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Report on Chandrayan - 1

Roll No. 20PHY01
Mission Remote Sensing, Planetary Science

Objective Lunar Orbit

Chandrayaan-1 / Moon Impact Probe (MIP)


1380 kilograms

3 axis stabilized using reaction wheel and attitude control

Stabilization thrusters , sun sensors, star sensors, fibre optic gyros and
accelerometers for attitude determination

Launch Vehicle PSLV- C11

Launch Date Oct. 22, 2008

Launch Site Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, India

Scientific Main Satellite

Instruments 1. Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC)
2. Hyper Spectral Imager (HySI)
3. Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI)
4. High Energy X-ray Spectrometer (HEX)
6. Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (CIXS)
7. Near Infrared Spectrometer (SIR-2)
8. Sub Kev Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA)
9. Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar (Mini SAR)
10. NASA’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3)
11. Radiation Dose Monitor (RADOM)

Moon Impact Probe (MIP)

1. Radar Altimeter
2. Video Imaging System
3. Chandra’s Altitudinal Composition Explorer (Mass

Spectrometer) (CHASE)

700 watts

 India's Chandrayaan-1 played a crucial role in the discovery of water molecules on

the Moon.
 Chandrayaan-1 was India's first deep space mission. Among its suite of
instruments, it carried NASA's Moon Minerology Mapper (M3), an imaging
spectrometer helped confirm the discovery of water locked in minerals on the
 The orbiter also released an impactor that was deliberately crashed into the Moon,
releasing debris that was anyalyzed by the orbiting spacecraft's science
 Chandrayaan-1, the first Indian deep space mission, was launched to orbit the
Moon and to dispatch an impactor to the surface.
 Scientific goals included the study of the chemical, mineralogical and
photogeologic mapping of the Moon. In addition to the five Indian instruments,
the spacecraft carried scientific equipment from the United States, the United
Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, and Bulgaria.
 Chandrayaan-1 was launched into an initial geostationary transfer orbit of 140 x
14,180 miles (225 × 22,817 kilometers) at a 17.9-degree inclination.
 Over a period of 13 days, the apogee of the orbit was increased by five burns of the
spacecraft’s 99 pound-force (44.9 kilogram-force) liquid engine that successively
raised orbit on Oct. 23 (to 23,500 miles or 37,900 kilometers), Oct. 25 (to 46,430
miles or 74,715 kilometers), Oct. 26 (to 102,300 miles or 164,600 kilometers), 29
Oct. 29 (to 166,000 miles or 267,000 kilometers), and Nov. 4 (to 236,100 miles or
380,000 kilometers).
 Finally, the probe successfully entered lunar orbit after a burn that began at Nov.
8 and lasted about 13.5 minutes. Initial lunar orbital parameters were about 4,660
x 310 miles (7,502 × 504 kilometers).
 Between lunar orbit insertion Nov. 8 and Nov. 12, Chandrayaan-1’s orbit was
reduced gradually so that it ended up finally in its operational polar orbit at about
62 miles (100 kilometers) above the lunar surface.
 Two days later, Chandrayaan released its 64-pound (29-kilogram) Moon Impact
Probe (MIP). The probe fired a small deorbit motor and then went into freefall,
sending back readings from its three instruments until it crashed onto the lunar
surface near the Shackleton Crater at the lunar south pole.
 Indian scientists reported that data from Chandra’s altitudinal composition
explorer (CHASE), which took readings every 4 seconds during its descent,
suggested the existence of water in the lunar atmosphere, although the data
remains inconclusive absent further verification.
 Chandrayaan-1 experienced abnormally high temperatures beginning late
November 2008 and for a time, it could only run one scientific instrument at a
 In May 2009, the spacecraft was delivered to a higher 120-mile (200-kilometer)
orbit, apparently in an attempt to keep the temperatures aboard the satellite to
tolerable levels.
 Chandrayaan-1 also suffered a star sensor failure after nine months of operation
in lunar orbit. A backup sensor also failed soon after, rendering inoperable the
spacecraft’s primary attitude control system. Instead, controllers used a
mechanical gyroscope system to maintain proper attitude.
 Last contact with Chandrayaan-1 was at Aug. 28, 2009. This was short of the
spacecraft’s planned two-year lifetime, although ISRO noted that at least 95% of
its mission objectives had been accomplished by then. The most likely cause of the
end of the mission was the failure of the power supply due to overheating.
 Perhaps Chandrayaan-1’s most important finding was related to the question of
water on the Moon. In September 2009, scientists published results of data
collected by the American M3 instrument which had detected absorption features
on the polar regions of the surface of the Moon usually linked to hydroxyl- and/ or
water-bearing molecules.
 This finding was followed in August 2013 by an announcement of evidence of
water molecules locked in mineral grains on the surface of the Moon -- magmatic
water, or water that originates from deep in the Moon’s interior.
 Magmatic water had been found in samples returned by Apollo astronauts but not
from lunar orbit until the operation of the M3 instrument. Although Cassini,
during its flyby of the Moon in August 1999, had detected (using its VIMS
instrument) water molecules and hydroxyl.

