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Some scheduling problems

Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc

March 8, 2022

1 Problem0 2

2 Problem 1 2

3 Problem 2 3

Ho Chi Minh City International University Cplex Practice
Industrial Systems Engineering Department Lecturer: Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc

1 Problem0

Week 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Delta 0.5 0.2 -0.5 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.2 -0.4 0.2 0.1 -0.5 0.1

Company works 3 shifts per day and 7 days a week

Any maintenance activity cannot expand to 2 weeks.
Not more than 2 activities are made in 1 week.
The maintenance time of each machine is given as below:

Machine Hours
A 60
B 70
C 50

Find the schedule so that minimize the makespan.?

2 Problem 1

Web Mercantile sells many household products through an on-line catalog. The company needs substantial
warehouse space for storing its goods. Plans now are being made for leasing warehouse storage space over
the next 5 months. Just how much space will be required in each of these months is known. However, since
these space requirements are quite different, it may be most economical to lease only the amount needed each
month on a month- by-month basis. On the other hand, the additional cost for leasing space for additional
months is much less than for the first month, so it may be less expensive to lease the maximum amount
needed for the entire 5 months. Another option is the intermediate approach of changing the total amount
of space leased (by adding a new lease and/or having an old lease expire). The space requirement and the
leasing costs for the various leasing periods are as follows:

Month Required Space

1 30 000
2 20 000
3 40 000
4 10 000
5 50 000

Leasing Period Cost per Square Feet Leased

1 65
2 100
3 135
4 160
5 190

t index of time t = 1 · · · T
j index of leasing period j = 1 · · · J
st : be the minimum required space at time t
cj : be the cost per square foot leased for the contract covering j periods
Decision variables

Cplex Practice Page 2

Ho Chi Minh City International University Cplex Practice
Industrial Systems Engineering Department Lecturer: Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc

Rtj be the area rented by the contract covering j periods starting at time t and its effects on time k
Mathematical Models

min cj × Rtj
j=1 t=1

subject to

Rtj ≥ sk , t ≤ k ≤ t + j − 1, ∀k ∈ 1 · · · 5
t j=1

Cplex Practice Page 3

Ho Chi Minh City International University Cplex Practice
Industrial Systems Engineering Department Lecturer: Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc

3 Problem 2

Problem statement There are 2 types of orders: small and large orders

• Small order should be finished within 1 day

• Large order cannot be finished within 1 day

• The order can only be processed after its required materials are available. In other words, the avail-
ability of order material decides the release date

• Each order has it due date and it will incur penalty if the order is finished after due date.

• Each order has it own processing time.

• Large order can be processed through several time periods.

• The firm has N identical productions line .

t: index of period t = 1 · · · T
j: index of order j = 1 · · · J
rj : release date of order j
dj : due date of order j
pj : processing time of order j
α: set of small orders
β : set of large orders
h: number of available hours for a production line
cj : penalty cost if the order j is finishing late
f : smallest fraction that one large order can be split
Xjt : binary variable Xjt = 1 if the order j is processed on period t, otherwise; Xjt = 0
Yjt : the fraction of the order j is processed on period t
Zj : binary variable Zj = 1 if the order j is finished after its due date dj , otherwise; Zj = 0
T P : total penalty cost of late orders
Mathematical Models

min cj × Zj

subject to
Order allocation constraints
Xjt = 1 ∀j ∈ α, t ≥ rj
Yjt = 1 ∀j ∈ β, t ≥ rj

Xjt = Yjt ∀j ∈ α
Xjt ≥ Yjt ∀j ∈ β, ∀t
Yjt ≥ f × Xjt ∀j ∈ β, ∀t

Cplex Practice Page 4

Ho Chi Minh City International University Cplex Practice
Industrial Systems Engineering Department Lecturer: Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc

Tardiness constraints
Zj = Xjt ∀j ∈ α
t≥Dj +1
Zj ≥ Yjt ∀j ∈ β
t≥Dj +1
Zj ≤ Xjt ∀j ∈ β
t≥Dj +1

Capacity constraints
pj × Yjt ≤ h ∗ N ∀t = 1 · · · T

Cplex Practice Page 5

Ho Chi Minh City International University Cplex Practice
Industrial Systems Engineering Department Lecturer: Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc

Given data below and it is known that the company has 3 production lines. Each line can operate 10 hours
/ day. The minimum split fraction f = 0.2. Find the production planning for the firm

Job Release Date Due Date Processing Time Penalty

1 1 25 9 100
2 10 23 19.4 42
3 7 23 21.4 41
4 9 25 11.8 22
5 8 25 20.8 33
6 7 23 22.2 150
7 12 25 12.5 18
8 7 23 10.8 22
9 12 23 32.9 65
10 9 25 20.6 215
11 12 21 20 38
12 10 26 25.4 66
13 7 21 34.2 66
14 7 26 10 42
15 1 25 23.1 42
16 7 23 33.3 71
17 7 25 25 213
18 10 21 22.2 44
19 8 21 35.4 61
20 7 26 35 66
21 7 21 37.8 82
22 14 23 41.7 350
23 8 23 36.3 55
24 8 21 45.6 79
25 7 25 53.5 117
26 14 21 36.7 55
27 1 24 37.2 81
28 8 23 40 391

If each line can operate 12 hours / day. What will be changed?

If we are allowed to reject job and each job if finished created benefit bj . How can we modify the model?
Vj : binary variable Vj = 1 if the order j is accepted, otherwise; Vj = 0
Uj :binary variable Uj = 1 if job j is accepted and not late. Otherwise; Uj = 0
Mathematical Models

max (bj × Uj − cj × Zj )

Cplex Practice Page 6

Ho Chi Minh City International University Cplex Practice
Industrial Systems Engineering Department Lecturer: Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc

subject to
Order allocation constraints
Xjt = Vj ∀j ∈ α, t ≥ rj
Yjt = Vj ∀j ∈ β, t ≥ rj

Vj ≥ Xjt ∀j, ∀t
Vj ≤ Xjt , ∀j

Xjt = Yjt ∀j ∈ α
Xjt ≥ Yjt ∀j ∈ β, ∀t
Yjt ≥ f × Xjt ∀j ∈ β, ∀t

Tardiness constraints
Zj = Xjt ∀j ∈ α
t≥Dj +1
Zj ≥ Yjt ∀j ∈ β
t≥Dj +1
Zj ≤ Xjt ∀j ∈ β
t≥Dj +1

Uj ≤ Vj ∀j
Uj ≤ 1 − Zj ∀j
Uj ≥ Vj + (1 − Zj ) − 1 ∀j

Capacity constraints
pj × Yjt ≤ h ∗ N ∀t = 1 · · · T

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