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Nick Andrew V.


Let’s Try This

Activity 1: Look on the Brighter Side
Study the picture below and answer the
following processing questions:

1. What do you think is the picture telling

 Sometimes things feel hopeless.
Not always within in my own
life but outward, it seems like
rough times lie ahead of us. The
world seems to be kind of
caving in on itself in a lot of
ways. We should try to look on
our bright side because its
about being positive and determined to get through things every day.
2. How do you view the challenges and strife that you experience in life?
 Accept and let go because there is more than one way to get something done.
However, there’s always just one optimal way or best way of doing it. To work
smarter rather than harder, start by working backward. Outline and define my
goal. Then, plan the process for how to get there. Take count of my own skills and
ideas for how I may be able to do it better. Then, stick to my path and get to work.
3. Why do you think it is important to look on our brighter side of life? How you can stay
positive despite the new normal situation brought by COVID 19?
 When you look at the bright side of things, you will start to feel better emotionally
and physically. You will feel more motivated and happier. I have learned the hard
way, that looking at the negative and placing blame doesn’t help. I have come to
realize that it’s a blessing every morning just to wake up. The love I feel from my
family, friends, and girlfriend is a blessing. The food I eat, the clothes I wear, the
warm bed I sleep in, even the fact that I am healthy is more than enough to say
that I am blessed. And I have learned that there are things I can do to stay
Activity 2: Gratitude Graffiti







True friends

Good Health


1. How do you find “ Gratitude Graffiti” activity?

 I found this because encouraging myself to explore and solve realistic problems
and scenarios.
2. Is it possible to count your blessings during this trying time? How?
 Yes, because Being grateful for all that you have in your life makes you realize
that you have enough. Appreciating and focusing on good helps to develop and
imbibe the quality of optimism which paves way for opportunities. Happiness
comes from within and attitude is an integral factor. Attitude of a being is
important and positivity attracts happiness, problem-solving skills and a stronger
way to cross obstacles. Showing gratitude can transform and enhances personality
by adding on different perspective towards life. It improves the ability to find the
silver lining in every situation. We realize many benefits linked to counting our
blessings which ultimately contribute to a happier and healthier life.
3. How can this graffti help you to remain positive in life?
 Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether
tangible or intangible. With gratitude, I acknowledge the goodness. In the process,
I usually recognize that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside.
Being grateful also helps me connect to something large as individuals whether to
other people, nature, or a higher power. It is strongly and consistently associated
with greater happiness. It helps me feel more positive emotions, relish good
experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong
Activity 3: Positive Gauge
Never Sometimes Always Score
1. I am confident
✓ 2
with myself
2. I appreciate
what I have
and never
✓ 3
myself with
3. I set positive
outlook in
✓ 3
4. I am open
✓ 3
5. I drop the
resentment ✓ 3
6. I live in the
✓ 3
7. I avoid
✓ 2
8. I stop
✓ 2
about the
Total Score: 21

Processing Qustions
1. What is your positivity score?
 I got 21 positive score.
2. What is your initial reaction upon seeing the result? Are you satisfied with the result?
 Not surprising because I’m always maintaining my positivity in life to avoid any
mental health issues that will affect my everyday life.
3. How can you improve or maintain your positivity in life?
 I treat myself to some self-care everyday and take real breaks together with my
family and friends like going to wonderful beaches and attraction
You Can Do It
Activity 4: the Dr. Positivity Show

Processing Questions:
1. How do you find this activity?
 I found this activity because it encourages students to be independently
inquisitive, think critically, and learn from their own experience.
2. As Dr. Positivity, what scenario did you find to be the most difficult to deal with?
 When I am giving an advice to the Guest 2 because I am her situation and I don’t
know his parents well so that I’m pretty confuse what advise will suitable for her
Parenting as a teenager can have special challenges, including handling people’s
judgmental attitudes and finishing your education.
3. What alternatives or options did you give to your guest?
 For Guest 1, I give an advice to be assertive because assertive people stand up for
their rights and are comfortable defending themselves or others against
unfairness. They use a strong and confident voice to get their point across in a
respectful manner.
 For Guest 2, Be prepared to deal with the reaction. Give your parents time to
speak without jumping in. Listen to what they say. Let them vent if they have to.
In some situations, you may have a rough idea of how your parents will react.
Regardless, you should be prepared for any kind of reaction. The initial news may
come as a shock, so it’s best to give both yourself and your parents some time and
space to process the conversation. Their initial reactions may not be what you
were expecting, but that may change once they come to terms with the news.
Parents can help you make important decisions and support your choices. They
can be a source of guidance and encouragement. a difficult situation can help a
family discover unconditional love, support, kindness, forgiveness, acceptance,
teamwork, and optimism.
4. How can positivity change your life’s perspectives in dealing with the strife of life?
 It instills a sense of positivity in you and makes it simpler to overcome stress and
negative thinking. Embracing positive thinking as a way of life will enrich your
days with positive developments and make you happier and more successful.

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