Synonyms & Antonyms

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 Abandon (Vt) : [cslgkjs NksM+ nsu k] R;kx nsu k] ifjR;kx djuk] lkjs nkos
NksM+ nsuk] vkReleiZ.k djuk ]
Syn : Desert, Give up, Forsake, Bereave, Leave, Quit,
Relinquish, Abdicate, Surrender, Resign.
Ant : Continue, Persist, Cherish, Maintain, Retain, uphold,
Defend, Assert, Favour, Adopt, Support.
 Abattoir (N/c) : [cwp M+[ kkuk] dlkbZ[ kkuk] o/k’kkyk] o/kLFky ]
Syn : Slaughterhouse; Altar.
Aberration (N) : [lgh ekxZ ls HkVduk] iFkHkz " V] foiFkxeu] vfu;ferrk]
fHkUurk] ikxyiu] >diuk ]
 Abolish (Vt) : [vUr djuk] mUewyu djuk] lekIr djuk] lekiu djuk]
fuewZy djuk] feVk nsuk ]
Syn : End, Put to an end, Remove, Eradicate, Do away with
Disestablish, Destroy, Annihilate, Demolish, Abrogate,
Annul, Extinguish, Exterminate, Revoke.
Ant : Retain, Continue, Establish, Restore, Revive, Repair,
Support, Sustain Ratify, Enforce.
 Absorbed (Adj.) : [yhu] rUe;] rYyhu] vkRelkr~] foyhu] lefo"V] exu ]
Syn : Engaged, Engrossed, Assimilated, Engulfed, Imbibed,
Consumed, Merged.
Ant : Disgorged, Ejected, Exuded, Emitted, Dissipated, Dispersed,
Spewed, Bleched.
 Absurd (Adj.) : [tfVy] dfBu] xgjk] xw< +] lw{ e] vLi"V] jgL;e;h ]
Syn : Complex, Difficult, Profound, Recondite, Abstract, Subtle,
Deep, Obscure, Mysterious, Esoteric.
Ant : Distinct, Clear, Evident, Lucid, Vivid, Comprehensible,
Knowable, Known, Manifest, Unequivocal, Unambiguous. |2| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Abundance (N) : [izp qj rk] cgqr k;r] ckgqY ;] cgqy rk ]

Syn : Plentifulness, Ampleness, Copiousness, Fullness,
Lavishness, Exuberance, Profusion, Opulence.
Ant : Scarcity, Insufficiency, Meagreness, Bareness.
 Abundant (Adj.) : [izpqj ] vf/kd] cgqr T;knk] Hkjiwj ] lEiUu] cgqy ]
Syn : Plentiful, Abounding, Ample, Copious, Full, Lavish, Flowing,
Profuse, Opulent.
Ant : Scanty, Insufficient, Meagre, Little, Few, Scarce, Small,
Tiny, Bare.
 Accentuate (Vt) : [cy nsu k] Lojk?kkr djuk] fof'k"Vhdj.k djuk ]
Syn : Emphasize, Stress, Acent, Affirm, Underline, Exaggerate,
Mark, Highlight, Draw attention to.
 Accolade (N) : [iqj Ldkj] iz'kallkRed mYys[k] vkfyaxu] xy feyu] pqEcu ]
Syn : Award, Honour, Hugging, Embracement, Kiss, Laurels,
Praise, Prize, Conferment, Gift, Endowment.
 Accomplish (Vt) : [ifjiw. kZ djuk] lEiw . kZ djuk] lekiu djuk] iwj k djuk]
lekIr djuk] dj ysuk] fu[kkjuk ]
Syn : Carry out, Perform, Finish, Complete, Reach the end,
Succeed, Achieve, Attain, Execute, Manage, Consummate.
Ant : Fail, Deter, Undo, Relinquish, Disappoint, Frustrate, Nullify,
 Acrimonious (Adj.) : [rhoz] :[kk] pqHkus okyk] dVq] rh{.k ]mxz ]
Syn : Sharp, Caustic, Stinging, Bitter, Biting, Harsh, Hateful,
Angry, Malevolent, Virulent.
Ant : Amiable, Gentle, Mild, Tender, Kind, Courteous, Sweet,
Smooth, Polite, Civil.
 Acute (Adj.) : [rhoz] rh{k.k] dq' kkxz] uqdhyk] rst ]
Syn : Sharp, Keen, Astute, Shrewd Perspicacious, Quickness,
Celerity, Wisdom, Sagaciousness.
Ant : Obtuse, Slow, Dull, Stolid, Stupid, Dense, Insensitive,
Apathetic, Indifferent. |3| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Adamant (Adj.) : [n`< +] gBhyk] ftn~n h] dBksj ] l[r] vfopfyr ]

Syn : Unyielding, Firm, Stern, Obstinate, Stubborn, Obdurate,
Rigid, Determined, Intransigent, Resolute.
Ant : Yielding, Flexible, Submissive, Docile, Tractable, Compliant,
Obedient, Adaptable, Variable.
 Adequate (Adj.) : [i;kZIr] lar ks"ktud] ;Fks" V] leqf pr] vkIr ]
Syn : Sufficient, Satisfactory, Enough, Competent, Qualified,
Ample, Suitable, Suited.
Ant : Inadequate, Unsuitable, Unsuited, Disqualified, Unfit,
Incompetent, Poor, Worthless, Insufficient.
 Admonish (Vt) : [lk/kkj.k psr kouh ns u k] lk/kkj.k Mka V fiykuk] le>kuk]
lwpuk nsuk] HkRlZuk djuk] ;kn fnykuk ]
Syn : Warn, Caution, Advise, Inform, Condemn, Remind, Urge (to
duty), Counsel, Reprove, Rebuke, Forewarn, Censure,
Dissuade, Exhort.
Ant : Approve, Applaud, Daud, Flatter, Eulogize, Praise, Acclaim,
Recommend, Extol, Commend.

 Admonition (N) : [psr kouh] izc ks/ ku] HkRlZu k] MkaV &QVdkj] lykg ]
Syn : Reproof, Rebuke, Reprimand, Reproach, Warning, Advice,
Counsel, Caution, Remonstrance, Scolding, Criticism,
Ant : Approval, Praise, Eulogy, Flattery, Cajole, Acclamation,
Applause, Encomium, Accolade, Panegyric, Admiration,
Tribute, Homage, Glory.

 Adulterate (Vt) : [Hkz"V djuk] nwf"kr djuk] O;fHkpkjh cukuk] vifeJ.k djuk]
feykoV djuk ]
Syn : Debase, Corrupt, Vitiate, Pollute, Contaminate, Defile,
Deflower, Alloy, Tamper with, Water down.
Ant : Purify, Purge, Cleanse, Clean Wash, Refine, Distil Filter,
Ameliorate, Purgate. |4| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Adversary (N/c) : [cSjh] 'k=q] fojks/kh] izf r}a} h] izf ri{kh] foi{kh ]
Syn : Enemy, Opponent, Rival Competitor, Antagonist, Disputant,
Ant : Ally, Aid, Helper, Assistant, Co-worker, Partner, Contributor,
Friend, Backer, Well-wisher, Endorser.
 Adversity (N/c) : [ladV] nqHkkZX ;] foiUurk] foifÙk] nq?kZV uk] nq' euh ]
Syn : Misfortune, Calamity, Distress, Misery, Accident, Disaster,
Ill-luck, Antagonism, Opposition.
Ant : Help, Aid, Assistance, Fortune, Good-luck, Assistance,
Favour, Encouragement, Approval.
 Affable (Adj.) : [feyulkj] vPNs LoHkko dk fouez] lq' khy] Hknz ]
Syn : Friendly, Amiable, Polite, Kindly, Courteous, Mild, Gracious,
Winning, Inviting, Benign, Benignant, Suave, Easy, Pleasant,
Ant : Unfriendly, Sour, Grouchy, Impolite, Discourteous, Haughty,
Disdainful, Complaining, Morose, Dull, Unsociable.
 Affectation (N/u) : [vkMEcj] vkpj.k dh d`f =erk] <+kasx] cukoVhiu] fn[kkok ]
Syn : Pretence' Affectedness, Artifice, Hypocrisy, Airs, Sham,
Display, Pomp, Mannerism, Insincerity.
Ant : Naturalness, Normality, Reality, Purity, Rawness,
Unmixture, Authenticity.
 Affluence (N/u) : [izp qj rk] /ku&oSH ko] foiqy rk ]
Syn : Wealth, Prosperity, Success, Richness, Opulence,
Aboudance, Plentifulness.
Ant : Poverty, Destitution, Impecuny, Penury, Adversity.
 Affluent (Adj.) : [/kuh] le`)] foiqy ] izpqj ]
Syn : Wealthy, Prosperous, Successful, Thriving, Rich, Opulent,
Abounding, Plenteous.
Ant : Poor, Destitute, Impecunious, Penurious, Beggarly,
Penniless, Money, Less. |5| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Alight (Adj.) : [tyrk gqvk] izn hIr] mTtoy] pednkj] nhIr] izT ofyr ]
Syn : Lighted up, On fire, Ablaze, Illuminated, Lit up, Bright,
Burning, Fiery, Blazing, Flaming, Flaring, Radianst, Shining.
Ant : Dark, Black, Cloud, Dusky, Murky, Shadowy,
Unilluminated, Overcast, Dim, Dingy, Bleak, Unlit.

