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Quarter 4 - Module 3
Giving Expanded Definitions
of Words

English 10
Quarter 4 – Module 3 -Giving Expanded Definitions of Words
First Edition, 2021
Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

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Development Team of the Module

Author: Rose Ann N. Mapalo

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

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Belen C. Aquino, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of English

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Why is it important to expand definitions? When you write an essay, you

often discover that you need to explain certain basics before you can discuss the
main subject matter. For example, when you write about resiliency, you have a
separate section of your paper to define or discuss what resiliency is. Thus, making
extended definitions enable us to have a common understanding of a word or
subject and allow both the writer and the reader on the same page when discussing
or reading about an issue.

In the previous module, you have learned to distinguish technical and

operational terms.

So, in this learning resource, you will understand and give expanded
definitions of words.

After going through this alternative learning resource, you are expected to:

1. Give expanded definitions of words. EN10V-IIIa-13.9


Activity 1: Vocabulary Map

Direction: Think of a word, any word you are familiar with. Write the word inside
the circle. You can use your available resources like your dictionary or internet
links to complete the needed information to complete the thought of your graphic



In a paragraph, essay, or speech, an extended definition is an explanation

and/or illustration of a word, thing, or concept.


Simply put, a definition is a statement of the meaning of a word or phrase.

An extended definition goes beyond what can be found in a dictionary, offering an

expanded analysis and illustration of a concept that might be abstract,
controversial, unfamiliar, or frequently misunderstood.


An important writing tool you'll need, particularly if you are writing for
nonspecialists, is definition--or more specifically, extended definition. An extended
definition is a one or more paragraphs that attempt to explain a complex term.
Some terms may be so important in your report, there may be so much confusion
about them, or they may be so difficult to understand that an extended discussion
is vital for the success of your report.



Definition essay, also referred to as extended definition essay, is the type of

academic writing that presupposes giving definition of a particular notion,
term, concept, or phenomenon. It is much longer and specific than a simple
Definition essay provides different meanings of the word, both denotative
and connotative, explains peculiarities of its uses, and offers examples. It
may define some specific things such as a car, door, bad as well as abstract
things, such as love, success, freedom, happiness.

What is the purpose of a definition essay?

One word can have different meanings in different domains of life, which are
sometime controversial. The purpose of a definition essay is not just to provide a
short explanation of a notion, but to mention all the possible meanings and usages
of words and specify the difference between those meaning and usages.

When it comes to defining some abstract notions, such as love, home, or family, the
extended definition essay may also include the meaning of that word to the author,
which cannot be found in dictionaries.

Difference between definition and definition essay

Be sure, definition and definition essay are two different things. Definition essay is
much more specific and wider notion than just a definition.

Definition is a statement of a specific meaning of a word.

Extended definition essay provides all the possible meanings of the word (denotative
and connotative), explains difference between them and their usage, provides
examples, and offers author’s understanding of that word.

Definition essay structure

Definition essay is a type of an expository essay. Thus, it has a classical essay
structure, which consists of 5 components: introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and

5 Paragraph Essay Outline

To write a five-paragraph essay properly, you should follow the particular essay
structure, as it is outlined below:


▪ Hook sentence
▪ Background information
▪ General statements
▪ Your viewpoint
▪ Thesis statement

Body Paragraphs

▪ Topic sentence
▪ Supporting idea
▪ Development
▪ Example, fact, evidence
▪ Controlling idea
▪ Example, fact, evidence
▪ Summary, concluding sentence


▪ Restated thesis statement

▪ Summary of main ideas

Definition essay outline

A typical extended definition essay outline looks as follows:

Introduction of a definition essay

Start with a sentence that will spark the reader’s interest to read your essay.
Usually, it is called a hook. It might be an anecdote, a funny story, an
interesting fact, or your personal experience.
Provide background information.
Specify the term, notion, concept, etc. you will define in your essay.
Thesis statement of a definition essay is a short definition of a term or notion
you are going to discuss in your writing.

Body paragraphs (at least three)

Provide different approaches to defining a meaning of a chosen word.

Present only one approach per paragraph.
Provide example for each definition.
If the definitions have slight differences clearly define them and exemplify
Make sure to include a topic sentence in each paragraph.

Conclusion of a definition essay

In the conclusion part summarize all the main points you have mentioned in
your essay. Please do not just repeat or copy-paste but analyze and
Approaches to defining a term.
There exist different approaches to defining a term. Here are the most
common techniques:

1. Denotation - providing a dictionary definition.

2. Connotation - mentioning implied meaning of a term.
3. Enumeration - giving a list of all the possible meanings.
4. Analogy or analysis - comparing and contrasting similar notions from the
same class of a word you define.
5. By function - defining the term by the functions it performs
6. By structure - defining the term by explaining how it is organized
7. Negation - is proving a definition of a term by explaining what it is not.

