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Basic Legal Ethics: II-D his attorney’s fees in the labor case he

had handled for them.

1) 3. He further stated that the
Veronica Santiago // Benjamin failure was due to forgetfulness
Hontiveros // Socorro Manas // Trinidad occasioned by a large volume and
Nordista pressure of legal work.
~ versus ~
Atty. Amado Fojas ISSUE:

CODE TO REMEMBER: WON the respondent committed

Failure to file an answer. culpable negligence in failing to file for the
complainants’ an answer.
14 – A lawyer shall not refuse his RULING:
services to the needy.
15 – A lawyer shall observe candor, No lawyer is obliged to act either as
fairness and loyalty in all his dealings and adviser or advocate for every person who
transactions with his clients. may wish to become his client. A lawyer
18 – A lawyer shall serve his client has the right to decline employment,
with competence and diligence. subject, however to Canon 14 which
A lawyer shall not refuse his
Complainants in this case are services to the needy.
former clients of the herein respondent,
Atty. Amado Fojas. Overzealous – full and continuing
awareness of his duty to file an answer
The previous case was about the
complainants who were officers of the FEU Volume and pressure of legal
Faculty Association, who allegedly work – purely based on forgetfulness
expelled from their Union one Paulino because of his other commitments
Salvador. The latter seek help from DOLE
to declare his expulsion from the union as The respondent contended that
illegal as well as filed with the RTC a the failure was due to forgetfulness
complaint for damages and attorney’s occasioned by a large volume and
fees. pressure of legal work.

Herein respondent filed a motion to Pressure and large volume of legal

dismiss the case in which the trial court work provide no excuse for respondent’s
judge granted, but required the inability to exercise due diligence in the
complainants to file their answer within 15 performance of his duty to file an answer.
days from notice. Instead of filing the
answer, respondent Fojas filed a motion Every case a lawyer accepts
for reconsideration and dismissal of the deserves his full attention, diligence, skill
case. and competence, regardless of its
importance and whether he accepts it for
The complainants were declared in a fee or for free.
default. Hence this petition to disbar Atty.
Amado Fojas for “malpractice, neglect, Reprimanded.

The respondent admits his mistake

in failing to file the answer but he alleges
1. It was cured by filing a motion
for reconsideration
2. The complainants filed the case
to harass him because he refused to share 2)
Rosario Junio reprimanded and ordered to pay the
~ versus ~ amount of P25K with interest.
Atty. Salvador Grupo
IBP Board of Governors adopted
CODE TO REMEMBER: and approved with modification to
Recovery of P25,000 intended for suspend the respondent for 1 year.
redemption of a parcel of land
WON there is no client-attorney
Rule 16.04 – A lawyer shall not relationship in this case.
borrow money from his client unless the
client’s interests are fully protected by the RULING:
nature of the case or by independent
advice. As stated in Hilario vs David, it is
not essential that the client should
FACTS: have employed the attorney
professionally on previous occasion.
The complainant engaged the
services of herein respondent for the If a person consults with his
redemption of a parcel of land in the name attorney in his professional capacity, then
of her parents (Rogelio & Rufina Nietes, the professional employment is
Conception Loay, Bohol). established.

Complainant entrusted to Court suspended Atty. Grupo for a

respondent P25K to be used for the period of 1 month and ordered him to pay
redemption of the said land. However, the complainant P25,000 with interest at
respondent failed to redeem the property the legal rate, computed from December
which caused forfeiture. 12, 1996.

In respondent’s answer:

1. He admitted to receive the

amount but the land could not really be
redeemed anymore;

2. When the transaction failed,

respondent requested to allow him to avail
the money due to an urgent need for his
children’s educational expenses;

3. The family of the complainant

and the respondent are very close and
intimate with each other. Complainant and
her sisters served respondent’s family as
household helpers. Hence, there is no
client-attorney relationship involved.

Complainant denied:

1. That respondent informed her of

his failure to redeem the property;

2. That respondent requested her to

instead lend the money to him.

