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Compare and Contrast the traditional concept of literacy to the modern view of literacy.

Traditional or Convetional literacy is stems from the word "literate", which first appeared in the 15th century and is in turn
derived from the latin word literatus meaning ( a person ) marked with letters" that is distinguished or identified by letters" —
and it carried with the idea that such a perason was cultured and educated. In Traditional literacy tends to be elist. It tends to
follow set conventions ( even when it sometimes parodies those conventions ), such as the epic or sonnet or letter. Traditional
literature has passed down to generations and the story is relatable to everyone. While in Modern View of Literacy tends to be
a littel more inclusive and more representative of diversity of human experience. Sometimes it mixes up the conventions in very
unexpected ways, striving for not harmony and unity but dissonance and disunity. Modern literature are only made in 19th
century and early 20th century characterized by the very self conscious break with traditional ways of writing in but poetry and
pose fiction.

The comparison between this two is, this to literature is always badly needed. We need to k ow how to read with the helps of
old traditional styles and we need to use modern literacy just to be updated with the generation now. It is very easy way to use
Modern literacy to exploring something.


1. Give the traditional/conventional concept of literacy, how literate you are?

 There are 3 sub categories of conventional literacy. And that 3 sub categories is what I am right now. There are words
that I can read but I really don't understand the meaning, and there are words that if I read it i can understand it
easily also there are words that i can constract it through sentence.

2. How deep is your level of comprehension?

 Well the level of my reading comprehension is not that bad. I can constract or form some sentences and use it to
express thoughts. The level of my comprehension is not typically slow. I can understand little by little or I read it twice
to understand that words. There are some words that i really understand but i find ways to know the meaning by
surfing in internet or dictionaries.
3. As a per-service teacher what kind of written materials should you be able to read and understand? Are you
reading these materials? How will can you understand them?

 For me, to help me to understand or to learn more to read and understand the meaning or a word is reading some
dictionaries. Dictionaries can help me to explore different words. But there are words are not in there in the
dictionaries so I tried to search in the internet. In there, you can easily explore and get some new strategies to
constract and help you to have an idea on how to enhance your reading comprehension.

4. Which of the new literacies are you knowledgeable in? Which of the new literacies do you lack knowledgeable

 The most literature I am knowledgeable with is the Media, Cyber and Digital Literacy because it is my easy way to
connect and to explore something. In this type of literacy we all aware that this is the usable technique as of this
pandemic. The literacy I am lack with is Financial Literacy because I really don't know how to manage financial and but
I'm still learning to it little by little to understand more.

5. Although reading education in the Philippines aims to develop Functional/Practical literacy in learners, what level
of leteracy in being developed when classroom practices focus more on memorization rather that an understanding
and application?

 In this situation because of pandemic, we use online class to continue the learning season. Because of this, students
are hardly understand the lesson and they are trying to memorize it well. The level of literacy developed here I think
is that 3 sub categories. It can either Basic literacy, Comprehension Literacy or Functional/Practical literacy. These 3
sub can will be the results depends on the students.

Erika Joy C. Monzales


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