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MBA (IB) Information Brochure and Syllabus

MBA (IB) CP-404

International Financial Management

Objectives- To educate the students as regards the mechanism of the foreign exchange
markets, measurement of the foreign exchange exposure , hedging against exposure risk,
problems and techniques in financial management of the Multi National Corporations


International Economics

Foreign Exchange Market, Regulation, Trade Theories, International Monetary Systems, BOP
Types of Foreign Exchange Markets and Transactions
Quoting Foreign Exchange Rates, Spread, Official and Free Market Rates, Cross Rates, Forward
Rates, Quoting Forward Rates

Organization of the Foreign Exchange Markets

Currency Futures, Currency Options, Currency Swaps, other Instruments
Theory and practice of Forecasting Exchange Rates
Fundamental Parity Relationships, Structural Models of Exchange Rate Determination,
Exchange Rate Forecasting

Short-term Financial Management in a Multinational Corporation

Short-term Borrowing and Investment, Cash Management
International Financing
The International Financing Decision, Evaluating Borrowing Options, International Equity
Financing, Project Finance
International Project Appraisal and Cost of Capital
Various techniques of International Project Appraisal, determining the Cost of Capital, The
International Capital Asset Pricing Model, Country Risk Assessment

Foreign Exchange Exposure Management

Foreign Exchange Exposures and risk, Types, measurement, management

Text Books:
Maurice, Levi, International Finance, McGraw Hill
P G Apte, International Financial Management, McGraw Hill

MBA (IB) Information Brochure and Syllabus

Suggested Texts

Thummuluri Siddaiah, International Financial Management, Pearson Education

David K Eiteman, Mutinational Business Finance, Pearson Education
Michael Melvin, International Money and Finance, Pearson Education
Avadhani, V.A, International Finance Theory and Practice, Himalaya Publishing Company
Shapiro, A.C. International Financial Management, Pearson
Yadav, S.S. et. al Foreign Exchange Markets, Macmillan India
Aliber, R.Z. Exchange Risk and Corporate International Finance, London, Macmillan
Bhalla, V.K. International Financial Management, 2nd ed; New Delhi, Anmol
Foreign Exchange Markets, ICFAI Press


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