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Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Attention to Information

Department of Education - MIMAROPA Region

What I Need to Know

Equipped with your knowledge, attitude, skills and values, you are expected to:
 get information that can be used in everyday life from news reports, speeches,
informative talks, panel discussions, and other sources.
 use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel
discussions, and other sources in everyday conversations and exchanges.

What I Know

To start this learning adventure, try to give your best in answering this activity honestly
to find out how much you know about this lesson.
Directions: A. Determine the source of information which is described or being referred to in
the following statements. Write IT for informative talk, PD for panel discussion, S
for Speech and NR for news report.
___1. It refers to information regarding current occurrences. This can be done in a variety of
ways, including word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic
communication, and the testimony of event observers and witnesses.
___2. It can be found in newspapers and their purpose is to inform readers of what is happening
in the world around them.
___3. It is a formal address, delivered to an audience to convince or persuade the listeners, to
inform, to inspire or for any purpose.
___4. It involves a group of people gathering in front of an audience to discuss a topic, most
commonly at scientific, business, or academic conferences, fan conventions, and television
shows. A moderator usually leads the discussion and occasionally asks audience questions,
with the goal of being both informative and entertaining. (Source:
___5. It uses descriptions, demonstrations, vivid detail, and definitions to explain a subject,
person, or place the audience wants to understand. It makes a complex topic easy to understand
or offers a different point of view.
__6. It intends to inform or educate the audience on a particular topic.

Using Information from News Reports, Speeches, Informative Talks,
Panel Discussions, etc. in Everyday Conversations and Exchanges

To live with comfort and happiness, as a student you need to get more useful information
and details which are necessary in what you are facing, thinking, doing or saying every day.
But you need to be careful in getting information from various sources.
At this present time, due to the advent of technology, it is so easy to gather information
about any topic, event or issue that happens locally or globally. Indeed, there are varied sources
of information which are brought to you by the advancing information and communication
Basically, you can get vital information from news reports, speeches, informative talks,
panel discussions and various sources such as social media, books, periodicals, journals and
others. Be aware of fake news, incorrectness of information, live with it or leave it!
In the preceding activities, you will get information that you can use in everyday life.

What’s In

Are you aware of the happenings around you?

Let’s find out if you are updated with different important information about current
issues and events.
Activity 1: Personality Check!
Assess yourself as to how you personally deal with information you encounter. Place a
check (/) in every statement that applies to you.
1. Covid-19
2. Home Quarantine Activities
3. Modes of Learning in New Normal Setting
Answer the following questions:
1. In what topic do you get more and less information? Why?
2. Where do you get the information?
3. How do these bits of information would become useful to you?

Let’s now find out how you will get and use information from news reports, informative talks,
speeches, panel discussions and other sources.

Activity 1: New in News

Read the news report of Keith Anthony Fabro (Published 8:30 a.m, April 03,
2020/Updated 8:30 a.m, April 03, 2020, from
continues-mimaropa-despite-luzon-lockdown) and answer the following questions stated

Illegal logging continues in MIMAROPA despite Luzon lockdown

PALAWAN, Philippines – Illegal logging in

provinces under the Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon,
and Palawan (MIMAROPA) region continue even
amid the enhanced community quarantine in Luzon, as
environment authorities seized over 1,100 board feet of
lumber, mostly from banned tree species, during the
said period.
In the first two weeks of the Luzon lockdown,
which covers MIMAROPA, enforcers seized
abandoned lumber in separate locations in the region.
The lumber was believed to be illegally cut while most people were staying at home, observing
extreme measures to fight COVID-19. No violators, however, were captured.
“We know that illegal loggers would take advantage of the situation, so we strengthened
our monitoring and enforcement teams through the LGUs and communities to prevent them,”
DENR MIMAROPA Regional Executive Director Henry Adornado said in a statement on
Wednesday, April 1.
In Occidental Mindoro, 880.28 board feet of amugis, lauan, and banuyo were
confiscated on March 22 in Sitios Anduyanan and San Pablo in Barangay Alipaoy, Paluan
town. The items are from premium tree species used to build structures and make furniture.
“We have to retrieve the lumber immediately; otherwise, the perpetrators would get
them back, or other people might take them for personal use,” said Ernesto Tañada, provincial
environment chief in Occidental Mindoro.
The apprehended lumber has been documented and put under the custody of the
Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) Sablayan.
Meanwhile in Romblon, on March 23, environment enforcers found 266 board feet of apitong
lumber in Barangay Espana in San Fernando town. The team, backed by the police, also
retrieved 120 board feet of red lauan in Barangay Mabini.