Investigating Commissioner 3)
recommended that respondent be
Benedicto Hornilla and Atty. Federico Board of Governors approved the
Ricafort decision of IBP-CBD.
~ versus ~
Atty. Ernesto Salunat
- Association versus its Board of WON Salunat is representing
Directors conflicting interests.
- Derivative Suit Doctrine RULING:

CANONS INVOLVED: A corporation’s board of directors:

Rule 15.03 – A lawyer shall not
represent conflicting interests except by 1. Exercises all powers provided for
written consent of all concerned given under the Corporation Code;
after a full disclosure of facts. 2. Conducts all business of the
Rule 16.06 – 3. Controls and holds all property of
the corporation.
Derivative Suit is when corporate
The respondent in this case is a directors committed a breach of trust and
member of the ASSA Law and Associates the corporation is unable or unwilling to
who is also the counsel of the Philippine institute suit to remedy the wrong, a
Public School Teachers Association stockholder may sue on behalf of himself
(PPSTA) wherein his brother is a member and other stockholders and for the benefit
of the Board. of the corporation.

The complaints, who are members In this case, a lawyer engaged as

of the PPSTA, filed a complaint in SEC and counsel for a corporation cannot represent
in the Office of the Ombudsman against members of the same corporation’s board
the members of the Board of Directors. of directors in a derivative suit brought
against them.
Respondent entered his appearance
as counsel for the Board. However, Therefore, respondent is guilty of
complainants contend that respondent representing conflicting interests. He is
was guilty of conflict of interest because admonished to observe a higher degree
he was engaged by the PPSTA and was of fidelity in the practice of his
being paid out of its corporate funds profession.
where complainants have contributed.

Respondent’s answer:

1. He entered his appearance as

counsel for the Board Members in behalf
of the ASSA Law and Associates;

2. The SEC Case was handled by

another partner of the firm, Atty. Agustin

3. He pointed out that his

relationship with Aurelio Salunat, his
brother, was immaterial.

IBP-CBD recommended that

respondent be suspended for 6 months.

Consorcia Rollon
~ versus ~ His failure to return her money
Atty. Camilo Naraval upon demand gave rise to the
presumption that he had converted it to
CANONS INVOLVED: his own use and thereby betrayed the
18 – Every lawyer shall serve his trust she had reposed in him.
client with utmost dedication, competence
and diligence. Respondent is suspended for 2
years and restitute within 30 days from
FACTS notice of this Decision, complainant’s
In October 2000, complainant went P8,000.00 plus interest thereon.
to the office of Atty. Naraval to seek
assistance in the case filed against the
former for Collection of Sum of Money.

After going over the documents

relevant to the said case, respondent
agreed to be the lawyer of the
complainant. The former required the
latter to pay P8,000 for the filing and
partial service fee.

After a while, complainant’s son

informed the complainant that the
respondent was not able to act on the
case because the latter was very busy.
Hence, complainant withdrew the amount
paid to the respondent due to the latter’s
failure to comply with the mutual

Investigating Commissioner
recommended that respondent be
suspended from the practice of law for 1
year for neglect of his duty.

IBP Board of Governors

recommended the suspension for 2 years
and the restitution of P8,000.

A lawyer may decline employment
and refuse to accept representation, if
they are not in a position to carry it out
effectively or competently. But once they
agree to handle a case, attorneys are
required to undertake the task with zeal,
care and utmost devotion.

Acceptance of money from a

client establishes an attorney-client
relationship and gives rise to the duty
of fidelity to the client’s cause.

His continuous inaction despite

repeated follow-ups reveals his cavalier
attitude and appalling indifference toward
his client’s cause.
5) 1) Acceptance fee
Erlinda R. Tarog 2) Attorney’s fee
~ versus ~ 3) Appearance fee
Atty. Romulo Ricafort
He also stated that he did not
CANONS INVOLVED: receive the letter and it was received by
15 – Every lawyer shall serve his their helper who did not forward the letter
client with utmost dedication, competence to him.
and diligence.
Rule 16.01-16.03 The IBP Commissioner
recommended that Atty. Romulo Ricafort
FACTS be disbarred and ordered to return the
The reason for this complaint is the amount of P65K & P15K which he got from
failure of the respondent to account for his client.
and to return the sums of money received
from his clients for purposes of the civil The IBP Board of Governors
action to recover their property from a downgraded the penalty from disbarment
foreclosing banking institution. to indefinite suspension.

