5 Program Language

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Programming Languages Computer Science Dept.

/ Scientific Debate

1. Programming Language

To build programs, people use languages that are similar to human language.
The results are translated into machine code, which computers understand.
Programming languages fall into three broad categories:
• Machine languages
• Assembly languages
• Higher-level languages

• Machine languages (first-generation languages) are the most basic type of

computer languages, consisting of strings of numbers the computer's hardware
can use.
• Assembly languages (second-generation languages) are only somewhat easier
to work with than machine languages. The code is then translated into object
code, using a translator called an assembler.
• Higher-level languages are more powerful than assembly language and allow
the programmer to work in a more English-like environment.

Programming Languages Computer Science Dept./ Scientific Debate

2. HTML Language
Stands for "Hyper-Text Markup Language", this is the language that most Web
pages are written in. Also known as hypertext documents, Web pages must conform
to the rules of HTML in order to be displayed correctly in a Web browser. The
HTML syntax is based on a list of tags that describe the page's format and what is
supposed to be displayed on the Web page.

HTML sample

Preview of the HTML




Programming Languages Computer Science Dept./ Scientific Debate

3. C++ Language
C++ is a type of computer programming language. Created in 1983 by Bjarne
Stroustrup, C++ was designed to serve as an enhanced version of the C
programming language. C++ is object oriented and is considered a high level
language. However, it features low level facilities. C++ is one of the most commonly
used programming languages.
The development of C++ actually began four years before its release, in 1979.
It did not start out with the name C++; its first name was C with Classes. In the late
part of 1983, C with Classes was first used for AT&T’s internal programming needs.
Its name was changed to C++ later in the same year. C++ was not released
commercially until the late part of 1985.

Example 1: Enter two numbers then find the summation of them

int a,b,c;
cout<<"Enter the first number:";
cout<<"Enter the second number:";
Example 2: Enter a student mark then print if it is Pass or not
void main() Enter mark
int mark;
cout<<"Enter your mark:";
cin>>mark; No Yes
if(mark>=50) Mark>=5
cout<<"you succeed";
cout<<"you failed"; Failed Succeed
} End

Programming Languages Computer Science Dept./ Scientific Debate

4. Visual Basic Language

Visual Basic (VB) was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application
development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications. VB is the third-
generation event-driven programming language. VB is relatively easy to learn and

Example 1: Enter two numbers then find the summation of them

Private Sub Command1_Click
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer
a = InputBox("Enter the first number:")
b = InputBox("Enter the second number:")
MsgBox (Str(c))
End Sub

5. Pascal Language
Pascal is a computer programming language that was invented by Niklaus
Wirth in the early 1970s. The main purpose of the language was to be a tool for
teaching structured programming. It has become a popular general purpose
programming language used for both learning the process of programming and for
real world applications.

Example: Enter two numbers then find the summation of them

Var Num1, Num2, Sum : Integer;
Write('Input number 1:');
Writeln('Input number 2:');
Sum := Num1 + Num2;

Programming Languages Computer Science Dept./ Scientific Debate

6. SQL -language
SQL is a query language that allows user to specify the conditions instead of
algorithms. It’s called (SQL) that mean [Structured Query Language]. A query is a
user–request to retrieve data or information with a certain condition. SQL used to
communicate with relational databases. Most important uses of SQL is: allowing
access to the database, enables to extract to the database, enables to add data to the
database, and enables to delete and modify data to the database.

Example: Create a table named student that contain four fields

( field1 INTEGER,
field2 INTEGER,
field3 STRING*10,
field4 DATE );

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