Strategic Plan 2020-2025 2

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the President Planning Task Force Members Timeline and Phases of the Century College Process Alignment of Century College Planning 2025 Vision Statement Strategic Goal 1: The Whole Person Strategic Goal 2: Inclusion Strategic Goal 3: Responsiveness Strategic Goal 4: Collaboration Strategic Goal 5: Innovations CENTURY STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025 | CENTURY MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Collaboration is essential to who we are, The Century College strategic plan was developed through a highly collaborative process— ‘engaging al college stakeholders to identity and articulate the College's strategic priorities ‘As we implement and execute the plan, we will continue to collaborate with all collage stakeholders ~ employees, students, alumni, the local ‘and regional community —to achieve our collective vision. Century College will work with our partners to deliver high quality, innovative ‘education and services that will lead to student success and the success of the community Century Collage will suppor its students and employees, and continue ‘0 improve its processes and be accountable for its work as it delivers ‘om its mission of inspiring, preparing, and empowering students to, suoceed in a changing world Ange Miuror ~ Print Ceary Cale CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 - 2025 L STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025 PLANNING TASK FORCE MEMBERS John Anderl (Co-Chair) Bob Klindworth Moni Awoyemi Tracy Kuny Robin Bowden Dana Lemay Brian Beahan Yia Lor Michelle Blesi Tim Micko Carolyn Cook Laura Moser Julie Daniels Elizabeth Murry Aarin Distad (Co-Chair) Pat Opatz (Co-Chair) Rosie DuBose Dana Paulson Paul Dykes Nichole Petersen Pam Engebretson Scott Randall Luis Flores-Lara Jennifer Rassett Dale Hager John Rohleder Beth Hein Andrea Steen Hannah Heublein Jenni Swenson Dawn Goebel Chris Weyandt Megan Jaunich Pakou Yang Neil Johnston Pamela Yang Herbert King CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 - 2025 ccentury.ade STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025 Ew Distribution of Participants on the Planning Task Force =, me, ~~ 19% Wf 5% 10% FACULTY STAFF ay ADWIUISTRATION ow! Engagement and Information Data Collection ‘To that end, the Planning Task Foree facilitated Task Force monters were able the collecting information from. Some of the activit a wie range of information, et. ive data collection activities. The Planning Count of individuals that Participated in a Data Collection Activity Facilitated by the Planning Task Force 2 ESR 23) OS 3) ADT Pn Dene tay Pe ae C0 Carousel Timeline | Survey a , ; Cin ST MLC USE ul Design :) CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 - 2025 ccentury.ade SaaS a alls Ce Ha Lh Getting Started (Planning & Organizing) Treen I PHASE 2| Data Gathering (Engagement) Jay — October 2018 | PHASE 3} ATAU October — December 2019 SUSUR aC ATL) Sc TPL Finalize Strategic Plan February — May 2020 LAUNCH STRATEGIC PLAN eu) CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 - 2028 Guiding Principles for the Creation of Century College's Strategic Plan 1 Meaningful engagement of institutional stakeholders was at the heart of our highly collaborative process. Transparency was paramount. Information on the process, themes, etc. were regularly shared with the community throughout the year via myCentury, campus emails, presentations, listening sessions, etc. External issues and trends in higher education were deliberately folded into the process to inform our work and reflect a broad perspective. ‘The engagement of external stakeholders, such as alumni, community leaders, and business partners was imperative so that our feedback reflected diverse perspectives. Input was collected from a variety of stakeholder groups. Some groups, such as employees, were asked to participate in the process multiple times, both as a Century College employee generally, such as during Opening Days Fall 2019, as well as a member ofan affinity «group, such as an employee of color or as an MSCF member. This was also tru Tor students ‘wha could have participated as a member of Student Senate, as well as a student of color, parttime student, or other. The number of participants in the stakeholder groups in the graphic below will efiect some duplication as aresult. 27 6 939 56 35 ‘Alumai Community Employees High Schoo! Community Partners Students Leaders 5 21 3 2 Government Past K12 System Officials Employees CENTURY COLLEGE Professionals Office Staff 2020 — 2025 ccentury.ade ALIGNMENT OF CENTURY COLLEGE PLANNING CENTURY ALIGNMENT WITH MINNESOTA STATE MINNESOTA STATE ALIGNMENT WITH HIGHER LEARNING COMMISSION CG itt NZGOnMISSION CENTURY COLLEGE In 2017, the Planning Committee recommended a way of aligning all planning efforts at the College (see image on the right) Since then, this alignment document has been reviewed by multiple College stakeholders including Cabinet and Faculty Shared Governance. 