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Student’s Name Sitti Effarizah binti Bakar

Student’s ID 111210520037 Student’s NRIC 900518-12-6382

Year / Semester Year 1 / Semester 2 Lecturer’s Name PN Sajuchiam Ayampillay

Faculty Faculty of Nursing

Programme Bachelor in Public Health Nursing (HONS)

Subject Name PHN 6203 Psychology and Sociology

How does psychology in nursing affect patient care. Discuss the factors influencing
Assignment Title
physical, psychological and social development of the individual.
No. of Page(s)
8 pages
(excluding this page)

Required words NA Actual words of 1916 words

Date submitted 12.03.2022 Due Date 12.03.2022

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I clarify that this assignment is my own work in my own words. All resources have been acknowledged and the
content has not been previously submitted for assessment to LINCOLN or elsewhere. I also confirm that I have to
kept a copy of this assignment.

Signed: Sitti Effarizah binti Bakar Date: 12.03.2022


As a nurse, she is responsible for the total well-being of your patients, not only their physical
health. By employing certain fundamental psychological concepts, we may give emotional
and mental support to patients while also establishing a foundation of trust with them. This is
especially significant when patients are dealing with a life-threatening or long-term disease.
They will feel more comfortable with treatments or tests if they have faith in the provider and
a sense of psychological safety, which will make the situation easier for everyone concerned.

Nursing psychology is also crucial for the nurses who practise. Many of us work in high-
stress workplaces, and being able to calm down and get into the correct mindset to accomplish
our jobs is critical for the well-being of patients, co-workers, and our own mental health.
Nursing is guided by standards and criteria created by nursing professionals in the field of
professional nursing practises.


Early adolescence is the period of time during which that body undergoes the greatest amount
of developmental change, except beyond the period between birth and two years of age. Its
rate of growth is quick and unequal, with each individual experiencing a distinct speed and
rate of change than the others. Increases in height, weight, as well as internal organ size, as
well as alterations in the skeletal and muscular systems, are all common physical adjustments
in pregnancy. Physical changes are obvious to everyone and serve to emphasise the scope and
rapid advances. As a result, certain teenagers may perceive themselves as more or less mature
than individuals. Development periods in physical growth occur around two years sooner in
girls than in boys.

Physical attributes of a person are, without a question, significant, but they are only
recognised when they are combined with specific intellectual attributes. An individual who
exhibits the characteristics listed above would undoubtedly demand respect wherever he or
she may be found. Such a person is always able to do what he or she sets out to accomplish.
Physical activity intentions and perceived behavioural control, on the other hand, have been
shown to be important predictors of physical activity. Furthermore, medical practitioners and
community health workers who have not embraced a healthy lifestyle or engaged in physical
exercise are less likely to urge patients or members of the community to do the same.

It is possible to describe the nursing work environment as follows: an organisational

characteristic of the work environment that either assists or hinders the conduct of
professional nursing. The nurse work environment is associated with undesirable outcomes
that occur in the hospital setting for patients. As a result, nurses are subjected to significant
physical and psychological stress, as well as the danger of contracting an illness.


When assessing an individual's total health, it is critical to evaluate the interplay between the
mind and the physical body. In fact, mental health problems can increase the chance of
developing a number of physical illnesses. High blood pressure and heart disease are two
conditions that have been associated to anxiety in the past. There is a reciprocal link between
physical disorders and mental health difficulties, which is especially true in the case of
chronic illnesses. By incorporating psychology into their treatment, nurses will be able to
develop patient plans that take the psychological aspects of their health into consideration,
resulting in a more comprehensive approach to patient care.

Nursing is seen as a physically demanding profession with high and complex demands. The
high demands of the work, as well as the combination of too much responsibility and too little
power, have been highlighted as some of the most significant contributors of occupational
stress among nursing staff members. Patients and their families are experiencing a variety of
difficulties, ranging from a lack of collaboration to violent conduct. According to a study of
the literature, the possibility of physical and psychological violence on the part of abusive
patients and their family is a significant source of stress.

