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I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. impact B. animal C. polar D. land
2. A. threat B. increase C. release D. easy
3. A. conserve B. fossil C. discuss D. preserve
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. fertilizer B. ecosystem C. agriculture D. environment
5. A. machinery B. independent C. preservation D. conservation
III.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. The campaign things like water bottles and aluminum cans into new, useful
objects like park benches, bikes, etc.
A. turns B. comes C. becomes D. recycles
7. Fish and poultry have a much lower impact the environment, and other plant
proteins are even less damaging the planet.
A. Ø - for B. on - to C. on - with D. of - to
8. We get the energy we require for our everyday needs from many sources, but not all of them
A. unharmed B. eco-friendly C. ecological D. economic
9. Burning garbage dangerous gases to the environment, and this may lead to global
A. throws B. sends C. emits D. rejects
10. Individually wrapped candy or chocolate causes a lot of trash, fruits and vegetables
are healthier and mean less waste.
A. so B. as C. because D. while
11. Sometimes it’s better not to buy something new, and buy it instead.
A. use B. used C. usable D. useful
12. He asked the children the river.
A. not to pollute B. not polluting C. don’t pollute D. if they don’t pollute
13. They asked me how many students in the school.
A. there are B. are there C. there were D. were there
14. He told me that .
A. he participated in the conservation campaign the previous day
B. he has participated in the conservation campaign the previous day
C. he would participate in the conservation campaign yesterday
D. he had participated in the conservation campaign the previous day
15. He asked, “Why did she write the article on conservation?”
He asked why .
A. she wrote the article on conservation
B. did she write the article on conservation
C. she had written the article on conservation
D. she has written the article on conservation
IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box.

Ha Noi joins hands to protect the environment

sense acts aim opportunity resources training volunteers issues
organizations competitions

“Clean Up the World’s Day” will be held at Unification Park in Ha Noi this year. Unification
Park has been chosen for the event as it is one of Ha Noi’s important ‘green lungs’. After
collecting rubbish, (16) , including students, officials and members of the
local community, will be shown how to use recyclable rubbish and will participate in games to
broaden their knowledge about environmental (17) . Children will
be able to paint their ‘dream green environment’. Participants that win rubbish collection (18)
and games will receive prizes.
Individuals and (19) can show that they are responsible for protecting the
environment by planting trees, collecting, treating and recycling rubbish, organizing community
(20) , competitions, and exhibitions about the environment, and recovering
natural (21) . It’s time for people to be aware that this is “Our Place. Our
Planet. Our Responsibility”.
The “Clean Up the World” campaign is a(n) (22) for young members
of the Green Generation Network to positively contribute to protecting the environment.
Through these events, the (23) of the programme is to further expand
peoples’ spirit and (24) of responsibility in protecting the earth’s green
spaces. Small (25) by individuals will make a big change.

