The Indolence of The Filipinos

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Alexis Gosamo

The Indolence of the Filipinos

Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, often known as Dr. Jose P. Rizal,
wrote an explanatory essay titled La Indolencia de los Filipinos, which has been referenced in
various novels, articles, and even monuments. This expository essay investigates a variety of
topics in order to highlight the purported hardships that the Filipino people endured throughout
their Spanish colonization.

Filipinos were also accused for being lazy and not working hard enough to feed their
family three times a day during the Spanish era, but after reading "The indolence of the
Filipinos," I found that it was the Spaniards' fault, not the Filipinos'. Dr. Jose Rizal claimed in his
book that Filipinos were the most productive and industrious race on the earth before to the
arrival of the Spaniards. The neglect of the Filipinos in terms of academics, economic activity,
and a number of other concerns that will be examined in detail in this paper was due to
colonialism, or the Spanish government.

During the Spanish era, Filipinos were likewise accused of being sluggish and not
working hard enough to feed their families three times a day, but after reading "The indolence of
the Filipinos," I discovered that it was the Spaniards, not the Filipinos, who were to blame. Dr.
Jose Rizal asserted in his book that before the coming of the Spaniards, Filipinos were the most
productive and industrious race on the planet. Colonialism, or the Spanish administration, was
responsible for the Filipinos' neglect in terms of academics, economic activity, and a variety of
other issues that will be discussed in depth in this paper.

However, during this historical period, taxes were quite high, and a major portion of their
earnings went to the government or even the friars. Because they are frightened of being harmed
if they protest in such an unpredictable circumstance, Filipinos are essentially servants to the
Spanish population.
Filipino laborers have also been influenced by wars between Spain and other European countries
to focus entirely on shipyards, roads, and other public works projects, neglecting agriculture and
industry-related activities.

Aside from job, colonization had an impact on education, with Spanish overlords
manipulating the institution. Lectures at the time were said to be primarily focused on repeating
prayers, with no courses or themes related to growth. Due to Spanish authorities' restrictions on
Filipino education, certain lessons were also disregarded during the period. As previously said,
courses like Agriculture and Industry do not exist because people are mis lead into believing that
the government does not require them.

Caused by a lack of education, Spanish rulers allowed pirates and other attackers into the
country, leaving Filipinos without weaponry to defend themselves. As a result of the invaders,
several native people were slain, their homes were burned down, and their fields were destroyed,
as the Philippines is a well-known country rich in minerals and other treasures. Filipinos have
lost interest in developing our lands, making development by building industries, and many other
activities because to their fear of being assassinated. All they have to do is trust in God's mercy.

When something comes to education, religion plays a major role since Spanish rulers
instilled in Filipinos the belief that the poor they are, the closer they are to heaven, consequently
Filipinos at the time tended not to work and remained impoverished. As a result, Filipinos are
content to be disadvantaged, as the rulers claim, based on patently incorrect information.

Gambling is also being developed and popularized during this time. Cockfights can take
place anywhere, at any time. Gambling is also present on feast days. It's also interesting to note
that the first people to take bets were government officials and friars.

also according to the information presented and discussed in this essay, Filipinos
throughout the Spanish era went through a lot. It is difficult to live during this period because
technology is absent or non-existent. Furthermore, as described in this dissertation, living in this
time is extremely difficult because life has numerous limitations. Living on a restricted budget
means accepting life as it is. The Filipino people are consistent in their pursuit of embracing life
to the maximum extent possible.
Whenever we say that Spanish authorities ruled our country, the Philippines, for a long
time, imagine the sacrifice and effort made by our fellow Filipinos to put themselves in any
circumstances only to live. The Filipinos' Indolence, published by our national hero, Doctor Jose
P. Rizal, inspires Filipinos to act and defend our homeland.

This explanatory article makes a significant contribution because it details the genuine
things that happened during this period in Filipino history. Dr. Rizal's education, which he
acquired from various nations, was the key to his success.

The Filipinos' ambivalence stems from mistreatment and discrimination, corruption, and
poor ideas set by the Spanish colonizers. Considering the inherent concerns, Filipinos are simply
victims of Spanish rulers who purposefully cause our fellow Filipinos to suffer in their own

In concluding, Filipino indolence cannot be attributed to the absence of Filipinos because,

in the first place, it is the Spaniards that force our fellow citizens to live with constraints. Doctor
Jose P. Rizal, in my opinion, did a terrific job in writing and awakening Filipinos in a way that
he can aid.

The Filipinos' indolence is a legacy of our national hero. As a reason, we can't deny that
Filipinos have done a great job of surviving whatever the situation they are in.

Filipinos are committed workers who put in long hours in their occupations. Indolence in
the Philippines is more accurately described as a symptom, not a cause, of the country's
backwardness. As a result of the Spaniards' treatment of the Filipinos, they grew sluggish. They
acquired Filipino territory and forced Filipinos to work for free on their own land. They
persuaded Filipinos that rich people have no place in heaven while the poor do, forcing them to
give more as a result of the church's religious teachings, to the point where they had nothing left.
They provide the Filipinos with wonders.

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