 Alluring (Adj.) : [eksgd] vkd"kZd ] lEeksgd] yqHkkouk] izy ksH kd ]

Syn : Fascinating, Charming, Attractive, Striking, Captivating,
Tempting, Enticing, Luring, Coaxing.
Ant : Repulsive, Preventive, Obstructive, Abominable, Hateful,

 Amalgamate (Adj.) : [>xMkyw] yMkdw] fookniw.kZ] fooknijd] fooknxzLr ]

Syn : Wrangling, Controversial, Disputed, Pugnacious,
Belligerant, Contentious, Quarrelsome, Discordant.
Ant : Agreeable, Acceptable, Harmonious, Accordant, Gratifying.
 Amateurish (Adj.) : [vfuiq. k] vdq' ky] ukSf lf[k;k ]
Syn : Unprofessional, Unskilled, Inexpert, Incompetent, Crude,
Second-rate, Untrained.
Ant : Professional, Expert, Skilled, Trained, Maestro.

 Ambiguous (Adj.) : [laf nX/k( vLi"V( vusdkFkhZ ]

Syn : Unclear; Equivocal; Uncertain; Doubtful; Indistinct, Vague;
Indefinite; Obscure; Cryptic; Enigmatic.
Ant : Clear; Lucid; Explicit; Definite; Unequivocal.
 Amiable (Adj.) : [nksL rkuk( Lusgh( feyulkj( n;kyq( mnkj( eS=hiw. kZ( I;kjk ]
Syn : Friendly; Sociable; Kind; Generous; Pleasant; Amicable;
Loving; Lovable.
Ant : Unfriendly; Unsociable; Cruel; Unpleasant; Peevish;
Troublesome; Acrimonious; Crabbed; III-tempered. |6| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Amicable (Adj.) : [nksL rkuk( Lusgh( feyulkj( n;kyq( mnkj( eS=hiw. kZ( I;kjk ]
Syn : Friendly; Cordial; Amiable; Sociable; Congenial;
Harmonious; Polite.
Ant : Hostile; Unsociable; Agonistic; Unfriendly.
 Amorphous (Adj.) : [vukdkj( vko`f rghu( vkdkjghu ]
Syn : Shapeless; Formless; Structureless; Vague; Incomplete;
Irregular; Inchoate; Chaotic; Confused.
Ant : Ordered; Managed; Controlled; Regulated; Disciplined;
Distinct; Complete; Formed; Regular; Quiet; Tranquil.
 Ample (Adj.) : [i;kZIr( fo'kky( vR;f/kd( pqj ( Hkjk&iwjk( foiqy ]
Syn : Abundant; Large-sized; Plentiful; Large; Big; Spacious;
Capacious; Copious; Sufficient; Great; Broad; Liberal;
Lavish; Rich; Unrestricted.
Ant : Scanty; Meagre; Exiguous; Skimpy; Insufficient; Limited;
Inadequate; Small; Little; Short; Poor; Sparse; Paltry;
Narrow; Thin.
 Anarchy (N/u) : [vjktdrk( vO;oLFkk ]
Syn : Anarchism; Chaos; Disorder; confusion; Pandemonium;
Insurrection; Mutiny; Lawlessness; Rebellion; Revolution.
Ant : Control; Order; Rule; Government; Authority; Regime,
Reign; Domination.
 Anguish (N/u) : [O;Fkk( ekufld osn uk( fpUrk( nq%[k( d"V( nnZ ]
Syn : Distress; Pain; Sorrow; Woe; Anxiety; Worry; Grief; Misery;
Suffering; Affliction; Pang; Torment; Torture; Tribulation.
Ant : Happiness; Joy; Pleasure; Solace; Comfort; cheerfulness;
Gladness; Joyfulness.
 Animosity (N/u) : ['k=qr k( nq' euh( cSj ( fo}s"k ]
Syn : Enmity; Dislike; Hatred; Aversion; Antipathy; Virulence;
Hostility; Malice; Antagonism; Rancour; Splen;
Resentment; Grudge; Acrimony; Animus.
Ant : Love; Affection; Devotion; Attachment; Fondness; Warmth;
Passion; Weakness; Ardour. |7| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Annexure (N) : [vuqy Xud( uRFkh ]

Syn : Attachment; Addition; Appending; Connection; Union.

Ant : Detachment; Separation.

 Anticipate (Vt) : [iwokZHkkl gksu k( vk'kk djuk( mEehn djuk( iwokZuqeku djuk(
vUnktk yxkuk( igys ls tku ysuk ]
Syn : Realise beforehand; Foresee; Expect; Hope; Forbode;
Forecast; Forethink; Apprehend; Foretaste.
Ant : Doubt; Fear; Dread; Dispair; Astonish; Stupefy; Surprise;
Overwhelm; Amaze; Astonish.

 Antagonism (N/u) : [fojks/k( 'k=qrk( nq' euh( izf r}af }rk( izf rjks/k ]

Syn : Antipathy; Enmity; Animosity; Hostility; Opposition, conflict;

Dissension; Discord.
Ant : Harmony; Accord; Agreement; Understanding; Friendship;
Aid; Help; Assistance; Support; Endorsement; Contribution

 Antique (Adj.) : [iqj k.k( iz kphu( iqj kru( iqj kdkyhu( iwo Zd kyhu( iqj ko'ks " k(
iqj koLrq]
Syn : Ancient; Obsolete; Old; Old-fashioned; Outdated; Quaint;
Vintage; Archaic; Antiquarian.
Ant : New; Recent; Modern; Stylish; Up-to-date; Current;
Modish; Conventional; Fashionable.

 Apparent (Adj.) : [Li"V( izR ;{k( vkHkklh( n`' ;eku( izd V( O;Dr( fn[kkoVh(
cukoVh ]
Syn : Clear; Plain; visible; Manifest; Evident; Obvious; Seeming;
Likely; Probable; Presumable; Conspicuous; Perceptible.
Ant : Unlikely; Improbable; Dubious; Doubtful; Unimaginable;
Equivocal; Ambiguous; Wavering; Uncertain; Questionable;
Fluctuating. |8| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Appease (Vt) : ['kkar djuk( rq"V djuk( lar q"V djuk( eukuk( [kq' k djuk(
vk'oklu nsu k ]
Syn : Quieten; Calm; Ease; Pacify; Mollify; Ameliorate; Lessen;
Soothe; Assuage; Assure; Please.
Ant : Aggravate; Anger; Infuriate; Trouble; Disturb; Vex; Taunt;
 Appraise (Vt) : [nke yxkuk( ewY ;kad u djuk( ewY; vkaduk ]
Syn : Price; Estimate; Evaluate; Value; Rate; Prize; Survey;
Asses; Judge; Inspect.
Ant : Undervalue; Underrate; Underestimate; Depreciate;
Disparage; Dismiss; Misjudge.
 Articulate (Adj.) : [Li"V( lqL i"V( ¼Li"V½;( /ofu'khy( laf gr ]
Syn : Clear; Distinct; Vivid; Coherent; Lucid; Meaningful;
Expressive; Comprehensible; Understandable; Well-
spoken; Intelligible; Fluent; Audible; Eloquent; Inarticulate;
Indistinct; Vague; Obscure; Incoherent.
 Artisan (N/c) : [dkjhxj( feL=h ]
Syn : Craftsman; Artificer; Handicraftsman; Skilled; Workman;
Master; Mechanic; Technician.
 Ascent (Vt/Vi) : [p<+ u k( Åij tkuk( c<+ u k( vk:<+ gksu k( gka f ly djuk(
lQy gksu k ]
Syn : Move; Climb; Go upward; Mount; Rise; Gain; Succeed;
Acquire; Advance; Progress; Scale; Surmount; Surge; Leap;
Ant : Descend; Decline; Lose; Fail; Recede; Retreat; Return.
 Assiduous (Adj.) : [m|eh( ifjJeh( esg urh ]
Syn : Industrious; Laborious : Hard-Working; Painstaking;
Attentive; Untiring; Tireless; Diligent; Sedulous.
Ant : Indolent; Idle; Lazy; Slothful; Sluggish; Slow; Inert; Inactive;
Apathetic. |9| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Assuage (Vt) : [de djuk( 'kkar djuk ¼nq% [k Øks/ k] fpUrk] ihM+k½( larq"V
djuk( e`nq djuk( BaMk djuk( fnyklk nsuk ]
Syn : Relieve; Ease; Mitigate; Appease; Satisfy; Calm; Pacify;
Console; Lessen; Diminish; Soothe; Quell; Abate; Allay;
Tranquilize; Moderate; Alleviate.
Ant : Aggravate; Worsen; Exacerbate; Increase; Heighten;
Magnify; Intensify; Exaggerate; Irk; Tease; Provoke
 Atrocity (N/c) : [Øwj rk( 'kSr kuh( u`' kal rk( ohHkRlrk( ik'kfodrk( dqf Rlrrk ]
Syn : Cruelty; Wickedness; Atrociousness; Barbarity; Savagery;
Inhumanity; Heinousness; Vileness; Ruthlessness;
Fiendishness; Outrage; Brutality; Horror; Crime.
Ant : Nobility; Nobleness; Dignity; Humanity; Honour;
Goodness; Virtue; Integrity; Greatness; Grandeur-
 Audacious (Adj.) : [nq% lkglh] xqL rk[k ]
Syn : Bold; Daring; Fearless; Dauntless; Courageous; Valiant;
Brave; Intrepid; Brazen; Impudent.
Ant : Modest; Meek; Mild; Cowardish; Frightened.
 Augment (Vt/Vi) : [vkdkj c<+kuk( o`f) djuk( o`f) gksu k( cM+k djuk( vko/kZu
djuk( c<+u k ]
Syn : Increase; Enlarge; Amplify; Magnify; Expand; Extend;
Enhance; Raise; Boost; Strengthen; Swell; Add to.
Ant : Decrease; Lessen; Diminish; Reduce; Decline; Lower;
Subside; Ebb; Abate; Ease.
 Authentic (Adj.) : [ekf.kd( ekSf yd( fo'oluh;( vlyh( okLrfod ]
Syn : Genuine; True; Original Credible; Real; Veritable;
Trustworthy; Reliable; Sure; Accredited; Accepted;
Ant : Unauthentic; False; Spurious; Fictious; Baseless; Fabulous;
Unauthorised; Apocryphal. |10| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Autocratic (Adj.) : [fujad q' k( rkuk'kkg( Los P Nkpkjh ]

Syn : Absolute; Despotic; Dictatorial; Domineering; Tyrannical;
Totalitarian; Authoritarian.
Ant : Democratic; Liberal; Generous; Kind.

