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Multiple Choice Questions

Development Communication
BA(JMC) 201

1.Which of the following is the not the role of mass media in development?

a. Watchdog
b. Guard dog

c. Awareness
d. Mobilization

2. Which of the following is a television project related to bringing development in India?

a. Kheda Communication Project

b. Yuva Vani
c. Movers & Shakers

d. None of the above

3. The term ‘Development Communication’ was coined by:

1. Daniel Lerner
2. Nora Quebral
3. W. W. Rostow
4. Karl Marx
4. Who is the author of the book The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing the Middle

1. George gerbner
2. Wilbur Schramm
3. W. W. Rostow
4. Daniel Lerner
5. What are the three key indicators of Human Development Index (HDI)?

1. Poverty, education & employment

2. Life expectancy, Education & Gross National Income
3. Life expectancy, education & happiness
4. None of the above

6. The term 'Development Support Communication' was introduced by ____ :

a. Wilbur Schramm
b. Everett Rogers

c. Erskine Childers
d. Paul Baran

7. One of the main objectives of social audit in development is to_____:

a. Enforce accountability & transparency of development programmes to the public
b. Bring sustainable development

c. Boosting industrialization
d. None of the above

8. Grassroots activism bring social change through_______:

a. Mobilization & public participation

b. Awareness & education

c. Discussion & debates

d. All the above

9. Which of the following is the role of a whistleblower in development?

a. Alerts the public by exposing misconduct/fraud

b. Entertains the public
d. Starts development projects
e. Acts as an intermediate between the Govt. & the public

10.The concept of ‘empathy’ as an approach of development was given by _______:

1. Harold D Lasswell
2. Daniel Lerner
3. Wilbur Schramm
4. Nora Quebral
11. Happiness Index measures _______:
1. Collective happiness status of the rich countries
2. Happiness-unhappiness ratio of a country
3. Collective happiness status of poor countries
4. Collective happiness status of a country
12. What is the correct sequence for stages of diffusion process?

1. Knowledge, persuasion, implementation, decision, confirmation

2. Knowledge, awareness, implementation, decision, confirmation
3. Knowledge, persuasion, confirmation, decision, implementation
4. Knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, confirmation

13. Which of the following body/organization conducts social audit for development programmes
in India?

a. Comptroller & Auditor General of India

b. President

c. Rural bank
d. None of the above

14. BRAC, the Bangladesh based NGO works for _______:

a. Rural development programme

b. Media development
c. Spiritual development

d. None of the above

15. Which one of the following is the role of cyber media in development?
a. Entertainment
b. Mass gathering

c. Discussion & public opinion formation

d. Relaxation

16. What are the four pillars of e-governance?

a. Information, education, awareness & entertainment
b. Connectivity, knowledge, data content & capital

c. Connectivity, media, discussion & capital

d. None of the above

17. ______ is the Indian Government's initiative for e-governance service to Indian citizens.
a. National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)

b. NIC (National Information Centre)


d. E-democracy
18. What does 'issue framing' means in digital democracy?

a. Surveillance
b. Knowledge
c. Entertainment

d. Agenda setting
19. How many states of India were covered under the SITE programme?

1. 6 states
2. 18 states
3. 13 states
4. 5 states

20. The Kheda Communication Project uses ________ approach of TV broadcast for development:
1. Centralized
2. Decentralized
3. Sectoral
4. None of the above
21. The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched by the ________ :
1. Ministry of Rural Development, GOI
2. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GOI
3. Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI
4. None of the above

22. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consists of a set of _____ goals:
1. 15
2. 17
3. 16
4. 30
23. E-choupal is an initiative of______:
a. Government of India

b. United Nations
c. ITC Ltd.

d. Civil Service Organizations

24. Gandhian perspective of development focuses on _______:

1. Total literacy
2. Industrialization
3. Rural upliftment
4. None of the above
25. Who popularized the theory of diffusion of innovations?

1. Harold D Lasswell
2. Daniel Lerner
3. Wilbur Schramm
4. Everett Rogers

26. Which of the following are the key elements in diffusion research?
1. Innovation
2. Communication channels
3. Adopters
4. All of the above
27. Where was the sustainable development goal was explained for the first time?