The original complainant was RULING

Arnulfo Tarog, the husband of the herein
complainant. Affirmed the findings of the IBP
Commissioner. Atty. Ricafort committed a
Atty. Miralles advised the Tarogs to very serious offense that was aggravated
engage in a Bicol-based attorney by his having been previously
regarding their bank-foreclosed property. administratively sanctioned for a similar
Thus, they went to see Atty. Ricafort offense.
accompanied by Vidal Miralles (brother of
Atty. Miralles). A. The version of the complainants
was more credible than Atty. Ricafort
Upon acceptance, Atty. Ricafort
required the Tarogs to pay P7,000 as filing B. Atty. Ricafort’s acts and
fee. The respondent explained the actuations constituted serious breach of
importance of depositing P65K in court to his fiduciary duties as an attorney
counter the P60K deposited by Antonio
Tee (buyer of the foreclosed property). To Respondent’s failure to make good
raise P65K, Vidal solicited a loan. the checks despite demands and the
criminal cases showed his continued
Respondent persuaded Arnulfo to defiance of judicial processes, which he,
entrust the check to him so the former as an officer of the court, was under
would be the one to encash and deposit continuing duty to uphold.
the amount in court.
Hence, the Bar Condifant is directed
to strike out the name of the respondent
After sometime, Atty. Ricafort from the Roll of Attorneys.
informed the Tarogs that he had not
deposited the amount in court, but in his
own account.

Arnulfo demanded the return of

P65K, plus interest, and the P15K paid for
the filing of the memorandum.

In his defense, respondent denied

that the P65K was intended to be
deposited in court, insisting that the
amount was payment for his legal services
under a “package deal” which includes:
6) of which he is both a stockholder and
Bun Siong Yao retained counsel.
~ versus ~
Atty. Leonardo A. Aurelio Respondent claimed:

CANONS INVOLVED: 1) His request for copies for the

17 - A lawyer owes fidelity to the financial statements were ignored by the
cause of his client and shall be mindful of complainant, hence he filed for estafa
the trust and confidence reposed on him. thru concealment of documents;

FACTS 2) When he was furnished copies of

Respondent is a stockholder and the financial statements, he discovered
the retained counsel of Solar Farms & several parcels of land were not included
Livelihood Corporation and Solar Textile in the balance sheet of the corporations;
Finishing Corporation of which he is a
majority stockholder. 3) That the financial statements
indicated that the corporation suffered
Complainant purchased several financial losses when in fact it paid cash
parcels of land using his personal funds dividends to its stockholders.
but were registered in the name of the
corporations upon the advice of the Investigating Commissioner
respondent; found that respondent had been the
personal lawyer of the complainant and
Respondent who was the brother- counsel of Solar Farms & Livelihood
in-law of complainant’s wife had a Corporation. However, complainant
disagreement with the latter; discontinued availing the services of the
respondent when the former’s son was
Respondent demanded the return of admitted to the bar. Guilty of forum
his investment in the corporations, but shopping. Suspended for 6 months.
when complainant refused to pay, he filed
8 charges for estafa and falsification of IBP Board of Governors adopted
commercial documents against and approved.
Respondent also filed: The relationship between an
a. non-compliance with the reportial attorney and his client involves trust.
requirements of the SEC at Office of the
City Prosecutor of Mandaluyong City It is an established rule that an
b. Violation of Sec. 75 of the attorney is not permitted to disclose
Corporation Code at Office of the City communications made to him in his
Prosecutor of Malabon City and Office professional character by a client, unless
of the City Prosecutor of San Jose Del the latter consents.
Monte, Bulacan.
Lawyers must conduct themselves
Complainant alleged that: with honesty and integrity. Lawyers
5) The series of suits filed against cannot be allowed to exploit their
him and his wife is: profession for the purpose of exacting
- a form of harassment; vengeance or as a tool for instigating
- an abuse of the confidential hostility against any person.
information which respondent obtained by
virtue of his employment as counsel Suspended for 6 months.

