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Learn = pick up

Take advantage of = make the most of

I don’t mind = it doesn’t matter to me

Can = be able to

To sixteen minus eight = take eight away from sixteen

Entered = participate in = take part in

Will nish at end of June = will have nished by the beginning of July

No available = run out of

Like = be keen on = be fond of = be interested in

Pasar año = (Years) go by

Needed = could have done with

Tolerate = put up with

I have no intention of + ing

Although = in spite of = despite (at beginning) [despite the rain o despite the fact that I am in deep

Sure = it’s bound to

Could I borrow = could you lend me

Have an argument = have not fallen out

Catch a cold = come down with

Found the exam (noun) di cult (adj)

I’m interested in the book = the book is interesting

It’s ( about / high) time + past simple = had better + INF

Face with a problem = come up against a problem

wish present I wish I were rich


past I wishPablohadcometo my Party



I wish it would stop raining

thingsyouwant would inti

tochangebut you


No connection = have nothing to do with

I can’t wait to INF = I am looking forward to ING

Be much better = pick up

Should = ought to


s Be 3 column

Can you tell me when subject + verb

used usedto inf

Ygbef usetoting

acostumbrarse al

Refuse = you shouldn’t have turned down

Hurt you = do you any harm

Di erence between

advisedme tospend


her verbting

thatshe should verb infinitive

Is not as interesting as the novel was = the novels was much more interesting than

Look care = take care of

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to INF = how about ING

Appears to be ING

To be going home = to be on our way home

Worried about = do not like the look of

Not success = fall through


present past

shesaid Iworkfor a company

shesaidsheworkedfor a company

presentcontinous pastcontinuous

past pastperfect

presentperfect past perfect

perfect Past
past p erfect

must shadto

may might

can could

Tomorrow Thefollowingday

year Theprevious years

night thatnight

where wereyouat10 Myfather asked me

father asked me where I hadbeen at 10


When does the train leave

askedmewhen thetrain left

shutthedoor Myfathertoldme

Myfathertoldme toshutthedoor


toldme not toopenthewindow

You should not think that the accident was your fault = it would be wrong to blame yourself for the

Sure = must

Discourage someone = put someone o

This is the rst time I have driven (present perfect)

Competing = take part in

Hold (event) = take place

Be necessary to send = will have to be sent

wish = if only

Establish = set up

Not necessary = needn’t (present perfect)

Decide = make up (his) mind

Delay = set back

Ever bit of room = room from top to bottom

Is cheaper than -> more expensive than

Made me realize = brought it home to me

Find time to INF = get round to ING

Behave as if you are in your house = to make yourself (yourselves) at home

Connect me to someone’s number = put me through to someone’s number

Whose this umbrella is = who this umbrella belongs to

My idea = I came (come) up with the idea

Began to move out= made their way out

Did not succeed in ING = was not able to INF = did not manage to INF

It’s not my fault = you cannot blame me for ING

Find ING boring = to get fed up with ING

Makes me feel really unhappy = really gets me down

Delay = hold up by

(Urgently) Need = in urgently need of (help)

To (para) = so that = in order (not) to = so as (not) to

Return = take back

Altered (her) decision = has changed (her) mind

Make a decision = make (my) mind up

We are earning less than we are spending = our expenditure is greater than our income

I don’t think…is necessary = I don’t see any necessity in

I don’t earn anything like the amount I did before = I earn nowhere near as much as I did before

The date is (23rd of march) = take place on (23rd of march)

Not very attractive = not much to look at

No one wants to buy = there is no longer any demand for


member seeingthequeenwhen I was 12

action 1staction

rememberto lockthedoor

1 2


forget totakemyumbrella

s a


s e

gr et

• I regret telling you the truth= I feel sorry about the truth I have told you before.

• I regret to do sth = I feel sorry about sth that I'm going to do.

• If you feel regret before you do it, it's regret + in nitive.

• I regret to tell you the truth= I feel sorry about the truth I'm going to tell you .

To be reduced = to cut back on

They were Absolutely certain = there was no doubt in the minds of them

Raise the subject of = bring up the subject

They are moving our oral examination to an earlier date = our oral examination is being moved
forward to an earlier date

‘Do you want to go for a walk?’ Asked Bob = Bob asked me if I felt like going for a walk

First conditional: present simple + will in nitive

Second conditional: past simple + would in nitive

Third conditional: past perfect + would have 3rd column

Mixed conditional: past perfect + would in nitive

Do you happen to know… = I wonder I’d you could tell me…

Are always fascinated by… = always nd … fascinating

Lift = pick up

Has not remember = could have forgotten

Del libro:

Since nding out the truth, Laura has felt really silly. = Laura started feeling silly when found out the

Julio thought people lived in the TV so he regularly talked to them. = Julio would regularly talk to
people on TV because…

Richard hasn’t believed in monsters for years. = It’s been a long time since Richard believed in

On a work in the park = was working through the park

We couldn’t see any whales = we were unable to see any whales

Was unexpected = turn out as we had expected

Went up again a moment ago = has just gone up again.

You must subscribe to use the music site = you have to have a subscription to use the music site.

No longer try to make = have given up trying

People thought the earth was slowly… = the earth was believed to be slowly…

Visited = would visit

No longer tries = stopped trying

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