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Meeting 2


Read this text below!

The central region of study, after the raw food has been grown and before it begins to be digested, is
the field of food science, but it cannot be completely separated from agriculture and medicine. The
main activities in food science are concerned with chemistry, physics and biology which are involved
in the preparation of food for immediate or future use; its processing, preservation from decay and
attack by organisms, and its storage. Finally, there are problems of transporting the raw or prepared
food in a nutritious and palatable state. Only in the last twenty years has food science become a
science in its own right as the study of the whole field of the properties, preservation and processing
of raw foods, and of the behaviour of the finished food products, although for more than a hundred
years there have been chemical, microbiological, physical, and other scientific investigations which
would today be regarded as food science. The bacteriology of canning, the chemical composition of
foods, how to secure rapid heating and cooling of liquids such as milk in pasteurization, are a few
examples of early investigations. Food science must continue to be based on the past and future
discoveries of the sciences from which it has come. Like medicine and agriculture, it relies on the
physical sciences: botany, zoology, biochemistry, physiology, bacteriology, biophysics and nutrition. It
must be able to take what is needed from each of these branches and then fuse them to give the
complete picture of the changes occurring in food from harvest to consumption. Almost all food
components, whether fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, or vitamins, originate from living
tissues. Most foods are chemically extremely complex, and also vary according to the species, breed
or strain, age, and sex, of the organism involved. The character of foods and the biochemical changes
which they undergo are steadily being discovered by the application of the most modern analytical
techniques, including chromatography, mass spectrometry, and electrophoresis.


Write the definition of these vocabularies!
Region of study : Region of study in these paragraph is an activity in studying an area seen
from the essential elements in it. (Kajian wilayah/ilmu tertentu)
State : State in these paragraph is a feel or status (Keadaan baik)
in its own right : In its own right in these paragraph means a special science to learn.
(Dalam haknya sendiri/tersendiri)
finished food products : Finished food products in these paragraph means ends of food process
(Produk makanan jadi)
rapid heating : Rapid heating in these paragraph means some process in milk
pasterization or else food product (Pemanasan cepat)
character of food : Character of food in these paragraph means particularity in food product
(Sifat khas makanan)
undergo changes : Undergo changes in these paragraph means run into changes (Mengalami
decay : Decay in these paragraph means food has been bad (Membusuk)
canning : Canning in these paragraph means a process in some investigations
bacteriology (Pengalengan)
investigations : Investigations in these paragraph means an experiment (Investigasi)
fuse : Fuse in these paragraph means make it cohesive
breed : Breed in these paragraph means type or have characteristic (Jenis)
strain : Strain in these paragraph means obsolete (Usang)
steadily : Steadily in these paragraph means continuously (Terus menerus)
consumption : Consumption in these paragraph means what we eat (Konsumsi)
Answer the following questions.

1. What other sciences is food science connected with?

a. Agriculture
b. Medicine

2. What are the main activities in food science concerned with?

a. Processing
b. Preservation from decay and attack by organism
c. Storage

3. Give three examples of early investigations.

a. The bacteriology of canning,
b. The chemical composition of foods
c. How to secure rapid heating and cooling of liquids such as milk in pasteurization

4. Name some of the physical sciences food science relies on.

a. Botany
b. Zoology
c. Biochemistry

5. Where do almost all food components originate from?

Almost all food components, whether fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, or
vitamins, originate from living tissues

6. Name some of the most modern analytical techniques!

a. Chromatography
b. Mass spectrofotometry
c. Electrophoresis

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