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Arly Boy C.

February 28, 2022

1. Do you think Rizal Subject should be integrated in our curriculum?

For me, the Rizal subject deserves to be in our Curriculum. First of all, as our
national hero, it is only right that students and youth know the details about him. It is
embarrassing for most adults today when asked who Rizal is the only one they
know, Rizal is our national hero. They knew nothing of their accomplishments why
he did not see such recognition in him. They cannot explain why he is our national
hero. But those with a heart, know what Rizal means to us; what he stood for; what
he fought for; what he was given, he paid a price to get his country free from
oppression, and most importantly what made him become a great person was his
love for his motherland, the Philippines, and the Filipino people."The student
continued, "Rizal is a very unique individual who will always be remembered,
especially for the contributions that he has made in his life. As he is part of our
culture, we just deserve to know who he is and his accomplishments. In my view, it is
a disrespect to not give value to his achievements. He is a great instrument in the
freedom we enjoy today. If not for his achievements, we may still be subject to the
Spaniards or we may not be slaves to our ignorance of the true state of the country.
We owe much to him; therefore, let us remember him and do our best to keep his
legacy alive forever." He has done a lot for our independence. It will also help us to
study and understand the works we can. It teaches us human values and teaches us
to value our Filipino culture.

2. Do you think the debates pn the Rizal Law have some resonance up to the
present? If ye, in what way? If no, why?
The Rizal Law gives the state recognition of the Roman Catholic Church in the
Philippines (actually a revised version of the Philippine Bill of Rights). Its provisions
prohibit discrimination against Catholics on the basis of faith, guarantee them equal
rights with other religious groups under the law, and prohibit governments from
interfering with the administration of churches or the teachings of their discipline,
worship, or teachings in accordance with their respective responsibilities. customs
and traditions so that they can freely practice their beliefs. Rizal Law aims to embed
in the minds of young people the life, writings and writings of Gat José Rizal,
recognized as the country's national hero. The law aims to introduce courses on
Rizal's life, writings and creations, in particular his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
Filbusterismo, into the curriculum of public and private schools, colleges and
universities across the country. I believe that the Rizal legal debate thus far has a
certain resonance, aimed at awakening each of us loyal Filipinos and willing us to
accept our mistakes and expect greater sacrifices to gain freedom and cherish the
lives of our heroes in Their struggle with the Spaniards, apart from the Rizal law
debate, tells us that Filipinos believe in this historical knowledge
3. How does Nationalism contribute to nation-building at the present ?

Nationalism is described as prioritizing and emphasizing national interests,

initiatives, and laws. It has also been stated that people with the same language,
culture, and history should make judgments and enforce laws that are not affected
by alien persons or methods of thinking. This substantially contributes to a country's
cohesiveness, making it more strongly anchored and capable of overcoming
adversities. The growth and expansion of nationalism provided individuals with a
new feeling of identity while also increasing rivalry among nation-states.

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