Basic Instruments used in Chandrayaan 1

 Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC)

 Hyper Spectral Imager (HySI)

 Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (HEX)

 Chandrayaan-1 X-Ray Spectrometer(CIXS)

 Near Infrared Spectrometer(SIR-2)

 Sub Kev Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA)

 Miniature synthetic Aperture Radar(Mini SAR)

 NASA’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3)

 Radiation Dose Monitor (RADOM)

Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC)

 The Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC) on India’s first satellite for lunar exploration,
Chandrayaan-1, is for generating high-resolution 3-dimensional maps of the Moon.
With this instrument, a complete topographic map of the Moon with 5 m spatial
resolution and 10-bit quantization will be available for scientific studies.
 The TMC will image within the panchromatic spectral band of 0.4 to 0.9 Μm with a
stereo view in the fore, nadir and aft directions of the spacecraft movement and
have a B/H ratio of 1. The swath coverage will be 20 km.
 The camera is configured for imaging in the push broom-mode with three linear
detectors in the image plane. The camera will have four gain settings to cover the
varying illumination conditions of the Moon.
 Additionally, a provision of imaging with reduced resolution, for improving Signal-
to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in polar regions, which have poor illumination conditions
throughout, has been made. SNR of better than 100 is expected in the ±60° latitude
region for mature mare soil, which is one of the darkest regions on the lunar
surface. This paper presents a brief description of the TMC instrument.

Hyper Spectral Imager

 The HySI instrument measures the reflected solar radiation from the Moon’s
surface. The spectral separation is done using a wedge filter in front of an area
detector. The wedge filter is an interference filter with varying coating thickness
along one dimension so that the wavelength of the transmitted radiation varies in
that direction. The frame size is 40km along track and 20km across track (swath).
 The detector has 512 pixels in along track and 256 pixels in across track direction.
In a given frame, 512 lines of lunar surface are mapped onto 512 rows of detector
elements. Each row gets different spectral information and the pixels within a row
get different spatial information corresponding to that swath coverage.The
spacecraft’s movement builds the full spectrum of a target. The frame data at
detector output corresponds to 512 spectral bands. The 512 bands are processed
on-board to generate the required 64 bands, thereby reducing the transmitted
data volume.

Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI)

 Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI) proposed for the first Indian lunar
mission Chandrayaan-1 is aimed to study the topography of the Moon’s surface
and its gravitational field by precisely measuring the altitude from a polar orbit
around the Moon. Altimetry data close to the poles of the Moon would also be
available from the instrument, which was not covered by earlier missions.
 This instrument supplements the terrain mapping camera and hyperspectral
imager payloads on Chandrayaan-1. The instrument consists of a diode pumped
Nd:YAG pulsed laser transmitter having 10 nsec pulse width and a receiver
system. The receiver system features 17 cm diameter Ritchey—Chretien collecting
optics, Si Avalanche Photo Detector (APD), preamplifiers, constant fraction
discriminators, time-of-flight measurement unit and spacecraft interface.
 Altimeter resolution of better than 5 m is targeted. The received signal strength of
LLRI depends on laser pulse backscatter from the Moon’s surface. Moon’s surface
being a poor reflector, the choice of receiver size and its type and the selection of
detector play an important role in getting a good signal-to-noise ratio and in turn
achieving the target resolution. At the same time, the spacecraft puts a limitation
on payload size and weight. This paper discusses the proposed LLRI system for
Chandrayaan-1 and signal-to-noise ratio estimation.