. Autonomous (Adj.) : [Lok;Ùk( Lopkfyr ]

Syn : Independent; Free; Individual; Absolute; Liberated;
Sovereign; Unaided.
Ant : Dependent; Clinging; Controlled; Related; Joint.

 Autonomy (N/u) : [Lok;Ùk 'kklu( Lok;Ùkrk ]

Syn : Independence; Freedom; Individuality; Liberty;
Ant : Dependence; Clinging; Control; Relation; Subjugation.

 Aversion (N) : [foeq[ krk( fo:ph( izf rdwy rk( vfuPNk ]

Syn : Unwillingness; Reluctance; Opposition; Hostility;
Indisposition; Disinclination.
Ant : Readiness; Willingness; Desire; Disposition; Inclination;
Preparedness; Fitness; Freedom.

 Awkward (Adj.) : [Hkík( dq:i( HkkSaM k( d"Vizn ( nq%[knk;h( vfiz;( QwgM+ ]

Syn : Clumsy; Ungainly; Ungraceful; Difficult; Distressing;
Embarrassing; Unpleasant; Rough; Maladroit; Uncouth;
Ant : Adroit; Clever; Dexterous; Artful; Skillful; Skilled, Expert-
Graceful; Apt.

 |11| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Baffing (Adj.) : [ck/kkdkjh( fujk'kktud( pdjk ns u s okyk( foLe;dkjh(

jgL;e; ]
Syn : Obstructing; Confusing; Confounding; Disappointing;
Frustrating; Defeating; Mysterious.
Ant : Helping; Assisting; Supporting; Relieving; Encouraging;
 Banal (Adj.) : [lk/kkj.k( iqj kuk( f?klk&fiVk( cklh ]
Syn : Commonplace; Uninteresting; Ordinary; Trite; Stale; Old;
Hackneyed; Flat; Vapid; Inane; Humdrum; Stereotyped;
Unoriginal: Everyday; Cliched.
Ant : Original: Fresh; Novel; New; Innovative; Different;
Unconventional; Inventive; Creative; Imaginative.
 Bane (Adj.) : [fouk'k( ekSr ( gkfu( tgj( fo"k ]
Syn : Curse; Woe; Affiction; Misery; Scourage; Calamity;
Disaster; Harm; Injury.
Ant : Delight; Bliss; Happiness; Pleasure
 Barbarian (Adj.) : [vlH;( taxyh( ccZj ( xaokj( vHknz( funZ; h( vf'k"V ]
Syn : Uncivilized; Uncultured; Cruel; Savage; Unrefined;
Unpolished; Fierce; Brutal; Rough; Rude; Barbaric;
Ant : Civilized; Cultured; Kind; Benevolent; Refined; Polished;
Gentle; Nice; Tender; Graceful.
 Barbarous (Adj.) : [vlH;( fu"Bqj ( ccZj ( ta x yh( mtM~M ( vekuoh;( vlH;(
v'kksH kuh; ]
Syn : Savage; Cruel; Brutal; Rude; Barbarism; Inhuman; Tyrant;
Atrocious; Merciless; Uncouth.
Ant : Human; Merciful; Sympathetic; King; Generous. |12| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Barren (Adj.) : [catj( vuqitkm( Ålj( vuqoZj ( cka>( Qyghu ]

Syn : Infertile; Unproductive; Sterile; Infecund; Unfruitful; Arid;
Desolate; Empty; Futile; Useless; Fruitless; Unprofitable.
Ant : Fertile; Useful; Productive; Fruitful.
 Beauteous (Adj.) : [lqUnj( [kw c lwj r(;( je.khd ]
Syn : Beautiful; Attractive; Comely; Elegant; Lovely; Handsome;
Fine; Seemly; Fair; Graceful; Worthy; Wonderful.
Ant : Ugly; Deformed; Horrible; Hideous; Plain; Uncomely;
Ungainly; Jnlovely; Ordinary; Loathsome; Ghastly;
 Benevolent (Adj.) : [ijks i dkjh( n;kyq ( nku'khy( mnkj( fgrS " kh( 'kqH kfpa r d(
ykHknk;h ]
Syn : Kind; Helpful; Tender; Bounteous; Humane; Beneficent
Kindhearted; Generous; Kindly; Sympathetic;
Philonthropist; Munificent.
Ant : Malevolent; Hateful; Envious; Malign; Unkind Niggardly;
Harsh; Greedy; Brutal; Selfish.
 Bequeath (Vt) : [olh;r djuk( mÙkjnku djuk( ihNs NksM +u k( dks lkSi uk(
olh;r esa nsuk ]
Syn : Give; Leave; Will; Bestow; Endow; Pass on; Impart; Grant;
Ant : Take; Stay; Retain; Uphold.
 Beseech (Vt) : [izkFkZu k djuk( fourh djuk( vuqu ;&fou; djuk( fou;iwoZd
ekax uk ]
Syn : Implore; Beg; Entreat; Request; Importune; Desire.
Ant : Oppose; Protest; Remonstrate; Deprecate; Disapprove;
Reject; Turn down.
 Betrayal (Adj.) : [fo'okl?kkr( xíkjh( ns' knzksg ]
Syn : Deception; Disloyalty; Treachery; Falseness; Dupicity;
Treason; Trickery; Double-dealing.
Ant : Loyalty; Protection; Faithfulness; Fidelity. |13| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Bizarre (Adj.) : [vthc( vuks[ kk( fofp=( cse sy ( cs< ax k ]

Syn : Odd; Strange; Unusual; Fantastic; Singular; Whimsical;
Weird; Exceptional; Eccentric; Outlandish; Peculiar-
Extraordinary; Grotesque.
Ant : Usual; Common; Ordinary; Familiar; Wonted; Customary;
General; Habitual; Normal; Regular.
 Blemish (N/c) : [/kCck] dyad( nkx( dyq" k( fuan k( cnukeh ]
Syn : Stain; Disgrace; Infamy; Shame; Defect; Blot; Spot; Taint;
Tarnish; Dishonour; Flow; Fleck; Speck; Mark; Smirch;
Deformity; Fault.
Ant : Honour; Ornament; Decoration; Adornment;
Embellishment; Garnishment; Ornamentation; Grace;
Regard; Beautification; Beauty.
 Bliss (N/u) : [ijelq[k] ijekuUn( pjelq[k( vkuUn( LoxZ& lq[k( czãkuan ]
Syn : Happiness; Joy; Blissfulness; Ecstasy; Gladness; Felicity;
Elation; Rapture.
Ant : Sadness; Misery; Sorrow, Woe; Grief; Melancholy; Gloom;
Gloominess; Affliction; Distress; Suffering; Anguish.
 Blister (N/c) : [Nkyk( QQksyk( LQksV d( izf rnkgh ]
Syn : Pustle; Carbuncle; Bleb; Boil; Swelling; Ulcer; Sore; Wen.

 Boisterous (Adj.) : [izp aM( izc y( míke( dksy kgy&Hkjk( m|eh ]

Syn : Bouncy; Clamorous; Disorderly; Impetuous; Turbulent;
Tumultous; Unruly; Rowdy.
Ant : Calm; Quiet; Restrained; Peaceful.
 Bombastic (Adj.) : [p<+h ckrksa ls ;qDr( Ny ls Hkjh( diV ls Hkjh( 'kCnkMacjiw.kZ ]
Syn : High-sounding; Pompous; Grandiloquent; High-flown;
Pretentious; Magniloquent; Fustian; Turgid; Verbose;
Wordy; Windy.
Ant : Concise; Laconic; Brief; Short; Compact; Compressed;
Condensed; Modest; Controlled. |14| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Brisk (Adj.) : [Qqr hZyk( tkunkj( LQwfrZn k;( cuk&Buk( ftan kfny( rh{.k( /
k`"V( thoar ]
Syn : Quick; Active; Lively; Agile; Alert; Nimble; Busy; Energetic;
Spirited; Vigorous; Stimulating; No-nonsense; Fresh;
Refreshing; Invigorating.
Ant : Lazy; Sluggish; Heavy; Indolent; Lethargic; Slack; Slothful;
Idle; Inactive; Work-shy.

 Bumpkin (Adj.) : [xao kj( Hkks an w( yV~B &xao kj( el[kjk ]

Syn : Countryman; Rustic; Peasant; Clown; Yokel; Lubber; Boor;
Oaf; Clod; Hind.
Ant : Citizen; Townsman; Denizen; Urbanite.

