Wind Load

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Mean Height (h) = 4.30 m Low Rise Building Sec. 6.

20 ASCE 7-98
(Eave height may be used if θ<=10°) Sec. ASCE 7-98
Roof Slope = 1.00 :10 5.71 Degrees

Length of the building (L) = 20.00 m Horizontal dimension measured parallel to the wind

Width of the building (B) = 7.00 m Horizontal dimension measured normal to the wind

Basic Wind Speed (V) = 130 km/hr 3-Sec. gust wind speed at 10Sec.
m 6.20 ASCE 7-98

Building Category = II Table 6-1 ASCE 7-98

Exposure Category = C Sec. 6.5.6 ASCE 7-98

Structure Type = Main Wind Force Resisting System Table 6-6 ASCE 7-98

Ao = 50.00 m2 Sec. 6.20 ASCE 7-98

Ao = Total area of opening in a wall that receives positive external pressure (m2)

Aoi = 0.00 m2 Sec. 6.20 ASCE 7-98

Aoi should be set to 0 for open buildings
Aoi = The sum of the areas of opening in the building envelope (Walls & Roof) not including Ao (m2)

Ag = 500.00 m2 Sec. 6.20 ASCE 7-98

Ag = The gross area of that wall in which Ao is identified (m2)

Agi = 0.00 m2 Sec. 6.20 ASCE 7-98

Agi should be set to 0 for open buildings
Agi = The sum of the gross surface areas of the building envelope (Walls & Roof) not including Ag (m2)

Enclosed Building

Velocity Pressure Exp. Coeff. (Kz) = 0.85 For Main Wind Force - Table 6-5 ASCE 7-98
- Resisting system (MWFRS)
Velocity Pressure Exp. Coeff. (Kz) = 0.85 For Comp. and Claddings Table 6-5 ASCE 7-98

Topographic Factor (Kzt) = 1.00 Figure 6-2 ASCE 7-98

Directionality Factor (Kd) = 0.85 Table 6-6 ASCE 7-98

Basic Wind Speed (Vs) = 36.11 m/sec V / 3.6

Importance Factor ( I ) = 1.00 Table 6-1 ASCE 7-98

qz = qh = 0.613 x 10-3 Kz Kzt Kd Vs2 I kN/m2 Eqn. 6-13 ASCE 7-98

Enter 'q' value if provided
qz = q h = 0.00 qz = q h = 0.58 kN/m2 For Main Wind Force Resisting system (MWFRS)

qz = q h = 0.58 kN/m2 For Components and Claddings

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