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Artists use their unique form of artwork to pass along their views and feelings. The importance
and value of art and artist to the society has remained constant throughout the history.

It helps to stimulate imaginative and critical thinking; it also refines the creativity and cognitive

The internet’s ability to connect people from all corners of the earth is certainly a positive development.

That being said, many people consider clicking a button on some website an empty gesture, one as
simple as purchasing a pair of jeans.

 Businesses can reach more customers, strangers can meet online to share ideas, languages, and
other useful information, and most importantly, people are now more cognizant of others’
struggles and are able to help with a click of a button.
 For example, when crises occur, such as earthquakes, typhoons, or terrorist attacks, people can
send financial and emotional support via e-transfers, message boards, and social network
awareness campaigns.
 Rescue and rebuilding efforts can thereby be sped up and people can feel a sense of
accomplishment and philanthropy.

 Of course, there is no denying that financial aid has real impacts, but the feeling associated with
this action actually serves to distance people from others because it is too easy and requires
minimal effort.
 Meeting someone face-to-face on the other hand, demands a person’s time and energy, and it
requires a motivation.
 The less people engage in these sorts of meetings, the less inclined they become to do so. Even
locally, resulting in a withdrawal to one’s comfort zone and a growing sense of other as virtual
realities that can be ignored merely by going offline.

There are many elements that define lifestyle, including one’s surrounding.
A person in a city has more choice when it comes to work, a greater pool of
professionals with whom to network, and a greater target market with which to
conduct business.

- More jobs/increased employment
- Higher standard of living
- Migration of people from countryside
- Traditional activities require few people
- Increased socio-economic gap between rich and poor
- Traffic congestion
- Isolating/busy life/lack of community
- Cost of living higher
- Cities are sometimes referred as concrete jungle
- (Urban living, rural living, city dweller, small towners)

Festivals are expressive ways to celebrate glorious heritage, culture and tradition.


In the rapidly progressing era of scientific revolution, technological advancement

has enthralled the world.

(A growing body of research show)

Criminal rates among younger offenders have been rising in certain countries.

- The primary reasons for rises in youth crime are economic.
- Persistent global recession since world economic crisis of 2008
- Example, Greece has been struggling for many years to reestablish core industries and
stimulate economic growth to sustain high living standards.
- Exacerbated in last 2 years as COVID-19 decimated national economies and put millions
out of work.
- Young people -> little saving-> most vulnerable-> since few employable skills and less
work experience

- Crime rates (among younger individuals) will recede with economic stimulus plans
directed at job creation and education.
- Countries that have been able to survive and prosper during economic stability tend to
be those of mature economies, flexible governments and a well-educated populace.
- In Northern Europe, for instance, welfare states were able to support the
- The rise in youth crime in a period of imperiled economies can be countered by
government initiatives aimed at this underlying cause.
- Addressing symptoms-> short-term solutions.

Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a
more connected and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in its scope the
economic and social changes that have come about as a result.

- Business has become international
- Multinational companies around the world
- Example: McDonalds seen on high streets in most countries
- Goods made locally are sold internationally
- Global economy means free trade between countries
- Encourage investment
- Create opportunities
- Reduce poverty

- Not beneficial for everyone
- Companies can move to countries where labor is cheap
- Unstable jobs
- Companies sometimes exploit their employees in developing countries
- Global trades create more waste pollution
- Regulation for salaries and work conditions.
- Government should impose laws to protect the environment


- Censorship to protect children from violent images
- Computer games involve killing people and committing crime
- Internet needs to be controlled
- Age limits for webs and games
- Parents need to take responsibility
- Impossible for government to control

- Capable of destroying whole cities
- Nuclear war will destroy both countries
- Used as deterrent
- Prevent wars from starting
- Should be prohibited
- Limit production
- Danger of nuclear weapons being obtained by terrorists

the unprecedented growth in fast food industry has impacted our eating habits and
the health of people in various communities.
 the ubiquity of fast food provides enough enjoyment and economic
positives to outweigh its impact on public health

Their economic contributions extend beyond providing poorly paid jobs as they

are taxed and thereby strengthen the federal budgets of both developing and developed

 the majority of companies specialize in quintessentially unhealthy foods like deep fried

chicken, cheeseburgers, pizzas, and tacos.

Most tangibly, this concerns to obesity.

- Balanced diet required

- Unhealthy diet-> health problem
- Pre-prepared meals/Fast food
- Too much fat sugar and salt
- Many young people have grown up on a diet of convenience foods
- Population in developed countries are increasingly overweight


Consumerism is a cultural model that promotes the acquisition of goods, and

especially the purchase of goods, as a vehicle for personal satisfaction and
economic stimulation. A model combining the two is sometimes referred to as
consumer capitalism, a system in which consumer demand for goods is
deliberately increased through manipulation as a means of increasing sales.
The model relies on stimulating consumer desire for goods far in excess of
satisfying needs. Mechanisms to do so include promotion of luxury items, new
technologies and new models of existing technologies.
- Armani, Gucci, Mercedes are status symbols
- Creates employment
- Reduce poverty
- Encourages innovation and creativity
- We live I global economy
- Have better quality of life
- Boast economy
- Creates more waste
- Use more natural resources
- Environmental damage
- Consumerism creates a “throw-away” culture
- Wealth does not lead to happiness
- Advertisers tell us who we are and what we want
- Materialism causes greed and crime
- Should return to traditional values like sharing

From my point of view, though their stated purpose is leisure, sports serve key social and
psychological purposes.

- When the team wins, they can bask in the reflected glory and feel proud
vicariously. 4. Research has shown that even when a team loses, there is concomitant
and addictive communal sensation of misery.

Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?
A future filled with driverless vehicles is an inevitability. In my opinion, though there are
concomitant moral risks, the practical import for health of such a seismic shift will be positive
on the whole.
Foreign Language:

E.g., USA where there has been influx of Hispanic immigrants, especially alog the
Southern border.
- Typically, well integrated if they learn English but those that have not
learned have provoked social problems and violent reactions
- Resentment from local residents-> failure to integrate-> discriminatory
practices-> widespread racism towards Hispanic.
- This in turn has caused many Hispanics to develop antipathy towards other
residents and segregate themselves in homogenous neighborhoods.
- Pragmatic concerns have been/can be mitigated by recent technology.

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