 Burlesque (Adj.) : [migklkRed( migkliw . kZ( O;a X ;iw . kZ ( udyph( etkfd;k(

Loka xh ]
Syn : Ludicrous; Mocking; Satirical; Ironical; Laughable;
Ant : Serious; Honorable; Respectful; Venerable.
 |15| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Cajole (Vt) : [Qqlykuk( [kq'kken djuk( pkiywlh djuk( yYykspIiks djuk ]

Syn : Flatter; Coax; Persuade; Tempt; Beguile; Entice; Entrap;
Ant : Bully; Compel; Force; Pressurise.
 Camouflage : [Nn~e koj.k( Ny( ek;k( Nn~e ( /kks [ kk nsu k( Nn~e igukuk(
Nn~e djuk ]
(N & Vt)
Syn : Hide; Conceal; Wrap; Disguise; Mask; Veil; Blind; Screen;
Ant : Expose; Reveal; Show; Display; Exhibit; Manifest.
 Candid (Adj.) : [Li"V( [kjk( vukSipkfjd( bZekunkj( fu"i{k( ljy( fu"diV ]
Syn : Frank; Straightforward; Outspoken; Disguiseless; Unposed;
Informal; Open; Just; Honest; Impartial; Ingenuous; Artless.
Ant : Intriguing; Artful; Crafty; Tricky; Wily; Shrewd; Foxy;
Cunning; Diplomatic; Sharp; Adroit; False; Hypocritical.

 Carnal (Adj.) : ['kkjhfjd( lka l kfjd( la H kks x h( dkeh( dkeq d ( dkeks í hIr(
oklukRed( Hkksxh( foyklh ]
Syn : Bodily; Worldly; Mundane; Unspiritual; Sensual; Earth
Fleshy; Vulgar; Lustful; Lewd; Lascivious; Libidinous
Concupiscent; Animal; Physica;.
Ant : Chaste; Pure; Upright; Spiritual; Etherial; Intellectual.

 Cease (Vt/Vi) : [lekIr djuk( lekIr gksu k( jksduk( #duk ]

Syn : End; Finish; Stop; Quit; Pause; Terminate; Conclude;
Refrain; Give over; Leave off; Desist; Discontine.
Ant : Begin; Commence; Start; Originate; Inaugurate; Initiate;
Institute; Enter upon; Continue; Set about. |16| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Chastise (Vt) : [n.M nsu k( ltk nsu k( la;r djuk ]

Syn : Punish; Chasten; Castigate; Reprove; Reprimand;

Reprehend; Afflict; Hurt; Whip; Correct; Discipline.

Ant : Reward; Encourage; Embolden; Help; Assist; Uplift;

Benefit; Inspirit; Animate; Promote; Comfort; Cheer, Urge;

 Circuitous (Adj.) : [eaM kydkj( pDdjnkj( pØh; ]

Syn : Roundabout; Indirect; Devious; Labyrinthine; Oblique;

Tortuos; Winding; Rambling.

Ant : Direct; Straight.

 Clement (Adj.) : [e`n qy( dkse y( n;k'khy( d:.kke; ]

Syn : Merciful; Kind; Lenient; Compassionate; Tolerant;

Benevolent; Humane; Forgiving.

Ant : Harsh; Cruel; Merciless; Unking; Hard; Inhumane.

 Coarse (Adj.) : [eksV k( lk/kkj.k( ?kfV;k( :[kk( vlE;( dBksj ( LFkwy( mtM~M ]

Syn : Not fine; Rough; Lumpy; Common; Inferior; Indelicate;

Unrefined; Crude; Vulgar; Harsh; Impure; Rude; Bawdy.

Ant : Fine; Delicate; Dainty; Superior; Refined Pure;


 Cogent (Adj.) : [fo'oklizn( fu'p;kRed( ;qfDrlaxr( vdkV~;( izcy( leFkZ(

'kfDr'kkyh( rdZ' khy ]
Syn : Strong; Convincing; Forceful; Powerful; Forcible; Valid;
Urgent; Effective; Persuasive; Potent; Conclusive;

Ant : Weak; Unsound; Powerless; Ineffective; Invalid;

Unconvincing; Delicate. |17| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Cogitate (Vt/Vi) : [xgjkbZ ls lkspuk( xgu fpUru djuk( euu djuk( dkQh
lksp&fopkj djuk ]
Syn : Think; Meditate; Contemplate; Consider; Ponder;
Speculate; Muse; Weigh; Reflect; Ruminate; Mull over;
Deliberate; Examine; Study.
 Coherence (N) : [lac )rk( lalDrrk( lax fr( vuq:irk ]
Syn : Coherency; Union; Consolidation; Cohesion;
conglomeration; Integrtion; Concretion; Coagulation;
Cementing; Congruity; Agreement; Concord.
Ant : Incoherence; Incoherency; Confusion; Looseness;
Inconsistence; Disjoint.
 Colossal (Adj.) : [nh?kZd ky( fo'kky( fo'kkydk;( o`gnkdkj( fo'kky dwf rZo r~(
egku~ ewf rZ tSl k ]
Syn : Huge; Immense; Enormous; Mammoth; Vast; Prodigious;
Tremendous; Gigantic.
Ant : Tiny; Miniature; Wee; Peewee; Minute; Microscopic;
Diminutive; Pygmy; Dwarfish; Little; Lilliputian.
 Commotion (N/u) : [[kycyh( dksykgy( minzo ( vkan ksyu ]
Syn : Excitement; Agitation; Perturbation; Tumult; Disturbance;
Turmoil; Emotion.
Ant : Calm; Calmness; Quietness; Tranquility; Placidity; Repose;
Stillness; Rest.
 Comply (Vi) : [iwj k djuk( vuqi kyu djuk ]
Syn : Accede; Conform; Submit; Yield; Agree; Approve; Consent;
Coincide; Acquiesce.
Ant : Refuse; Reject; Rebuff; Decline; Deny; Repudiate;
Disclaim; Spurn; Disavow.
 Conceal (Vt) : [fNikuk( xqIr j[kuk( <duk( xkM+ nsu k( nck nsu k( cpkuk ]
Syn : Hide; Secret; Disguise; Cover; Mask; Bury; Secrete; Seal;
Protect; Camouflage; Dissemble; Veil.
Ant : Uncover; Expose; Divulge; Reveal; Open; Disclose; Unveil;
Betray. |18| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Condemn (Vt) : [cqj k crkuk( csdkj Bgjkuk( n.M nsuk( lEifÙk ;k eky tCr
djuk( nks"kh djkj nsuk ]
Syn : Disapprove; Sentence; Punish; Forefeit; Declare: Guilty;
Convict; Doom; Denounce; Blame; Reprove.
Ant : Approve; Praise; Justify; Exonerate; Applaud; Laud;
Pardon; Acquit; Forgive; Discharge; Free; Release.
 Condone (Vt) : [fdlh ds vijk/k ij /;ku u nsu k( {kek djuk( vuns[kh
djuk( mis{kk djuk ]
Syn : Forgive; Overlook; Excuse; Pardon; Remit; Absolve;
Disregard; Reprieve; Exonerate; Exculpate; Liberate
Ant : Punish; Retaliate; Avenge; Castigate; Smite; Convict;
Condemn; Proscribe; Imprison.
 Confiscate (Vt) : [tCr djuk( jkT;lkr~ djuk( vf/kgj.k djuk ]
Syn : Seize; Appropriate; Sequester; Remove; Impound;
Commandeer; Expropriate; Dispossess; Distrain;
Ant : Restore; Return; Reimburse; Repay; Give back; Replace;
Re-establish; Put back; Bring back; Reinstate.
 Confront (Vt) : [lkeuk djuk( lkeus gksu k( fojks/k djuk( izf rjks/ k djuk( /
kedh nsu k( Mjkuk ]
Syn : Face; Be opposite to; Challenge; Oppose; Resist; Threaten;
Menace; Intimidate; Encounter.
Ant : Evade; Avoid; Baffle; Escape; Elude; Dodge; Foil; Shun;
Miss; Decline.
 Conjecture (Vt/Vi) : [vuq e ku djuk( vuq e ku yxkuk( va n ktk djuk( va n ktk
yxkuk( vVdy yxkuk ]
Syn : Guess; Theorise; Presume; Speculate; Assume; Suppose;
Conceive; Fancy; Hypothesise; Divine; Suspect; Devinate.
Ant : Deduce; Conclude; Derive; Infer; Draw; Gather; Decide;
Resolve; Judge; Determine |19| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Conspicuous (Adj.) : [izR ;{k( lqi zd V( ;kukd"khZ( egÙoiw. kZ ]

Syn : Easily seen; Clear; Vivid; Attracting; Outstanding; Lucid;
Visible; Eminent; Famous; Prominent; Celebrated;
Distinguished; Illustrious.
Ant : Unseen; Hidden; Invisible; Secret; Mysterious; Covered;
Obscure; Unknown; Humble; Ulterior

 Contemplative (Adj.) : [fopkjeXu( ;kueXu( fpar keXu( Kku&;ku esa eXu ]

Syn : Thoughtful; Considerate; Meditative; Studious; Purposeful;
Ponderous; Reflective; Ruminative; Rapt; Pensive; Lost in
Ant : Disregardful; Disdainful; Scornful; Negligent; Inconsiderate;
Heedless; Inattentive; Indifferent; Contemptuous;

 Contentious (Adj.) : [fooknxzL r( fookniw.kZ( >xM+kyw( la? k"kZi w. kZ( yM+kdw( rh[kk ]
Syn : Controversial; Disputed; Quarrelsome; Pugnacious;
Conflicting; Litigated; Bitter; Struggleful; Variant.
Ant : Loving; Affectionate; Dear; Beloved; Regardable;
Benevolent; Friendly; Respectable; Kind; Syampathetic

 Contradiction (N/u) : [[kaMu( fo:)dFku( izfrdkj( izfrokn( bUdkj( vlax fr ]

Syn : Conflict; contravention; Denial; Negation; Inconsistency;
Ant : Agreement; Concord; Confirmation; Corroboration.

