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Formal Observation Summary

Evidence of Teaching
Domain #1: Planning and Preparation
FfT Components / No Opportunity No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations
Met Expectations (2) Score
Elements to Observe (0) (1) (3)
1a: Demonstrating Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate’s The teacher The teacher 3
Knowledge of plans and practice candidate’s plans and candidate’s plans and
Content & display little practices reflect some practice reflect solid
Pedagogy knowledge of the awareness of the knowledge of the
(InTASC 4; CAEP content, prerequisite important concepts in content, prerequisite
1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, relationships between the discipline, relationships between
3.4, 3.5) different aspects of theprerequisites, important concepts,
content, or the relationships between and the instructional
instructional practices them, and the practices specific to
specific to that instructional practice the discipline.
discipline. specific to that
Evidence: Hannah creates comprehensive and sequential lesson plans that dictate each day’s lesson. However, she is mindful of
flexibility needed to adapt each day based on group evaluation of performance skills.

1b: Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate The teacher candidate The teacher candidate 3
Demonstrating demonstrates little or indicates the actively seeks
Knowledge of no knowledge of importance of knowledge of
Students (InTASC students’ backgrounds, understanding students’ backgrounds,
1,2,7; CAEP 1.1, cultures, skills, students’ cultures, skills,
1.5, 3.4) language proficiency, backgrounds, cultures, language proficiency,
interests, and special skills, language interests, and special
needs, and does not proficiency, interests, needs, and attains this
seek such and special needs, and knowledge for groups
understanding. attains this knowledge of students.
for the class as a
Evidence: Hannah continues to learn students re: abilities, individual challenges, and personalities, so as to accommodate in the
classroom setting. In her own classroom, I am confident she will develop even stronger identification with students in her classes.
FfT Components / No Opportunity No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations
Met Expectations (2) Score
Elements to Observe (0) (1) (3)
Non-Applicable No Evidence Instructional outcomes Instructional outcomes Instructional outcomes 3
1c: Setting are unsuitable for are of moderate rigor are stated as goals
Instructional students, represent and are suitable for reflecting high level
Outcomes(InTAS trivial or low-level some students, but learning and
C 1; CAEP 1.1, learning, or are stated consist of a curriculum standards.
1.3, 1.4, 3.4) only as activities. They combination of They are suitable for
do not permit viable activities and goals, most students in the
methods of assessment. some of which permit class, represent
viable methods of different types of
assessment. They learning, and can be
reflect more than one assessed. The
type of learning, but outcomes reflect
the teacher makes no opportunities for
attempt at coordination.
coordination or
Evidence: Outcomes are clearly articulated, and expectations align with teaching strategies.

1d: Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate The teacher candidate The teacher candidate 3
Demonstrating demonstrates little or demonstrates some is fully aware of the
Knowledge of no familiarity with familiarity with resources available
Resources (CAEP resources to enhance resources available through the school or
1.4, 1.5, 3.4) own knowledge, to use through the school or district to enhance
in teaching, or for district to enhance own knowledge, to use
students who need own knowledge, to in teaching, or for
them. The teacher use in teaching, or for students who need
candidate does not seek students who need them.
such knowledge. them. The teacher
candidate does not
seek to extend such
FfT Components / No Opportunity No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations
Met Expectations (2) Score
Elements to Observe (0) (1) (3)
Evidence: Hannah continues to utilize resources at the local and college level regarding curriculum, management strategies, and
pedagogy (both musical and general). Her involvement with the student teaching seminar course affords her opportunities for
continued learning and growth.

1e: Designing Non-Applicable No Evidence The series of learning The series of learning
The candidate 3
Coherent experiences is poorly experiences coordinates knowledge
Instruction aligned with the demonstrates partial of content, of students,
(InTASC 1, 4, 7; instructional outcomes alignment with and of resources to
CAEP 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, and does not represent instructional design a series of
1.5, 3.4) outcomes and does not outcomes, and some learning experiences
represent a coherent of the experiences are
aligned to instructional
structure. The likely to engage outcomes and suitable
experiences are suitable students in significant
for groups of students.
for only some students. learning. The lesson or
The lesson or unit
unit has a recognizable
structure has a clear
structure and reflects
structure and is likely
partial structure. to engage students in
significant learning.
Evidence: Hannah displays a wealth of content knowledge, while being mindful of her limitations. She exhibits a desire to increase her
knowledge in various music pedagogy strategies. Her grasp of rehearsal strategies for choral ensembles continues to improve.
FfT Components / No Opportunity No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations
Met Expectations (2) Score
Elements to Observe (0) (1) (3)
1f: Designing Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate’s The teacher The teacher 3
Student plan for assessing candidate’s plan for candidate’s plan for
Assessments student learning student assessment is student assessment is
(InTASC 6; CAEP contains no clear partially aligned with aligned with the
1.1, 1.2, 1.5) criteria or standards, is the instructional instructional
poorly aligned with the outcomes, without outcomes, uses clear
instructional outcomes, clear criteria, and criteria, and is
or is inappropriate for inappropriate for at appropriate for the
many students. The least some of the needs of students. The
results of assessments students. The teacher teacher candidate
have minimal impact candidate intends to intends to use
on the design of future use assessment results assessment results to
instruction. to plan for future plan for future
instruction for the instruction for groups
class as a whole. of students.
Evidence: Utilization of self-reflection by students will allow opportunities for observation of additional assessment tools.

