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NAME:______________________________ Section________ Date March 14, 2022

Test I
____________1. Any characteristic of the system is called
____________2.Properties which are independent of the mass of a system
____________3. is the rapid chemical combination of oxygen with fuel which results in
evolution of light and the rapid production of heat.
____________4. The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of some standard
substance at a specified temperature (usually water at 4°C).
___________5. is mass per unit volume;
___________6 The energy that a system possesses as a result of its elevation in a
gravitational field.

___________7. Extensive properties per unit mass

___________8. The energy that a system possesses as a result of its motion relative to
some reference frame.
___________9 is a substance which conforms continuously under the action of
shearing forces.
___________10. is a measure of the internal energy, it is also a pointer for the direction
of energy transfer as heat.
___________11. Weight per unit volume.
___________12. Force per unit area
liquids) and air (for gases):
___________13. is the work required to move the system of mass m from the origin to a
position against a gravity field g
__________ 14.The union of oxygen with combustible material made from wood by heating or distillation process similar to the one
used in carbonizing coal.
___________16. is the energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a
substance by one degree in a specified way.
___________17. is volume per unit mass.
___________18. The change in velocity per unit time
___________19.determines the composition of coal by mechanical processes. It
determines the mass percentages of fixed carbon, volatile matter, moisture and ash.
____________20. is a substance which, when burnt, i.e. on coming in contact and
reacting with oxygen or air, produces heat.
Analysis of Coal (# 21-25)
____________21. this consists of carbon combined with hydrogen together with other
gas forming constituents that are driven off by heat.This matter in the coal may be
combustible gases such as methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and other
hydrocarbon or incombustible gases like CO2 and N2.
____________22.this is carbon which is not in combination with any other element. It is
not pure carbon since the carbonized residue contains, in addition to the ash-forming
constituents, amount of hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, and approximately half the
original content.
___________23.This element It adds a little heating value but furnishes many
undesirable characteristics. The high percentage of this is highly objectionable because
this is responsible for clinkering, slagging, corrosion of air preheaters, economizers, and
stacks and air pollution.
___________24.the percentage of this plays the most important role in the selection of
coal for thermal plant. Higher percentage of this gives high heat value and reduces the
size of combustion chamber required.
___________25.classification of fuels which occur in nature as such E.g., wood, peat,
coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
___________26.Classification of fuels which are derived from the primary fuels by
further chemical processing example. e,g., coke, charcoal, kerosene, coal gas, producer
gas etc.
____________27.It is the total amount of heat generated when a unit quantity of fuel is
completely burnt in oxygen and the products of combustion are cooled down to the
room temperature.
____________28.It is defined as the net heat produced when a unit quantity of fuel is
completely burnt and the products of combustion are allowed to escape. a region containing energy and/or matter that is separated from its
surroundings by arbitrarily imposed walls or boundaries. In a thermodynamic analysis,is
the subject of the investigation.
___________30. Everything external to the system is called
Test II
1. Derive the formula of Energy and Work starting from Force. ( 5 points)
2. Derive the units (in SI units) of Energy and Work starting from Force. (5 points)

Test III
A. Provide the value of following constants
1. The constant R is different for each gas; for air, Rair = __________kJ/kg.K.
2. The Molecular weight of air is ________________kg/kmol.
3. For air, kair = ______ at atmospheric conditions.
4. ____________ = cp – cv where cp and cv are specific heat constants.
5.____________ the value of g (acceleration due to gravity) in SI units.
6. ____________(cp of water) SI units
7._____________latent of fusion of water (SI units)
8. ____________latent of vaporization of water (SI units)
9.____________value of atmospheric pressure (SI units)
10.___________ unit of specific weight (SI units)
B. Provide the lacking data
T (K) = T (oC) + ______
T(R) = T (oF ) + ______
T (F) = ___T (oC) + _____

Test IV Problem Solving

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