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Committee: UNSC

Country: Canada
Institution:Beaconhouse School System

The committee of the security council holds immense importance as it

discusses the new security issues are at a rise; in addition to that, it plays a great
role in establishing a cloud of peace over our beloved earth. Moreover, this time
the security council will sit down to discuss the issue of disarmament and how it
affects the economic development of the affected countries (emphasis on Afghan
issue). Moreover, it also includes the settling of the notorious issue of Israel-
Palestine and the bilateral relations of middle east countries after the pandemic.

(I)The question of disarmament and economic development in today’s time with special
emphasis on the Afghanistan crisis

(II)The settling of years long conflict between the Israel and Palestine and the
establishment of diplomatic ties between nations across the Middle east and Pandemic

(i) The disarmament refers to reducing the possession of weapons; it is also referred to as the
world's last hope to prevent the large-scale bloodshed caused by the wars.In this case, Canada
strongly believes this issue as a top priority concern as it would result in the prevention of waste
of human lives and its materialistic resources and its steps to address the severity of this topic
by member in good standing of all relevant nonproliferation treaties and regimes.
Canada strongly advocates for non-proliferation and a step-by-step approach to nuclear
disarmament. This approach involves having all states join the NPT, bringing the
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) into force and negotiating a Fissile Material
Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT).Canada has been evident in its struggle of the disarmament of
weapons; likewise, it initiated the weapon threat reduction programme; it supports the
universalization and effective national implementation of various conventional arms
control regimes.

The current conflict in Afghanistan entered its twentieth year and continued to claim large
numbers of civilian casualties.After the US military withdrawal of Afghanistan, it arose certain
human right violation concerns;hence, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated that Canada
will not recognize the Islamic Emirate as the legitimate government of Afghanistan and that the
Taliban would remain a banned organisation in Canada.
Canada believes that the harsh policies of the new Afghanistan government towards women are
in tolerable and hopes that there policies must be reviewed in order to secure human rights
protocols; until then, Taliban will be a banned organization in Canada as it is believed that this
rule was enforced by force;but, not according to the well being of the locals or the peace in the

Disarmament can give rise to domestic arms production and hence make the law and order
situation worse for the government.As a result,providing hindrance in the economic
development;subsequently, this could be resolved by keeping a check upon utilising the funds
accordingly and introducing laws in order to reduce the possession of arms in the hands of

(ii) The issue of Israel-Palestine has been the topic of discussion for quite some time and
certainly for all the right reasons; due to the huge number of people being homeless and the
damage to human life from both sides; points of immense danger to the establishment of world
peace. Canada believes that Israel has the utmost right to live in peace and security;
meanwhile, Palestinian must enjoy the right to self-determination and the creation of a
sovereign, independent state.

Canada is committed to the goal of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East,
which can only be achieved through a two-state solution resulting from direct negotiations
between the parties.Canada’s programming helps to meet the humanitarian needs of vulnerable
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Canada is also supporting vulnerable Palestinian
refugees through the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).Regular
consultation with the Palestinian Authority and other stakeholders ensures that Canada’s
international assistance remains aligned with Palestinian priorities. On the other hand, Canada
aims to neutralize all the threats arising in this region. Either for Israel or Palestine. For this
reason,Canada has listed Hamas as a terrorist organization pursuant to the Canadian Criminal
Code. The Government of Canada has no contact with Hamas.
The pandemic caused by the widespread of Covid-19, proved to be a very serious concern for
every nation; either developed or developing countries. Due to the existence of developing
countries in the middle east; it caused a lot of damage to the economic,social and political front
in this area.Canada has been providing aid to tackle the situation of Covid-19;likewise, in 2020,
Canada disbursed an estimated US$293 million for COVID-19 related activities. This indirectly
facilitated the middle east countries to launch vaccination programmes and other essential steps
in order to tackle the covid-19 situation in their respective country.

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