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Contoh Surat Lamaran dalam Bahasa Inggris

Surat Lamaran Inisiatif sendiri


Jakarta, August 15, 2001 Jl. Radio Dalam VII/7 Jakarta 12140 (021-7390001)
Mr. Harris Thompson
Director of Marketing
PT. Millenium Software
Gedung Sanggabuana, 12th fl.
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 20-23
Jakarta 12190

Dear Mr. Thompson,

As a recent graduate of Institute Bisnis Jakarta with work experience in computer & software
industry, I am very interested in the marketing position you listed in the August 13, 2001 issue of
the Jakarta Post newspaper. You will see from the enclosed resume that I offer the skills and
experience you seek.

As a marketing major, research has been a significant part of my academic experience especially
when writing up my business plan and executing various individual or team assigments on
services, consumer behaviour, retailing, brand management, market entry/penetration, among
others, which include on the field or in-company orks.

I have acquired strong administrative skills having worked as a sales assistant maintaining daily
logs on purchases and sales, client records and follow-upmailings to clients.

My faculty, bosses and friends at work and school have always commented on theversatility of
my skills and abilities. I have proven good academic ability and sound leadership and
people/human relation skills . I work well and am comfortable to liaison wih people from various
level, and quite apt in organizing and executing activities (projects/events) where I usually
contribute ideas and apply knowledge learnt.

The enclosed resume will provide you with more details of my background. I would be very
happy to have the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my background and
qualifications could be of use to your marketing team. Please feel free to contact me by phone
(021-7390001/0815-727272) or at the address above. Thank tou in advance for your time and


Adhia Mirana
Surat Lamaran Baru Saja Lulus


Helly Prasanti Jl. Singgalang 21A, Jakarta 12121

Ph. 723-2345
Mobile. 0816-911-66-911

Jakarta, May 31, 2000

Mr. Albert Wenas

Chief Editor of Business Review
Lamda Research Institute
Jl. Raya TB Simatupang, Kav. 34

Dear Mr. Wenas,

I am a recent graduate of University of Indonesia, Faculty of Letters majoring in Japanese

Language and Literature, and seeking an entry-level in press industry.

While earning tuition money during my first semester, I was a part-time reporter to CosmoGirl!
Magazine. I also served an internship at Suara Pembaharuan newspaper juat a couple months
before I graduated from the university.

I am considered detail-oriented, energitic, and motivated, and have been told that I have exellent
problem-solving skills and that I work well with others.

Your company is among those that I am targetting because of your reputation, industry position
and history of success. I would like a chance to do all that I could to learn from you and
contribute to that success in the future.

Please give me an opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications and the role I might
play in your magazine. You can rach me at the above addressor at my mobile phone (0816) 911-

Thank you for your consideration.


Helly Prasanti
Surat Lamaran Menjawab Iklan Koran


Jakarta, July 20, 2001 Jl. Permata 17 Pondok Kelapa

Jakarta 14212

Ms. Anna Kuntawati

Director of HRD
PT. Apparelindo Sejati Warna
Jl. Cikini Raya 21
Jakarta 10110

Dear Ms. Kuntawati,

I enclose my resume in response to your advertisement in suara Pembaharuan, for a senior

copywriter with a specialty in direct marketing.

As my resume shows, I offer two years of experience writing compelling copy for nationally
known brands and services. My clients include Disney, Cathay Pacific, Nokia and Toyota. I have
worked in all phases of campaign development, from initial concept to final production, and in
both print and broadcast media.

You can reach me at my office during business hours, or at my mobile phone at any time. Thank
you for your considerations.


Tatiana Samadikun
Contoh Surat Lamaran Standar


Ibu Irawati Solianty

Media Relations Manager
Sudirman Tower Lt. 22,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, kav. XI
Jakarta 12910

Dengan hormat,

Perkenankan saya memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Ariesanti Prawira. Baru lulus sarjana S1
FISIP UI, Jurusan Komunikasi Massa. Minat saya ang besar pada bidang media telah saya
rasakan sejak lama. Bahkan sebelum kuliah. Karena itu, setelah meraih gelar sarjana, saya
berminat untuk mengenal bidang ini lebih dalam dengan melamar pada perusahaan Ibu.

Kegemaran saya menulis, terutama cerpen remaja, dan pernah diterbitkan dalam bentuk buku,
dan pengalaman menjadi penyiar di sebuah radio remaja, di Jakarta semasa kuliah, membuat
saya merasa punya bekal untuk mengenal dunia remaja yang menjadi topik bahasan GRP TV.

Selain itu, proyek penelitian saya dalam penulisan skripsi adalah peran media televisi pada
perkembangan remaja. Dari penelitian tersebut, saya mendapatkan banyak data yang sangat
berguna untuk pengembangan program bagi remaja.

Saya bersedia bekerja di bagian apa saja. Karena saya yakin di posisi mana pun kita bisa
mendapat pengetahuan dan keahlian baru.

Besar harapan saya dapat bertemu Ibu secara langsung dan menjalani proses wawancara sesuai
dengan jadwal Ibu.

Sambil menantikan berita selanjutnya, saya sampaikan terima kasih atas segala perhatian yang
Ibu berikan.


Ariesanti Prawira
(R) 021-789-7890
(HP) 0816-333-99-33
Contoh Lain Surat Lamaran Kerja Bhs Inggris


East Kalimantan, 28 October 2003

Richard Indrakusuma
Senior Manager HRD
Wisma Metropolitan II lt 2
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 29-31
Jakarta 12920

Dear Sir,

I am a System Analyst/System Administrator with over 6 years experience with developing in

client server, internet/intranet environments, System Administrator, System Security
Administration, System Analyst and Design seeking a new position where my abilities can be

I learn your company need an IT Auditor Staff with strong background in IT technology, I can
asure you that I am qualified for the opportunities.

Here are some selected achievements from my career as an IT Professional:

* 6 Years System Administration experience within multiple operating system and tools, window
based and unix base system.

* 6 Years Analyst and Development experience from client server to web application
programming within multiple platform ranging from pc base to unix base system.

With this letter, I am also attaching my resume. I would welcome a personal interview at your
earliest convenience to discuss your needs and objectives and the possibility of working together
to meet them.

Please feel free to call me at my cell +62 815 451 26060, and email at


Zainul C Widodo

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