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W = 1 kg × 9.8 m/s2
 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation states
that every object in the universe attracts every
other object with a force proportional to the
product of their mass and inversely proportional
to the square of the distance between the
centers of their masses.
F g=m1 m2
G = 6.67 × 10 N m2/kg2
Mass of:
Earth 5.98 × 1024 kg
Jupiter 1.91 × 1027 kg
Mars 6.43 × 1023 kg
Mercury 3.32 × 1023 kg Rank Name Surface Gravity ( meter
The Moon 7.36 × 1022 kg pr. square second)
Neptune 1.03 × 1026 kg 1 Sun 274
Saturn 5.68 × 1026 kg 2 Jupiter 24.92
The Sun 1.99 × 1030 kg 3 Neptune 11.15
Uranus 8.74 × 1025 kg 4 Saturn 10.44
Venus 4.89 × 1024 kg 5 Earth 9.798
Katar 7.27 × 1025 kg 6 Uranus 8.87
7 Venus 8.87
CONSERVATON 9 Mercury 3.7
Mass & Weight 10 Moon 1.62
 Often you hear people use the terms mass and 11 Pluto 0.58
weight interchangeably. When a person is asked
to give his/her weight, he/she normally specifies Momentum
the value in kilograms, a mass unit. In physics  The mass of an object is a measure of its inertia
there is a distinction between the two. Example: at rest. The more the mass an object has, the
A bag of rice does not weigh 1 kg. it has a mass greater its tendency to stay at rest. For a
of 1 kg and a weight of about 9.8 N Earth. moving object, there is a corresponding quantity
 Mass is more fundamental than weight. It is the called Inertia in Motion. This quantity, also
measure of the actual material present in a referred to as its Linear Momentum, is
body. Mass depends only on the number and measure of its tendency to continue in motion
kind of atoms that compose the body. On the along a straight path/ line.
other hand, the weight of a body is the  Based on our daily experiences, you know that
gravitational force that acts on the material and the greater the linear momentum a body has,
depends on where the object is located. the greater the effort needed to change its path
 In the case of an object near or on the surface or to stop it from moving. Linear momentum is
of Earth, the force which exerts on it is its the quantity that measures the tendency of a
weight. This is the force that causes an object to body to continue in motion along a straight
fall will a constant acceleration g, called path. Linear momentum, p, is defined as the
acceleration due to gravity, when no other force product of mass, m, of an object and its
acts on it. In Newton’s 2nd law of motion, F = velocity, v.
ma, W may be substituted for F and g for a to  Its mathematical form is p=mv. The unit of
give: momentum is kilogram meter per second (kg
Formula: W = mg m/s). The greater the mass and velocity, the
 Like other forces, weight is measured in more difficult it is to change the object’s speed
newtons. If a body falls freely, its weight gives or direction. It should be noted that momentum
an acceleration of g. is vector quantity which has both magnitude
 Taken g = 9.8 m/s2 near the Earth surface, the and direction.
weight of 1kg mass is:

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