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Bhavi Dave
BE – B1
AIM: To Understand and install Bare Metal hypervisors such as VMware ESXI

Virtualization is the "creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a server, a desktop,
a storage device, an operating system or network resources". With the help of Virtualization multiple operating
systems and applications can run on the same Machine at the same time increasing the utilization and flexibility
of hardware
A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor, is a process that creates and runs virtual machines
(VMs). It is a small software layer that enables multiple operating systems to run alongside each other, sharing
the same physical computing resources. The hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM),
manages these VMs as they run alongside each other.
There are two main types of hypervisors :
1. Type 1 or Bare metal Hypervisors, which run directory on the hardware without needing an underlying OS.
2. Type 2 or Hosted Hypervisors, which run on top of an existing OS.
Examples of Type 1 hypervisors are Xen project or Vmware ESXi. In this project we will install and setup
Vmware ESXI in a VM and install an OS using ESXi


1) Download VMWare ESXi file, setup a type-2 hypervisor such as VMWare or KVM to run the type1
hypervisor inside of.
2) Create a new VM using Type-2 hypervisor, here we are using KVM. In the installation media, give the
VMWare ESXI as the ISO file.
3) After boot, select the installation option.
4) After the installation is complete, it will show an IP address on which we can access ESXi interface to
create new VM.

5) Go to that IP address and enter username as root, and password as entered during the time of
6) Here you can see the system details including available storage, available memory etc.

7) Select create new machine, and go through its steps

8) Give appropriate name , select appropriate OS type and version
9) Upload the OS ISO, and select it as the installation media

10) Allocate appropriate amount of resources to the machine

11) This will create a new VM, where you can install the OS

CONCLUSION: Hence we installed the type-1 hypervisor on a system, accessed it using the network interface,
and using it, created a new VM and installed an OS inside it.
1)Differentiate between hosted and bare metal hypervisor.

The bare metal hypervisor is the most commonly deployed type of hypervisor. This is where the virtualization
software is installed directly on the hardware, where the operating system is normally installed. Bare metal
hypervisors are extremely secure since they are isolated from the attack-prone operating system. They perform
better and more efficiently than hosted hypervisors, and most companies choose bare metal hypervisors for
enterprise and data center computing needs.
There is another type of hypervisor, known as a client or hosted hypervisor. While bare metal hypervisors run
directly on the computing hardware, hosted hypervisors run within the operating system of the host machine.
Although hosted hypervisors run within the OS, additional operating systems can be installed on top of it.
Hosted hypervisors have higher latency than bare metal hypervisors because requests between the hardware and
the hypervisor must pass through the extra layer of the OS. Hosted hypervisors are also known as client
hypervisors because they are most often used with end users and software testing, where the higher latency
is not as much of a concern.

2)Give some examples of both hosted and bare metal hypervisors.

Bare metal hypervisors:
1. Citrix XenServer
2. Linux KVM
3. Microsoft Hyper-V
Hosted Hypervisors:
1. Oracle VM VirtualBox
2. Vmware Server
3. Microsoft Virtual PC

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