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Department of Education

Talisay City Division

Lagtang, Talisay City, Cebu

English for Academic and Professional Purposes – Grade 12

Name ______________________________________Date: August 8- 9 ,2019 Score________

I. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. It is an organized in a specific way clear structure and showcases your research in a specific area or topic?
a. Academic text b. Academic Performance c. Academic Jargon d. Academic writing
2. Why do there is a similarities of academic text in professional writing and academic?
a. To avoid jargon b. to avoid Text c. To avoid writing d. To professionalism
3. It will bring the reading level down considerably so that a reader without much experience in the subject can learn basic
a. Academic Performance b. to avoid Text c. non-academic text d. Professionalism
4. Business writing is used for things EXCEPT?
a. resume b. letter c. press releases d. media writing
5. What do mean by professional writing?
a. To influence or convince someone
b. To call for international writing
c. To delegate some difficulties in writing
d. None of the above
6. What are the two types of writing?
a. Professional and Jargon writing
b. Professional and Business writing
c. Business and Academic Writing
d. None of the Above
7. Does academic text organize and somewhat follows rules and it has it structure?
a. Yes b. No c. Partially yes d. Not at all
8. It is generally formal and written for a scholarly purpose; examples of academic writing include class essays, dissertations, and
a. Academic text b. Academic Performance c. Academic Jargon d. Academic writing
9. Written language is relatively more _______________ than spoken language.
a. Complex b. formal c. Precise d. Objective
10. Written language has longer words, it is lexically denser and it has a more varied ____________.
a. Complex b. vocal c. vocabulary d. accurate
11. In general, this means that in an essay you should avoid colloquial words and expressions.
a. Complex b. formal c. Precise d. Objective
12. In academic writing, facts and figures are given __________.
a. Complex b. formal c. Precisely d. Objectivity
13. Written language is in general objective rather than personal.
a. Complex b. formal c. Precise d. Objectivity
14. Written language is in general objective rather than personal. It therefore has fewer words that refer ____________________.
a. Professional writing
b. to the writer or the business
c. to the writer or the reader
d. None of the Above
15. Academic writing is _______________ about the relationships in the text.
a. Complex b. formal c. Precise d. explicit
16. Academic writing uses vocabulary ______________. 
a. Complex b. formal c. Precisely d. accurately
17. ________________distinguishes clearly between "phonetics" and "phonemics"; general English does not.
a. Complex b. Linguistics c. Precisely d. accurately
18. A technique common in certain kinds of academic writing is known by linguists as a ‘hedge’
a. Complex b. Linguistics c. Precisely d. hedges
19. You are also____________ for demonstrating an understanding of any source texts you use.
a. responsible b. Linguistics c. Precisely d. hedges
20. Academic writing is well ______________ It usually takes place after research and evaluation.
a. responsible b. Linguistics c. plan d. hedges
21. Academic writing is well ___________. It flows easily from one section to the next in a logical fashion. A good place to start is
the genre of your text. Once you have decided on the genre, the structure is easily determined.
a. organized b. Linguistics c. plan d. hedges
22. A good place to start is the genre of your text. Once you have decided on the genre, the _________ is easily determined.
a. organized b. structure c. plan d. hedges
23. What do academic writing teach students?
a. Analyze b. compensates c. to listen d. to write
24. What does academic writing focus on?
a. Technique
b. technique and forms
c. technique and style
d. none of the above
25. Academic writing is generally quite _____________and ____________.
a. Formal and professional
b. Professional and structural
c. Professional and formal
d. Formal and impersonal
26. How do we write a great reaction paper?
a. Should contain information’s on the author
b. Should expel all the information needed
c. Should partly introduce the author names
d. None of the above
27. This are some recommendation that help you complete an outstanding reaction paper EXCEPT.
a. Use various sources
b. Read the original article
c. Describe your point of view
d. Read and analyze each topic needed.
28. This are tips to help you avoid common mistakes in making reaction paper?
a. Use various sources and articles to complete information
b. Don’t give summative of the article
c. Describe and explain the possible outcome of the topic
d. Calculate the number of words needed.
29. The following are a good reaction paper EXCEPT?
a. Contain information of the said topic
b. Contain summative of the topic
c. Contain data of the topic
d. None of the above
30. What do you call a type of written assignment which require personal opinion and conclusion?
a. Academic writing b. Reaction paperc. Academic text d. Reaction viewer
Read the academic text below and answer the question that follow
A citizen is a person who lives in a state and is governed by its laws in all matters.   An ideal citizen is an asset to a nation.  Countries 31.
are not good or bad but their citizens make them so.  Smugglers, law breakers and people of bad character are also citizens of a 31.
country but they cannot be called ideal citizens.
                An ideal citizen is every inch a patriot.  Citizenship secures for the people a sense of security for their life and property.   In
a democratic country like India, a citizen enjoys the right of voting in elections to public bodies.   He can himself stand as a 31.
candidate for election to the municipal committee of his town and legislative bodies of his country.   HE can even stand for the 31.
office of the president of the country. 31.
                A citizen enjoys several other advantages.  It is the duty of the state of provide him with employment as far as possible. 31.
                A citizen enjoys several facilities.  The state provides him with essential services such as transport, right of voting, 31.
electricity, hospitals and schools for the education of his children. 31.
                Modern states are welfare states.  They are supposed to look after the welfare of the citizens.  A citizen can stand up and 31.
fight for certain rights. 31.
                On the other hand, a citizen has to carry out certain duties and responsibilities.  He is expected to obey the laws of his
country.  He must be loyal to the state.  He or she must gladly offer his or her services to the state.  In time of war or a national
emergency, a citizen should serve the country in any capacity he is called upon to serve.
                Every citizen must support the police and the administration in general in the maintenance of peace.   It is also the duty of 31.
all citizens to desist from creating disorder by communal riots. 31.
                An ideal citizen tries to protect national property.  He makes a right use of the facilities provided to him. He tries to 31.
maintain communal harmony in the country.  He has a secular outlook.  He is tolerant towards all faiths.  He believes in the 31.
principle of peaceful co-existence.  ‘Live and let live’ is the guiding principle of his life.  He is honest and fair in his dealings.  He has 31.
a helpful attitude towards his fellow human beings.  He refuses to be tempted into corruption or dishonesty.  His life is an open 31.
book in honesty, diligence and amiability. 31.
                It is the duty of every citizen to be ready to offer his services for public duties.   It is the fundamental duty of a citizen to
record his vote.  A citizen is also expected to take an active part in public affairs.  Another duty of a citizen is to pay taxes honestly. 
If he evades these, the government has the right to realize the taxes by force.  An ideal citizen is ideal in his speech, conduct and
writing.  He is always ready to lay down his life for the sake of his country.   His country is a motherland to him and he loves her 31.
from the core of his heart. 31.
                The greatness of a country depends not on her material resources, but on her men and women.  A nation is great if her 31.
citizens are great.  A poet has rightly said: 31.
What concept is discussed and clarified in this essay?
a. All citizens b. bad citizens c. good citizen d. Filipino Citizens
32. What type of definition is used to tell what an ideal citizen is?
a. formal b. Informal c. Extended d. None of the above
33. What technique is used to define the term “Ideal Citizen” in this essay?
a. contrast b. Illustrations c. Synonym d. Both B and C
34. The word “asset” in paragraph 1 means valuable…
a. Property b. Person c. wealth d. Price
35. The statement “The greatness of a country depends not on her material resources, but on her men and women” uses the
a. Negation b. function c. comparison d. analogy
36. Which main idea about an ideal citizen is NOT discussed in the essay?
a. His duties and responsibilities
b. The advantages of being an ideal citizen
c. Definition of an ideal citizen
d. What is not an ideal citizen
37. Which among the supporting details goes with the main idea in paragraph 4 about an ideal citizen?
a. He maintains harmonious relationships with others
b. He enjoys several facilities
c. He obeys the law
d. The goodness of the country depends on the type of Citizen it has.
38. We can say that the author in the essay is ……
a. Sad b. Certain c. God - fearing d. over - acting
39. The author’s purpose in the essay is ……
a. To inform b. to persuade c. to describe d. to narrate
40. In general, how would a reader feel after reading this selection? Choose among the following.
a. Hopeful b. inspired c. melancholic d. dispirited

