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PE REVIEWER MAY engaging in strenuous physical activity to screen pre-

existing medical conditions.

The coach or trainer has to perform a primary survey to
Concussions are common in combat sports such as
determine if the injured athlete is in a life-threatening
boxing. In 2009, Filipino boxer Z “The Dream” Gorres condition. There are two tell-tale: unconsciousness and
suffered a concussion in a boxing match against Luis
not breathing. If the injured athlete is breathing but
Melendez in Las Vegas. Gorres was knocked down in the unconscious, do not move the body unless the neck and
10th round but he was able to recover and eventually
back is stabilized to prevent complications.
won the title. He collapsed inside the ring after the
announcement of winner. Rushed to the hospital for an CPR technique incorporates chest compressions and
emergency surgery to repair the internal bleeding. rescue breathes to facilitate blood flow to the brain and
prolong the life of the person. The American Heart
Injury evaluation is not the same as diagnosis. The
Association (AHA) recommends the first responder to
doctor is the only person allowed to diagnose the administer COR as soon as possible to increase the
condition of a patient. Evaluation happens in the field
survival rate. CPR is performed by placing the heel of
while the diagnostic process accounts all the information one hand on top of the breast bone at the level of the
needed to see a holistic picture of the cause and severity
nipple while the other hand is on top with fingers
of the injury such as patient’s history, comprehensive interlocking with the fingers of the hand that is on the
physical examination, special tests, and diagnostic tests
(e.g., MRI, x-ray) among others. On the other hand, the
goal of the injury evaluation process is to rule out the The breastbone has to be compressed to a depth of one
presence of a severe injury or a life-threatening and a half inch to two inches. Chest at a rate of 100
condition, how to transport the patient and the times a minute. Give rescue breaths, every after 30
appropriate first aid while transporting the patient. compressions.

The coach or athletic trainer should have a background A more thorough evaluation procedure or a secondary
on injury evaluation and management to bridge the gap survey is performed if the patient is stable. The goal of
between the playing field and the hospital the secondary survey is to determine the primary injury,
severity, muscle function, and joint stability, as well as
Primary survey – first part of the evaluation. Quick the location and mechanism of injury or the movement
evaluation if there are life-threatening injuries present.
or force that caused the injury.
The evaluation needs to consider if the patient should be
moved or transported immediately to a medical facility. The inspection or observation process is a passive
component of secondary survey which is usually
Concussion or traumatic brain injury – one of the performed visually and manually.
life-threatening sports injury. Common to contact and
combat sports(i.e., boxing) and is caused by a strong Another aspect of the survey is identifying the location
blow to the head that temporarily impairs brain function. of the injury. The location of the injury helps the coach
Unconscious, amnesia, loss of balance, poor motor and trainer understand the possible structures that could
coordination and slurred balance. be damaged. The most painful area is usually the injury
Classification of concussion
Identifying the type of pain (i.e., dull, sharp and
Category Description Characteristics
No loss of consciousness, radiating) also helps in identifying the damaged tissues.
Grade I Mild condition normalizes in less than It should be noted that this method is subjective and
15 mins
No loss of conscious, condition depends on the pain threshold of the person.
Grade II Moderate
normalizes beyond 15 mins Nevertheless, the coach should be concerned if the
Grade III Severe Loss of consciousness
athlete reports pain scored higher than six.
According to the American Academy of Neurology, there
are three types of concussion based on severity. 0 no hurt
Other conditions that can lead to life-threatening 2 hurts little bit
condition are cardiac arrest and shock. Some individuals
are susceptible to developing cardiac arrests because of 4 hurts little more
some pre-existing medical conditions such as
6 hurts even more
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Marfan’s syndrome. It
is important that individuals consult a doctor prior to 8 hurts whole lot
10 hurts worst Rest is recommended to give the body part enough time
to heal.
It is important that the coach or trainer understands
how the movement or force could have injured the body Ice or cryotherapy is commonly used in injuries because
part. It will help in determining the appropriate first aid it has analgesic or pain-relieving effect. Cryotherapy
and how to immobilize the injured part. Lastly, ross constructs the blood vessels, which can reduce blood
motor movement is the active component of the flow and swelling to the injured area. It is commonly
secondary survey and it checks muscle weakness and applied during the first 24 to 48 hours of injury for about
joint stability. It helps the coach or trainer determine the 15 to 20 minutes with a two-hour interval.
severity of the injury.
There are different cryotherapy methods such as ice
The passive component of the secondary survey will be massage, immersion, cold gel pack and crushed ice.
able to rule out if there are injuries to the hard tissues
Crushed ice application is the most convenient and
(i.e., bones, joints) while the active component will be
practical method.
able to identify if there are injuries to the soft tissues
(i.e., muscle, tendon, ligaments) Another effective method to reduce swelling is to
compress the injured area using an elastic bandage. A
The first responder has to make a decision whether the
common technique for elastic bandage application is the
injury needs immobilization, a process of restricting
spiral and the spica or figure of eight. These techniques
movement of an injured limb to prevent further
are commonly used in ankle sprains but is also effective
in other soft tissue injuries.
Rigid splint usually made of tough materials such as
Swelling can be reduced by elevating the injured limb
wood, plastic and plaster of paris
higher than the level of the heart. The fluid slowly
Soft splints newspapers, pillows, and air splints moves away from the injured area as gravity pulls it
down. Elevation is usually done while the person is
Anatomical splint an immobilization technique wherein sleeping.
the object that restricts movement is another body part
of the injured athlete. MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC INJURIES

