Testing For Marker Bacteria in Progressive.5

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Georg Conrads
PERIODONTAL DISEASES (gingivitis and periodonti- cultures. These frequent bacterial attacks may not only
tis) are chronic bacterial infections with a remarkably cause bacteremia, but also (under some circumstances)
high prevalence and morbidity. Almost 100% of adults, septicemia, organ abscesses, or endocarditis, as well as
but also 90% of children at school age, are periodically cardiovascular disorders or low birth weight when oc-
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or occasionally affected by gingival bleeding, the most curring during pregnancy.

objective sign of early gingivitis. Gingivitis, with some As documented by numerous publications [2–4], peri-
exceptions, is a polymicrobial infection with no single odontal diseases are associated with a shift in the peri-
associated bacterial agent and is reversible by adequate odontal bacterial flora, from the healthy to the diseased
oral hygiene. In contrast, periodontitis (Figure 1) is status. Among the periodontal pathogens, species such
moderately to rapidly progressive, associated with cer- as Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Bacteroides
tain bacterial species (called periodontal pathogens or forsythus, Campylobacter rectus, Eikenella corrodens,
“marker bacteria”), and affects all of the soft tissue and Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis,
bone supporting teeth [1]. Moderate forms of peri- Prevotella intermedia and several forms of uncultivable
odontitis are demonstrated by 50 to 98% of adults with spirochetes play a major role in the pathogenesis.
regional and age-based differences. Periodontitis de- For diagnosis of the activity of the different forms of
stroys the integrity of oral mucous membranes and is periodontitis, clinical symptoms alone may not be suf-
one of the main reasons for tooth loss, especially ficient, as they provide a historical record only (pocket
among people aged forty and older. The cost of ther- formation, attachment loss, alveolar bone loss) or have
apy in the United States resulting from periodontal dis- low predictive value (bleeding during probing). But
eases is estimated to be as high as $5 to 6 billion an- predictions of recurrence of disease and prognosis for
nually. In a relatively small country like Germany with the patient can be significantly improved when the
high standards in dentistry, patients and health insur- presence or absence of periodontal pathogens is mon-
ance companies spend $5 billion each year with $20 as itored concurrently [4].
the minimum annual costs to treat the inflamed peri- To monitor bacterial changes or shifts in the gingival
odontium of just one tooth. sulcus or the periodontal pocket, several techniques
Between 3 and 13% of the population are suscepti- have been introduced. Ten years ago, these procedures
ble to rapid and advanced loss of periodontal attach- were only available at university institutions, but nowa-
ment. They may develop aggressive forms of peri- days, especially in Central Europe, most of them are
odontitis, such as rapidly progressive periodontitis widely marketed and available for every dental practice.
(RPP), juvenile periodontitis (JP), or refractory peri- The aim of this present review is therefore to give an
odontitis (RP), which cause severe problems. These in- overview of conventional and molecular biological
dividuals require prosthetic treatment within a short techniques for testing periodontal pathogens. Further-
period of time. In addition, as periodontal diseases dis- more, it summarizes some experiences from both the
turb the integrity of oral mucous membranes, peri- dentists and the laboratories involved with these test
odontal pathogens can frequently be detected in blood procedures.

Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 2001;10:481–487

Copyright © 2001 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Conventional and Molecular Techniques in
From the University Hospital (Operative Dentistry, Periodontology and
Routine Testing of Periodontal Pathogens
Preventive Dentistry and the Institute of Medical Microbiology), Rhine-
Westphalian Technical University (RWTH), Aachen, Germany For the detection of periodontopathogens, microscopy,
Address for correspondence: Georg Conrads, PhD, Associate Professor, culture, immunoassays, enzyme tests, and DNA-based
Institute of Medical Microbiology, University Hospital, Pauwelsstraße 30,
D–52057 Aachen, Germany (Email: gconradsphd@aol.com). techniques have been introduced.

482 Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, Vol. 10, No. 9 Conrads

