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get int debt

cram for an exam

take out a loan

resit an exam

be burdened with debt

2.I took out a loan to help

pay for my tuition.
3.He got into debt before but we got through it.


corporal punishment

played truant
continuous assessment
vocational course
A solution is for the government to...
To tackle this problem, people should...
The way forward might be to...
This problem could be addressed by...
Dealing with this issue involves...

This problem could be addressed by banning junk-food advertising on TV.

To tackle this problem, people should teach kids about healthy eating at school.


2.A solution is for the government to allocate more money to primary

3.This problem could be addressed by the government making companies
give longer-term contracts to all their employees.

1.A solution is for the

government to ring in a law to
limit the number of hours a
person can work in one day.

2.This problem could be

addressed by the government
making companies give
longer-term contracts to all their
present simple

present perfect

present continuous

say eat
are rising
has rise
has become

have excercise

Nowadays, obesity has become a

really serious problem, that could
lead to a huge amount of work
that many people currently have
and therefore, a lack of free time.
In this essay, I will further discuss
the reasons that obesity is
bringing and also how we could
tackle this awful problem.
To sum up; All in all
in my view; As I see it
take steps to deal with the problem
There is no doubt that
an increasingly worrying issue
all have a role to play in tackling
the problem
Action must be taken urgently

spend money on improving public transport in big cities, traffic

congestion will only get worse and worse.

We must recycle more, otherwise the amount of rubbish we throw

away will get out of control.

Unless something is done to crack down on people who drop litter in the streets, our
urban environment will continue to be dirty and full of rubbish.
will not


raise teacher's pay, fewer and fewer people will choose to become teachers.
raise teacher's pay, otherwise fewer and fewer people will choose to
become teachers.


for the government to spend

more money on sports facilities such as gyms, in order to make sport affordable for everyone,
This would encourage people to do more exercise.

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