Perkembangan AI Di India

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What that should be saying is why 21st century india cannot do without artificial intelligent, thats

what im here to talk to you guys about.

Back in 2007 research hypothesized that one of the first signs of the gap closing between human
intelligent and artificial intelligent would be the day when machines finally beat human i’d go the
ancient strategy game from china thats more than 2500 years old to understand why beating human
beings at strategy game is so difficult for computers on the draw attention to the 1996 1997 match
between Kasparov and the deep blue by IBM. Deep blue beat garry kasparov using brute-force
approach to explore the set of candidate moves, this is really impressive the total set of positions that
are possible in chess is 10^123 the total atoms in the entire universe is just 10^80 to put that into
context that diffrence is larger than the entire age of the universe in nanoseconds. Go on the other
hands has a positional complexity of 10 to the power of 360. Computer scan even begin to explore
the space necessary to bruce-force it computers have to mimic ingenuity, creativity and intelligence to
come up with the moves that would work they need to be able to feel and see patterns just two way
humans see them. In 2016 alhpago built some of the really smart people at google beat one of the best
mankind had to offer. I’d go what surprised people though was the fact that it was’nt even close
alphago came up with move that people who had played the game for decades had never even seen
before in just of couple of years alphago had beat someone had spent their entire life perfect in this
game this dominance isn’t just limited to games though. today AI follows us everywhere when you’r
stalking your girlfriends on facebook it’s, AI that powers the ads that you see, AI shows you which
movies you’re likely to want to watch and knows what songs you prefer even before you know it
yourself, It drives cars better than you do, it can read CT scans better than humans have ever been
able to do it and today it even directs out traffic.

The rate at which investmen in artificial intelligent are increasing it’s almost certain that almost every
job and task that involves simple logic or involves basic hand-eye coordination is likely to be
automated away . now when i tell the story or talk about thesnge this to most people in india the
people don’t believe me usually come from two camps the first line of thinking goes something like
‘yeah it’s coming but its still pretty far away it’s goin to take a longtime’ to get here the though
process here assumes that until we actually see it around us it’s actually not happening. the second
line of thingking which is more common is by expert people who’ve been in industry for a longtime
and they tell me that you know ‘yeah i understand that is coming but it’s not coming to my industry
anytime soon’ the argument here is that in india labor competitiveness will stay for alongtime and
artificial intelligent is not likely to be competitive anytime soon alternatively the quality that i will
offer will never even be close what humans can do today. This line of thingking is actually not new at
all. Back in the earlly 1900s a very famous banker once believed that automobiles were just a fad and
actually horse-drawn carriages would dominate at the entire world for a really long time. Just a few
years later the sale of cars had almost increased 20x moore’s law which law you’ve probably heard
about has made such predictions go in huge numbers. For example in 1997 someone predicted that
personal computers were never really going to become a thing at all just four years, later IBM had
already sold 100.000 personal computers and my favorite one is by thomas watson himself and this
one needs no explanation at all the world market is much much larger as we all know than just five
computers .

When we think about the impact that AI is had having in the world. Today his is not to suggest that
these expert or these industry leaders were naive or ignorant. It’s just that all of myself included are
really bad understanding the effect of an exponential function untill we really forced ourselves to do.
So the rate at which investments and artificial intelligence are growing are indeed exponential just
like moore’s law was if we in 1997 couldn’t conceive of a world in which every indian had a
cellphone with internet one day we cannot even begin to understand what AI will make our world
look like 20 years from now. The world that AI is gold most growing effect in india isactually not
presented in this room today, india or india 3 as this is sometimes known as our people who live in
villages or have families that still live in villages these are people who’ve not had the same
educational opportunities that a lot of us have had these, are people who still work largely in the
informal sector and are still comfortable in their local or regional languages. I recently met friends of
mine who works with some of the largest tea gardens in india and i asked him is technology being
used in any of your processes and he told me that arpan until very recently we struggled with the
problem where our tea pickers would go and pick tea leaves and they would be mixed with really ripe
leaves which would be yellow and less ripe leaves it should be green and this mixture actually
reduced the price or the tea because the quality wasn’t as pure anymore. And we had to hand separate
this out he told me that tehy’d recently purcahsed a machine that used simple computers vision to
actually separate out these leaves for them and these machines were doing it better and faster than any
human had ever done. This change isn’t just happening to tea in agriculture alone which employs
almost 50 percent of the indian population already you have autonomous tractors you have drones that
can spread pesticidies and you have crop harvesting autonomous robots that are already available in
the maekets today. There’s not just imited to agriculture of course in manufacturing as we try to stay
more competitive with our conterparts in china which are heavily investing in autonomous
technologies and AI the forcing function forces manufactures to adopt more and more automated
processes in the service sector call centers which employ hundreds of thousands of indians every
single years seeing growth stagnate chabots which you must have all heard about are no longer just
mimicking the way we talk, they’re doing it better than us. The cart can draw up on a much wider set
of facts and are to be able to be a lot more persistent and patient with angry customers than we could
ever be. All of this become very very relevant when we think about the statistics of what the
workforce of india looks like today and numbers are chilling almost 92 percen on indias workforces
in the informal sector with 30 percent of these people being daily wage laborers, only 2 percent of
india’s workforce is said to be skilled and only 30 percent of us are actually graduates if artificial
intelligent completely destroyed some of the best minds that we have at purely intellectual task you
can imagine what it’s going to do to entire industries that are largely manually focused. Now as you
can imagine the cahllenge that we with face it upcoming AI wave are pretty serious and unfortunately
india is not ready for the from a policy perspective we’re investing heavily into increasing our
manufacturing with scemes like making india, but what is absent from the debate completely is the
role that auotonomous vehicles may AI or synthetic intelligent are likely to pay play. The more we
automate which is going to become the requirement to remain competitive in a global economy the
lesser and lesser will require people to actyually do these tasks while we will increase a lot of value
and generate it is unlikely that it will actually solve the employment problems that india is likely to
see in the future usually in alot of other economies, the private sector steps in here and actually
provides and may create their job and the roles that actually are created in the new economic structure
that emerges in other countries like the US and China. You have companies such as google, amazon,
netflix, that are investing heavily into AI they invest billion of dollars literally billions of dollars into
the hardware human capital and software to enable such product and technologies to actually take
place in india we are very very far behind the biggest companies in india very often are not even
looking at this sector and the starups are not globally competitive at all. Whwn we look at the funding
that countries receive, india is nowhere in the list similiarly the patterns that are generated globally in
the field of AI. Again india is nowhere on this list at all