8 ringing al of ou planning ef it aignont wo wl Reduce the ‘whirlwind’. Departments will use thir work plans to align their work and improvement efforts to the broader goals of the College. Ensue that we are working in concert with each other ~ Resolve issues of competing priorities. ~ Elevate accountability so that the work we are doing is being measured and applied towards the priorities of the College. ~ Align budget and the allocation of resources toa set of strategic priorities. The Century College community elevated the theme of equity, diversity, and inclusion during the strategic plan creation process. Ths focus ofthe College aligns with the focus and goals of Minnesoia State Century College's work in moving the needle on equity, diversity, and inclusion will align with the 6 Strategic, Dimensions under Minnesota State Equity 2030, Equity by Design isa toolbox of measures being used by Minnesota State to measure progress under Equity 2090. These measures wil inform many ofthe measures used for Century College's strategic plan Century College must demonstrate compliance with HLC Criteria for Accreditation including Core Component Se: ‘The institution engages in systemic and integrated planning and improvement. This core component addresses both the need for the College to ensure alignment, measurement, and accountability across all planning efforts as well as clear alignment of resource allocation and budgeting to those efforts as well. © Our alignment of planning efforts brings the College closer to demonstrating to HLC that Century College has increased maturity in our planning and resourcing processes. 2020 — 2026 century. ade aT TNC The following flowchart reflects how we curently operate at Century Collage, as wel as, how we envision plan ligament should operate (identified through italics). EXTERNAL ae Beco ors ri INSTITUTIONAL Goals and Strategies (5 yrs.) i Qe as ‘DEPARTMENTAL Progran/ Depart Seniee eg | Petuaionard Ml oveeme Assessment Work Plans ce Fotessioal I cor Canpetercies, 1 A Development Hon AA 10s, sios) by I 1 " CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 — 2025 ‘CENTURY COLLEGE I STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025 2025 VISION STATEMENT This Vision Statement should be understood as how we at Century College will describe the Coll Our absolute commitment to and focus on the “whole person” exemplifies our lived values. We prioritize wellness inallits dimensions and inthe health and well-being of our community. We have created a positive and supportive “ecology” forall those in the Century community, whichis ‘model for our partners Contury College is safe, inclusive, and welcoming for al We commit resources to support our diverse community in ways thet promote inclusion and equity. Through our demonstrated commitment to diversity, we are able to respond to the changing needs of our students, employees, and community, We area place where everyone is valued and supported 2020 — in 2025 aftor implementing our Stratagic Plan, Collaboration is essential to who we are. Century College is known for creating and sustaining trusted partnerships that deliver on mtually beneficial commitments, erating ‘a more sustainable and evolving institution, able to effectively meet its mission and vision. Century operates at the center of a network of intemal and extemal partners, serving the community and praviding exceptional, holistic, supportive, and innovative experiences forall Century Collage is known for being innovative. The Century ‘community aplies new and better solutions to address al problems and issues facing the college, The college promotes innovation by supperting employees’ and students’ willingness to try new things and to take calculated risks. Failure is viewed as a step toward achieving greater success. Our operational and governance processes are sustainable, ‘rusted, transparent, easy to navigate and responsive to changing needs. Decisions are data-driven, measured, ‘communicated, and well resourced, We are recognized for our dedication and accountability, allowing us to remain ‘ur region’ top provider and the destination of choice for employment and leading-edge educational programs, experiences, and services 2025 STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025 Kk SUSE GOAL UH Create a culture that recognizes and develops TCE ESB Century College community on the concept and importance of the whole perso © Build an infrastructure to identify the needs of both students and employees and provide the Tees WACO Sts ‘CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 - 2025 contury.odu STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2026 Create a culture o Eee CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 — 2026 contury.odu STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025 ae { CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 - 2025 STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2026 Create a culture o On OVA MSN Onion Nun Ce aI RIN! collaborations. CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 - 2025 century.2du STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025 - \ SSuiuct es CHCA UR MUON CUCM as Re LET! CEPR TMS OUT aR HH S © Develop infrastructure to identify, reward and invest necessary resources for a sustainable OER AEC ption, and dissemination of innovative Tee CENTURY COLLEGE 2020 — 2025 century. 2d CENTURY tend os M MINNESOTA STATE 3300 Century Avenue North, White Bear Lake, MN 55110 © cae senna eae ie bleed oe ae hua eee ry pe pen sippy ETT}

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