Chandrayaan 1 X-Ray Spectrometer (CIXS)

 Lunar XRF results from CIXS for two A-class solar flares are presented. Results are
quantitatively derived and expressed as MgO/SiO2 and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios.
Ground truth data from the Apollo 14 landing site are duplicated in this work.
Possible discrepancies between XRF and gamma-ray compositions are discussed.

Near Infrared Spectrometer (SIR-2)

 The SIR-2 is a redesigned, highly compact, monolithic grating, near-infrared

spectrometer operating in the wavelength range from 0.9 to 2.4 micrometer with

a spectral resolution of 6 nanometres and >100 S/N. The reflected light from the
Moon is focused onto a fibre, which leads the light to the spectrometer body.

 At the grating the light is dispersed and then detected by an IR sensor across 256
pixels. Each pixel is a photodiode converting the incoming light into an electronic

 Since the SIR-2 is a footprint spectrometer, each spectrum represents the surface
characteristics of an ellipse whose size is defined by the opening angle of the
instrument and the distance between the spacecraft and the ground, in this case
around 220 meters.

Sub Kev Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA)

 The Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) on the Chandrayaan-1 mission to
the Moon will image the solar wind-surface interaction to study surface
composition and surface magnetic anomalies and associated mini-

 SARA consists of a Digital Processing Unit (DPU) and two sensors, the Solar WInd
Monitor (SWIM) for solar wind monitoring and the Chandrayaan-1 Energetic
Neutrals Analyzer (CENA), an imaging neutral atom spectrometer to observe
atoms sputtered from the lunar surface by the solar wind as well as backscattered
hydrogen. We review the status of the instrument and give an overview of science

 The Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) experiment onboard Chandrayaan-

1 mission was a joint Indo-Swedish collaborative research program between SPL-
VSSC and Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), Kiruna, Sweden with
participation from Japan (JAXA), and Switzerland (University of Bern). The main
scientific objective of the SARA experiment was to study lunar-solar wind
interaction by means of the Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAs) and the charged
particles produced as a result of solar wind interaction with the lunar surface.

 The three components of the SARA experiment were: two sensors - CENA
(Chandrayaan-1 Energetic Neutral Analyzer), which detected low energy neutral
atoms in the 10-3300 eV energy range, and the SWIM (Solar WInd Monitor), which
measured the plasma flux in the near-lunar environment in the 10-3000 eV energy
range, and the DPU (Digital Processing Unit) which commanded and controlled the
operations on both the sensors. Both sensors had a fan shaped Field of View (FoV).

Onboard commissioning of SARA was successfully completed in January 2009, and
the planned normal operations began in February.

Miniature synthetic Aperture Radar(Mini SAR)

 Analysis of data obtained by the Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar (Mini-SAR)
onboard Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft has provided evidence for the presence of ice
deposits near the moon's North pole. The Mini-SAR instrument found more than
40 small craters (2-15 km in diameter) with sub-surface water ice located at their
base. The interior of these craters is in permanent sun shadow.

 Prof. Paul Spudis, Principal Investigator of the Mini-SAR experiment said "The new
discoveries by Chandrayaan-1 and other lunar missions show that the moon is an
even more interesting and attractive scientific, exploration and operational
destination than people had previously thought."

 The Mini-SAR mapped the moon's permanently shadowed polar craters that are
not visible from Earth. The radar uses the polarisation properties of reflected
radio waves to characterise surface properties. Results from the mapping showed
deposits having radar characteristics similar to ice. The emerging picture from the
multiple measurements and resulting data of the instruments, Moon Mineralogy
Mapper and Mini-SAR on Chandrayaan-1 and NASA's Lunar Crater Observation
and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), indicates that water creation, migration,
deposition and retention are occurring on the moon.