 Controversial (Adj.) : [fooknkLin( fook| ]

Syn : Disputable; Debatagle; Disputed; Contentious;
Controvertible; Questionable; Polemic.
Ant : Indisputable; Undebatable; Incontrovertible;
Unquestionable. |20| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Corroborate (Vf) : [iqf"V djuk( vuqeksn u djuk( ifjiq"V djuk( iDdk djuk(
laiq"V djuk( etcwr djuk ]
Syn : Confirm; Approve; Certify; Strengthen; Indorse; Supports-
Back up; Affirm; Assure.
Ant : Reject; Disapprove; Deny; Disclaim; Contradict; Oppose;
Refute; Disprove; Disavow.

 Cosset (Vt) : [ykM+ djuk( I;kj djuk( nqykj djuk( nqykjuk ]

Syn : Pamper; Coddle; Fondle; Cuddle; Mollycodle; Pet; Baby
Cherish; Caress; Pat.
Ant : Harden; Stiffen; Petrify; Freeze; Strike; Knock; Beat.
 Counterfeit (Adj.) : [tkyh( udyh( cukoVh( [kksVk ]
Syn : Not genuine; Forged; Pretended; Unreal; Artificial; Sham;
Factitious; Contrived; Phoney; Phony; Unnatural; Fictious;
Spurious; False; Untrue.
Ant : Genuine; Original; Real; Natural; True.
 Credible (Adj.) : [fo'oluh;( fo'okolik=( Hkjksl se an ]
Syn : Believable; Trustworthy; Reliable; Plusible; Reasonable;
Probable; Rational.
Ant : Unbelievable; Untrustworthy; Unreliable; Unplausible;
Unreasonable; Improbable; Irrational.
 Credulous (Adj.) : [lgt( fo'oklh( fo'okl'khy( Hkksy k( vlan sgh( izR ;;h ]
Syn : Gullible; Trusting; Trustful; Naive; Deceivable;
Unsuspecting; Unsuspicious; Soft; Simple.
Ant : Suspicious; Crafty; Skilful; Cunning; Deceitful; Foxy;
 Crude (Adj.) : [dPpk] vux<+( viDo( v/kwj k( vuipk( vifj"Ñr( vdykRed ]
Syn : Natural; Unrefined; Unfinished; Raw; Rough; Unprocessed;
Unpolished; Primitive.
Ant : Finished; Refined; Polished; Decent. |21| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Culmination (N) : [pksV h( pjelhek( ijkdk"Bk( mRd"kZ( lekfIr ]

Syn : Pinnacle; Acme; Climax; Top, Summit; Peak; Zenith; Apex.
Ant : Bottom; Foot; Nadir; Depths; Base; Basic; Foundation; Bed.

 Customary (Adj.) : [jhfr&fjokt ds vuqlkj( pyu ds eqr kfcd( VFkkxr( fjokth(

VFkkuql kj( LFkk;h ]
Syn : Usual; Habitual; Regular; Conventional; Traditional;
Common; Normal; Ordinary; Familiar; Popular;
Accustomed; Routine.
Ant : Unusual; Uncommon; Extraordinary; Unique; Strange;
Peculiar; Odd; Remarkable; Queer; Rare; Unfamiliar-
Unconventional; Untraditional; Uncustomary; Singular.
 |22| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Dazzling (Adj.) : [pdpkS j k ls Hkjk gq v k( ped&ned okyk( rM+ d &HkM+ d

okyk( txexkgV ls Hkjk gqvk( 'kku&'kkSd r ls lEiUu ]
Syn : Bright; Glamorous; Brilliant; Astonishing; Amazing;
Surprising; Astounding; Confusing; Dazing.
Ant : Dim; Dark; Vague; Obscure; Indistinct; Hazy; Blurred;
Paint; Cloudy; Tarnished.

 Dearth (N/c) : [vHkko( deh( nqy ZHkrk( vdky( cat jiu ]

Syn : Shortage; Scarcity; Paucity; Scantiness; Insufficiency;
Meagreness; Paucity; Lack; Want; Need; Deficiency;
Poverty; Famine; Absence.
Ant : Abundance; Superabundance; Plenty; Plentifulness;
Exuberance; Profusion; Fullness; Wealth; Flood; Overflow;

 Debunk (Vt) : [iksy [kksyuk( nkok vkfn >wB k lkfcr djuk( lkQ djuk(
vlyh :i fn[kkuk( csudkc djuk ]
Syn : Reveal; Expose; Show; Unveil; Divulge; Unmask; Disclose;
Uncover; Unfold; Betray; Inform; Publish.
Ant : Screen; Veil; Conceal; Hide; Cover; Shade; Curtain; Mask;
Deceive; Delude; Disguise; Hoodwink; Mystify

 Deceitful (Adj.) : [/kks[ ksc kt( nxkckt( /kwr Z( diVh( pkyckt( ik[akMh ]
Syn : Deceptive; Misleading; Fraudulent; Cunning; Deceptious;
Treacherous; Delusive; Hypocritical; Counterfeit; Crafty;
Deceiving; Dishonest; Untrustworthy.
Ant : True; Honest; Honourable; Upright; Open; Candid; Straight
forward; Trustworthy |23| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Defer (Vt) : [Vkyuk( LFkfxr djuk( foyac djuk ]

Syn : Put off; Postpone; Adjourn; Prorogue; Procrastinate;
Prolong; Suspend; Dissolve
Ant : Disbelieve; Misjudge; Neglect; Reject; Leave; Abandon;
Discredit; Mistrust; Doubt; Suspect; Discount.

 Deference (N/u) : [vknj( lEeku( J)k ]

Syn : Regard; Respect; Reverence; Veneration; Honour;
Esteem; Homage; Politeness; Courtesy; Consideration
Compliance; Obedience; Submission.
Ant : Disrespect; Dishonour; Rudeness; Discourtesy; Contempt;
Disregard; Neglect; Irreverence; Resistance; Rebuff;
Repulsion; Opposition; Confrontation; Fight; Battle

 Delectable (Adj.) : [vkuUndj( vkuUnk;h( vkUunk;d( lq[kn( Lokfn"V( lqLoknq(

jks pd ]
Syn : Enjoyable; Pleasant; Savory; Delightful; Delicious; Tasty;
Palatable; Luscious; Agreeable; Gratifying; Exquisite
Ant : Nauseous; Nauseating; Offensive; Repulsive; Loatlisome;

 Deliberate (Adj.) : [tkucw>dj dj fd;k gqv k( lqf opkfjr ]

Syn : Intentional; Calculated; Careful; Considered; Heedful;
Designed; Methodical; Ponderous.
Ant : Unintentional; Accidental; Casual; Uncertain; Random;
Unexpected; Unplanned.

 Delicious (Adj.) : [vfr Lokfn"V( lqL oknq( vkuUnk;h( ehBk( la r ks" kizn ( vfr
mÙke ]
Syn : Very tasty; Palatable; Delightful; Pleasing; Sweet; Luscious;
Dainty; Appetizing; Gratifying; Exquisite Savory
Ant : Bitter; Sour; Unpalatable; Distasteful; Nauseous;
Repulsive; Unpleasing; Acrid; Unsavory; Loathsome. |24| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Delude (Vt) : [/kks[kk nsu k( tku cw>dj cgdkuk( Hkqykos esa Mkyuk( Hkzfre
djuk( >kalk nsu k ]
Syn : Deceive; Cheat; Defraud; Mislead; Misguide; Dupe;
Circumvent; Bamboozle; Beguile; Ensnare; Entrap; Gull;
Ant : Assist; Help; Aid; Advise; Counsel; Guide; Succor; Assure;
Be frank; Be open; Be candid; Be straight-forward.

 Deluge (N) : [Hkh"k.k ck<+ ( lS y kc( ?ku?kksj o"kkZ( ty iz y ;( egkizy ;(

tyIykou( tyeXu ]
Syn : Great Flood; Inundation; Flood; Heavy rainfall; Cataclysm;
Rush; Overflow; Downpour; Spate; Avalanche; Cloud burst;
Ant : Drought; Dryness; Parchedness; Aridity; Dehydration.

 Demolish (Vt) : [u"V djuk( rks M + nsu k( vUr djuk( iw. kZr ( u"V djuk(
pVdj tkuk( [kk tkkuk ]
Syn : Pull down; Tear down; End; Destroy; Waste; Ruin; Eat
greedily; Raze; Destroy; Devastate.
Ant : Build; Construct; Create; Upbuild; Improve; Repair; Mend;
Restore; Enrich; Embellish.

 Demonstrate (Vt) : [fn[kkuk( izn f'kZr djuk( izn 'kZu djuk ]

Syn : Show; Exhibit; Evince; Manifest; Display; Prove; Explain;
Ant : Hide; Disguise; Cover; Conceal; Veil; Screen; Mask.