1. First Earth Summit Report

2. Human Development Report
3. Brundtland Commission Report
4. World Development Report

28. In which year was the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
started by the UN General Assembly?

1. 1995
2. 1994
3. 1998
4. 1992
15. Happiness index is known as magic multiplier.
1. True
2. False
29. ICT stands for
1. Indian Communication Technology
2. Italian Communication Technology
3. India’s Connected Technology
4. Information Communication Technology
30. The functioning and execution of e-choupal is run by a _________:

a. Sanchalak
b. Computer engineer

c. Customer executive
d. Panchayat official

31. Who coined the term 'social marketing'?

a. Phillip Kotler & Gerald Zaltman

b. Nancy Lee
c. Abraham Scott

d. None of the above

32. Which company started the initiative of E-Choupal
1. P&G
2. ITC
3. Reliance
4. Tata

33. World system theory was given by ----------------

1. Everett Rogers
2. Immanuel Wallerstein
3. Karl Marx
4. None of the above
34. What is the full form of GDP?
1. Gross Development Product
2. Gross Domestic Product
3. Gross Dairy Product
4. None of the above
35. Under which set of theories and models does Neo-Marxism is included?
1. Linear
2. Non-Unilinear
3. Non-Linear
4. None of the above
36. SITE experiment was launched in India in which year?
1. 1985
2. 1975
3. 1965
4. 1990
37. The SITE experiment was designed jointly by NASA and ISRO?
1. False
2. True
38. The Kheda Communication Project started in 1975 and continued till---------?
1. 1998
2. 1992
3. 1990
4. 1997
39. Walt Whitman Rostow gave the Rostow’s stages of economic growth in which year?
1. 1960
2. 1970
3. 1980
4. 1990

40. Social marketing is conducted by _____:

a. NGOs & charity foundations

b. Government agencies
c. Public departments
d. All the above

41. What do you understand by corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

a. Responsible corporate behaviour in the society

b. Social marketing
d. Public advertiserment

e. Diffusion of innovation
42. Who is regarded as the 'father of CSR'?

a. Daniel Lerner
b. Phillip Kotler

c. Wilbur Schramm
d. Howard Bowen
43. Who was the author of the book “Mass Media and National Development”?
1. Daniel Learner
2. Wilbur Schramm
3. Laswell
4. Marshall McLuhan
44. As per UN following is/are the broader issue/issues of human Development.
1. Public Health
2. Education
3. Standard of Living
4. All of the above
45. What is the full form of NRHM?
1. National Rural Health Mission
2. National Road Health Mission
3. National Railway Health Mission
4. None of the above
46. The National Rural Health Mission was launched by Prime Minister on----------?
1. 12th April 2005
2. 15th March 2004
3. 19th August 2001
4. None of the above
47. What are the objectives of NRHM?

1. Reduction in infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate

2. Ensuring population stabilization
3. Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases
4. All of the above

48. In CSR, what do you understand by 'internal area of responsibility'?

a. Internal strategies and processes of the company
b. Public campaign
c. Donations to society

d. None of the above

49. Which of the following is an example of social change campaign in India?

a. IPL
b. Chipko movement

c. National Film awards

d. None of the above
50. According to the Rostow’s stages of economic growth, which of the following stages leads to
increase in urbanization increases and occurrence of technological breakthroughs.
1. The drive to maturity
2. The traditional Society
3. Take-off
4. None of the above
51. What is the full form of NGO?
1. Non-Governmental Organization
2. National Governing Organization
3. Non-Governing Organization
4. National Government Organization

52. Jan Lokpal Bill campaign is a social change movement against _______:
a. Cleanliness
b. Health care

c. Literacy
d. Corruption

53. In order to develop a social media marketing campaign, the most important start should

a. Research the market competition

b. public relations

c. Content development
d. None of the above
54. Social media campaign can be made more effective by creating_____:
a. Fund

b. Unique hastag
c. Advertising
d. None of the above

55. MNREGA stands for?

1. Mahatma National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
2. Mahatma Gandhi National Regular Employment Guarantee Act
3. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
4. Mahatma Gandhi Nation-wide Rural Employment Guarantee Act
56. Which of the following is an important component of social marketing?

a. Behavioral change
b. Environment

c. Education
d. None of the above

57. Which one of the following is not a platform for social media marketing campaign?
a. Facebook
b. Pinterest

c. Newspaper
d. YouTube

58. According to World System Theory, how many parts the world is divided into?
1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. Six
59. What is the full form of GNP?
1. Gross National Product
2. Greater Nottingham Partnership
3. Grand Nationwide Partnership
4. Grand Nation Presentation

60. Which act makes CSR mandatory in India?

1. Corporate Act
2. Company Act
3. Commercial Act
4. Organization Act

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