How to write a definition essay

1. Choose the word you are going to define.

2. Consider your audience. Make sure that the term you have chosen is
relevant, that it will be interesting for them, and that you will be able to
explain it to them.
3. Make a research and check the definitions of that word in different
4. Also check the origin of the term you define. It might help you understand
the word better and can also serve as a hook.
5. Create a definition essay thesis statement. It is a short definition of your
6. Write an introductory part in which you should add a hook sentence, specify
the word to be defined, and include a thesis statement, i.e. short definition
7. In the body paragraphs present different meaning of a word by using
different approaches. If the term has diverse or contradicting definitions in
some contexts or areas of life, clearly explain those differences and give
8. If you are defining some abstract concepts (such as love or happiness), give
your own definition and understanding of that word.
9. In the concluding part, restate the thesis statement and summarize all the
main points of an essay.

Planning Checklist: Sources for Extended Definitions

1. Description Does anything about the term need to be described?

Would the readers be helped by description?
2. Process Narration Does some process, event, performance, or action
related to the term need to be explained?
3. Further Definition Do additional terms used during the discussion need
4. Historical Background Should historical background, events related to the
term being defined, be discussed?
5. Cause or causes Does the reader need to know about the cause or
causes related to the term defined?
6. Effects, Results or Will discussion of some effect, result or consequence
Consequences help define the term?
7. Problems and Does the term being defined represent a problem or
solutions solution?
8. Uses and applications Should the uses or applications related to the term
9. Similarities and Should the term be compared to something similar or
Differences more familiar?
10. Classes, types , Should the class that the term being defined to be
categories and kinds discussed? Should the term being defined be divided
into its own classes?
11. Examples Will examples help in the definition of the term?
12. Word origins Would an understanding of the roots, the etymology of
the word help to define it?
13. Future developments Should the future development related to the term be
or implications discussed? Does it have implications – good or bad or
14. Negative statements Would negative statements explaining what the term is
not prevent the reader from confusing the term being
defined with others?
15. Advantages, Should advantages or disadvantages related to the
Disadvantages term be discussed?



Direction: Below are words with their dictionary meaning. Complete the organizer
by putting your own meaning of the said term in the third column and use it in a
sentence meaningfully in the fourth column. Use a separate sheet of paper for your

Term Meaning from the My own meaning Use the term in a

dictionary sentence
Frugality 1. The quality or state of
being frugal, careful
management of
material resources

especially money.



Direction: Read the statements below and determine what planning checklist
technique is used. For example, description, process narration. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your answer.

__________________1. The textbook definition of family according to the etymology

dictionary is: “Origin in early 15c. “servants of a household”
from Latin familia “family servants, domestics collectively,
the servants in a household.”

__________________2. The traditional dictionary describes family in a narrower

fashion stating, “a basic social unit consisting of parents and
their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling
together or not.”

_________________3. In a social context, people tend to call any group they are
working with towards a common goal under the same
pressures and hardships a “family.” One may hear evidence
of this in the workplace, where coworkers are often saying
things like, “Everyone works so well together here, and we’re
honestly like a family!” Some refer to their fellow church
members as a “church family” further pushing the idea that
the definition of a family is persons you can go to in any type
of hardship and working towards the betterment of each
other’s lives whether living together or not.


Direction: Every one of us has friends. And every friendship has different
meanings and stories. In this activity, write a short paragraph about your own
story or meaning of friendship. Make sure that your paragraph uses the different
techniques of extended definitions. Use a separate sheet of paper for your




Activity 1: Extended Definition Essay

Direction: Below are list of possible topics for extended definition essay. Choose
one topic and write a short essay about it. See the rubric below to assess your

Resiliency Patience Relationship Gender Equality

Modular Learning Beauty Self-Love Respect


Excellent Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2
The introduction, The introduction, The introduction, The introduction,
body and body and body and body and
conclusion are conclusion are conclusion make conclusion have no
logically arranged arranged with sense but it lacks direction and there
with proper minimal use of proper transitional is no identifiable
transitional transitional devices. Some structure. The
devices. A variety devices. transitions work transitions between
of throughout Transitions clearly well, but ideas are unclear
transitions are show how ideas connection or nonexistent.
used. They clearly are connected, but between other
show how ideas there is little ideas are fuzzy.
are connected. variety.
The essay is clear The essay is clear The essay has a The essay has no
and focused. It has and is mostly topic. The sense and purpose.
clear theme, focused. It has development is
relevant topic and good details. basic and general.
has understanding
of the question.
The essay shows a The essay has a The essay has an Errors in spelling,
good grasp of good command of effort in using the punctuation,
writing grammar conventions but is capitalization,
conventions mechanics and is choppy and is not usage, and
effectively. readable. Errors easy to read orally. grammar and/or
are rare. paragraphing

