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Student’s name: Nguyễn Thị Tịnh Như.

Student’s ID: 18F7061039.

Class: K15 QTH.
Major: International Study.

Introduction about International Cooperation Center

I. Brief Introduction:
Hue city Center of International Cooperation was established under Decision
No.1616/QĐ-UBND dated November 9, 2010, of the People’s Committee of Thua
Thien Hue Province; being operated under the management and direct guidance of
the People’s Committee of Thua Thien Province.
II. Organizational Structure:
1. Leaders: 1 Director, 2 Vice Directors.
2. Line departments:
 General administration department: in charge of administration, management,
organization, reception and consul.
 Decentralized cooperation department: in charge of collaborative programs
between Hue and other cities, territories having cooperative relationships or being
 Non-governmental cooperation department: in charge of the people-to-people
relation activities, the partnerships with mass organizations, civil society, non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) in the fields of culture, education, medical,
and society.
III. The function and tasks of International Cooperation Center:
1. Position and funtions:
Hue city Center of International Cooperation is a Public non-business unit
functioning to advise and assist the City People’s Committee in performing the
state management of the City’s foreign affairs; public services within the scope of
state management of the city and carry out duties, powers as decentralized or
authorized by Provincial People’s Committee, City People’s Committee and other
duties in accordance with the law.
2. Tasks and powers:

1.1. To submit to the City People’s Committee:

- Draft decisions, directives, and other documents under issuing authority of the
City People’s Committee in external affairs.
- Long-term, five-year, and annual draft plans, strategies, programs, projects on
foreign affairs; measures to organize the implementation of state administrative
reform tasks in the field of foreign affairs under the management of the Center.
1.2. To submit to the Chairman of the City People’s Committee draft decisions,
directives under issuing authority of the Chairman of the City People’s Committee
in external affairs.
1.3. To organize the implementation of legal documents, plannings, plans,
programs, schemes, projects, and other issues on foreign affairs after obtaining the
approval by competent authorities: provide information, propaganda,
dissemination and education in the fields under the management of the Center.
1.4. To organize and manage incoming and outcoming delegations:
- Uniformly managing the city's overseas business delegations and host the foreign
and international delegations arriving in Vietnam to visit and work with Hue city
in accordance with the law and decentralization of the Provincial People’s
- Organizing the reception of international delegations to visit and work with the
City People’s Committee; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate
with relevant units in organizing the City People’s Committee’s overseas business
1.5. Regarding Consular affairs:
- To advise and guidance for subjects demanding related to procedures for applying
for passports, exit and entry visas for Vietnamese people; procedures for applying
for Vietnam visa extension; coordinate with relevant agencies to carry out
immigration work of Vietnamese and foreigners in the city.
1.6. Regarding External information.
- Coordinating with relevant agencies in implementing programs, planning local
external information propaganda approved by the Provicial People’s Committee;
the City People’s Committee.
- Providing relevant information to locals for propaganda work to the Department
of Foreign Affairs and competent authorities.
1.7. For non-governmental organizations and individuals:
- Coordinating with relevant agencies in promoting, managing the fund of
development, humanity projects, and emergency aids by non-governmental
organizations helping Hue City in accordance with the law.
- Supporting administrative procedures in the implementation of development,
humanity programs or projects, and emergency aid by foreign non-governmental
organizations helping the city.
1.8. Regarding External economy:
- Helping the Provincial People’s Committee implement the program of external
activities for developing social- economy after obtaining approvals by authorities.
- Participating in economic, trade, investment, tourism promotion, creating
investment and business environment consistent with social-economic
development strategies of the city; helping local enterprises expand cooperation
with other countries.
1.9. Ragarding Foreign culture:
- Implementing the external cultural program of the city’s activities after obtaining
approval by authorities.
- Coordinating with relevant agencies in organizing external cultural events in
locals and building, promoting the image of local people, culture abroad.
1.10. Organizing conferences, seminars after approved by authorities.
- Coordinating with relevant agencies in organizing conferences, seminars, and
implementing international agreements in the locals;
1.11. Implementing the Center’s administrative reform program according to the
aims and content of the administrative reform program and plan of the City
People’s Committee; performing public services within scope of the city’s state
1.12. Organizing researches, applying scientific and technological advances;
building databases, information, storage systems for state management, and
professional expertise in foreign affairs.
1.13. Coordinating with relevant agencies in implementing the programs and
projects involving in the field of external affairs as assigned by the City People’s
1.14. Implementing other duties assigned by the City People’s Committee,
Chairman of the City People’s Committee or as in accordance with the law.

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