6) Complainant further alleged that

the respondent is guilty of conflicting
interest when he filed several suits not
only against the complainant and other
officers but also against the 2 corporations
Ma. Gina Francisco // Josephine Tan // ISSUE:
Carlos Joaquin WON respondent committed gross
~ versus ~ negligence or misconduct in handling the
Atty. Jaime Juanito Portugal case.


If the respondent intended to
FACTS: withdraw his appearance for the accused
This case originated from his he should have filed the notice of
alleged mishandling of the case. withdrawal himself instead of the accused.

SPO1 Ernest Francisco, SPO1 The rule is that a client has the
Donato Tan and PO3 Rolando Joaquin absolute right to terminate the attorney-
were involved in a shooting incident, client relation at anytime with or without
hence they engaged the services of the cause. A lawyer’s right to withdraw from a
herein respondent. case before its final adjudication arises
only from the client’s written consent or
Respondent then filed a Motion for from a good cause.
Reconsideration with the Sandiganbayan
but it was denied. Thus, he filed an After agreeing to take up the cause
Urgent Motion for Leave to File of a client, a lawyer owes fidelity to both
Second Motion for Reconsideration. cause and client, even if the client never
paid any fee for the attorney-client
Thereafter, complainants never relationship.
heard from respondent again despite
frequent telephone calls. Lawyering is not a business, it is a
profession in which duty of public service,
More than a year later, the Court not money, is the primary consideration.
denied the petition for late filling and
non-payment of docket fees. A written contract is not an
essential element in the employment of an
Resolution had attained finality and attorney. To establish a relation, it is
warrants of arrest had already been sufficient that the advice and assistance of
issued. an attorney is sought and received in any
matter pertinent to his profession.
Respondent claimed that:
1) He was not the original counsel Suspended for 3 months.
of the accused.

2) He was merely requested by the

original counsel to be on hand, assist the
accused and be present at the
promulgation of the Sandiganbayan

3) He asked the accused that he be

discharged from the case and endorsed
the Notice of Withdrawal to PO3 Joaquin
for the latter to file with the Court.

Investigating Commissioner
imposed a penalty from reprimand to
suspension for 6 months.

Board of Directors of the IBP

recommended suspension for 6 months.
Arsenio Villafuerte
~ versus ~ Antonio Conlu
Atty. Dante Cortez ~ versus ~
Complainant went to the office of FACTS:
the respondent lawyer to discuss his case Complainant engaged in the
for “reconveyance”. services of the respondent to represent
him in the case for Quieting of Title and
During their initial meeting, Recovery of a Parcel of Land.
complainant tried to reconstruct before
respondent lawyer the incidents of the RTC rendered judgment against
case merely from memory prompting the Antonio. Thus, respondent appealed to the
latter to ask complainant to instead return CA wherein it eventually dismissed the
at another time with the records of the appeal for non-filling of the
case. appellant’s brief within the reglementary
Complainant requested respondent
to accept the case, paying the latter Respondent promised to seek
P1,750. reconsideration but the CA later denied for
belated filing of the motion.
Respondent contended that he
accepted the money with reluctance and Respondent averred that the
only upon the condition that complainant person in the law office who initially
would get the records of the case from the received a copy of said resolution was not
former counsel of the complainant. so authorized. However, there was a valid
receipt by respondent as shown by the
Complainant never showed up until Registry return card with his signature.
when he went to the office of the
respondent but only to leave a copy of a The Court directed respondent to
writ of execution. show cause within 10 days from notice
why he should not be disciplinarily dealt
IBP-CBS recommended suspension with or held in contempt.
for 3 months. Board of Governors
affirmed. The court imposed:
1) P2,000 fine
RULING: 2) Order of his arrest
Respondent’s acceptance of the 3) Considered to waived his right to
payment is a sign that lawyer-client file comment
relationship has been established. 4) Referred to the administrative
case to the IBP for recommendation.
A lawyer’s fidelity to the cause of
his client requires him to be ever mindful RULING:
of the responsibilities that should be Rep Ipsa Loquitor – occurrence of
expected of him. an accident implies negligence

He is mandated to exert his best A retained counsel is expected to

efforts to protect the interest of his serve the client with competence and
clients. diligence.

