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Object Oriented Programming

OOP Final Project

Submitted By: NC – Ali Raja , PC –Muneeb Ahmed
Structural Details:
There are six CLASSES used in this program:

 Administrator
 Phone
 Date
 Biodata
 Academic data
 Application details

 DATA MEMBERS : three integers
 MEMBER FUNCTIONS : constructor, method to get input, method to get output.

 DATA MEMBERS : 2 enum data types, 2 character arrays.
 MEMBER FUNCTIONS: method to input number, method to show number. Administrator has
been declared as friend class.

BIODATA(Derived from class phone) :

 DATA MEMBERS: 8 character arrays.
 MEMBER FUNCTIONS: default constructor, method to input data, method to show data. the
data entered through this is the name of applicant, gender, cnic, fathers name, fathers
occupation, mailing address, permanent address and email address. The same data is shown
through the show function.
Administrator has been declared as a friend class.

ACADEMIC DATA(Derived from class BIODATA):

 DATA MEMBERS : 18 integer values

 MEMBER FUNCITONS: Methods to set the marks for matric, fsc, olevels, alevels and

qualification. Methods to show all these set values are alson made.
Administrator has been set as friend class.

APPLICATION DETAILS(Derived from class academic data):

 DATA MEMBERS: 16 integer values, 3 character values.
 MEMBER FUNCTIONS: Methods to enter and show preferences. Methods to enter and show
whether the applicant is applying on SAT basis or not. Method to calculate the application fee in
dollars or rupees.
ADMINISTRATOR (Derived from application details):
 DATA MEMBERS: an integer, a character.
 MEMBER FUNCTIONS: method to create an admin account, and a Boolean function to return a
true of false value.

As shown in the code provided, all the classes have standard input/output functions for entering and
viewing the data. Apart from insertion functions there is a function in administrator class for creating an
administrator and authenticating an administrator.


The program starts with display of welcome message. After that creation of administrator is required for
access of data all applicants to be used afterwards. An array of pointer of “applicationdetails” class is
also declared. After successful creation of administrator the program presents a menu. It has the
following options:

1. New Applicant
2. Administrative Tasks
3. Terminate

The New applicant option when selected prompts user to input biodata as well as academic data. The
object creation is via dynamic objects. Each pointer element points to different data. Here when
getqualification function is called it returns an integer. If the applicant has a qualification of Pre-
Engineering or O-level the Function returns a value of 1 & 3 respectively and if the qualification is Pre-
Medical the function represents a value of 2. These values are used to control the type of admission
requested by the applicant. The case switch of this exits by incrementing the pointer array index.

The Program returns to main menu.

Now if we select administrative tasks the program calls login function. It returns a bool value and stores
it in bool authen. In the login function the user has to input username and password. This username and

password is stored in temporary variables and matched with the existing variables of class object. The

Boolean values are returned accordingly. If there is a match authen(in main function) is assigned true
otherwise false. A case switch is created which has a control variable authen. If authen is true the user is
authenticated otherwise program returns to main menu.

If the user is authenticated, the program asks the user to enter number of records to skip. That variable
is put into pointer and if there exists a data on that location the program displays/manipulates data
according to options available otherwise a message is displayed that data does not exists at specified
location and program returns to main menu.
When the application is terminated a thank you message is displayed and requires the user to input any
key to exit.

1. Only upto 100 records can be entered.
2. Use of terminating character to end character arrays.
3. Age limitation of admission is not implemented.
4. There is no check available to check precedence of qualification

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