Domain #2: The Classroom Environment

FfT No
No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations
Components / Opportunity to Met Expectations (2) Score
(0) (1) (3)
Elements Observe
2a: Creating an Non-Applicable No Evidence Classroom interactions, Classroom Classroom interactions, 3
Environment of both between the interactions, both both between the
Respect and teacher candidate and between the teacher teacher candidate and
Rapport the students and among candidate and the the students and among
(InTASC 3; students are negative, students and among students are polite and
CAEP 1.1, 3.3) inappropriate, or students are generally respectful, reflecting
insensitive to students’ appropriate and free general warmth and
cultural backgrounds from conflict but may caring and are
and are characterized be characterized by appropriate to the
by sarcasm, put-downs, occasional displays of cultural and
or conflict. insensitivity or lack of developmental
responsiveness to differences among
cultural or groups of students.
differences among
Evidence: Hannah demonstrates respect for students through her language and manner. She shows patience, and displays a positive
attitude toward student engagement. Students remain engaged and focused under her direction, and appear to desire to please her
through their musical efforts.
2b: Establishing Non-Applicable No Evidence The classroom The teacher The classroom culture 3
a Culture for environment conveys a candidate’s attempt to is characterized by high
Learning (CAEP negative culture for create a culture for expectations for most
1.1, 3.3, 3.6) learning, characterized learning is partially students and genuine
by low teacher successful, with little commitment to the
candidate commitment teacher candidate subject by both teacher
to the subject, low commitment to the candidate and students,
expectations for student subject, modest with students
achievement, and little expectations for demonstrating pride in
or no student pride in student achievement, their work.
work. and little student pride
in work. Both teacher
candidate and students
appear to be only
“going through the
FfT No
No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations
Components / Opportunity to Met Expectations (2) Score
(0) (1) (3)
Elements Observe
Evidence: Students show tremendous pride in their work and are eager to mirror back corrective phrases and musical ideas
previously taught. Hannah prods students to continue on without stopping during challenging sections and students respond eagerly.

2c: Managing Non-Applicable No Evidence Much instructional Some instructional Little instructional time 3
Classroom time is lost because of time is lost because of is lost because of
Procedures inefficient classroom classroom routines and classroom routines and
(CAEP 3.4) routines and procedures procedures for procedures for
for transitions, handling transitions, handling transitions, handling of
of supplies, and of supplies, and supplies, and
performance of non- performance of non- performance of non-
instructional duties. instructional duties are instructional duties,
only partially which occur smoothly.
2d: Managing Non-Applicable No Evidence There is no evidence It appears that the
Standards of conduct 3
Student that standards of teacher candidate has
appear to be clear to
Behavior (CAEP conduct have been made an effort to students, and the
3.4) established and little or establish standards of
teacher candidate
no teacher candidate conducts for students.
monitors student
monitoring of student The teacher candidate
behavior against those
behavior. Response to tries, with unevenstandards. The teacher
student misbehavior is results, to monitor
candidate’s response to
repressive or student behavior and
student misbehavior is
disrespectful of student respond to studentappropriate and
dignity. misbehavior. respects the students’
Evidence: In today’s observation, students demonstrate virtually no classroom management challenges. Students remained focused
and eager. Transitions were smooth and effective between pieces and after warmups.
FfT No
No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations
Components / Opportunity to Met Expectations (2) Score
(0) (1) (3)
Elements Observe
2e: Organizing Non-Applicable No Evidence The physical The classroom is safe, The classroom is safe, 3
Physical Space environment is unsafe, and essential learning and learning is
(CAEP 3.4) or some students don’t is accessible to most accessible to all
have access to learning. students; the teacher students; the teacher
There is poor alignment candidate’s use of candidate ensures that
between the physical physical resources, the physical
arrangement and the including computer arrangement is
lesson activities. technology, is appropriate to the
moderately effective. learning activities. The
The teacher candidate teacher candidate
may attempt to modify makes effective use of
the physical physical resources,
arrangement to suit including computer
learning activities, technology.
with partial success.

