are rooms. food and beverages, Service. Hera all employers mst be ateand dang hotel operational actuites, for casorwation Soruice, room sarwice, Ord focd & barerage sorwice IN Correct . prompt, and poble seruice- So that all quests will foal comfortable to stoy in the hotel. And qutomatcally the vaputation of tha hotel ust be very pod. @® Mk spo wont to be a holeler and howe o good plo, what 1S important for yu 2 o> IE (work to b2 0 hotelier and hone o gotd job, the unportont things for ma ore kowladge cbost hotel. aped in proctica andl experience. Qood atittude ond courteous, ond be able 40 interact with the staff and quests. G) To b able ond rasponsble th 0 certotN postition in o hotd. whot Kind OF Arunag Atay crust experiance 2 Explain 7 >> 40 ton ake ond responsible in a Cerkain position in a hotel, {hey must Fecawe training ond experience ‘oefore Arey are Non responsible Poston They must often get exper lenne from a Small restourant. homestay, or from the special tourism frowning school tp learn more about what wilh = __ Get 6 hotel, like to ba a suyarngor mayne - V- 4} C. Hee ben studying a) OD. Dows i toke 3) D+ \Nos Preporing AY C- Wos setting ue s) C.- \s Sorted ©) D. Peasant TY A- Beri 8) B- Salect 4. A+ Excuse ma. Ud Wee 40 get the information obout jhe guitar concert, please - 1st Sopterivar at Bp.m 3. A + Good evening. (S this Smith's Shoe shop ? Vcome_ Ans afternoon. ‘out tt wos closed. B = Nas. Ams is Seuth's shoa Shop . Lam sorry sir. for thot. Our shop 1S ORAM at 9am - 7pm. But we closed for lunch Ok t- apm. So vf yw work to coma to our Shop. Please come wn the morning OF 9 am urtil in Ake afternoon before L pm. Or yor can “coma to Our shop after 2pm. 4. Rot L would Wika to at the information chout the film Ams Quening . \s 007 Wh dns event B + Nes mss. For the fin “Rex Theotre® will shows tealay 11 DAS pin, 6.30 pM, 9.15 pm. Ara for you, ticket numer QO7 pisase core ot tom: B + Excuse me sit. For {he guitar concrt will be started on __ Ws own ak wo om - 39M ON wWerkdays. And “Open ot om - 6-30 pm on Soturday, 2 w Now Caller You Color You Goler Nou. Colter Nou Caller Nou Caller os : Exarsa me. S$ Yhara any Dopartemant store near hoor? + Nes sir. there 18 a Departement Stora near hear. Tha name is CRAWFORDS Teportemen Store - Ws opan on to - 9th Soptemioer at Jom- Ion. + \aall. Luould lke 40 go to Australi. \s there any plang todos, or tomorrow ? + Nes mes. Trace 1s ona daparture to Malloourne - Rustratia wn Thght number MIB at 14-30 hrs. + CITOS Tour & Tranl- Good morning. Can | help you? + Con \ spook 40 Mr. Nguroh, a tour guide ? + Nes sw. Wino 1S speoking please 7 + Vim Mr. Watson. Robert Wotson. + Vom sorcy for dhe first. For now Mr. Ngprcn is in a Temple, working as a tour guiding. + Ok + Do ypu have any questor, or someting else? ~ Con ypu toke a message 2 » Nes gue becom + Tell him 49 meat me at Sheraton Lageon tomorrow Morning. My TOOM fUMTper 1S 3490. He con phone me after 7 pm wf he has hme. + Plrwgnt sir. \ ull tell your message to Mr. Nguran + \kkunk dats all. Thank you . Goodloe. + Alen sw. You're wellomg. Hove a nice clay. 4, Tha governmont fixes the prices - => The prices fixed ey tho government: 2. We must yoy the current price. => The currant preg must pad by Im. B. The commodity sottsties the consumer - => The consumer sonsted oy tne Commodity A. Tha commitkee propored © spanal Scheme - => © Spedal scheme fas ban prpored by the commiter. s. They howe produced additional supplies for the men. a> The additional supplies for the men howe been Producecl ‘oy, them - ©. ENON in a dedicated capitalist economy 4h opvernment plans certain Anings. => Even in 0 dedicated capitalist conomy. the certain things Planned by the government - 1. Economists howe clossfied the worious economic system. => Yhe vartous econome system hove been clossifiea by economists - B. They fx the prices in advanca 2> The priees fixed by them in advance - -e5a0ceeeeces GeceeceeeooGeoeaeeede ee

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