repeatedly distract
the reader and
make the text
difficult to read.
Clear and well An extended An extended An extended
defined extended definition has been definition is definition is
definition, does an created, does a created. The attempted, little
exemplary job of good job of author attempts to support for thesis.
supporting thesis. supporting thesis. support a thesis.
Writer uses vivid Writer uses vivid Writer uses words Writer uses limited
words and phrases words and phrases that communicate vocabulary that
that linger or draw that linger or draw clearly but the does not
pictures in the pictures in the writing lacks communicate
reader’s mind, reader’s mind; variety, punch or strongly or capture
words seem occasionally the flair. the reader’s
accurate, natural words are used interest.
and not forced. inaccurately or
seem overdone.

Direction: Read and understand each question carefully and write the letter of
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

______1. The type of academic writing that presupposes giving definition of a

particular notion, term, concept, or phenomenon. It is much longer and
specific than a simple definition.
A. Definition C. Extended definition essay
B. Definition essay D. Extended essay

______2. The purpose of a definition essay is not just to provide a short

explanation of a notion, but to mention all the possible meanings and
usages of words and specify the difference between those meaning and
A. The statement is correct.
B. The statement is not correct.
C. The statement is unclear.
D. The statement doesn’t give the purpose.

______3. Extended definition essay provides all the possible meanings of the
word (denotative and connotative), explains difference between them
and their usage, provides examples, and offers author’s understanding
of that word.
A. The statement is correct.
B. The statement is does not give meaning to extended definition
C. The statement is unclear.
D. The statement can be understood but not acceptable.

______4. All are part of introduction except _________.
A. Hook sentence C. Background information
B. General statements D. Development

______5. When it comes to defining some abstract notions, such as love, home,
or family, the extended definition essay may also include the meaning
of that word to the author, which cannot be found in dictionaries.
A. The statement is correct.
B. The statement is not true.
C. The statement is not precise and can’t be understood by the
D. The statement is faulty.

______6. All are part of body of paragraph except _______.

A. Example, fact, evidence C. Controlling idea
B. Summary of ideas D. Example, fact, evidence

______7. When introducing your essay, you should ________.

A. Provide background information
B. Specify the term, notion, concept, etc. you will define in your
C. Thesis statement of a definition essay is a short definition of a
term or notion you are going to discuss in your writing
D. All of the given choices.

______8. Part of the outline that provide example for each definition.
A. Introduction B. Body of paragraph C. Conclusion

______9. In the conclusion part summarize all the main points you have
mentioned in your essay. Please do not just repeat or copy-paste, but
analyze and synthesize.
A. The statement is correct.
B. The statement is incorrect.
C. The statement is not true but correct.
D. The statement is redundancy.

______10. It is providing a dictionary meaning.

A. Connotation B. Denotation C. Enumeration D. Negation

______11. It is comparing and contrasting similar notions from the same class of a
word you define.
A. Enumeration B. Negation C. Analogy D. By structure

______12. In the introductory part, restate the thesis statement and summarize all
the main points of an essay.
A. The statement is correct.
B. The statement is incorrect.
C. The statement is redundancy.
D. The statement is confusing.

______13. Extended definition essay may define some specific things such as a
car, door but not abstract things, such as love, success, freedom,
A. The statement is correct.
B. The statement is incorrect. It can define abstract things.
C. The statement is for descriptive essays.
D. The statement is unclear and confusing.
______14. All are true and correct except one.
A. Make a research and check the definitions of that word in
different dictionaries
B. It is okay to not consider your audience. Everyone can read your
C. Also check the origin of the term you define. It might help you
understand the word better and can also serve as a hook.
D. Create a definition essay thesis statement. It is a short definition
of your word.
______15. All except one is not aligned to the choices below.
A. Write an introductory part in which you should add a hook
B. Specify the word to be defined, and include a thesis statement,
i.e. short definition
C. In the concluding part of the essay, present different meaning of
a word by using different approaches.
D. If the term has diverse or contradicting definitions in some
contexts or areas of life, clearly explain those differences and give


Activity 1: Vocabulary Map – Answers vary
Enrichment Activity1: My Own Meaning – Answers vary
Enrichment Activity 2: Guess the technique
1. word origins
2. historical background
3. classes, types , categories and kinds
Enrichment Activity 3: Meaning of Friendship – Answers vary
Activity 1: Extended definition essay – Answers vary

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. C




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