Suspended for 1 month. This duty includes:

1) Properly representing the client
in court;
2) Attending scheduled hearings;
3) Preparing and filing required
4) Prosecuting the handled cases
with reasonable dispatch
5) Urging their termination without Complainant informed
waiting for the client or the court to prod Commissioner Abas that he had previously
him to do so. filed a complaint for estafa against
respondent with the NBI. Hence,
Suspended for 1 year. subpoena duces tecum was issued to Mr.
Waldo Palattao of the Anti-Fraud Acton
Division of NBI for the case folder and
all the documents pertaining to the
10) complaint.
Eduardo Meneses
~ versus ~ IBP Board of Governors
Atty. Rodolfo Macalino suspended the respondent for 1 year.

Complainant alleged that
respondent offered his legal services to Respondent failed to inform and
complainant to help secure the release of To respond to inquiries of the
the complainant’s car from the Bureau of complainant
Customs for a package deal of P60K.
It is the lawyer’s duty to keep the
Complainant initially gave P10K for client regularly and fully updated on the
processing of the papers. Respondent developments of the client’s case.
asked for P30K to expedite the release of
the car. However, respondent did not Respondent failed to account and
issue a receipt but promised to furnish a return the money he received from
receipt from the customs. Since then, complainant
respondent failed to give an update on the
matter. When a lawyer receives money
from the client for a particular purpose,
Thus, complainant went to NBI to the lawyer is bound to render an
file a complaint for estafa against accounting to the client showing that the
respondent. money was spent for the intended
Respondent wrote a letter to the
NBI stating that he would settle the Respondent failed to file an answer
matter amicably with the complainant and and attend the hearings before the
return the P40K. IBP

Respondent sent another letter Respondent’s actuation reveals a

requesting for the suspension of the high degree of irresponsibility and shows
proceedings because he had partially his lack of respect for the IBP and its
settled the case. He promised to pay the proceedings.
P20K balance however, failed to do so.
Suspended for 1 year.
Thus, complainant filed a complaint Ordered to return w/in 30 days
with the Commission on Bar Discipline: from notice the full amount of P20K with
1) Failure to render legal services interest at 12% per annum.
2) Failure to refund balance of legal Directed to submit the proof of
fees payment within 15 days from payment.
3) Failure to apprise the
complainant of the status of the case.

Investigating Commissioner
ordered respondent to submit his answer
to the complaint however, he failed to do
Canon 18 – A lawyer shall not
neglect a legal matter entrusted to him
and his negligence shall render him liable.

In this case, by reason of

11) respondent’s negligence, actual loss has
Elmo Moton been caused to his client.
~ versus ~
Atty. Raymundo Cadiao A lawyer may accept only so many
cases that he can efficiently handle.
FACTS: Otherwise, his clients will be prejudiced.
Complainant filed a complaint
against Pablito Castillo and The Philippine Atty. Raymundo Cadiao is imposed
Veterans Bank denominated as Right to to give a fine of P2k payable to the
Use Urban Land and Damages. court within 10 days from notice.

When the case was scheduled for

pre-trial conference, the complainant’s
counsel, herein respondent, filed with an
entry of appearance for the complainant
and a motion for reconsideration of the
dismissal of the case. The court reset the

Upon motion of Atty. Cadiao, the

court declared Castillo in default and
allowed plaintiffs to present their evidence
ex parte.

Respondent filed a motion to reset

the hearing for the reason that he had to
attend a scheduled hearing in Antique.
The Court denied the motion.

Atty. Cadiao filed with the CA a

petition for certiorari alleging that the trial
court acted with grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack of jurisdiction when it
dismissed the case. However, the CA
dismissed for lack of merit.

Respondent filed with the CA a

Withdrawal of Appearance.

Commission on Bar Discipline

found respondent liable for negligence in
handling the complainant’s case. He was
recommended to fine P2,000.00

In his answer, he contended that

the main reason for the undue delay in
the presentation of evidence was the
inability of the complainant to furnish him
with the original copies of the evidence, as
well as his failure to appear during the
scheduled hearing.