is well established. A reference laboratory to mention in

this context is LABORAL in Houten (The Netherlands),
which analyzes more than 12,000 periodontal samples
per year by cultivation. For culture procedures of anaer-
obic periodontal pathogens, it is extremely important to
bear in mind that these bacteria are killed by oxygen very
rapidly. As a consequence, rapid transportation of the
samples from the dental practice to the diagnostic labo-
ratory is most important. Cultivation needs time for grow-
ing and isolating the bacteria, and for biochemical differ-
entiation of the dominant species. Therefore, the results
require 10 days or longer to reach the dentist. But culture
also has two major advantages: 1) resistance testing of
pathogens is possible; and 2) pathogens of secondary im-
portance (e.g. Eubacterium spp., Peptostreptococcus mi-
cros, Streptococcus milleri-group species), usually not in-
cluded in molecular approaches, will also be reported
(usually in “percent cultivable flora”) if they are dominat-
ing the disease-associated plaque.
FIGURE 1. Case of progressive periodontitis. Paper points
are used to sample an aliquot of subgingival plaque for
testing quality and quantity of bacterial agents (kindly Enzymatic Activity
provided by H. Sellmann, DDS, Marl, Germany). A rapid but imperfect diagnosis might sometimes be bet-
ter than a perfect but delayed one. With this as rationale,
chairside tests were developed, based on the enzymatic
Darkfield and Phase Contrast Microscopy
activity of periodontal pathogens. Pathogens like Tre-
The microscopic picture of native subgingival plaque ponema denticola, P. gingivalis or B. forsythus produce
from healthy and diseased sites is strikingly different. trypsin-like proteases. If these enzymes are present in
Whereas “healthy plaque” consists of mainly coccoid the paper-immobilized plaque tested, special substrates
cells or small to large rods with almost no active motil- (benzoyl-DL-arginine-ß-naphthylamide, “BANA”) are
ity, the plaque of diseased sites presents cells of high hydrolyzed and a color reaction occurs. According to
motion and mainly consists of rods or long filaments. Loesche et al. [9], the sensitivity is between 90 and 96%
The higher the motility of bacteria in plaque, the more with a specificity between 83 and 92%. However, one
inflamed is the periodontium, and the greater the likeli- of the major pathogens, A. actinomycetemcomitans, is
hood for further progression of the disease. Neverthe- negative in the trypsin protease-reaction, and important
less, microscopic examination of freshly sampled plaque cases must be diagnosed differently. The enzymatic tests
is not particularly practical for routine diagnosis. This to routinely screen for periodontopathogens (PerioScan
technique needs special equipment, is time-consuming, [Oral B Laboratories, Redwood City, CA], Periocheck
and in the end gives results only for a small portion of [Colla Genex Pharmaceuticals, Newtown, PA]) were not
the ecological system. However, chairside microscopic very successful on the European market and some are
assessments as a diagnostic parameter in periodontal no longer distributed.
diseases have been reviewed by several authors [5,6] and
should not be ignored as a promising diagnostic tool, es- Immunoassays
pecially in an era of molecular techniques.
For the detection of periodontal pathogens, polyclonal
and monoclonal antibodies are available. Conjugated
Culture Methods
with fluorescent-reporter molecules, these antibodies
For routine diagnostic in medical microbiology, culture can enhance the specificity and sensitivity of light-
methods are still the gold standard for evaluating molec- microscopic methods. Additional immunological meth-
ular methods [7]. As a matter of fact, most periodontal ods such as enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
pathogens are strictly anaerobic and quite fastidious, and or latex-agglutination tests were also designed for de-
some are still uncultivable [8]. However, in some special- tecting periodontal pathogens in plaque [10]. The sensi-
ized laboratories, the cultivation of periodontal pathogens tivity of these tests is relatively low, requiring 104 to 105
Testing for Marker Bacteria Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, Vol. 10, No. 9 483