“It is difficult at these times, but we maintain to be on call 24/7 to protect our forests,”
said Romblon environment officer Maximo Landrito.
In Palawan, enforcers recovered 10 sacks of mangrove charcoal in Barangay Aberawan,
El Nido town on March 16. The group also apprehended 10 sacks of forest tree charcoal
abandoned at Sitio Talogon, Barangay Bagong-bayan in Taytay town, March 21.
“Our team likewise responded to a slash-and-burn (kaingin) cultivation in Sitio
Sablayan, Barangay Pancol, also in Taytay on March 23. The incident shall be under further
investigation as we have already identified the owner of the lot, as well as those who initiated
the activity,” Taytay CENR Officer Alan Valle reported.
The regional environment chief thanked the communities for keeping a watchful eye on
the environment despite grappling with the dreaded disease. CENRO Sablayan received a tip
on the abandoned lumber from a concerned citizen. Meanwhile, CENRO Taytay was informed
of the illegal activities through social media. (Keith Anthony Fabro, Published 8:30 AM, April
03, 2020/Updated 8:30 AM, April 03,
___1. What is the news all about?
A. Illegal logging
B. MIMAROPA despite Luzon lockdown
C. How MIMAROPA faces the challenges during Luzon lockdown
D. Illegal logging that continues in MIMAROPA despite Luzon lockdown
___2. “We know that illegal loggers would take advantage of the situation, so we strengthened
our monitoring and enforcement teams through the LGUs and communities to prevent them,”
whose statement is this?
A. DENR MIMAROPA Regional Executive Director Henry Adornado
B. Reporter Keith Anthony Fabro
C. Provincial Environment Chief in Occidental Mindoro Ernesto Tañada,
D. MIMAROPA Environment Authorities
___3. In Occidental Mindoro, how many board feet of amugis, lauan, and banuyo were
confiscated on March 22 in Sitios Anduyanan and San Pablo in Barangay Alipaoy, Paluan
A. 888.28
B. 1,100
C. 880.28
D. 808.28
___4. How did illegal logging continue in MIMAROPA during lockdown?
A. Illegal loggers need money to buy food while staying at home, observing extreme measures
to fight COVID-19.
B. People got bored while staying at home, observing extreme measures to fight COVID-19.
C. People were looking for lumber for their houses repairs.
D. Illegal loggers cut the trees while most people were staying at home, observing extreme
measures to fight COVID-19.
___5. How did Ernesto Tañada, Provincial Environment Chief in Occidental Mindoro, act
regarding the violation.

A. He ordered to retrieve the lumber immediately so that the perpetrators would not get
them back, or other people might not take them for personal use.
B. He ordered to collect the lumber immediately and capture the perpetrators.
C. He ordered to surrender all the lumber.
He waited for the action of DENR MIMAROPA Regional Executive Director Henry

What Is It

Information from news reports, speeches, talks, panel discussions and other sources is
considered vital in daily living. Thus, you need to know something about these sources of
information. For better understanding of this lesson, read and take note of the following terms:
An informative speech/talk intends to educate the audience on a particular topic.
 This type of speech/talk uses descriptions, demonstrations, vivid details, and definitions
to explain a subject, person, or place the audience wants to understand.
 An informative speech/talk makes a complex topic easy to understand or offers a
different point of view.
 Unlike persuasive speeches, an informative speech relies less on pathos and more on
communicating information.
A panel discussion, or simply a panel, involves a group of people gathered to discuss a
topic in front of an audience, typically at scientific, business, or academic conferences, fan
conventions, and on television shows. Panels usually include a moderator who guides the
discussion and sometimes elicits audience questions, with the goal of being informative and
entertaining. The typical format for a discussion panel includes a moderator in front of an
audience (Source:
“Speech is power. Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.” — Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Many events in human history can be traced back to that one well-written, well-
presented speech. Speeches hold the power to move nations or touch hearts as long as they’re
well thought out.
While the core purpose is to deliver a message to an audience, we can still categorize
speeches based on 4 main concepts: entertaining, informing, demonstrating and persuading
News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different
media: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or
through the testimony of observers and witnesses to events. Common topics for news reports
include war, government, politics, education, health, environment, economy, business,
fashion, and entertainment, as well as athletic events, quirky or unusual events. (Source:
News reports are found in newspapers and their purpose is to inform readers of what is
happening in the world around them. News reports have a certain structure that you need to
follow. This structure is sometimes called the Inverted
Whenever you look for news reports to get useful information, beware of fake news that
will make you misinformed and give you more problems.

What’s More

At this juncture, you need to get more information and learn more to master your skills
in getting and using information from various sources.
Activity 2. Info in Infographic
Directions: Read the information in the infographic then express your idea about the
modes of learning.

Source: Department of Education (DepEd)

ACTIVITY:Using any appropriate graphic organizer, sum-up the information from this infographic. Share your ideas
about any of these learning delivery modalities for S.Y. 2020-2021. Use the answer sheet in answering.

What I Have Learned

Have you learned something significant in this module?

Find out if this is what’s in your mind.

Information about something is very beneficial to students at all levels. Every student should
learn how to get and use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel discussions,
and other sources in everyday conversations and exchanges. Your ability to get and use information
from any source is an essential aspect of studying and learning.
There is a phenomenal amount of information available online, via web-pages, blogs, forums,
social media, catalogues and so on. As there is so much information available and because such
information can be published quickly and easily by anybody and at any time, it is important that you
are vigilant in choosing reliable sources.

For many subjects, the internet can be a very important source of information.
In all situations, when you get and use information from news reports, panel discussions,
informative talks, speeches, and other sources that we can find in internet, remember to consider
reliability, accuracy, validity, credibility and authenticity of the information and the sources.
Additionally, don’t forget to acknowledge the source of the information to avoid plagiarism.

Answer Key

What’s What’s More?

Learning Delivery
1. D Modalities
2. A 1. Face-to-
3. C face
2. Blended
4. D Learning
3. Distance
5. A Learning
4. Home

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education, MIMAROPA Region – (CLMD)

Meralco Avenue, corner St. Paul Road,

8 Pasig City
Telephone Nos.: (02) 631-40-70; (02) 637-3093

Email Address:

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