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Parental involvement in Vietnamese students’s study

My name is An. I am a student of the University of Foreign Language. I am doing this
questionnaire to finish my final assignment. The title of my research is: “The impact of parental
involvements on students’ study results in Viet Nam”. I will make sure that your identity is the
secret so I hope you could be free to do this form. If you finish, send this questionnaire back to
my gmail: before January…., 2022.
Thank you for your help!

I. Questions
Directions: Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of these
statements regarding your parental involvement. Place an "X" mark in the box of your

Q1: Where is your school located?

□The Northside □ The Central Region □ The Southside

Q2: Which grade are you in?


Q3: What is your gender?

□ Female □ Male

Q3: Are your parents getting involved in your study?

□ Yes □ No
If No, did your parents engage in your study? Which grade?
□ Yes □ No _______________
If Yes, have you ever thought that this parenting style makes you annoyed?
□ Yes □ No

Q4: How do you feel about it?

□Happy □ Normal □ Sad

Q5: Do you want your parents to get more involved in your study?
□ Yes □ No
Q6: Have you ever felt stress as you live up to your parents’ expectations?
□ Yes □ No
Q7: If you could not achieve the goals which your parents set for you, would your
parents punish you?
□ Yes □ No
If Yes: what is the kind of punishment?
□ Scold □ Physical punishment □Others: ______________
Q8: If you could achieve the goals which your parents set for you, would your parents
give you awards?
□ Yes □ No
Q9: What kind of awards do you want to receive from your parents when you have better

Q10: Do you think receiving gifts from parents if students get better results could help
students have more motivation and study harder?

II. In your opinion,…

Strongly Disagre Strongly

Agree Neutral
Agree e Disagree

1. Students would receive higher scores

(better results) without parental

2. Parental involvement is good for

students. (especialy when choosing their
future High School or University)

3. Parents give advices that is useful for


4. In Primary schools, parents help

students with homework.
5. When students get older, their parents
would not engage more.

Thank you for your answers!

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