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Attractive landscape sites, such as sandy beaches, lakes, riversides, and mountain tops and
slopes, are often affected by mass tourism. Physical (26) are caused not only by
clearing and construction of tourism-related land, but by continuing tourist activities and (27)
changes in local economies and ecologies.
The development of tourism (28) such as accommodation, water supplies, can (29)
sand mining, beach and sand dune erosion, soil erosion and extensive paving. In
addition, road and airport construction can lead to land degradation and loss of wildlife habitats
and deterioration of scenery.
In Yosemite National Park in the United States, for instance, the number of roads and
facilities (30) to keep pace with the growing visitor numbers and to supply facilities,
infrastructure and parking lots for all these tourists. These actions have caused (31) in the
park and are (32) by various forms of pollution including air pollution from automobile
emissions. The authorities have reported, "Smog was (33) that Yosemite Valley could
not be seen from airplanes". This occasional smog is harmful to all species and vegetation inside
the park.
Construction of ski resort accommodation and facilities frequently (34) clearing
forested land. Coastal wetlands are often drained and filled due to lack of more suitable sites for
construction of tourism facilities and infrastructure. These activities can cause severe disturbance
and erosion of the local (35) , even destruction in the long term.
26. A. actions B. acts C. impacts D. forces
27. A. long-time B. long-term C. long-life D. long-range
28. A. features B. activities C. abilities D. facilities
29. A. experience B. involve C. take part in D. affect
30. A. have increased B. has increased C. increase D. will increase
31. A. soil loss B. ground loss C. habitat loss D. park loss
32. A. happened B. accompanied C. gone D. appeared
33. A. so thick B. too thick C. thick enough D. so much thick
34. A. requests B. asks C. requires D. depends
35. A. ecotype B. ecotourism C. ecoterrorism D. ecosystem
VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
How To Stop Water Pollution
Water pollution is one of the biggest threats to the environment today. There are several
sources of water pollution ranging from sewage and fertilizers to soil erosion. The impact of
water pollution on wildlife and their natural habitat can be immense. There are also a number of
things that the average person can do to help stop water pollution.
We should conserve the soil because soil conservation influences water pollution through
erosion. As soil is eroded by water, it transfers sediment from the land to the body of water,
which is polluted by the chemicals in the sediment. Phosphorus and industrial chemicals can be
pulled into water through soil erosion. When phosphorus levels in water become too high, they
can lead to algae blooms that can cause massive fish deaths and make water unsafe for human
use. The best way to prevent soil erosion is to keep the banks of rivers well-covered with plants
or trees. Planting trees can have a significantly positive impact on the reduction in soil erosion.
The oil used to lubricate engines in all types of machines needs to be changed regularly.
When the oil is changed, it presents a number of environmental hazards if not disposed of
properly. When a leaky engine releases this oil into the street, it runs to the sewer and makes its
way into waterways.
Wherever you see a lot of human recreation, you will almost always see lots of evidence of
human use. Wrappers, bottles and other trash are unfortunately a common site at many well-used
beaches and rivers around the world. It should be fairly obvious that the trash from these places
often ends up in waterways and can cause pollution. Plastics are an especially big issue when it
comes to water contamination at beaches and waterways. Picking up litter wherever you find it is
honestly the best, fastest way to do your part to stop this type of water pollution.
Organize cleaning parties with local people to make the reach larger. Gel businesses involved
as sponsors who will donate prizes to the person who collects the most trash if you're having a
hard time finding people to sign up to help.
It is estimated that the consumption of plastic by humans is between 250 and 300 million
tons a year. About 80% of the plastic in the oceans came from the land. Using alternatives to
plastics or using "less disposable" plastics whenever possible can have a surprising impact on
ocean pollution. The fact that plastic is cheap and useful for different purposes makes it obvious
choices for many people.
36. Soil erosion can lead to water pollution because .
A. soil can be eroded by rain water
B. soil erosion can occur naturally everywhere
C. chemicals in the sediment from the soil erosion will pollute water
D. massive fish deaths will make the rivers unsafe for human use
37. The following are the effects of water pollution EXCEPT that .
A. it may cause massive fish deaths due to algae blooms
B. it may keep the banks of rivers well-covered with trees
C. it may make water unsafe for human use
D. it may spoil the beauty of beaches or waterways
38. Lubricants can cause environmental hazards when .
A. they are not disposed properly B. they are changed regularly
C. they may be found in the streets D. the engines work perfectly
39. In order to make beaches clean and green, we should .
A. organize campaigns in which prizes will be given to the business who collects the most
B. find places with a lot of human recreation and of evidence of human use
C. follow the trash from these places which often ends up in waterways
D. ask local people to take part in cleaning up the beaches, maybe with the sponsor
from businesses
40. We can infer from the passage that .
A. alternatives to plastics or “less disposable” plastics can make the situation worse
B. using too much plastic can cause bad effects on ocean pollution
C. using plastics only causes ocean pollution
D. we don’t know how to stop water pollution


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. damage B. area C. contaminate D. natural
2. A. contaminate B. pollute C. protect D. deforest
3. A. impact B. focus C. pesticide D. practical
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. global B. greenhouse C. fuel D. effect
5. A. diversity B. biology C. degradation D. activity
III.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. Fossil fuels which are non-renewable pollute the air and cause air .
A. contaminate B. consumption C. pollution D. solution
7. Recycling provides a method of reducing the amount of waste materials that gets to the
landfills - thus it less probable for environmental pollution to take place.
A. doing B. trying C. causing D. making
8. If wastes are thrown , they can cause pollution in water, land and air.
A. eco-friendly B. inappropriately C. disappointingly D. favourably
9. Trees not only bring nature to urban areas, but they also help clean the air by absorbing
pollutants, oxygen, water, and grow food.
A. providing - savingB. provide - save C. to provide - to saveD. to provide - save
10. Air pollution is such a serious that it has been a direct factor in the of millions of
people each year.
A. threaten - death B. threaten - deaths C. threat - death D. threat - deaths
11. You should use electric fans instead of air conditioners they don’t emit dangerous
A. because B. although C. so D. but
12. Kevin told Phong for many years.
A. plastic has been popular material for containers
B. plastic was popular material for containers
C. plastic had been popular material for containers
D. plastic would be popular material for containers
13. Kevin told Phong to our environment in several ways.
A. plastic is too harmful B. plastic was very harmful
C. plastic may be very harmful D. plastic had been very harmful
14. He we could buy or make reusable bags and leave some bags in our bike for
A. told us B. told to us C. said us D. says to us
15. My mother encouraged me for recycling.
A. collect B. to collect C. collecting D. should collect
III. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box.
Go Green Programme
create sponsored promote learned expand
cooperated link join grown contributing

In 2008, Go Green Club (GGC) was established in Ha Noi to (16) a playground

and (17) the volunteers with the young and eager people nationwide to help them
enhance the awareness of environmental protection and hands for a greener Viet Nam and a
greener environment through two main operational forms including online promotions and
offline practical activities. With its significance, GGC has been (19) to
expand the range of their activities in Ho Chi Minh City in September 2009 and in Da Nang in
September 2010.
After 3 years, GGC has (20) stronger with over 3,000 voluntary members
nationwide. All members of GGC have truly become a nuclear force to (21) the
activities of environmental protection, (22) to turn the awareness to specific
actions in the community’s everyday life.
Since its first establishment, the young people of universities or colleges nationwide have
(23) about GGC through its promotional activities to (24) the network
called “Hi! My name is Go Green”. It was followed by a series of environmental protection
activities such as EcoBag Campaign, Green Street Campaign, Green Living Day, Walking for
the Environment Day. Besides, the Go Green Club has also (25) and joined
with other environmental volunteer clubs in more effective large-scale activities such as: the
Tree Planting Day, the No Vehicle Smoke Day, and “The Youth and Environmental Issues -
from Awareness to Responsibility” Forum on VTV6 with the participation of many volunteer
clubs in Ha Noi.

