Competency 5

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1. Discuss what mise-en-place is.

Pronounced as 'meez en plas', this is a French phrase which means "putting in place", as in set up. In
professional kitchens, it is used to refer to organizing and arranging the ingredients like cuts of meat,
relishes, sauces, par-cooked items, spices, freshly chopped vegetables, and other components that a
cook or chef will require for the menu items that he or she expects to prepare during his/her shift. This
practice is also effective at home for easy preparation of a particular recipe or activity.

2. Explain in your own idea how you will prepare to come up with sandwich products.
Prepare Ingredients - prepare everything ahead of time, so nothing is left to do but assembles the
ingredient. It includes, mixing fillings, preparation of spreads, slicing bread, meats, vegetable and
cheese, separating lettuce, preparing garnishes and other ingredients.
Arrange ingredients, tools, utensils and equipment for maximum efficiency - to reduce our movement to
a maximum, everything we need should be within easy reach.

Activity # 2 Identifying Ways to Prepare Sandwich

1. Visit any website that could help you research on ways to prepare sandwiches.
2. Include pictures when necessary.

1: Spread Out

Sandwich spreads add flavor but also perform the essential task of lending
moisture and sometimes creaminess to sandwiches. Mustard and mayo are the
familiar standbys, but don’t stop there. It’s well worth experimenting with the
following: vinaigrettes, pestos, BBQ sauces, chutneys, and salsas.

2: Use the Right Bread

Choose bread appropriate to the sandwich you’re making. Pair moist fillings with
soft, fluffy breads and you’ve got a recipe for a sponge, not a sandwich. As a general
rule, the moister the filling the drier and denser the bread should be. A good, thick
crust helps, too. Swap in large flour tortillas, if you like, for moist fillings. They keep
ingredients in check and maintain their integrity much better than many breads.

3: Choose To-Go Toppings

We love lettuce and tomato in sandwiches. They lend moisture, crunch and
freshness and provide a wonderful foil for heavy, rich ingredients. They are,
however, almost entirely water, and thus over extended periods are prone
to wilting and, worse, making bread soggy. Luckily there are plenty of
vegetables that offer all the benefits of lettuce and tomato without the
drawbacks. In place of sliced tomatoes, for instance, try giving roasted
peppers. (It helps if you first blot the peppers dry with a paper towel).
Instead of lettuce, experiment with other vegetables, like sliced fennel, spinach, shredded cabbage, or
4: Stave Off Sogginess

Spread mayo, butter or cream cheese all the way to the edges of each
slice of bread to create a seal against wet sandwich fillings. Also, try
packing high moisture ingredients, like tomatoes, pickles, and
cucumbers, separately. Just add them to the sandwich when you’re
ready to eat. Toasting the bread can help, too.

5: Take the Edge Off Onions

Onions can give sandwiches a welcome bite but often must be tamed a bit
to be enjoyed raw. There are two effective ways to take some of the
edge off sliced onions: Either soak thinly sliced onions in ice water for 20
minutes or so. Then drain and blot dry. (This method adds crispness.) Or
toss sliced onions with a generous sprinkling of kosher salt. Wait a few
minutes. Rub salt into the onions, rinse, drain.


1. If you are to prepare a sandwich, what will be the first things you should do?
First decide prepare Ingredients - prepare everything ahead of time, so nothing is left to do but
assembles the ingredient. It includes, mixing fillings, preparation of spreads, slicing bread, meats,
vegetable and cheese, separating lettuce, preparing garnishes and other ingredients.

2. In your own idea, how will you present a sandwich?

The preparation and presentation of sandwiches is made creatively through balance, height, texture,
flavors, and color.

A basic sandwich can be made appealing and satisfying.
Add fillings and vegetables for the height of the sandwich.

Refers to the softness, tenderness, smoothness and crunchiness of the ingredients in preparing
sandwiches as perceived in the mouth.
Choose bread that has close and smooth crumbs.
The filling must be tender and easy to eat.

The choice of spread and fillings are very important in preparing sandwich
There must be complexity of flavor in the use of fillings.

Garnishes also add color that make sandwiches attractive
Fillings should harmonize not only with the flavor, but also with the color.
Variation of the colors in a sandwich contributes to eye appeal.

3. How can you ensure quality of a sandwich product?

Throughout the entire sandwich making process a watch must be kept on the ingredients being used.
Any ingredient that is, or appears, sub-standard must be removed and not used. It is easy to spoil a
sandwich simply by using little piece of brown lettuce, or to destroy the presentation of a platter by
using blemished fruit.
Activity # 3 Identifying Ways to Present Sandwiches
1. Through any website, research for ways to present sandwiches.
2. Add pictures when necessary to show how presentation as discussed looks like.

Match ingredients to the bread - If you have thin slices of bread, don’t overload them with ingredients.
The spread matters in great sandwiches - Basically anything that
spreads well can be the start of your great sandwich. And make the
spread go right to the edges of the bread to help make a seal to
combat moisture in the fillings.

Layer it well - We all have our own way of layering a sandwich, but
if you put the meat and cheese on the bottom, it helps to combat
sogginess. Add watering veggies such as sliced tomatoes in the
center and then add the crisper ones on the top layer.

Add some freshness - It is anything but ordinary and always has a dose of
healthy freshness.
Compliment the bread - If the bread is mild flavored, go for bolder choices
for the protein and fillings.

Achieve Balance - Start with the bread and then choose the protein and
cheese that pairs well with it and then add the other few ingredients to
make the sandwich a balanced whole.

Keep it simple - Not all sandwiches need to be Dagwood style. You should
be able to get all the ingredients into your mouth in one bite.


1. Discuss how you were able to prepare, plate, and present sandwiches.
To prepare, plate and present sandwiches you must prepare all the equipment and ingredients to be use
in plating and presenting sandwich it must be presented attractively using suitable garnishes,
condiments and service wares.

2. What important aspect of coming up with sandwiches did you learn that you will be able to apply in
the workplace?
The important aspect of coming up with sandwiches I learned that I will be able to apply in the
workplace were practicing correct procedures and ingredients in preparing, plating and presenting
sandwich hygienically.

3. How will you be able to present a quality sandwich to a guest?

To present quality sandwich to a guest it must be eye appealing and look irresistible by o spicing up the
appearance of the sandwich platter is by garnishing it.
4. What do you think will you consider to avoid over plating of sandwich?

To avoid over plating of sandwich you must get the right portion size, avoid overloading fillings and
balance the layering of the sandwich.


1. Enumerate the guidelines in storing raw materials for sandwiches.

 Raw materials and ingredients should be stored and handled properly to prevent spoilage,
contamination and damage. Stocks of raw materials and ingredients should be consumed in a
first-in-first-out basis.
 Raw materials should be stored at proper temperatures:
Frozen items should be stored at - 18°C or below;
Chilled items should be stored at 4 °C or below

2. Enumerate the responsibilities of the inspecting personnel in the inspection of raw materials for
sandwich production.

Personnel responsible for inspection should, as far as practicable:

 Verify that there are no signs of contamination to the raw materials / ingredient or damages to
the packaging;

 Verify that chilled/frozen raw materials/ingredients arrive at the appropriate temperature (e.g.
frozen items at - 180C or below; chilled items at 40C or below) and free from signs of
temperature abuse.

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