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1. The words in column 2 have been created from the corresponding word in column 1.

the morphological process responsible for the creation of each word in column 2.
Colum 1 Colum 2
a) act deactive ( derivation )
b) Mary is going to succeed Mary’s going to succeed
c) sing sang
d) implánt ímplant
e) blue, bird bluebird
f) finger (n) finger (v)
g) physical education phys-ed
h) motor and hotel motel
i) liposuction liposuct
j) Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service ACAS

2. The words in column 2 have been created from the corresponding word in column 1
indicate the morphological process responsible for the creation of each word in column 2.
a) automation = automate ( conversion )
b) humid = humidifier ( derivation )
c) information, entertainment = infotainment ( blending )
d) love, seat = loveseat ( compound )
e) prógress = progréss
f) typographical error = typo
g) aerobics, marathon = aerobathon ( blending )
h) act = deactivate ( derivation )
i) International, police = Interpol
j) perambulator = pram ( clipping )
k) (a) comb = comb
l) beef, buffalo = beefalo
m) Action on Smoking and Health = ASH
n) megabyte = meg
o) teleprinter, exchange = telex
p) influenza = flu
q) They have finished = They’ve finished

3. The following data provides the possible forms of the plural morpheme of English.
a) chiefs /ʧiːfs/ ( s ) k) balls /bɔːlz/
b) thieves /θiːvz/ ( z ) l) bulbs /bʌlbz/
c) rooms /ruːmz/( z ) m) dances /dɑːnsɪz/
d) ashes /æʃɪz ( IZ ) n) songs /sɒŋz/
e) nights /naɪts/ ( s ) o) chips /ʧɪps/
f) branches /brɑːnʧɪz/ p) browsers /ˈbraʊzəz/
g) dogs /dɒgz/ q) packs /pæks/

h) clothes /kləʊðz/ r) bands /bændz/

i) ages /eɪʤɪz/
j) guns /gʌnz/
i) List the allomorphs of the plural morpheme in the preceding data.
ii) What phonological feature is shared by the consonants of allomorphs of the plural?
iii)What phonological distinguishes the consonants of the allomorphs?

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