bacteria per sample. As a consequence, the commercial Chuba was the first to introduce oligonucleotide-
product (Evalusite; Kodak, Switzerland) has not been probes, directed against species-specific sequences of
widely marketed. the 16S rRNA to detect species like P. gingivalis, P. in-
It should be mentioned that serological tests for di- termedia, and A. actinomycetemcomitans [15]. By way
agnosing periodontal diseases might have a brighter fu- of background, the 16S rRNA is a part of the small sub-
ture, as documented by several recent publications unit of bacterial ribosomes. This amazing molecule
[11–13], but specific antigens for all major marker bac- consists of both highly conserved regions, appropriate
teria have not yet been found. as primer targets for amplification, and species-specific
sequences, of major interest to molecular taxonomists
Genetic Approach
and, so far, an ideal target for deducing specific
As mentioned above, periodontal pathogens are difficult oligonucleotide-probes. Using pure cultures, the speci-
to culture. Therefore, they were one of the first targets ficity of oligonucleotides can be noted as 100%, but this
for routine DNA probe testing in the field of medical mi- might be reduced when detecting bacteria in complex
crobiology. Two different main strategies have been in- samples like subgingival plaque. The sensitivity of
troduced, based on: 1) species-specific fragments of the oligonucleotide-probes depends on the labeling sys-
bacterial genome (“genomic” DNA probes), which were tem, but can be minimized to detect 102 to 103 cells per
in some cases cloned into a vector system; and 2) short analysis. In the important publication by Dix et al. [16],
synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides with computationally highly species-specific and 16S rRNA directed DNA-
extended database searches and empirically proven probes of 24 b length and 32P labeled were used to de-
specificity, which hybridize to a short (18 to 35 b) se- tect A. actinomycetemcomitans, B. forsythus, P. gingi-
quence, mostly found on ribosomal genes. valis, P. intermedia, E. corrodens, F. nucleatum, and C.
Murray and French were the first investigators who rectus. The authors found that the sensitivity and speci-
detected P. intermedia and P. gingivalis with the aid of ficity of the probes were not reduced by using subgin-
purified DNA fragments labeled with 32P or biotin-11- gival plaque as samples, but this might be true only un-
dUTP by nick-translation [14]. The sensitivity of these ge- der ideal conditions, which could be problematic for
nomic probes was increased, requiring only 102 to 103 routine testing. Meanwhile, oligonucleotide-probe based
bacteria. However, the same procedure was found to be test systems for periodontal pathogens have been in-
very difficult for the major periodontal pathogen A. troduced in different formats into the European market.
actinomycetemcomitans (A.a). Thus the authors had to For instance, the IAI Pado Test 4.5-system (Institute for
clone specific fragments of the genome into plasmids Applied Immunology, Zuchwil, Switzerland), which is
and these recombinant DNA-probes were then used for available in some European countries, namely Switzer-
diagnosis. With this procedure, cross-hybridization be- land, Germany, and The Netherlands. Whereas the IAI-
tween the A.a.-probe and other species of Pasteurellae test system uses radioactively labeled DNA probes, the
were reduced to the minimum of 1%. Other pathogens new LCL-system (LCL Biokey GmbH, Aachen, Germany)
were added into this system, including T. denticola (ge- uses chemiluminescence-generating oligonucleotide-
nomic probe), or F. nucleatum, E. corrodens, C. rectus, probes (Figure 2 with representative report of the re-
and B. forsythus (recombinant DNA-probes). A similar sults in Figure 3). Both companies perform around
testing system was marketed by the American company 10,000 tests per year in Europe. In the case of the LCL-
OmniGene Laboratory Services (Cambridge, MA), and is system, it is known that the demand for such tests is
frequently used in some European countries also (under rapidly growing among practitioners.
the name DMDx/PATHOTEK). The samples are cen- To further enhance specificity, polymerase chain re-
trally analyzed in the ANAWA laboratories AG (Wangen, action and combinatory molecular genetic techniques
Switzerland). In the year 2000, about 16,000 of these were also introduced for the routine diagnosis of peri-
tests were performed in Europe, with 14,000 tests sent odontal pathogens [17]. After amplification of the 16S
from German dental practices, 600 tests from Switzer- rRNA-gene, specific DNA-probes used in a reversed hy-
land, and the remaining from practices in the rest of Eu- bridization procedure are able to quantify the bacteria
rope. As a consequence, most experience with the test- in the amplicon. This two-step testing system may also
ing system comes from Germany. be very sensitive, but it seems questionable whether
In contrast to genomic probes, oligonucleotides are the ratio of different bacteria, a result which is an im-
synthetically produced, short, stable molecules and can portant factor in reaching therapeutic decisions (e.g.,
easily be introduced into automated systems, the future the most appropriate antibiotic therapy), is still the
of diagnostics. same when obtained by in-vitro amplification prior to
484 Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, Vol. 10, No. 9 Conrads

FIGURE 2. Laboratory procedure for

demonstrating periodontopathic bacteria in
plaque samples by chemiluminescence-labeled
oligonucleotide probes (kindly provided by LCL
biokey GmbH, Aachen, Germany).

hybridization. However, a testing system distributed by practitioners. Among the approximately 50,000 dentists
the company HAIN-Diagnostic (Nehren, Germany) is practicing in Germany, 3 to 6% are specialized in the
frequently used in Germany. As an advantage, the sam- diagnosis and treatment of periodontitis and were thus
ples are not analyzed only in a central laboratory, but chosen to report about their experiences.
the whole test system is distributed to local medical Initially, these dentists seemed to be very satisfied by
laboratories, making specimen transport easier. the current test systems. Here are some representative
In the future, mini molecular laboratories will be answers:
available for chair-side DNA probe testing in an hour “The test gives me more certainty in the diagnosis
or less (Periodontal Microbial Identification Test, and therapy of periodontal diseases.” (M. Heilos,
Saigene Corp, Bothell, WA) [18]. However, the advice Borchen, Germany)
of a microbiologist might still sometimes be necessary “I feel supported in my decisions about the appropriate
to avoid problems that may occur in the diagnostic therapy and especially the need for therapy in spouses.”
process. Some of these problems will be reviewed in (P. Jedenak and Th. Heidrich, Goslar, Germany)
the next section. “By using new diagnostic procedures, we were able
to improve the results of periodontal therapy and were
able to avoid unnecessary treatments.” (P. and K.
Twesten, Hamburg, Germany)
Experiences in the Dental Practice
“The tests avoid time being wasted and errors in
As mentioned above, German dentists are confronted therapy. In addition, they reduce the number of surgi-
with various test systems for periodontal pathogens. cal treatments performed in acute inflamed and in-
With this in mind, we carried out a survey among these fected sites.” (J. Kromer, Minden, Germany)
Testing for Marker Bacteria Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, Vol. 10, No. 9 485

