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Internship Contract and Evaluation Purpose

Rationale: Internship experiences should enhance the student’s learning as a scholar-practitioner.

Internship experiences also should meet the needs of your practicum site. These two interests should
align into a mutually beneficial experience. Students should not subsume the needs of the work site for
their own needs, but neither should the needs of the practicum-site come at the expense of the student’s
own learning.

How to use the contract: The contract details what you want to learn from the internship (learning goals)
and your agreed upon tasks and responsibilities. Learning goals will look different for every individual
and should genuinely reflect what you hope to learn. Students determine learning goals but need to share
these with supervisors as you determine tasks and responsibilities. Ideally, tasks and responsibilities
align with both the student’s learning goals and the needs of the practicum site. Tasks and responsibilities
should be clear and specific.
Internship Contract

Student Name: Nathan Flyzik

Supervisor Name: Kara Strass, Director, Miami Tribe Relations

Section I: Brief Overview of your Internship Position

The Center, a Miami Tribe of Oklahoma initiative located within an academic setting,
serves the needs of the Myaamia people, Miami University, and partner communities
through research, education, and outreach that promote Myaamia language, culture,
knowledge, and values.

The Myaamia Center has two main purposes:

1. To conduct in-depth research to assist tribal educational initiatives aimed at the

preservation of language and culture. This research is used to create a wide range
of educational models and materials for community language and cultural
2. To expose undergraduate and graduate students at Miami University to tribal
efforts in language and cultural revitalization. Student experiences are gained
through a wide range of activities, including visits to Oklahoma, direct involvement
in research initiatives, class visitations by Center staff, and access to Miami Tribe
language and cultural resources.

As a practicum student in the Myaamia center, my role will mainly be to observe and learn
about the history of the tribe and their relationship with Miami University. I will partake in
some office support or day to day operations, however, this experience is mainly focused
on growing my perspective and observing the unique relationship the Myaamia Center

Section II: Learning Goals

Write 3-4 learning outcomes you hope to make progress toward throughout your internship.
Consider how they fit into your overall learning goals for the program. Make sure you can
accomplish these within the span of the internship. You must also include how you will evaluate
success in progressing toward / achieving the learning goal.

As a result of this practicum experience, I will…

1. Build relationships with Myaamia students, staff members, and the community at
a. I will attend the Heritage class and ask questions to both staff and students
to facilitate connection.
b. Attend other Myaamia events that engage with the student body such as the
Removal Commemoration.
2. Develop a foundational understanding of Myaamia history, perspectives, and

a. I will review the Center website, Aacimotaatiiyankwi blog, and other

materials such as books or articles.
b. Connect with Tribe officials or visiting representatives.
3. Expand knowledge of indigenous student perspectives regarding community,
persistence, and university partnership.
a. Read publications from the Center to understand Myaamia tribe practices
and views.
b. Engage with Heritage course content and perspectives presented in class
4. Serve as a partner to Myaamia initiatives, institutional goals, and exposure.
a. Incorporate Land Acknowledgement into University presentations and
5. Learn about Myaamia Assessment and Evaluation practices for programming
a. Meet with Haley who conducts assessment on Myaamia programs. Hear
about the process and strategies for assessment work.
6. Attend Winter Gathering in Miami, Oklahoma in January 2022.

Section III: Tasks and Responsibilities

This section details the tasks and responsibilities you and your site supervisor mutually agree
upon. These tasks should help move you forward on your learning goals and meet the needs of
the internship site.

● Participate in weekly EDL 216: Myaamia Ecological Perspectives and History class
● Observe day to day office operations, specifically how the tribe maintains their
relationship to the university.
● Connect weekly with supervisor to check progress on projects and plan future
● Assist in center projects and initiatives when appropriate, offering perspective and
connection points from previous Student Affairs experiences.
(To be completed at end of practicum experience)

Internship Evaluation

Please write a paragraph in response to each of the following prompts. Please be sure to discuss
these prompts with your supervisor for increased learning.

Supervisor: Appraisal from supervisor on how well student met learning goals and accomplished
internship responsibilities:

Student: Appraisal from student on how well you met learning goals and accomplished
internship responsibilities:

Grade recommendation from supervisor:

I recognize that this practicum experience is very different from the typical experience that
students have in Student Affairs offices. Instead of jumping in and immediately doing things, we
ask our practicum students to stay back, observe, and learn from the work of the Myaamia
Center. Speaking from experience, I know that this can be difficult. Although I know that this
was a very new experience for him, Nate has done a great job in this practicum this semester. He
has attended class and engaged with our students and faculty in a way that does not take away
from our work but that allows him to learn more deeply. I suggest that Nate receive an A for his
practicum grade this semester.

Grade recommendation from student:

Overall, I feel that I have met the expectations and responsibilities I set out in my original
contract. I have even added a few expectations to the experience such as attending Winter
Gathering in January. I enjoyed listening, observing, and connecting with Myaamia Center staff
and students. I feel that I have a better understanding of Myaamia culture, and also the Myaamia
Tribe and its people. While I may not have lead projects, this experience was still foundational to
me as a professional as I learned to slow down and learn about an office, culture, and people. I
feel I deserve an A for my practicum work at the Myaamia Center this semester.

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