Throughout the course of a typical life span, from birth to old age (and beyond), human
beings' intellectual, psychological, physical, as well as social talents and functions evolve. It's
really the issue of developmental psychology, which is a branch of psychology that studies
human development. Every individual, according to this viewpoint, is particular, therefore his
or her personality structure, which includes or excludes a unique objective and means of
achieving it, or both, finds manifestation in his or her way of life, which or which seems to be
the result of his or her own creation. Numerous people are unaware that a person's personality
is not only defined by his or her physical appearance, which is a common misconception.

When it comes to purchasing behaviour, customers' levels of motivation are important factors
to consider. Maslow's need hierarchy theory, which consists of fundamental needs, security
requirements, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs, provides a fairly clear
explanation of human motivation and behaviour. Most of the time, the basic needs as well as
the security arrangements are more demanding than the other wants, therefore as a result,
these requirements become a motivator that guides consumer behaviour in the direction of
seeking satisfaction. Various psychological issues, such as stress and behaviour resulting from
chronic pain, depression as well as belief systems, will have a negative impact on the physical
state of the body. In order for pat

ients to have good treatment results, maintain and enhance wellbeing, and increased
adherence to medical regimens, it is critical that they receive therapy for both these same
physiological and psychological elements of poor health.

Social development

It is the goal of social development to improve the well-being of individual throughout society
so that they can achieve its full capabilities as members of society. The well-being of all as
well as every individual is directly related to the prosperity of a community. Investing in
individuals is essential for social progress. It is the goal of social development to improve a
well of everyone individuals in civilisation so that individuals can achieve its full capacity as
members of society. A well of each and every individual is directly related to the prosperity of
a community. It is the goal of social development to improve the well-being of every
individual in civilization so that they can achieve their full potential as members of society.
The well-being of all and every individual is directly related to the prosperity of a community.

Social development is a procedure of organized social change aimed at improving people's

quality of life, in which building is taken through as a complimentary procedure to economic
development in order to increase people's quality of life. The country has a responsibility to
contribute to the advancement of social welfare. Individual approaches to social development,
often known as individualistic approaches, are used to promote social development. The
ideology's roots may be traced back to liberal or collectivist principles, with the emphasis on
the significance of individuals freedom of choice being emphasised. It is hoped that increased
social functionality in individuals and interpersonal interactions would encourage the
adoption of this strategy.

Participants throughout society are given the opportunity to create self-help groups in order
to empower communities under this technique. This collectivist strategy is heavily inspired by
populist ideals, which are prevalent in the country. This technique is based on the belief that
the community has the potential to guarantee that their fundamental needs are addressed, that
their social problems were treated, and that they have the opportunity to progress. To do this,
each community must work together to build their local communities, which will require
cooperation from all members.

This collection was created by bringing together community organisations that pool their
resources as well as delegate empowered to enforce choices to one another. Individuals as
well as communities have been encouraged to participate in social development through use
of these strategies, which are installed by organisations inside the authorities. The authorities
are responsible for ensuring that social development policies have been enforced as well as
that social and economic policies are affiliated.

Patient experiences are monitored by healthcare organisations in order to evaluate and

enhance the overall quality of care. Nurses have a significant influence on patient satisfaction
since they spend a significant amount of time with them. Nurses must be aware of the
elements that impact patient perceptions of the quality of care they provide in order to
increase patient satisfaction with that treatment. They add the most value to the healthcare
system when they collaborate with other members of the healthcare team, when they practise
within their entire scope of practise, and when they are engaged and responsible to the system.

Several authors have defined the nursing process, which includes the steps of assessment,
diagnosis, planning/outcomes, intervention, and evaluation, as the "heart and soul" of nursing,
and as being "essential to all nursing acts." Nurses engage in a methodical, logical, and
reasonable problem-solving approach that allows them to fulfil their nursing duties in a
standardised manner.

From the initial assessment to the final review, the nursing process incorporates constant input
from patients, their families, and the surrounding community. Diagnoses, treatment plans, and
treatments can all be modified at any point in the process depending on new information
obtained from the patient or from any other source. As far as feasible, the patient should be
able to engage in the nursing process in an active and equitable manner, with the only

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