Domain 3: Instruction
Fft No
No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations Scor
Components Opportunity to Met Expectations (2)
(0) (1) (3) e
/Elements Observe
3a: Non-Applicable No Evidence Expectations for Expectations for Expectations for 3
Communicating learning, directions and learning, directions learning, directions and
with Students procedures, and and procedures, and procedures, and
(InTASC 5; explanations of content explanations of explanations of content
CAEP 1.1) are unclear or content are clarified are clear to students.
confusing to students. after initial confusion; Communications are
The teacher candidate’s the teacher candidate’s appropriate for
use of language use of language is students’ cultures and
contains errors or is correct but may not be levels of development.
inappropriate for completely
students’ cultures or appropriate for
level of development. students’ cultures or
levels of development.
Fft No
No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations Scor
Components Opportunity to Met Expectations (2)
(0) (1) (3) e
/Elements Observe
Evidence: Clear, well-articulated directions and recognition of diverse learning styles as well as stratification of maturity levels to
comprehend the text.

3b: Using Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate’s Some of the teacher Most of the teacher 3
Questioning and questions are low-level candidate’s questions candidate’s questions
Discussion or inappropriate, elicit a thoughtful elicit a thoughtful
Techniques eliciting limited student response, but most are response, and the
(InTASC 8; participation and low-level, posed in teacher candidate
CAEP 1.1, 1.4, recitation rather than rapid succession. The allows sufficient time
3.4) discussion. teacher candidate’s for students to answer.
attempts to engage all All students participate
students in the in the discussion, with
discussion are only the teacher candidate
partially successful. stepping aside when
Evidence: Discussion of text allowed many opportunities for sharing and discussion. As you build trust with your students,
discussion will be easier for students to engage, especially about topics related to interpretation of text.
Fft No
No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations Scor
Components Opportunity to Met Expectations (2)
(0) (1) (3) e
/Elements Observe
3c: Engaging Non-Applicable No Evidence Activities and Activities and Activities and 3
Students in assignments, materials, assignments, assignments, materials,
Learning and grouping of materials, and and grouping of
(InTASC 1, 3, 4, students are grouping of students students are fully
5, 8; CAEP 1.1, inappropriate for the are partially appropriate for the
1.4, 1.5, 3.4) instructional outcomes appropriate for the instructional outcomes
or students’ cultures or instructional outcomes or students’ cultures
levels of understanding, or students’ cultures or and levels of
resulting in little levels of understanding. All
intellectual understanding, students are engaged in
engagement. The resulting in moderate work of a high level of
lesson has no structure intellectual rigor. The lesson’s
or is poorly paced. engagement. The structure is coherent,
lesson has a with appropriate pace.
recognizable structure,
but that structure is not
fully maintained.
Evidence: Pacing was generally good. It is difficult to keep teenagers engaged first thing in the morning, especially after time change.

3d: Using Non-Applicable No Evidence Assessment is not used Assessment is Assessment is regularly 3
assessment in in instruction, either occasionally used in used in instruction,
Instruction through monitoring of instruction, through through self-assessment
(InTASC 6; progress by the teacher some monitoring of by students, monitoring
CAEP 1.1, 1.2, candidate or students, progress of learning of progress of learning
1.5) or though feedback to by the teacher by the teacher
students. Students are candidate and/or candidate and/or
unaware of the student. Feedback to students, and high-
assessment criteria students is uneven, quality feedback to
used to evaluate their and students are aware students. Students are
work. of only some of the fully aware of the
assessment criteria assessments criteria
used to evaluate their issued to evaluate their
work. work.
Fft No
No Evidence Below Expectations Above Expectations Scor
Components Opportunity to Met Expectations (2)
(0) (1) (3) e
/Elements Observe

3e: Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate The teacher candidate The teacher candidate 3
Demonstrating adheres to the attempts to modify the promotes the successful
Flexibility and instruction plan, even lesson when needed learning of all students,
Responsiveness when a change would and to respond to making adjustments as
(CAEP 3.4) improve the lesson or student questions, with needed to instruction
address students’ lack moderate success. The plans and
of interest. The teacher teacher candidate accommodating student
candidate brushes aside accepts responsibility questions, needs, and
student questions; for student success but interests.
when students has only a limited
experience difficulty, repertoire of strategies
the teacher candidate to draw upon.
blames the students or
their home
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

FfT Components No Evidence Met Expectations Above Expectations Scor
Opportunity to Below Expectations (1)
/ Elements (0) (2) (3) e
4a: Reflecting on Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate The teacher candidate The teacher candidate 3
Teaching does not accurately provides a partially provides an accurate
(InTASC 9; assess the effectiveness accurate and and objective
CAEP 1.1) of the lesson and has no objective description description of the
ideas about how the of the lesson but does lesson, citing specific
lesson could be not cite specific evidence. The teacher
improved. evidence. The teacher candidate makes some
candidate makes only specific suggestions as
general suggestions to how the lesson might
as to how the lesson be improved.
might be improved.
Evidence: Hannah continues to be self reflective, and solicits continual input of teaching effectiveness and classroom management.

