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ANNUAL EXAM (2021-2022)


Time: 2 hrs. Max.Marks:35General


1. There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
2. Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted each question
carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
3. Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted each question
carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
4. Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted each question
carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Q. 1. What do you mean by Meditation and which Asanas are called as Meditative asanas? (1+1)
Q. 2. Enlist two qualities of a good leader. (1+1)
Q. 3. Name two organisations that are promoting Adaptive sports. (1+1)
Q. 4. What do you mean by training and sports training? (1+1)
Q. 5. Define Adolescence and Adolescence period? (1+1)
Q. 6. Who are born leaders and made leaders? (1+1)
Q. 7. Write any two aims and objectives of Deaflympics. (1+1)
Q. 8. Define doping and Blood doping. (1+1)
Q .9. Write two precautions of Padmasana. (1+1)

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