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Factors Influencing Climate

Weather: the day-to-day conditions in the atmosphere

Climate: the weather conditions of a particular region averaged over a long period of time.

1. List the factors that influence Canada’s climate:

a. e.
b. f.
c. g.

2. a) What is the jet stream? Include its speed and altitude.

b) What are they located between?

c) What can result when different air masses meet along the polar jet stream?

d) What direction does the jet stream flow?

3. Bodies of water have a moderating effect on climate. Explain.

4. What is the difference between a maritime and a continental climate?

5. a) Canada has a Northern latitude. What are the two factors that can create a cold and dry climate?

b) Much of Canada is covered by what 2 climate regions?

6. a) List several common ocean currents along the coast of Canada.

b) How can they affect climate?

7. List the four air masses that influence the climate and weather in Canada. Include where they originate,
their temperature and moisture content.

Air Mass Originates Temperature Moisture





8. a) Describe the skies when an area is experiencing a low pressure system vs. a high pressure system.

b) Canada’s prevailing wind system is known as?

c) What direction does it flow?
9. a) How does elevation affect climate?

b) What is a lapse rate?

10. a) What is relief?

b) Explain the rain shadow effect.

d) What is the difference between relief, frontal and convectional precipitation? Explain each type of
11. Using p.77 in your textbook, label the following diagram.

Global Circulation Patterns and Prevailing Winds

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