Investigating Commissioner
found that the complainant failed to file
his position paper and to comply with the
12) Certificate against Forum Shopping.
Fernando Martin Pena IBP-Commission of Bar
~ versus ~ Discipline transmitted to the SC the
Atty. Lolito Aparicio notice of said resolution.

FACTS: Complainant thereafter filed this

Petition for Review alleging that:
A lawyer is charged for writing a 1) He personally submitted and
demand letter which threatened filed with the IBP his position paper.
complainant with filing of criminal cases 2) He was deprived of his right to
for tax evasion and falsification of due process when the IBP dismissed his
documents. complaint without considering his position
paper and without ruling on the merits.
Respondent appeared as counsel for
Grace Hufana in an illegal dismissal case. Based on the records, there is truth
to the complainant’s assertion that he filed
Complainant Pena received a notice his position paper. The IBP stamp on the
from the Conciliation and Mediation Center front page of said document shows that it
of the NLRC for a conference. was received by the IBP. The registry
receipt attached to the same document
Respondent submitted a claim for also shows that it was sent by registered
separation pay arising from the alleged mail to the respondent.
illegal dismissal. Complainant rejected.
Complainant sent notices to Hufana
for the latter to explain her absences and Disciplinary proceedings against
demanded her to return to work. lawyers are sui generis (unique).

Respondent wrote a letter to the They do not involve a trial of an

complainant re: the separation pay. The action or a suit, but is rather an
letter also contained the ff. threat to the investigation by the Court into the conduct
company: of one of its officers.

1) File and claim bigger amounts The real question for determination
including moral damages is whether or not the attorney is still a fit
2) Criminal Charges for Tax Evasion person to be allowed the privilege.
3) Criminal Charges for Falsification
of Documents Rule 19.01 means that a lawyer
4) Cancellation of business license should not file or threaten to file any
to operate unfounded or baseless criminal cases
against the adversaries of his client.
Hence, complainant filed an
administrative complaint. The threats are not only unethical
but they also amount to blackmail:
Respondent filed an answer
claiming that: Blackmail – the extortion of money
1) The adverse counsel, Atty. from a person by threats of accusations or
Emmanuel Jocson, also imputed malicious, exposures or opposition in the public
defamatory and fabricated charges prints.
against him;
Extortion – exaction of money
2) The complainant had no either for performance of a duty,
certification against forum shopping prevention of an injury, or exercise of
Atty. Aparicio is reprimanded. Rule 19.01 – a lawyer shall employ
only fair and honest means to attain the
lawful objectives of his client.
Nicanor Gonzales & Salud Pantanosas Atty. Miguel Sabacajan is
~ versus ~ suspended until he can duly show to the
Atty. Miguel Sabacajan court that the disputed certificate of titles
have been returned to and duly
FACTS: acknowledged by the complainants.

Complainants were informed by the

Registry of Deeds that their owner’s
duplicate of title were entrusted to the
office secretary of the respondent.

Respondent admitted and confirmed

to the complainants that their titles are in
his custody. But when demanded to
deliver said titles, respondent refused
without any justification.

Respondent challenged the

complainants to file any case in court even
in SC.

Complainants asserted that the

challenge by the respondent is a
manifestation of his arrogance taking
undue advantage of his legal profession.

Due to the challenge, complainants

sent a letter to the SC.

Despite repeated demands,

respondent failed to surrender the said
titles to the rightful owners.

In respondent’s answer:
1) He denied that he challenged
anyone to file a case in any court;
2) He referred complainant
Pantanosas to his client, Mr. Samto Uy,
for whom he worked out the segregation
of the titles; (the complainants have
monetary obligations to Uy)
3) He also explained why he kept
the certificates of titles, supposedly for the
purpose of subdividing the property.


The respondent has not exercised

the good faith and diligence required of
lawyers in handling the legal affairs of
their clients.
Rural Bank of Calape Inc Bohol
~ versus ~
Atty. James Benedict Florido

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