 Denouement (N) : [ukVd ;k miU;kl vkfn dk milagkj( Qy( fuoZgu ]

Syn : Climax; Culmination; Conclusion; Result; Outcome; Upshot;
Resolution; Finale; Sequel; Termination; Issue.
Ant : Origin; Cause; Reason; Root; Source; Basis; Purpose |25| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Denounce (Vt) : [cqj k crkuk( [kqy s rkSj ij vkyksp uk djuk( fuan k djuk(
HkRlZuk djuk( Hkyk&cqjk dguk( nks"kkjksi .k djuk ]
Syn : Condemn; Criticise; Accuse; Charge; Blame; Indict;
Impeach; Censure; Reprimand; Threaten.
Ant : Praise; Applaud; Laud; Commend; Appreciate; Eulogize;
Gratify; Extol; Glorify; Magnify.
 Deplorable (Adj.) : [n;uh;( nq[ kn( 'kks p uh;( [ks ntud ]
Syn : Pitiable; Mournful; Fretful; Sorrowful; Bewailing;
Bemoaning; Complaining; Lugubrious; Cheerless; Doleful;
Sad; Regretful
Ant : Joyful; Rejoicing; Gay; Happy; Elated; Exhilarated; Exulted;
Jolly; Playful; Merry; Triumphant; Victorious.
 Desperation (N/u) : [fujk'kk( grk'kk( nq% lkgfld( Øks/ kksU ekrk( [krjs ds izf r
csi jokgh ]
Syn : Recklessness; Rashness; Impetuosity; Madness; Frenzy;
Rage; Fury.
Ant : Coolness; Calmness; Queitness; Tranquility
 Desultory (Adj.) : [cs f lyflys o kj( cs r jrhc( Øehfgr( vlEc)( vfu;fer(
csf lj&ikSj dk vlaxr ]
Syn : Unsystematic; Inconsistent; Wavering; Unmethodical;
Disconnected; Random; Digressing; Rambling; Loose;
Irregular; Erratic; Superficial; Unsettled; Cursory;
Discursive; Unstable.
Ant : Methodical; Firm; Steady; Constant; Regular; Stable; Fixed;
Determined; Fast; Immovable; Rooted; Anchored;
Steadfast; Unyielding Strict.
 Deterrent (N/c) : [fuokjd( fuokj.kkFkZd ( ck/kd( vijks/ kd( vojks/ kd ]
Syn : Bar; Curb; Difficulty; Discouragement; Impediment;
Obstacle; Repellent; Restraint; Obstruction.
Ant : Encouragement; Incentive; Impetus; Enticement; Stimulant;
Stimulus. |26| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Detest (Vt) : [ls ?k`.kk djuk( ls uQjr djuk( ls cqj h rjg fp<+uk ]

Syn : Hate; Despise; Abhor; Loathe; Execrate; Anathematise.

Ant : Like; Prefer; Love; Admire; Respect; Esteem; Appreciate.

 Devious (Adj.) : [pDdjnkj( ?kqeko&fQjko okyk( ?kqekonkj( Hkzked( Hkzkar( vdsy k(

dVk gqvk ]
Syn : Circuitous; Roundabout; Rambling; Indirect; Tortuous;
Deviating; Erratic; Crooked; Wandering; Tricky; Wily;
Ant : Direct; Straight forward; Candid; Open; Simple; Plain;
Naive; Honest.

 Diligent (Adj.) : [ifjJeh( esgurh( m|eh( m|ksx h( lko/kku( rh{.k( pkSd l(

Qqr hZy k ]
Syn : Laborious; Industrious; Hardworking; Assiduous; Careful;
Keen; Alert; Brisk; Quick
Ant : Lazy; Slothful; Lethargic; Unconcerned; Indifferent
Indolent; Careless; Inactive; Sluggish.

 Diminish (Vt/Vi) : [de djuk( de gksu k( dVkSr k djuk( dkV&Nka V djuk(

laf{kIr djuk( lad qf pr djuk ]
Syn : Reduce; Lessen; Fall; Abate; Decrease; Curtail; Retrench;
Minimize; Degrade; Trim; Prune; Shorten; Abridge;
Epitomize; Lower; Contract; Compact.
Ant : Increase; Enlarge; Widen; Broaden; Extend; Expand; Swell;
Prolong; Lengthen; Amplify; Dilate; Diffuse.

 Disaster (N/u) : [ladV( vkink( ?kksj foifÙk( vuFkZ( fouk'k( nqHkkZX;( vHkkX; ]

Syn : Calamity; Catastrophe; Cataclysm; Debacle; Ruin;

Ruination; Mishap; Misfortune; Tragedy
Ant : Success, Triumph; Victory; Conquest; Ovation; Exultation. |27| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Disavow (Vt) : [bUdkj djuk( vLohdkj djuk( R;kxuk] myV nsuk( rykd
nsuk( NksM+ nsuk] fu"dkflr djuk( ns'k fudkyk djuk ]
Syn : Disclaim; Deny; Disown; Discard; Abjure; Renounce;
Abdicate; Reverse; Nullify; Violate; Divorce; Expel Banish;
Ant : Acknowledge; Avow; Affirm; Admit; Concede; Approve;
Assent; Repay; Satisfy
 Discord (N) : [Qw V ( vucu( >xM+ k ( erHks n ( erkar j( oSe uL;( fo"kerk(
folax fr( dql a?kkr( vlkeat L;( ddZ' k/ofu( csl qj kiu ]
Syn : Disagreement; Quarrelling; Difference; Dispute;
Disturbance; Dissention; Discordance; Strife; Confusion-
Enmity; Animosity; Disharmony.
Ant : Harmony; Peace; Concord; Amity; Agreement; Accordance;
Congruity; Unison; Union.
 Disdain (Vt) : [frjLdkj djuk(; le>uk( ?k`.; le>uk( ?k`.kk
;ksX ; le>uk( uQjr djuk( uhp le>uk ]
Syn : Hate; Scorn; Detest; Abhor; Despise; Abominate; Dislike;
Spurn; Reject; Ignore; Loathe.
Ant : Approve; Like; Love; Commend Praise; Applaud; Laud;
Glorify; Eulogize.
 Disgrace (N/u) : [vieku( cnukeh( dyad( vi;'k( fujknj ]
Syn : Dishonour; Shame; Ignominy; Discredit; Odium; Disrepute;
Opprobrium; Blemish; Humiliation; Disfavour; Reproach
Ant : Honour; Esteem; Respect; Dignity; Applause; Praise;
Laudation; Glory; Glorification; Elevation.
 Disparage (Vt) : [vuknj djuk( eku ?kVkuk( viekfur djuk( fuan k djuk(
voewY;u djuk ]
Syn : Insult; Reduce; Discount; Belittle Depreciate; Decry;
Deprecate; Discredit; Undervalue; Underrate; Lower;
Ant : Praise; Approve; Acclaim; Eulogize; Applaud; Esteem;
Flatter; Compliment |28| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Disparity(N/c) : [vlekurk( fHkUurk( vlekurk( fo"kerk( vuesy iu ]

Syn : Inequality; Dissimilarity; Difference; Unlikeness; Gap;
Dissimilitude; Disproportion; Incongruity; Discrepancy;
Gap; Contrast.
Ant : Equality; Similarity; Likeness; Sameness; Evenness;
Uniformity; Analogy; Correspondence.

 Disputable (Adj) : [fookn~;] laf nX/k] vfuf'pr ]

Syn : Disputing; Debatable; Controversial; Conflicting;
Contestable; Questionable; Doubtful; Uncertain
Ant : Indisputable; Agreeable; Harmonious; Congruous;
Compact; Doubtless; Certain.

 Disseminate (N/u) : [¼fopkjkas dk½ pkjks a vksj izl kj djuk( fNrjkuk( fc[ksj uk(
QSykuk( izpkj djuk( folfjr djuk ]
Syn : Spread; Circulate; Disperse; Diffuse; Distribute; Propagate;
Promulgate; Publish; Preach; Proclaim.
Ant : Stifle; Choke; Deaden; Extinguish; Repress; Muzzle;
Muffle; Suppress; Suffocate; Subdue.

 Divulge (Vt) : [¼jgL;½ [kksy uk( ¼aj gL;½ izdV djuk( HkaMk QksM +u k ]
Syn : Meek; Mild; Submissive; Manageable; Tame; Soft;
Obedient; Yielding; Religion; Creed; Credence; Proposition;
Cult; Conviction; Persuasion; Opinion.
Ant : Heresy; Unbelief; Disbelief; Skepticism; Falsehood; Error;
Schism; Heterodoxy; Incredulity; Infidelity.

 Docile (Adj.) : [lh/kk( uje( vkKkdkjh( Hknz( >qdkus okyk ]

Syn : Meek; Mild; Submissive; Manageable; Tame; Soft;
Obedient; Yielding; Pliable; Gentle.
Ant : Stubborn; Obstinate; Unyielding; Willful; Firm; Inflexible;
Pertinacious; Tough. |29| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Dolorous (Adj.) : [nq% [kh( mnkl( 'kks d kdq y ( n;uh;( ihM+ k iw . kZ ( 'kks d iw . kZ (
la r ks "kiw. kZ ]
Syn : Sad; Doleful; Mournful; Dismal; Sorrowful; Distressed;
Wretched; Pathetic; Pitiable; Melancholy.
Ant : Cheerful; Joyous; Jolly; Jovial; Lively; Happy; Sportive;
Bright; Amusing.

