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TRƯỜNG THPT NGÔ SĨ LIÊN Nămhọc 2021 - 2022

MÃ ĐỀ: 806 Thờigianlàmbài: 120 phút


I.  Listening. (15 pts)
Part 1: For questions 1-5, You will hear a radio interview about a mountain-climbing weekend. Listen and mark
the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.
Question 1. How did Douglas feel when booked the weekend?
A. sure that he would enjoy training for it. B. uncertain if it was a good idea for him
C. surprised that such activities were organized D. bored with exercises
Question 2. Douglas expected that the experience would help him to _______.
A. meet people with similar interest B. be more active and creative
C. improve his physical fitness D. discover his psychological limits
Question 3. What did one of his friends say to him?
A. He was making a mistake B. Climbing was fashionable
C. She didn’t want him to continue D. She was envious of him
Question 4. In what way did Douglas change as a result of the trip?
A. He developed more interest in people B. He took part in many social activities
C. He became more ambitious D. He began to notice more things around him
Question 5. Douglas’s boots are still muddy because he wants them to _______.
A. remind him of what he has achieved B. warn him not to do it again
C. show other people what he has done D. motivate him to climb again

Part 2: For question 6-10, You will hear a radio discussion about children who invent imaginary friends. Listen
and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.
Question 6. In the incident that Liz describes, ______
A. her daughter asked her to stop the car. B. she had to interrupt the journey twice.
C. she got angry with her daughter. D. her daughter wanted to get out of the car.
Question 7. What does the presenter say about the latest research into imaginary friends?
A. It contradicts other research on the subject.
B. It shows that the number of children who have them is increasing.
C. It indicates that negative attitudes towards them are wrong.
D. It focuses on the effect they have on parents.
Question 8. How did Liz feel when her daughter had an imaginary friend?
A. always confident that it was only a temporary situation
B. occasionally worried about the friend’s importance to her daughter
C. slightly confused as to how she should respond sometimes
D. highly impressed by her daughter’s inventiveness
Question 9. Karen says that one reason why children have imaginary friends is that______
A. they are having serious problems with their real friends.
B. they can tell imaginary friends what to do.
C. they want something that they cannot be given.
D. they want something that other children haven’t got.
Question 10. Karen says that the teenager who had invented a superhero is an example of______
A. a very untypical teenager. B. a problem that imaginary friends can cause.
C. something she had not expected to discover. D. how children change as they get older.

Part 3: For questions 6 -10, You will hear two psychologists talking about modern childhood. Listen and mark the
letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.
Question 11. What does Daniel imply about past images of childhood?
A. They are entirely fictional. B. They all show the misfortunes of childhood.
C. They are diverse. D. They represent the innocence of childhood.
Question 12. When mentioning the children throwing bags on the bus stop, Louise is _______.
A. critical. B. amused. C. angry D. sarcastic
Question 13. According to Daniel, _______.
A. children are failing to learn adequate social skills. B. children do not eat a balanced diet.
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C. children are becoming involved in political scandals. D. children are far more social than they used to be.
Question 14. What does Louise say about the media?
A. Manipulative actors have a negative effect on children.
B. It encourages celebrities to inspire young children.
C. Adverts are aimed more at young people than adults.
D. It glorifies unrealistic ideals.
Question 15. Daniel implies that _______.
A. children would be happier if their parents taught them at home.
B. machines are more of a menace to children than people are.
C. teachers aren’t helping children to be competitive enough.
D. most teenage problems stem from an unbalanced diet.


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others.
Question 16. A. paths B. months C. mouths D. wreaths
Question 17. A. invitation B. equation C. preparation D. reputation

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of
the main stress.
Question 18. A. imagine B. horizon C. property D. computer
Question 19. A. contemporary B. communicative C. administrative D. intermediate
Question 20. A. documentary B. occupation C. competitive D. individual