FIGURE 3. Representative laboratory report after DNA-probe analysis of subgingival plaque in a case of rapidly progressive
periodontitis (kindly provided by LCL biokey GmbH, Aachen, Germany).
486 Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, Vol. 10, No. 9 Conrads

“Patients with acute infected sites receive special Some of the dentists are very over-enthusiastic at the
anti-infective treatment simultaneously with their me- beginning and send samples from almost every patient
chanical treatment. As a consequence, the permanent they see in their practice. Of course, this activity can
success rate of periodontal surgery has increased in our lead to confusion in the end. Testing periodontal
practice significantly.” (B. Pfäffle, Cologne, Germany) pathogens should for several reasons be concentrated
“Diagnostic tests have improved our risk assessment on a small spectrum of diseases and patients. Indica-
and the systematic and systemic antibiotic therapy, es- tions for microbial testing include:
pecially in cases of refractory periodontitis.” (K.
1. Patients with advanced attachment and bone loss
Schröder, Berlin, Germany)
before the age of 25 (juvenile periodontitis or pre-
“The number of recurrences in spite of optimized
pubertal periodontitis).
oral hygiene and interval of recalls, could be reduced
2. Patients, usually aged 25–35, with rapid destruction
by following the test results and their recommenda-
of attachment and bone in a relatively short period
tions for antibiotic therapy.” (G.-R. Niestadtkötter,
of time (rapidly progressive periodontitis).
Rheda Wiedenbrück, Germany)
3. Patients who continue to lose attachment despite
“We avoid unnecessary antibiotic treatment.” (H.
adequate mechanical treatment (refractory periodon-
Sellmann, Marl, Germany)
However, the information I got from numerous
lengthy discussions with dentists in a more private set- To receive useful information, an appropriate me-
ting is somewhat different. The problems “under the chanical treatment and an optimized oral hygiene reg-
surface” are interesting and are as follows: imen are essential preconditions for subsequent test-
Periodontal diseases are chronic infections and “heal- ing. Reducing the biofilm is necessary both for getting
ing” is almost impossible, even by using the most so- access to the important, base located, subgingival
phisticated diagnostic and treatment strategies. The pro- plaque for testing and supporting the diffusion of an-
longed treatment is definitely very time-consuming and timicrobial agents.
costly (health insurance covers only a portion from all the A fraction of the dentists seem to accept only “posi-
expenses), and can be frustrating for both dentist and pa- tive” results from the tests to support their (predeter-
tient. As a consequence, some practitioners might give mined) antibiotic therapy. But even in a patient with
up on these cases–unfortunately, sometimes too early. serious clinical symptoms, the periodontal disease has
Some practitioners, highly encouraged, use different nonactive periods, when microbiological testing is truly
test formats over time (sometimes for one patient) in negative. Therefore, diagnosis needs both clinical and
order to select a favorite. To a certain extent, they get microbiological data [20–22].
different results from the different tests. Some of the dis- A diagnostic result can only be as representative as
crepancies are minor (e.g., different cell counts of an in- the sample that was analyzed. This is true for medical
dividual species), but still confusing, and others are ma- microbiology in general but especially true for peri-
jor (different species detected). According to recent odontal diseases. According to Mombelli [23], the
experiences [19], it is obvious that some testing proce- deepest periodontal pocket with the highest tendency
dures have problems detecting A. actinomycetemcomi- for bleeding must be chosen from each quadrant for
tans and report anaerobes only, with consequences for sampling. The dentist must get an overview about the
the antimicrobial treatment. More validation is needed destructive processes in one session before sampling
for microbial test systems in periodontal diseases, to fur- in a second session to avoid provocation of bleeding.
ther improve the acceptance of these useful tests. It is extremely important that sampling is not per-
formed in a bleeding periodontal pocket because the
paper points, the sampling device in most cases, can
Experiences From Laboratories
only absorb about 20 l (one drop) of fluid. If this vol-
In our survey, we also asked the managers of labora- ume is mainly blood or saliva or supra gingival plaque,
tories about their experiences with dentists. Most of the not much is left for the pathogen-containing deep
firms are very satisfied with the collaboration and are fluid. Several paper points should be used for sam-
very optimistic about the future of their testing systems pling and either tested separately or “pooled” (more
for periodontal pathogens. However, this review arti- cost-efficient) [24].
cle tries to concentrate on problems in communication To get the highest benefit from testing marker bacte-
which can occur between dentists and microbiologists, ria in periodontal diseases, the education of the staff in-
some of which are as follows: volved must be improved. It is very important that the
Testing for Marker Bacteria Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, Vol. 10, No. 9 487

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