Principles of Immobilization Management of chronic injuries differs from acute

injuries because the onset of swelling and pain is
1. Immobilize the limb in the position that is the different. Acute injuries have a sudden onset of pain
least painful or in the position it was found
while overuse injuries have gradual onset of pain. The
2. Take note of any changes in skin color, prolonged inflammation that occurs in chronic or overuse
temperature, sensation
injuries cannot be managed by the PRICE principle.
3. Include the joint above and below the fractured
bone in the splint Stage I (i.e., mild) overuse injuries are managed by
4. Leave fingers and toes uncovered reducing the workload and performing corrective
5. Apply it firmly without discomfort exercises.
6. When using an elastic bandage, apply consistent
Athletes with Stage II (i.e., moderate) overuse injuries
usually complain when pain becomes intolerable and
An effective immobilization technique for injuries worsens during the activity. The recommended
involving the upper extremities is the cervical arm sling management is rest and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
using a triangular bandage. The elbow is usually bent 90 medications to relieve pain and reduce swelling
degrees and the palm is facing the chest.
The priority care for wounds is to control bleeding. The
Inflammation is the first step of the healing process, second aspect of wound care is infection prevention.
which increases blood flow to the injured area. The Bleeding is controlled by applying direct pressure over
downside of increased blood flow is swelling. the wound. it is recommended that a clean piece of cloth
or dressing is placed over the wound to minimize
Swelling and other symptoms of inflammation (i.e., pain)
can be controlled using the PRICE. PRICE stands for
Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
Wound cleaning is important to prevent infection. The - movement becomes reduced
process should remove foreign contaminants and dead
- pain continues and worsens at times, lasts a week or
tissues. The best way to clean the wound is with running
water because the pressure pushes the first and other
materials out of the wound.

Many doctors do not advise the use of alcohol because it

kills both the microorganism and the healthy cells in the
skin. Good alternative is iodine povidone, which is a
good antiseptic that does not stimulate pain.

The average blood volume of a person is five liters. A

person who loses more than 20% of his/her blood
volume would be weak and has a high risk of infection.
30% of the total blood volume is at risk of developing

Shock is a condition wherein the heart continuously

pump but blood does not flow properly due to a low
blood pressure.

It is important to act fast and recognize the signs and

symptoms of shock such as rapid but weak pulse rate,
cool and clammy skin, pale or bluish lips and rapid and
shallow breathing.

Illness Signs Symptoms

Cramps Exhaustion Stroke
Fever above
Muscle spasm Dizziness
Fatigue Weakness Weak pulse
Thirst Cool skin Dry, hot skin
Dark urine Rapid breathing

Heat stroke is the most severe form of heat illness. It

is usually caused by strenuous activity under a very hot
and humid weather.

As the condition worsens, the blood pools in the lower

extremities, which affects the pumping ability of the
heart. The excessive dehydration makes the blood more
viscous which means that the heart has to generate
more force just to circulate the blood to the rest of the
body. When the blood pressure drops, the individual will
experience shock

Early recognition is the key to increasing the survival

rate of an athlete

Call a doctor when

- injury is painfully awful

- more painful when active

- injury is swollen

- you are limping

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