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Stop Pollution Now!
Pollution is a really big problem on our planet and it must be stopped immediately. It must be
stopped before our planet goes (26) . There are three main reasons, in my opinion, why
pollution should be stopped.
The first reason why we should stop pollution is that pollution is destroying the environment
we live in. Carbon dioxide is a big contribution (27) pollution. Carbon dioxide (28)
our climate in many different ways. The way it works is that certain ‘greenhouse gases’
can't escape from our atmosphere (29) they get trapped.
The second reason why we should stop pollution is that it also has an influence (30)
us - humans. Pollution also influences human life and that is a big problem. According to the
World Health Organization, indoor air pollution from the burning of coal or biomass fuels like
wood risks lives of millions of people. Air pollution causes two million deaths per year, (31)
from heart disease and respiratory disorders like infections and lung cancer.
The third reason why we should stop pollution is that if we do, we can live longer on this
planet. If we don’t stop pollution and global warming, something really bad will happen to us.
Humans have destroyed the planet so quickly. We can live longer and (32) our existence
on this planet (33) our children’s children can live in a planet without worries.
(34) , pollution must be stopped immediately. The earth is our only (35) and
we must protect it and take care of it as much as we can. Pollution must be stopped before we
ruin our planet.
26. A. extinct B. extinction C. disappeared D. disappearing
27. A. in B. at C. to D. with
28. A. affects B. effects C. causes D. attacks
29. A. so B. but C. although D. because
30. A. at B. to C. on D. Ø
31. A. most B. mostly C. almost D. nearly
32. A. last B. extend C. better D. stretch
33. A. because B. that C. so that D. but
34. A. In short B. Shortly C. Conclusion D. Briefly
35. A. house B. home C. place D. accommodation
VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
There are many ways that recycling helps the environment, and even the smallest step can
have significant results.
The environmental problem of landfills is a difficult issue to fix. As more waste is put into
landfills, the bigger the problem gets. Wastes that are not biodegradable or are slow to
decompose can remain in landfill sites for centuries, often emitting gases that could be harmful
to the environment. Keeping paper out of landfills is just one way that recycling helps the
Recycling items often uses less energy than manufacturing products from natural sources.
Making paper that is using recycled pulp, for instance, is much less energy intensive than using
new wood. While there are benefits to growing trees because of the carbon dioxide that they
consume, it will be the damage that is done to the environment by putting paper in landfills and
using energy to produce new items.
Waste in landfills emit gases as it rots. This can pollute the environment. Anyone who has
passed a landfill site during hot weather will be familiar with the unpleasant smell and flies that
can be found near a landfill site. Reducing the items in landfills will help to reduce the pollution
that it causes. Recycling wastes also typically emits less carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide,
thus reducing the carbon footprint of a product.
Another benefit of recycling is that there is often a significant cost saving to be made when
using recycle goods. Recycling leaves and grass, for instance, is a great way to make compost.
Using homemade compost is obviously a lot cheaper than buying compost and this is a useful
way to save money. Saving money through recycling ultimately helps the environment.
Recycling is just one of many ways that we can help the environment. Every step that we
take, however small, is one more towards helping and supporting the environment in which we
live. Getting everyone involved, from children to adults, can help produce a better environment
for many generations to come.
36. The environmental problem of landfills is a difficult issue to fix because .
A. wastes can make the soil biodegradable or slow to decompose
B. we have difficulty keeping paper out of landfills for recycling
C. the problem gets bigger and more waste is put into landfills
D. wastes can remain in landfill sites for centuries, often emitting harmful gases
37. The following statements are the benefits of recycling paper EXCEPT that .
A. recycling uses less energy than manufacturing new products
B. recycling helps use more energy to produce new items
C. recycling helps protect trees that can consume carbon dioxide
D. recycling helps reduce wastes at landfill sites
38. Recycling can help to solve the problem of pollution because .
A. it reduces the carbon footprint of products
B. it helps people stay far away from landfill sites
C. it helps people forget the unpleasant smell and flies
D. it reduces biodegradable wastes at households
39. Using homemade compost is cost-effective as .
A. it is a good way to make compost at home
B. we can recycle leaves and grass
C. it is both economical and good for environment
D. it can prevent unpleasant smell or flies
40. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that .
A. recycling wastes also helps us to limit harmful gases
B. there are many ways that we can do to help the environment
C. even the smallest thing we do might have significant results in protecting the environment
D. getting adults involved in recycling can help to have a better environment

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