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 21. ________, a record it set in November 2020, but it's now the only video on the site to reach 10 billion
A. "Baby Shark" is the most-viewed video on the platform
B. As one of the most-viewed videos on the platform "Baby Shark" is
C. Not only is "Baby Shark" the most-viewed video on the platform
D. On the platform is "Baby Shark" the most-viewed video
Question 22. The scope of the international trading company is naturally much wider than ________.
A. the domestic trading company has. B. the domestic trading company does.
C. that of the domestic trading company. D. that which has the domestic trading company.
Question 23. Descriptive analysis of language merely reflects ________ used without concern for the social prestige
of these structures.
A. it how grammar structures and vocabulary is B. how are grammar structures and vocabulary
C. how grammar structures and vocabulary are D. it is how grammar structures and vocabulary are
Question 24. The mini dress was ________, but now it is making a comeback.
A. a fad once thought to be finished B. once thought a fad to be finishing
C. thought a fad to be finished once D. once thought to be a finishing fad
Question 25. When we got to the box office the question of who should pay _______.
A. came B. appeared C. raised D. arose
Question 26. She was caught cheating in the race. _______, she was disqualified.
A. Explicitly B. Accordingly C. Equally D. Fundamentally
Question 27. It's the ________ of stupidity to go walking in the mountains in this weather.
A. height B. depth C. source D. matter
Question 28. Exercise tends to _______ the effects of old age.
A. waylay B. offset C. run down D. set back
Question 29. His laziness at work made him _______ with his workmate.
A. unpopular B. improper C. disliked D. unappealing
Question 30. Look, will you stop ________ in and let me finish my sentence!
A. moving B. pushing C. butting D. plugging
Question 31. She passed her exam, so all the hard work really ________ after all.
A. paid off B. paid up C. paid in D. paid back
Question 32. Although he’s shy, it certainly hasn’t _______ his career in any way.
A. restricted B. obstructed C. cramped D. impeded

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
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Question 33. Anne and Andy are watching TV at home.
Anne: "Do you want to watch the news or the late night film?''
Andy: " Whatever you like: ________.''
A. You’re welcome B. You can say that again C. I'm easy D. It’s none of your business
Question 34. John is talking to Jane at the café.
John: ________
Jane: “Couldn't be better.”
A. Could I use your phone? B. How are things going? C. How do you do? D. Could you lend me a hand?

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined part in the following sentence.
Question 35. Tom's told amusing stories before, but this one really takes the biscuit.
A. is the most amusing B. sounds ridiculous C. lets people down D. makes people surprised
Question 36. The French class I'm going to is far too difficult for me. I'm completely out of my depth. I think I need
to go down a level.
A. unable to understand B. exhausted C. taken aback D. snowed under

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined part in the following sentence.
Question 37. Cynthia was on edge all day about the important presentation she had to give to the local citizens group.
A. nervous B. doing nothing C. calm D. working hard
Question 38. Harvey's company always makes a profit because he runs a tight ship.
A. owns a luxurious ship B. operates it inefficiently C. sells a ship D. doesn't want to spend money

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 39. It is essential to provide high school students with adequate career orientation, so they can make more
informative decisions about their future major.
A. orientation B. major C. essential D. informative
Question 40. The light produced by lasers is in general far more monochromatic, powerful, and coherent than from
any other light source.
A. any other B. than from C. light produced D. in general
Question 41. The ability of writers to precisely record observations made about others enable them to include in their
work a great deal of material outside their own experience.
A. enable B. made C. to precisely D. a great
Question 42. A children’s librarian often conducts story hours and other activities to help children
enjoy herself while developing an interest in reading and the library’s resources.
A. story hours B. an interest C. enjoy herself D. often conducts
Question 43. Four different types of remembering are ordinarily distinguished by psychologists: recollection,
recall, recognize, and relearning.
A. distinguished by B. types of C. ordinarily D. recognize

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to each of
the following questions.
Question 44. You could not have made a very good impression on them.
A. You seem to have impressed them very unfavourably.
B. It’s impossible that the effect you made on them was particularly positive.
C. Something appears to have made them think you are unsuitable.
D. You should have tried harder to make them think well of you.
Question 45. Much to our astonishment, he soon proved himself to be a very talented organiser.
A. The speed with which he developed his administrative potential didn't surprise us all.
B. The astonishing thing was that such a talented man should take on the organisation.
C. It wasn’t long before his administrative gifts became apparent, which surprised us greatly.
D. His organising abilities were surprisingly enough not recognised until too late.
Question 46. Hardly a day goes without someone coming in to complain about the unreliability of the ferry service
because it runs so erratically.
A. Most of the complaints we hear, day after day, about the ferry service relate to its unreliability.
B. There is always someone here criticising the ferry service because it runs so erratically.
C. Someone comes in just about every day to express their dissatisfaction with the ferry service because it is so
D. The unreliability of the ferry service is one reason why so many people come in every day to complain.