Just this years alone three billion dollars of money is going to be invested into just in the startups that
are based on AI. Almost zero of these dollars will actually reach india. I want to focus a little bit more
on the fact that a large pecentage of what enables countries and enables economies to actually do a lot
of AI. Work is the reserach facilities and even here our research institutes are largely falling behind
their global competitors, now i can see all the really sad faces in this room and i don’t want to depres
you guys any further and i want to be very clear. Im actually very2 optimistic for AI will mean for
india, just like the previous wealth generating periods that have existed in mankind, but there was the
industrial revolution or the age of computers and the internet. Even though india did not lead the
development of these revolutions we benefitedfrom them greatly and the and the same will be true of
the AI. Revolution a great example that i like to always talk about is how since 1960’s farms in india
have become increasingly mechanized use as tractors has drawn almost 60 fold and the labor
participation has fallen drastically over the same period in the same time though, india have actually
their food output and we are better fad than we ever were before. We must look at AI in the same way
the debate is much more nuanced as Ola and Uber continue to bring autonomous vehicle, the costs of
transportation will fall drastically as foxcoon replaces their workers with robots, or smartphone will
become cheaper and cheaper.

Today indians can afford more things than indian ever did in history and a large part ot this is because
of the automate autonomous processes that has driven costs down exponentially. This benefit will
extends and overtimein the future as well. The other thing i want to focus on is the fact that in terms
of where we are we’re in the equivalent of the 1950’s of the computers revolution. Most companies
do not dominate the entire space of AI, they do what we call a narrow AI or weak, AI which very
specialized and focused AI developments and very sport forecast fields . google is great at presenting
you ads and its great at autonomous vehicle, amazon is great a giving recommendations they dont do
everything really well this leaves tremendous room for companies to come in and add a lot of value in
a very short amount of ime, my favouriteexample here is baidu the chines search giant until 5 years
ago was not known at all for their work in AI . at that point in time they created by do research and
hired one of the top minds in AI in the entire. Just in the last five years alone they have broken
numerous worldrecords in machine translation and speech to text technologies. Today they have their
on self driving car project as well all of this was achieved in just five years that’s how quickly this
field is moving that’s how much scope there is today. Finally i think we’re really fortunate to be in
india amongst a group of people who really forward looking optimistic and student are really vibrent
and thinking about learning very actively, the interest that indian student have deeply displayed is
almost one of the largest in the entire world. If you look at the course that are taken on global
platforms in this extremely flat economi that we have today. Indian are one of the largest consumer of
courses on coursera and machine learning is one of the top most courses they’re increasingly doing
machine learning research with technologies that have released such as tensorflow and using the
amazon cloud service or other cloud services enables almost any one of us should start contributing to
this field and brings me to why i’m most excited to be speaking with you today. AI not just about
technology and the algorithms it’s just as much about the data, kata seorang pakar tekenal “we don’t
have better algorithm we just have much more data. When we look at india and india3 no one has this
data today the products that were designed by people thousands of miles away for indians were
designed for people like us in this room today, tehy don’t have to think about how we use the products
because we were just like them when it comes to the next 700 million indians who are going to come
online things are going to be very different the products are very different and the use cases are going
to be very different, this is a remarkable opportunity for indian companies people like you and i to
step in understand what whould provide value and generate a new wave of development in this
economy. Just over the next three four to four years until 2020 AI is expected to add 1.2 trillion
dollars in global GDP some companies fortunately in india are already realizing this reliance Geo is a
fantastic example of a long term data play by creating a subscriber base on 100 million users in very
quick time it doesn’t just control the gateway to the internet for these people it has front-row seat into
which apps these people are using and how they’re using their data. India missed out on the boat an
did not get a chance to lead the industrial revolution and it did not get the chance to lead the internet
revolution we must not miss th chance to lead the AI revolution.

Based on ytb TEDx Talks

Dari ytb lain

Berdasarkan promosi dari google learning AI and learning ecosystem in india google has been tasked
with training and incubating Indian AI stratups. India has joined tech giant google. Objective is to
augment capacity in healthcare improve, education, an build economic productivity of the country.

Produk nya ada human civilization

The indian government has entrusted its think-tank niti aayog-google join hands.

AI technologies to create better healthcare

Enterpreneurs especially our startups which are allied to the sector

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