 Dormant (Adj.) : [lqL r( lqIr( thfor ¼ikS/ks½ ijUrq tks Qy&Qwy ugha ns jgs
gSa( izl qIr( ran zkyq( eku&'kwU;( fuf"Ø;( foJkar ]
Syn : Inactive; Sedentary; Inert; Torpid; Sluggish; Resting;
Sleeping; Asleep; Quiescent; Latent; Hibernating.
Ant : Active; Operative; Effective; Running; Working;
Functioning; Effective; Agile; Nimble; Lively; Vigorous;
Energetic; Busy; Industrious.

 Dubious (Adj.) : [laf nX/k( lan s gkLin( la n s g tud( la n s g ;qD r( vfo'oluh;(

vfuf'pr ]
Syn : Doubtful; Untrustworthy; Unreliable; Uncertain; Equivocal;
Unclear; Uncertain.
Ant : Certain; Sure; Positive; Clear; Cocksure; Plain; Manifest;
Undoubted; Undoubtful.

 Dwindle (Vi/vt) : [/khjs& /khjs de gksu k( foyhu gksu k( {k; gksuk( {kh.k gksu k(
egRo [kks nsuk( nqcZy gksuk( de djuk ]
Syn : Lessen; Vanish; Fall; Degenerate; Make smaller; Cause
to shrink; Waste; Diminish; Shrink; Reduce; Curtail;
Abridge; Shorten
Ant : Increase; Augment; Grow; Multiply; Heighten; Widen;
Expand; Extend; Dilate.
 |30| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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 Ebullient (Adj.) : [tks' khyk( mf}Xu( mÙksf tr( mcyrk gq vk( [kkSy rk gqv k(
mQurk gqv k ]
Syn : Exuberant; Enthusiastic; Vivacious; Excited; Effusive;
Elated; Buoyant; Exhilarated; Irrepressible; Energetic.
Ant : Lethargic; Sluggish; Torpid; Dull; Slow; Heavy; Idle;
Stupefied; Inactive; Inert; Apathetic; Drowsy; Sleepy.
 Elicit (Vt) : [fdlh Hksn dks fudyokuk( izd k'k esa ykuk( izkIr djuk(
fu"d"kZ fudkyuk ]
Syn : Draw out; Evoke; Educe; Extract; Extort; Wrest; Infer;
Ant : Instil; Infuse; Ingraft; Inculcate; Impress upon; Insinuate;
Plant; Implant; Introduce.
 Eliminate (Vt) : [gVkuk( nwj djuk( vyx dj nsu k( NQVdkjk ikuk( fudky
nsu k( foyqIr djuk ]
Syn : Remove; Take away; Set aside; Get rid of; Expel; Oust;
Dislodge; Discharge; Eject; Suppress.
Ant : Replace; Restore; Hold; Keep; Maintain; Retain; Preserve;
Accept; Approve; Sanction; Ratify
 Eloquent (Adj.) : [okd~iVq( vFkZiw.kZ( Hkkoiw.kZ( O;k[;ku( fuiq.k( Hkk"k.kiVq( vuqu;( ]
Syn : Fluent; Glib; Articulate; Expressive; Persuasive; Cogent;
Forceful; Impressive.
Ant : Hesitant; Clownish; Silent; Ignorant; Reticent; Dull; Slow;
Stupid; Sluggish.
 Elude (Vt) : [pkykdh ls cp tkuk( pDdj esa Mky nsu k( cp fudyuk(
fudy Hkkxuk( Vkyuk( Ny djuk ]
Syn : Avoid; Escape; Slip away from; Evade; Dodge; Shun; Baffle;
Parry; Frustrate; Prevaricate.
Ant : Seek; Invite; Seduce; Attract; Allure; Entice; Court; Solicit;
Inveigle; Ask. |31| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Embrace (Vi/Vi) : [vkfyaxu djuk( xys yxkuk( Lohdkj djuk( ykHk mBkuk(
lekfo"V djuk( 'kkfey djuk( vax hdkj djuk( voyksd u
djuk( le>uk ]
Syn : Clasp; Hug; Espouse; Encircle; Accept; Avail; Include;
Contain; Adopt; Examine; Understand; Comprehend.
Ant : Neglect; Ignore; Lose; Miss; Shun; Evade; Despise; Scorn;
Condemn; Waver; Hesitate.

 Emulate (Vt) : [izfrLi/kkZ djuk( fdlh ds cjkcj ;k mlls vPNk gksu s dk

iz;kl djuk( cjkcjh dh ps"Vk djuk( gksM+ djuk ]
Syn : Rival; Compete with; Contest; Imitate; Striver; Struggle;
Contend; Copy; Match; Mimic; Follow; Echo; Vie with;
Contend with; Take after; Equal.

 Enigmatic (Adj.) : [igsy huqe k( Hkze dkjh( xw<+( xw<+ ;k jgL;e;h ]

Syn : Puzzling; Cryptic; Mysterious; Problematic; Vague;
Perplexing; Obscure; Ambiguous.
Ant : Clear; Plain; Explicit; Specific.

 Entangle (Vt) : [tky es a Qkal uk( eq l hcrks a esa my>kuk( Qan s esa Qa l kuk(
tfVy cukuk( my>kuk ]
Syn : Ensnare; Entrap; Implicate; Involve; Confuse; Bewilder;
Embarrass; Puzzle; Tangle; Ravel; Encumber.
Ant : Extricate; Clear; Deliver; Liberate; Free; Disentangle;
Relieve; Release; Disengage; Disembarrass.

 Entreat (Vt) : [izkFkZu k djuk( vuqu ; djuk( fdlh oLrq dh ekax djuk(
;kpuk djuk( f?kf?k;kuk( fou; djuk ]
Syn : Request; Solicit; Implore; Beseech; Ask; Importune;
Supplicate; Pray; Crave; Petition.
Ant : Compel; Order; Command; Demand; Compel; Force; Take;
Rob; Snatch; Coerce; Impel; Drive. |32| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Equivocal (Adj.) : [vusd kFkZd ( lan sg tud( vfuf'pr( xksy &eVksy ( igsy huqe k
vLi"V ]
Syn : Ambiguous; Questionable; Suspicious; Uncertain; Puzzling;
Perplexing; Vague; Doubtful; Enigmatic; Hazy; Wavering;
Ant : Unequivocal; clear; Plain; Obvious; Evident; Transparent;
Certain; Doubtless.
 Eradicate (Vt) : [u"V djuk( mUewy u djuk( tM+ lfgr m[kkM+u k( fuewZy
djuk( fo/oal djuk( feVkuk ]
Syn : Destroy; Uproot; Pull up; Extirpate; Exterminate; Annihilate;
Abolish; Devastake; Kill; Remove; Eliminate; Extinguish.
Ant : Plant; Implant; Embed; Confirm; Secure; Protect; Save;
Settle; Establish; Fortify
 Errand (N/c) : [lan s' k ys tkus gsrq& ;k=k( lan s'k( nwr dk;Z( fdlh dk;Z ds
fy, fu;qDr deh'ku ¼vk;ksx½ ]
Syn : Trip; Journey; Voyage; Delegation; Commission; Task;
Charge; Mission.
 Erudite (Adj.) : [fo}ku( Kkuh( iafMr( lqf'kf{kr( fo}rkiw. kZ( ikafMR;iw. kZ ]
Syn : Learned; Scholar; Recondite; Educated; Bookish; knowing;
Cultured; Polished; Scholarly; Literate.
Ant : Unlettered; Uneducated; Illiterate; Doltish; Ignorant;
Uninstructed; Unlearned; Unread; Untaught.

 Eternal (Adj.) : [LFkk;h( vuUr( vukfn( fpjdkyhu( vifjorZu 'khy( le;ghu(

vej ]
Syn : Everlasting; Permanent; Unceasing; Endless;
Unchangeable; Perpetual; Infinite; Boundless; Continual;
Timeless; Incessant; Immortal.
Ant : Finite; Ending; Short; Temporary; Transitory; Ceaing;
Inconstant; Changeable; Transient; Ephemeral;
Momentary; Fleeting. |33| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Exasperate (Vt) : [Øq) djuk( vkx&ccw y k djuk( ukjkt djuk( mHkkjuk(

c<+kuk( mdlkuk( fpM+f pM+kgV iSn k djuk ]
Syn : Irritate; Infuriate; Make angry; Annoy; Increase; Provoke;
Enrage; Nettle; Vex; Anger; Exacerbate.
Ant : Mollify; Placate; Conciliate; Assuage; Pacify; Appease.

 Exhort (Vt) : [izsj .kk nsu k( lykg nsu k( izksR lkfgr djuk( vkg~oku djuk(
leFkZu djuk( izsfjr djuk ]
Syn : Inspire; Urge; Encourage; Appeal; Advise; Counsel
Persuade; Stimulate; Incite; Enjoin; entreat.
Ant : Deprecate; Disavow; Intercede; Expostulate; Disclaim;

 Exasperate (Vt) : [Øq) djuk( vkx&ccw y k djuk( ukjkt djuk( mHkkjuk(

c<+kuk( mdlkuk( fpM+f pM+kgV iSn k djuk ]
Syn : Irritate; Infuriate; Make angry; Annoy; Increase; Provoke;
Enrage; Nettle; Vex; Anger; Exacerbate.
Ant : Mollify; Placate; Conciliate; Assuage; Pacify; Appease.