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 47. Greenpeace has realized the seriousness of environmental pollution. It urges the government worldwide
to take action soon.
A. Having realized the seriousness of environmental pollution, Greenpeace urges the government worldwide to take
action soon.
B. Greenpeace has realized the seriousness of environmental pollution so that it urges the government worldwide to
take action soon.
C. Greenpeace has realized the seriousness of environmental pollution whereas it urges the government worldwide to
take action soon.
D. Realized the seriousness of environmental pollution, or else Greenpeace urges the government worldwide to take
action soon.
Question 48. The storm was so great. Many families had to be evacuated to safer parts of the city.
A. Although the storm was not great, many families had to be evacuated to safer parts of the city.
B. So great was the storm that many families had to be evacuated to safer parts of the city.
C. Many families had to be evacuated to safer parts of the city in spite of the great storm.
D. It was so a great storm that many families had to be evacuated to safer parts of the city.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
The birth of an App As language learning (49) ________ the test of time irrespective of the recent wave of language
prejudice that seems to have riddled places, such as Brexit Britain and Trumps US, it seems to be going in a similar
direction to just about every other industry, automated and online. Web developers and business (50) ________ are all
too aware of the amount of time we each spend on our mobile phones and let's (51) ________ it, we all have a
smartphone nowadays. Due to this fact, we are all (52) ________ out for a way of learning a language in an
entertaining way that can make good use of this tool that we carry around in our pockets. For this reason, the App
development industry is (53) ________ and many ambitious young entrepreneurs are doing what they must to not miss
the boat. The only issue seems to be that with massive developments in technology, some developers seem to be (54)
________ the main point of learning a language, being “to communicate with other people”. This is why some Apps
that through they are popular to date, are fatally (55) ________. These Apps can be fantastic for getting to grips with
the basics or even acquiring new vocabulary, but they will not exactly be the golden ticket to holding a fluent
conversation. Having said that, what does the future (56) ________ for language learning Apps? The demand is
forever growing so there must be a niche that can give the learner what they need to be able to master a foreign
language. A clever team of developers and language enthusiasts seem to have hit the nail on the head in what is to be
their latest product which has undergone 3 years of development and reached record levels of investment. Set to be
launched in 2019, Intercambioidiomas has what it feels is the perfect balance between technology and learning
Question 49. A. lasts B. lives C. stands D. passes
Question 50. A. guessers B. optimisers C. predictors D. forecasters
Question 51. A. confront B. face C. challenge D. realise
Question 52. A. ringing B. calling C. carrying D. working
Question 53. A. encouraging B. insisting C. thriving D. striving
Question 54. A. missing B. failing C. losing D. forgiving
Question 55. A. flawed B. limited C. unsound D. distorted
Question 56. A. hold B. contain C. entail D. consist

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Passwords are a foundation of security. Getting a good one is a great basis for keeping your data safe, but a weak
password is like an unlocked door. A good password is between eight to fifteen characters long; the more characters in
the password the harder it is to guess. Using upper and lower case letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols
significantly increases the variation, and thus the strength of your password, although that variation is minimized by
picking common letters like vowels, or lower numbers, and sequences. Therefore, the more randomly distributed the
characters in your password, the better.
Your institution's system should rule-out using proper words and will often mandate password changes every few
months. A password generator site is useful for randomizing characters and offering hints to remember that password,
and if you are unsure about using a computer-generated password, you can always tweak the suggested password by
changing a character or two.
An alternative to passwords are pass phrases. Pass phrases are sequences of words or text and are attractive because
they are easier for the user to remember, and in terms of complexity and variation, produce longer character strings.
However, using an obvious common phrase reduces security. It is better to use a phrase that has private personal
meaning and is not in common usage.
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Whether it is a pass phrase or password, both suffer from the trade-off between ease of recall and security. A simple
password is easy to remember but easier to guess; a harder one is difficult to guess but difficult to remember. It is
sensible to adopt a risk strategy with your passwords. The more valuable the content behind the password, the greater
the security steps to choose and store a password. Writing down passwords is a solution, but taking care of where you
store passwords is a consideration. Possessing a nice, long, normally distributed random password means nothing if
written on a post-it note stuck to your monitor. The easiest way to obtain access is not by "brute force attack" but
obtaining the password itself through carelessness or deceit. For that reason, if you do write down a password keep it
somewhere safe and away from the machine.
Question 57. What is the best tittle of the passage?
A. Passwords and pass phrases B. Creating and remembering passwords
C. Ways of using passwords smartly D. Password generator and uses
Question 58. Which of the following is seen as the strongest password according to the first paragraph?
A. fdW56!oi1995 B. 7@HyPawmWmz?8 C. Pa$0123456789& D. yoKn!13li7p#n0o
Question 59. The word "mandate" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.
A. authorize B. alternate C. require D. synchronize
Question 60. Pass phrase is a good alternative to a password, but we shouldn't use ________.
A. a phrase that has private personal meaning B. a common phrase
C. a phrase that has long character strings D. a phrase that is difficult to guess
Question 61. In case we need to write down the password to remember, what should we do?
A. Keep it away from our computer B. Store it in the computer memory
C. Keep it somewhere close to the monitor D. Stick it on the monitor
Question 62. According to the passage, which of the following is possibly the best use of passwords?
A. We use simple passwords which are easy to guess and remember.
B. We use complex passwords which are difficult to guess and remember.
C. We use harder passwords for high valuable content.
D. We use the same password for all computers, accounts and websites.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
When one hears the expression “role models”, one’s mind naturally jumps to celebrities, especially as far as young
people are concerned. Therefore, it would be more than natural to assume that teenagers, heavily influenced by the
media, are dazzled by well-known Hollywood stars, famous musicians and internationally renowned athletes.
However, nothing could be further from the truth.
In reality, according to a recent survey, over 75% of teens who filled out an online questionnaire claimed that the role
model for whom they had the greatest respect was not a famous personality, but a family member. It seems that the
qualities that make a good role model are more complex than researchers first assumed. For example, Nancy L, a
teenage girl from Wisconsin, described her role model as a woman who had a clear sense of what was important to
her, making the effort to create things that would make a real difference in the world. The woman she was referring to
was her favorite aunt, who was a painter and sculptor.
Role models come into young people’s lives in various ways. They are family members, educators, peers and ordinary
people encountered in their daily lives. Students emphasized that being a role model is not confined to those with
international fame or unbelievable wealth. Instead, they said the greatest attribute of a role model is the ability to
inspire others. Teachers were often mentioned as examples in this case, ones that are dedicated to encouraging
students, helping them push their limits and strengthen their characters.
Another quality high on the list was the ability to overcome obstacles. In addition to parents, peers often made up a
large percentage of such role models. Young people are at a point in their lives when they are developing the skills of
initiative and capability, so it is only natural that they admire people who show them that success in the face of
difficulty is possible.
A final and perhaps unexpected character trait that the youth of today admire is a clear set of values. Children admire
people whose actions are consistent with their beliefs; in other words, who practice what they preach. Role models
help them to understand the significance of honesty, motivation and the desire to do general good. For example, local
politicians who clearly struggle to improve living conditions in their cities are high on their lists of role models.
Perhaps what should be understood from what young people consider important in a role model is that each and every
person around them affects them to a certain extent, perhaps much more than most parents think. This makes it crucial
for adults to be aware of their influence on the young and set the best examples possible.
(Adapted from ‘Reader Digest’)