II. Identification

Paraphrasing Structure summary of the text scanning

Outlining knowledge thesis statement
Language Abstract Techniques

____________________1. It Express the meaning of the writer or speaker or something written using different words.
____________________2. It presents a picture of the main ideas and subsiding ideas of any subject.
____________________3. It us used in academic texts from various disciplines.
____________________4. An important feature of academic texts that is organized in a specific way.
____________________5. The structure rule in this to be the very framework that holds all the different parts together.
____________________6. A type of summary that identifies the purpose problem methods results and conclusions of your work.
____________________7. Begin with an introduction sentences that states the texts title author and main point of the text.
____________________8. Focuses your idea into one or two sentences
____________________9. It is prior to skimming.
____________________10. Writing a reaction paper through this.

III. Paraphrase the following sentences (2pts each)

1-2. The car that was pulled over by the police officer yesterday just had an accident. That driver is not careful.

3-4. The student requested that the professor excuses her absence, but the professor refused.

5-6. There will be a music concert next to Vienna coffee shop. Would you like to go?

7-8. The office of International students and Scholars at Purdue University is located in Schleman Hall

9-10. International Center is hosting English conversation Classes. They Help non – native speakers of English Practice their English

speaking skills.

“Life is essentially a cheat and its conditions are those of defeat; the redeeming things are not happiness and pleasure but the deeper
satisfactions that come out of struggle.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald

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