 The Mini-SAR's findings have just been published in the journal, 'Geophysical
Research Letters' authored by scientists from 13 agencies from USA and India,
including Prof. J. N. Goswami, Principal Scientist, Chandrayaan-1 from Physical
Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad and Dr M. Chakrabarty of Space Applications
Centre, Ahmedabad. The new findings add to the growing scientific understanding
of the multiple forms of water on the moon.

 Mini-SAR and Moon Mineralogy Mapper are two of the 11 instruments on

Chandrayaan-1, which was launched on October 22, 2008, and began orbiting the
moon on November 8, 2008. The Applied Physics Laboratory, USA performed the
final integration and testing on Mini-SAR. It was developed and built by the Naval
Air Warfare Center and several other commercial and government agencies in

NASA’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3)
 Different wavelengths of light provide new information about the Orientale Basin
region of the moon in a composite image taken by NASA's Moon Mineralogy
Mapper, a guest instrument aboard the Indian Space Research Organization's
Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft.

 The composite image consists of a subset of Moon Mineralogy Mapper data for the
Orientale region. The image strip on the left is a color composite of data from 28
separate wavelengths of light reflected from the moon. The blue to red tones
reveal changes in rock and mineral composition, and the green color is an
indication of the abundance of iron-bearing minerals such as pyroxene. The image
strip on the right is from a single wavelength of light that contains thermal
emission, providing a new level of detail on the form and structure of the region's

 The Moon Mineralogy Mapper provides scientists their first opportunity to

examine lunar mineralogy at high spatial and spectral resolution.

 The Orientale Basin is located on the moon's western limb. The data for this
composite were captured by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper during the
commissioning phase of Chandrayaan-1 as the spacecraft orbited the moon at an
altitude of 100 kilometers (62 miles).

Radiation Dose Monitor (RADOM)

 The RadiatiOn Monitor (RADOM) is a miniature dosimeter-spectrometer that flew
onboard the Chandrayaan-1 lunar mission in order to monitor the local radiation
environment. Primary objective of the RADOM experiment was to measure the
total absorbed dose, flux of surrounding energetic particles and spectrum of the
deposited energy from high energy particles both en-route and in lunar orbit.

 RADOM was the first experiment to be switched on after the launch of

Chandrayaan-1 and was operational until the end of the mission. This paper
summarizes the observations carried out by RADOM during the entire life time
(22 October 2008–31 August 2009) of the Chandrayaan-1 mission and compares
the measurement by RADOM with the radiation belt models such as AP-8, AE-8

Chandrayaan-1, the first Indian planetary exploration mission, will carry out high
resolution remote sensing studies of the moon to further our understanding about its
origin and evolution. Hyper-spectral imaging in the UV-VIS-NIR region using three imaging
spectrometers, along with a low energy X-ray spectrometer will provide mineralogical and
chemical composition of the lunar surface at high spatial resolution. A terrain mapping
camera will provide high resolution threedimensional images of the lunar surface and will
be complemented by a laser ranging instrument that will provide lunar altimetry. Three
payloads – a high energy X-γ ray spectrometer, a sub-keV atom reflecting analyser, and
miniature imaging radar – will be used for the first time for remote sensing exploration of
a planetary body. They will investigate transport of volatiles on the lunar surface,
presence of localized lunar mini-magnetosphere and possible presence of water ice in the
permanently shadowed lunar polar region respectively. A radiation dose monitor will
provide information on energetic particle flux en route to the moon and in lunar orbit. An
impact probe carrying an imaging system, a radar altimeter and a mass spectrometer will
be released from the spacecraft to land at a predestinated lunar site. The design of the
one tonne-class spacecraft is primarily adapted from flight proven Indian Remote Sensing
satellite bus with several modifications that are specific to the lunar mission. The
spacecraft was launched by using a variant of the indigenous Polar Satellite Launch

(PSLV-XL) and placed in a 100 km circular polar orbit around the moon with a planned
mission life of two years. An Indian Deep Space Network and an Indian Space Science Data
Center have been established as a part of Chandrayaan-1 mission and will cater to the
need of future Indian space science and planetary missions.


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