Question 63. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be assumed as teens’ role model?
A. A handsome actor B. A talented footballer C. A hot popstar D. A brilliant scientist
Question 64. What is surprising about the findings of the survey?
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A. Celebrities are the most common role models to most teens.
B. The role models of the respondents are not quite influential.
C. The qualities that make up teens’ role models are not simple.
D. Most celebrities have their family members as role models.
Question 65. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “confined to”?
A. assisted by B. restricted to C. similar to D. influenced by
Question 66. According to the passage, what quality makes teachers good role models?
A. their ambition to succeed B. their wide knowledge
C. their ability as academic educators D. their positive effect on students
Question 67. The ability to overcome obstacles is important to young people because ______.
A. teens must have it to teach their peers B. it is not something that one can easily find
C. obstacles make life more difficult D. it is relevant to the stage of life they are in
Question 68. According to paragraph 5, children really look up to those who _______.
A. are as active as possible B. do what they say they will do
C. pay attention to the needs of the young D. are religious in their life
Question 69. According to the passage, some politicians are considered admirable ______.
A. because they are familiar to young people B. because of the strong power they have
C. because of their concern for others D. because they believe in themselves
Question 70. The passage suggests that adults should ______.
A. try to avoid imposing their influence on younger people
B. realize that they have a strong effect on young people
C. be careful of the role models their children may have
D. encourage children to reject celebrities as role models

B. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN (30 điểm)

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given. Do NOT
change the word given. (15 points)
1. Sally was all really to leave the office when her boss asked her to type up a report. point
Sally was __. on the point of leaving______ the office when her boss asked her to type up a report.
2. Mark once worked for an international charity organization on a voluntary basic. as
Mark used ___. to work as a volunteer___ with an international charity organization.
3. Mauro says he prefers to do his homework on his own. rather
Mauro says that ___. he would rather not__ do his homework with other people.
4. Clara said that she had not seen the missing letter. having
Clara ___denied having seen___ the missing letter.
5. Paul wasn’t able to leave the house all day because of the terrible weather. impossible
The terrible weather __made it impossible for____ Paul to leave the house all day.
6. Making the scheme actually work will not be as easy as you think. practice
The scheme will be harder __. to put into practice than__ you think.
7. Their decision not to compete in the event shocked everyone. came
Their decision not to compete in the event ___came as a shock / surprise to___ everyone.
8. If only I hadn’t believed his lies! taken
I wish _I hadn't been taken in_ by his lies!
9. Jeremy usually plays tennis on Sundays. habit
Jeremy is _. in the habit of playing__ tennis on Sundays.
10. He makes too many mistakes to be considered for promotion. frequent
His ___. mistakes are too frequent for him to___ be considered for promotion.

II. Write an essay (200 – 250 words) on the following topic: (15 points)
Online education at home is more convenient for students. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

----------- THE END ----------

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