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Lesson Plan: Central and South American Country Project

Grade Level: 3rd Duration: 4 days

Objectives and Goals:

SWBAT identify and locate Spanish speaking countries in South America
SWBAT identify the flag of their chosen Spanish speaking country
SWBAT research basic facts about their Spanish speaking country

CA World Language Standards:

Communication Standard 3: Presentational Communication
Cultures Standard 3: Cultural Comparisons

Required Materials and Equipment:

Map of Central and South America
Index Cards
Drawing Supplies
Student ipads
Website for students use: National Geographic

Guiding Question(s):
Where are Spanish speaking countries located in the world?

Objective as stated to students before beginning lesson:

This project will teach you where Spanish speaking countries are located in Central and
South America. You will learn basic information about your chosen country and you will
also draw your country’s flag.

Anticipatory Set:
Show a map of Central and South America and ask: How many Spanish speaking countries
can you identify on this map?

Direct Instruction/Modeling/Guided Practice:

The teacher will present the project and student objectives.
The teacher will present an example of the finished project expectations.
The teacher will show students the websites they will be using to learn about their
The teacher will demonstrate to students proper use of technology and research skills on
the internet.
The teacher will supervise as students research their country and fill out their index card
with the required information as well as a drawing of their country’s flag.

Independent Practice:
Students will randomly choose the country they will be studying for this project.
Students will research basic information about their country.
Students will fill out a 5x7 index card of the following information about their country:
1. Name of country
2. The capital
3. Independence Day
4. Currency
5. National animal and flower
6. 1 or 2 interesting facts about your country
On the back of the index card, students will draw and color their country’s flag.
After all have completed their card, students will present their information to the class.
While listening to the presentations, the class will fill out a map of South America.

Assessment and Follow-Up/Next Steps:

Students will be assessed on their knowledge of the locations of Spanish speaking
countries through a quiz where they will fill out a map of Central and South America. The
same map that students fill out in class will be used as the assessment.

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