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1. Read and analyze the following article.
Manila Bay Beach Nourishment Project
After years of being known for its polluted waters, Manila Bay suddenly got a facelift as the government
decided to take a big risk by overlaying mounds of artificial white sand (dolomite) on a part of the bay's
naturally gray shoreline.
This project, which is spearheaded by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), was
instantly met with harsh disapproval. In September, the overlaying of the dolomite in Manila Bay beach or
the beach nourishment project caught public attention, stirring curiosity and setting off waves of people
flocking to the area to get a glimpse of the "white sands".
Many criticized the project, throwing allegations at the DENR, calling the project a health hazard and a waste
of public funds.
But the DENR emphasized that the beach nourishment with the use of dolomite is a significant component of
the rehabilitation aimed to protect the coastal resources in the area and prevent coastal flooding, erosion,
and pollution. Being a mineral, a naturally occurri I agree with them for one reason, that is to
rehabilitate Manila Bay. Also, I disagree with them for many chemical compound that is calcium
magnesium carbonate, DENR said the dolomite is not detrimental to Manila Bay's ecosystems and is a known
neutralizer that lessens the acidity of seawater, making it popular for use in fish aquariums.
As to the claim that the dolomites allegedly pose health hazards to the public, the Department of Health also
assured that "no untoward incidents will occur as a result of the endeavor". The DOH said the dolomite
material used for the project is 100 times bigger than dust; hence it does not get suspended in the air,
making it hazardous.
Moreover, Manila Mayor Francisco "Isko Moreno" Domagoso reiterated his support for the said project,
saying that it could boost tourism and business in the city, particularly along Roxas Boulevard.
On claims that the project is a waste of public funds, DENR Secretary Roy A. Cimatu assured the public that
the funds used for the project would not be put to waste as people expressed fears that the dolomite sands
would simply be washed away, especially during typhoons. He said engineering interventions were made to
prevent the artificial white sand from being washed away. The project, he said, likewise passed the required
environmental impact assessment.
Despite the criticisms, many also expressed appreciation, especially when people started flocking to have
their pictures taken at the beach area.
For many, this is a man-made white sand beach in the middle of the city, a first in history seen by many,
including Manila's local government, where it is situated, to boost local and international tourism and
generate jobs for residents.
The DENR said the beach nourishment project is more than just aesthetics. It said it is a strategy to promote
pro-environment behavior among Filipinos with the hope that the white sand would inspire people to be
more mindful of their obligation to help keep the Manila Bay clean.
Hallare, K. (29 October 2020). The controversy that refuses to die: Manila Bay dolomite sand. Inquirer.Net.
Moaje, M. (30 December 2020). 2020: Manila Bat dolomite sand project stirs controversy. Philippine News Agency.
Tiangco, M. (23 September 2020). Mayor Isko: Manila Bay' white sand' project to boost tourism, business in Manila. Manila Bulletin.

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2. Visit the website ( of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for
additional information regarding the Manila Bay Rehabilitation project.
3. Respond to the following discussion questions:
 What can you say about the controversial Manila Bay Beach Nourishment Project?

The white sand is made from dolomite rock mined and shipped from Cebu, and the project is
being criticized as a waste of public resources. To be sure, I thoroughly researched the advantages
and disadvantages of utilizing dolomites. I agree with them on certain points, but I disagree with
them on restoring Manila Bay. The government defends its decision, claiming that beautifying the
bay will "signify cleanliness." Promoting an aesthetically pleasing view of clear ocean water, soft
white sand, and tropical trees blown by the gentle breeze of Manila Bay promises a played a
positive role to any locals seeking joy during the pandemic. Set aside all of the project's costs and
disadvantages and concentrate for the bright side. For many, this is a man-made white sand beach
in the heart of the city, a first in history considered by many, including the local government of
Manila where it is located, as a way to enhance local and international tourism while also creating
jobs for citizens.
Also, I disagree with them for many reasons although the project likewise passed the required
environmental impact assessment but I believe man-made doesn’t last longer.The washing off of
dolomite sand from the beach is akin to dumping foreign sediments, the most common pollutants
in any water environment. They can disturb the habitats of marine animals and plants by
potentially burying them, lowering the oxygen in the seawater, and blocking their access to
sunlight.Dolomite is also a threat to human health, prolonged exposure can also cause skin and
eye irritation while ingesting it would result in stomach pain and diarrhea.

 If you are the members of the DENR, what would be your proposal for the rehabilitation of
Manila Bay and help boost local and international tourism? Discuss in detail.

Sadly, Manila Bay notorious for its polluted water, stinking smell, and coastline flowing with
trash. Manila Bay inadvertently serves as one of Metro Manila’s dump site where sewage from
households, industries, and agriculture flow untreated and unchecked. The DENR worked hand-
in-hand with other concerned agencies and local government units to replicate the success
achieved in Boracay.

If I am a member of the DENR and one of those who may submit proposals for the rehabilitation
of Manila Bay, I urge that we focus on restoring Manila Bay to its former beauty. We failed to
safeguard it by not maintaining hygiene and enforcing strict policies. We failed to separate and
dispose of trash correctly; doing so in our homes, schools, and offices will ease the job of our
garbage collectors and make recycling much smoother.
We all know that it is acclaimed as one of the best natural harbors in Southeast Asia and one of
the best in the world; yet, the bay is also a historical monument that formerly gave testimony to
the Philippines' rich past. It has stood the test of time as an irreplaceable and tenderly treasured
asset of the Filipino people.

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Possessing a natural-made tourist site would assist to enhance local and worldwide tourism.
However, because it has been restored, all we must do is support the government and do our
part to observe cleanliness and learn more about ecological sustainability.  Our success is in our
own hands. All we need to do is trust that our small deeds can make a big difference.

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