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Group 3

-Jimmy -Phim
-Pajoh - Nana
-Patty - Jacky
The Demand of Energy
We all know that us human need energy to complete our daily task in
our life. And these are a number of contributions that really need
Industrial demand

The Industrial are one of the most important in our economic, they provide
us lots of service and product such as new technology.
Without the industrial them we could not develop our country and also could
not provide needs to the populations.
In the industrial we mostly used steel and iron production which has an
extremely large energy demand. In this kind of situation people now wants
to have new technology like other country so we need a lots of energy to
provide us. For example factories such as car manufacturing and others.
So we use the highest amount of energy.
Picture of industrial
This is where they provide us our needs
Domestic demand
The domestic demand is created by affordability and available but is also
driven to keep up with neighbours, Most of the want increase the demand
for energy suppliers.
In theoretically possible to have limitless economic growth on a finite
planet. And for the domestic demand grow by using the energy for them
to compete with the neighbour country.
Transport Demand
The demand for transport is derived demand for an economic term, which
refers to demand for one good or service in one sector occurring as a
result of demand from another. While this may decrease production cost it
has significantly increased the cost of transportation. Fossil fuels can be
transformed into other chemicals or derivatives by defining and chemical
Picture of transport
Economic Factor
An economic factor is a factor that can affect and influence an individuals'
financial status. They include education, employment status and income.
If economic conditions are good condition there will be higher
employment and more to spend on luxury items. If economic are in poor
condition family will have less money and need to savings moneys.
Economic factors

Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. People that living in a
temperate climate are likely to experience colder winters than those living in equatorial
climate. The energy demand for heating in colder climate is more higher because at that
time there are fewer hours of daylight and people use more electric lighting.
Climate change can cause the generation to use more energy consumption either though
the need for heating or the installation and air-condition units.
Conservation and
Management of Energy
Conservation means the effort made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of an energy
service. This can be done either by using energy more efficiently (using less energy for a specific
service) or by reducing the amount of service used (for example, by driving less).
Management means to controlling and reducing your energy consumption. It includes planning and
operation of energy production and energy consumption units as well as energy distribution and
Energy resources something that can produce heat, power life, move objects, or produce electricity.
Conservation and management of energy means that you need to make a plan to reduce the energy you
Reduce consumption
Reduce consumption mean to reduce
the amount of energy used by
individuals, companies, countries, etc.
And here’s are they way for us to save
energy from waste.

We might take it easy but from small

amount of waste after a period of time it
became bigger and bigger
Energy from waste
The consumption of finite resources such as fossil fuel can be reduced by removing the energy
from them before they are thrown away. There are different way to produce energy from waste:
1. Anaerobic digestion is a process of bacteria breaking down organic waste in a sealed container to
produce methane that can use for heating and composted waste are useful for soil.
2. Household rubbish can be incinerated to produce heat for generate electricity. It can be dislike by
many people because it produce poisonous gas during combustion.
3. Cooking oil such as vegetable oils, once it used it need to be deposed of. Many countries have
collect these oil and recycle them for running vehicles. In some case they add a fuel such as diesel
because it run exclusively on biodiesel.
Education is the process of facilitating or the acquisition of knowledge
and personal development, In the most regions education is compulsory
up to a certain age. This education process is not always easy, investment
in new equipment for the home or factory might be expensive and more
expensive than a traditional method.

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