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Centre: Seaweed Art (Creative/ Aesthetic) Mat Session: Centre: Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment

(Physical – Fine Motor and Language)

Explained: Before commencing the seaweed art Read the text ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ by
activity, show the children the book that they were Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz to the Explained: Place Sea animals in a tuff tray and
reading during their mat session and ask if they children. Discuss the animals in the book cover them with bi-carbonate soda, pour vinegar
and what the sea creatures were doing in
know what the ‘green stuff’ is called on the front into the cups and add food colouring to the vinegar
the book.
of the book and then flip through the pages and and place droppers into the cups.
see if the children can spot any more seaweed in Children can sit around the tuff tray and use the
the book. droppers to add vinegar onto the tuff tray to find the
animals hidden underneath.
Present the seaweed to the children, discuss what
it looks like, feels like and smells like. Where is What you'll need: Bi-carbonate soda, vinegar, sea
seaweed found? Have they found any seaweed at creatures, tuff tray, droppers, food colouring and
the beach before? How long is the seaweed? Help cups.
the children create a picture frame out of sticks
and shells, have the children create a picture with Science Learning: The children will be watching a
the seaweed within the frame. Educator will ask chemical reaction happen right before their eyes,
the children to describe their seaweed art. Conclusion: they will see what happens when the coloured
vinegar and the bi-carbonate soda do when they
What you'll need: Range of seaweed of During the next mat session, the educator mix.
different sizes, shapes and colours, enough sticks will discuss what happened during the
for each child to make a picture frame, paper and baking soda and vinegar experiment – the EYLF Links: 4.1, 4.2, 5.1
shells (frame decoration). fizzing and bubbling.

Science Learning: The children will be

discovering the different types of seaweed that Objective:
the educator brought to them, the texture, size
and smell. Children are to identify what is happening
when the bi-carbonate soda and the
(Little Bins for Little Hands,
EYLF Links: 4.1, 5.1 vinegar mix together.
Centre: A Sailor Went to Sea songs (Personal/ Centre: Sea Animal Dance (Physical: Gross Assessment & Recording: (What are we
Social/ Emotional) Motor) assessing? How are we assessing? How are we
Explained: The children and the educators Explained: The children will find a space in
will sing the song ‘A sailor went to sea’ the room where they are not going to be The children will be assessed during baking
together and then once the song is over, they bumping into one another and are still able to soda and vinegar experiment – can they
can discuss what other animals they believe see the screen so they can follow the dance identify what is happening when the bi-
belong in the ocean and add that to the next actions. After this, the educator and the carbonate soda and the vinegar mix (fizz and
part of the song. children can discuss other sea animals and the make bubbles).
way that they move and then perform the
We will be assessing in two ways:
What you'll need: iPad, laptop, and action of that sea animal.
speaker. Anecdotal notes: Record what the child has
What you'll need: iPad, laptop, and speaker. said and done, their body language, direct quotes, tone of voice and their facial
ePk expressions. Anecdotal records is a useful
method for recording significant events or
Science Learning: The children are learning Science Learning: The children will be actions that’s tells us something about the
what animals live under the sea with the moving their bodies whilst learning how sea child’s development, interests, skills, abilities
singing of the song. creatures move their bodies in a fun and and needs.
interactive way.
EYLF Links: 3.1 Checklist: A tool that states specific criteria
EYLF Links: 3.2 and allow educators to gather information
about what the children know and can do in
relation to the outcomes the educator wants
them to achieve and should have a space for
notes such as “learning can be extended for
this child”.
OUTCOME 1: Children have a strong OUTCOME 2: Children are connected OUTCOME 3: Children have a strong OUTCOME 4: Children are confident and OUTCOME 5: Children are effective
sense of identity with and contribute to their world sense of well being involved learners communicators

Children feel safe, secure, and supported Children develop a sense of belonging to Children become strong in their social Children develop dispositions for learning Children interact verbally and non-
Children develop their emerging groups and communities and an and emotional wellbeing such as curiosity, cooperation, verbally with others for a range of
autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience understanding of the Children take increasing responsibility for confidence, creativity, commitment, purposes
and sense of agency reciprocal rights and responsibilities their own health and physical wellbeing enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and Children engage with a range of texts
necessary for active community reflexivity and gain meaning from these texts
Children develop knowledgeable and
participation Children develop a range of skills and
confident self identities Children express ideas and make meaning
Children respond to diversity with processes such as problem solving, using a range of media
Children learn to interact in relation to
respect enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising,
others with care, empathy and respect Children begin to understand how
Children become aware of fairness researching and investigating
symbols and pattern systems work.
Children become socially responsible and Children transfer and adapt what they
Children use information and
show respect for the environment have learned from one context to
communication technologies to access
information, investigate ideas and
Children resource their own learning represent their thinking
through connecting with people, place,
technologies and natural and processed

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