4b: Maintaining Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate’s The teacher The teacher candidate’s 3
Accurate systems for maintaining candidate’s systems systems for
Records (CAEP both instructional and for maintaining both maintaining both
3.6) non-instructional instructional and non- instructional and non-
records are either instructional records instructional records
nonexistent or in are rudimentary and are accurate, efficient,
disarray, resulting in only partially and effective.
errors and confusion. effective.
Hannah is displaying evidence of record keeping through maintenance of grade and attendance data, as well as records related to
organization of music related data in the choral ensembles.
FfT Components No Evidence Met Expectations Above Expectations Scor
Opportunity to Below Expectations (1)
/ Elements (0) (2) (3) e
4c: Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate’s The teacher candidate The teacher candidate 0
Communicating communication with adheres to school communicates
with Families families about the procedures for frequently with
(InTASC 10; instructional program or communicating with families and
CAEP 1.1) about individual families and makes successfully engages
students is sporadic or modest attempts to them in the
culturally inappropriate. engage families in the instructional program.
The teacher candidate instructional Information to families
makes no attempt to program. But about individual
engage families in the communications are students is conveyed in
instructional program. not always a culturally appropriate
appropriate to the manner.
cultures of those
Evidence: Please show evidence of family communication in your final lesson.
4d: : Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate’s The teacher candidate The teacher candidate’s 3
Participating in relationships with maintains cordial relationships with
a Professional colleagues are negative relationships with colleagues are
Community or self-serving. The colleagues to fulfill characterized by
(InTASC 10; teacher candidate avoids duties that the school mutual support and
CAEP 1.1, 3.6) participation in a or district requires. cooperation; the
professional culture of The teacher candidate teacher candidate
inquiry, resisting participates in the actively participates in
opportunities to become school’s culture of a culture of
involved. The teacher professional inquiry professional inquiry.
candidate avoids when invited to do The teacher candidate
becoming involved in so. The teacher volunteers to
school events or school candidate participates participate in school
and district projects. in school events and events and in school
school and district and district projects,
projects when making substantial
specifically asked. contribution.
Evidence: participation in PD and staff meetings
FfT Components No Evidence Met Expectations Above Expectations Scor
Opportunity to Below Expectations (1)
/ Elements (0) (2) (3) e
4e: Growing and Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate The teacher candidate The teacher candidate 3
Developing does not participate in participates in seeks out opportunities
Professionally professional professional for professional
(InTASC 9; development activities development development based on
CAEP 1.1, 3.6) and makes no effort to activities that are an individual
share knowledge with convenient or are assessment of need and
colleagues. The teacher required, and makes actively shares
candidate is resistant to limited contributions expertise with others.
feedback from to the profession. The teacher candidate
supervisors or The teacher candidate welcomes feedback
colleagues. accepts, with some from supervisors and
reluctance, feedback colleagues.
from supervisors and
Evidence: participation in student teaching seminars

4f: Showing Non-Applicable No Evidence The teacher candidate The teacher candidate The teacher candidate 3
Professionalism has little sense of ethics is honest and well displays a high level of
(InTASC 9, 10; and professionalism and intentioned in serving ethics and
CAEP 1.1, 3.6) contributes to practices students and professionalism in
that are self-serving or contributing to dealings with both
harmful to students. The decisions in the students and colleagues
teacher candidate fails to school, but the and complies fully and
comply with school and teacher candidate’s voluntarily with school
district regulations and attempts to serve and district regulations.
time lines. students are limited.
The teacher candidate
complies minimally
with school and
district regulations,
doing just enough to
get by.
FfT Components No Evidence Met Expectations Above Expectations Scor
Opportunity to Below Expectations (1)
/ Elements (0) (2) (3) e
Evidence: Deportment, language, decorum and dress are all very professional and appropriate. Rapport with cooperating teacher
appears friendly and respectful.

Strengths of the Lesson: Your comfortable and friendly demeanor encourage an environment based on trust and mutual respect.
You are working hard to inspire a sense of energy and enthusiasm after a weekend with the fall musical, and at 8am on the first day
after daylight savings time change!

Areas for Growth: Continue to explore management strategies for challenging classrooms, so that you are well prepared in different
circumstances. Continue to develop conducting skills utilizing Laban verbs. I also wonder if connection between Curwen hand signs
and pitches in music (“Lift” last page, esp with M3) will provide kinesthetic reinforcement of pitches and intonation.

Specifics to focus on for the next observation: Demonstrate an appropriate mastery of the chorale classroom in rehearsal and
management, including warmups, organization, clear directions and communication. Give evidence of growth in choral conducting
skills, and in some form of teacher/family communication.

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