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BSCE 3-2 MENGR 3100


I. Make a narrative (1 paragraph each term) of what you have learned in all the
covered topics of the course.

In the first term, I learned about fundamental concepts of thermodynamics which

resulted to an understanding of how to solve property-related problems using
appropriate units and dimensions. In addition, energy forms and derived equations for
applying the conservation of energy principle were discussed. Sample problems of
various common energy conversion processes were covered, as well as the impact of
energy conservation on the system and its surroundings. Finally, the term also covered
the ideal gas equation, which explains how pressure, temperature, and specific volume
of gases are related. It also introduced the common equation of gases, which is related
to the ideal gas equation and predicts a gas’s P-v-T behavior.

I have learned about heat transfer and how it differs from thermodynamics in the
second term. The most prevalent means of correlation in conduction heat transfer is by
Fourier’s law, which is usually utilized in rectangular or cylindrical geometry that is
suitable in walls, pipes, etc. On the other hand, the convection heat transfer is highly
reliant on the fluid properties under consideration and is related to Newton’s law of
cooling. Additionally, the last method of heat transfer utilizes electromagnetic waves that
can be absorbed, reflected, scattered, or transmitted. Generally, heat transfer problem
includes temperature differences, geometry, and physical aspect of the item, which can
also be a mix of heat transfer modes depending on the given circumstances.

The essential principle employed in the study of engineering refrigeration and air
conditioning, vapor compression cycle, and psychrometry were covered in the final term.
There are also illustrations and sample problem computations to help comprehend the
concepts. The characteristics of air and water vapor mixture, how these properties are
connected, and how they may be calculated using charts, tables, and equations, were
first studied. Various techniques for conditioning air depending on the intended output
and applications as well as ways of conveying air and the conditioned area and
determining loads based on the desired condition, components, and space needs, were

II. Enumerate all difficulties encountered in learning during the course’s whole
duration and what adjustments you have made to cope with these difficulties.

The difficulties that I encountered in learning during the course’s whole duration
are difficulties in understanding and remembering facts and figures and lack of
motivation. The coping mechanism that I use to grasp and recall the facts and figures in
the lessons is to watch similar videos and browse the internet for more information that
will help me completely understand the topics. I experienced loss of motivation as a
result of stress since there is so much to accomplish that I often forget to rest or sleep; I
cope with this by having some motivational quotations at my desk that may motivate me
to keep going and learning; and I always try to remember my ultimate goal in life.
Furthermore, there are far too many external distractions, such as housework, social
media, and online gaming. I cope with this by creating a timetable- figuring out when and
what I’m going to do and then sharing it with other people in my family – and by utilizing
technologies or tools to prevent my social media engagement. And lastly, I struggled
with time management, such as failing to meet deadlines and frequently needing to
remain late at night to complete a piece of schoolwork. I employed a coping mechanism
in which I organized my workplace, kept a list of what needed to be done, and began
doing homework when I’m set, as well as being disciplined.

III. Make a conclusion based on I and II.

In conclusion, this course is useful and effective since it helps students gain a
wider range of engineering-related information. Despite certain challenges that
hampered learning, provided materials, such as, modules and video lectures were
nevertheless useful in helping students comprehend the concepts and ideas addressed
in each area. There are also a variety of coping mechanisms that enable me in
remaining focused and motivated while learning the things provided. As a result, I
grasped the value of this course by comprehending the principles and concepts of
thermodynamics, heat transfer, refrigeration, air conditioning, and psychrometry in
relation to their application.

IV. Make your recommendation that may improve the teaching-learning methods
and process for the coming semesters/years.

One recommendation that may improve the teaching-learning methods and

process for the coming semesters/years is to connect with learners online. Without a
physical presence in the classroom, it’s critical that the professor develop a virtual
presence at the start of the eLearning course. Inform the students of the days and times
you will be available online, as well as how they may reach you outside of those hours.
Another approach is to combine synchronous and asynchronous activities, resulting in a
blend of traditional online learning approaches with newer, more collaborative audio and
visual technologies. Lastly, give continuous feedback. This will aid in the creation of an
eLearning experience that is educational, informative, and motivating for the learners.
During the eLearning process, the professor’s feedback should be constant, with
constructive feedback provided as quickly as feasible so that students may clearly
understand which behaviors or skills need to be improved.

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