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MATH 219 2021-1 Fall Semester Online Final Exam

Rules and Information

1. Online Midterm will be held on January 27, 2022, Thursday at 15:00 and will be conducted
through Zoom. Zoom links will be announced on ODTÜClass or via e-mail one day before the Final.
Final exam topics are all the topics, but mainly on the topics that are covered Week 9-
Week 14.
 You should also have filled (if you have not filled before) in KVKK Açık Rıza Formu/Consent Form
For Turkish Personal Data Protection on METUClass UNTIL January 27, 2022, Thursday
otherwise you CANNOT take the online exam.
 Before starting the exam, please make sure that you have your student ID card (or another
picture id in case of a loss), pencils, eraser and blank sheets of paper, and a device (preferably
your phone) to either scan or photograph your papers including your work ready.
 Since all the exam will be proctored with a proctor via webcams and will be recorded, a reliable
internet connection is necessary so that you can see the questions and send your solutions. Two
cameras will be needed, otherwise you cannot take the online exam. You may use one camera
and a mirror behind you.
 You need to attend the Zoom link at least 15 min. before the exam.

3. Your camera and microphone must be working during the exam, and be placed in a way that
you, your computer’s screen and your exam paper are visible at
all times. There should be no other people in the room during the exam and it is strictly
prohibited to communicate with others except the proctor.

4. During the exam, you must write your Name and Student ID on the each exam paper with BALL
PEN and using CAPITAL LETTERS and sign your paper.
Other sources such as the textbook, lecture notes, previously solved problems, a calculator or other
kind of active electronic devices will NOT be allowed during the exam.

4. After the exam, upon the instructions from the proctor, please hold and show your papers
containing your work to the camera. Then you need to either scan or take photographs of all your
papers and send them to your proctor as a single PDF file. You will have 15 minutes to do this. Your
papers will be examined and if it is found that they are NOT yours, then it may be considered as
5. If there is any compelling evidence that the exam rules are not followed by a student, the
instructors reserve the right to cancel the exam or give a failing grade for the course for that student.

6. There will be one make-up exam for the final. In case of a technical failure (such as power outage
or loss of internet connection) please notify , MATH 219 Coordinaiton (ntuğ with
proof as soon as possible.

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