 Exhort (Vt) : [izsj .kk nsu k( lykg nsu k( izksR lkfgr djuk( vkg~oku djuk(
leFkZu djuk( izsfjr djuk ]
Syn : Inspire; Urge; Encourage; Appeal; Advise; Counsel
Persuade; Stimulate; Incite; Enjoin; Entreat.
Ant : Deprecate; Disavow; Intercede; Expostulate; Disclaim;

 Exonerate (Vt) : [nks" keqD r djuk( cjh djuk( fdlh mÙkjnkf;Ro ls eq Dr

djuk( HkkjeqDr djuk ]
Syn : Acquit; Free; Release; Discharge; Clear; Exculpate;
Pardon; Vindicate; Justify; Absolve; Excuse.
Ant : Charge; Accuse; Blame; Convict; Criminate; Arraign;
Impute; Impeach; Indict; Tax; Inculpate. |34| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Exotic (Adj.) : [fons' kt( fons' kh( fons' kkxr( fotkrh;( vU;LFkkfud( 'kkunkj(
vkd"kZd ( jkseka pd ]
Syn : Foreign; Not native; Unacclimatized; Unnaturalised;
Striking; Unusual; Strange; Exciting; Glamorous.
Ant : Native; Acclimatized; Natural; Original; Intrinsic; Inborn.
 Expedite (Vt) : [tYnh djuk( 'kh?kzr k djuk( ¼dke es½a rsth ykuk ]
Syn : Speed up; Hasten; Accomplish promptly; Acceler; Advance;
Quicken; Urge; Facilitate; Forward;
Ant : Delay; Procrastinate; Hinder; Retard; Linger.
 Explicit (Adj.) : [fuf'pr( lqf u'pr( Li"V( lqL i"V( lkQ&lkQ( lqO ;Dr(
Li"Voknh ]
Syn : Definite; Clear; Unreserved; Evident; Obvious; Exact;
Precise; Distinct; Manifest; Determinate; Intelligible;
Comprehensible; Unequivocal.
Ant : Indefinite; Implicit; Doubtful; Hazy; Unintelligible; Puzzling;
Vague; Obscure; Dubious; Equivocal.
 Extravagance (N/u): [viO;;( fQtw y [kphZ( vla; e ]
Syn : Lavish expenditure; Wastefulness; Waste; Prodigality;
Lavishness; Pomposity.
Ant : Thrift; Economy; Saving; Frugality; Conservation;
Providence; Prudence; Miserliness; Parsimony.
 Extricate (Vt) : [NqM +kuk( vktkn djuk( eqDr djuk( [kksy nsu k( tkus nsuk ]
Syn : Disentangle; Free; Deliver; Liberate; Unchain; Unbind;
Release; Fasten; Untie; Let go.
Ant : Imprison; Tie; Confine; Chain; Bind; Circumscribe; Fetter;
Shackle; Restrict.
 Eulogy (N) : [Lrqfr( 'kal k( xq. kxku ]
Syn : Praise; Panegyric; Encomium; Acclaim; Commendation;
Applause; Plaudit; Paean; Accolade; Laudation;
Glorification; Exaltation.
Ant : Obloquy; Censure; Criticism; Abuse; Calumny; Defamation;
Opprobrium; Shame; Reproof; Disgrace; Infamy.
 |35| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Fabulous (Adj.) : [dfYir( dkYifud( feF;k( vR;f/kd( vk'p;Zt ud ]

Syn : Legendary; Mythical; Wonderful; Amazing; Extraordinary;
Fictitious; Feigned; Untrue.
Ant : Historical; Admitted; Proven; True; Testified; Known;
Normal; Simple; Usual.
 Feasible (Adj.) : [O;ogk;Z( O;kogkfjd( lk/;( lEHkkO;( mfpr( mi;qDr( laHko(
lq l ax r ]
Syn : Practicable; Possible; Probable; Likely; Suitable; Practical;
Workable; Attainable; Achievable.
Ant : Unfeasible; Impractical; Fantastic; Visionary; Unpragmatic;
Unsuitable; Unlikely.
 Ferocious (Adj.) : [Øwj ( Mjkouk( Hk;kog( ccZj ( [kwa[kkj( Hk;adj( dBksj ( funZ;h ]
Syn : Cruel; Fierce; Brutal; Feral; Savage; Untamed; Violent;
Bloodthirsty; Murderous.
Ant : Gentle; Merciful; Mild; Meek; Docile; Tender; Tractable;
Modest; Harmless; Soft.
 Fervent (Adj.) : [xje( mRlkgiw.kZ( nedrk gqvk( xeZ( mÙkIr( tks'khyk( mRlkgh(
ljxeZ ]
Syn : Hot; Glowing; Fiery; Intense; Zealous; Ardent; Earnest;
Animated; Passionate; Enthusiastic; Vehement;
Ant : Cool; Chilly; Impassive; Phlegmatic; Composed; Quiet;
Placid; Indifferent.
 Feud (N) : [yEcs vlsZ rd pyus okys nks O;fDr;ksa vFkok ifjokjklsa dh
iq'rSuh nq'euh( yM+kbZ( laxzke( dyg( dqycSj( }a};q)( LFkk;h
'k=q r k ]
Syn : Hostility; Fight; Struggle; Combat; Animosity; Dispute;
Riot; contention; Fracas; Vendetta; Altercation.
Ant : Peace; Love; Harmony; Concord; Regard; Brotherhood;
Fraternity; Friendship. |36| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Fiasco (N/c) : [foQyrk( ?kksj vlQyrk( caV k/kkj( laxhr izn 'kZu esa vlQyrk ]
Syn : Failure; Disaster; Catastrophe; Flop; Mess; Fizzle; Washout;
Defeat; Collapse; Breakdown; Frustration.
Ant : Success; Prosperity; Progress; Fortune; Luck; Achievement;
Victory; Triumph; Accomplishment; Attainment; Celebrity;
Fame; Hit.

 Fickle (Adj.) : [vfLFkj( papy( piy( <qy eqy ( ifjorZu'khy ]

Syn : Inconsistent; Unreliable; Uncertain; Inconstant; Vacillating;
Mutable; Changeable; Unfixed; Wayward.
Ant : Steady; Constant; Reliable; Certain; Settled; Faithful-

 Fictitious (Adj.) : [dfYir( dkYifud( Ñf=e( QthZ( eux<ar( >wBk( tkyh ]

Syn : False; Untrue; Fanciful; Imaginary; Unreal; Bogus; Artificial;
counterfeit; Spurious.
Ant : True; Real; Proven; Authentic; Trustworthy;
Unquestionable; Actual; Certain.

 Filthy (Adj.) : [xan k( eSyk( v'yhy( Hkz"V( v'kq)( izn wf"kr ]

Syn : Dirty; Foul; Obscene; Polluted; Nasty; Corrupted;
Contaminated; Corrupt; Impure; Defiled.
Ant : Clean; Pure; Innocent; Incorrupt; Stainless; Honourable;
Virtuous; Moral; Upright.

 Flamboyant (Adj.) : [HkM+ d hyk( vkMEcj fiz ; ( fn[kkok djus okyk( ygjnkj(
ygfj;knkj( vyaÑ r( pVdhyk ]
Syn : Showy; Ostentatious; Boastful; Pompous; Pretentious;
Magnificent; Spectacular; Immodest.
Ant : Humble; Modest; Timid; Unobtrusive; Unpretentious;
Reserved; Backward; Coy. |37| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Flexible (Adj.) : [ykspnkj( yphyk( ypdnkj( vuqdwy( uE;( vukxzgh( >qdus

dks rS;kj( ueu'khy( uez( Hknz ]
Syn : Yielding; Pliable; Adaptable; Pliant; Supple; Docile; Ductile;
Ant : Inflexible; Stiff; Unbending; Unyielding; Rigid; Resistant;
 Flourish (Vi/Vt) : [mUufr djuk( Qyuk&Qwyuk( izn f'kZr djuk( f[kyuk( Qwyuk(
fodflr gksuk( Mhax gk¡ duk( brjkuk ]
Syn : Prosper; Progress; Display; thrive; Increase; Grow; win;
rise; Overcome; boast; Enlarge; Wave; Shaker; Bandish;
Ant : Decay; Diminish; Weaken; Decrease; Lessen; Descend;
Decline; tumble; Collapse; Degenerate; Deteriorate; Lose;
Pass away.
 Foment (Vt) : [mdlkuk( HkM+d kuk( cqj kbZ dks izk s R lkgu ns u k( cqj kbZ dks
c<+kok nsuk( fldkbZ djuk( lsuk ]
Syn : Instigate; Incite; Stirup; Provoke; Fan; Stimulate; Propagate;
Promote; Excite; Encourage; Abet; Inflame; Kindle; Rouse.
Ant : Quench; Quell; Mitigate; Mollify; Quiet; Repress; Cool;
Extinguish; Subdue; Stifle; Suppress; Deaden; check;
 Forbearance (N/u) : [/kS; Z( lfg".kqr k( n;k'khyrk] /kS;Z ' khyrk ]
Syn : Abstenance; Temperance; Self-control; Moderation;
Leniency; tolerance; Patience.
Ant : Impatience; Insistence; Persistence; Perseverance.
 Forlorn (Adj.) : [ifjR;Dr( misf{kr( vlgk;( grHkkX;( fujk'k( mnkl( nhu(
lqu lku( futhZo ]
Syn : Abandoned; Forsaken; Lone; Lonesome; Deserted; Bereft;
Bereaved; Solitary; Miserable; Wretched; Friendless;
Deprived; Lost; Cast down.
Ant : Glad; Cheerful; Joyous; Serene; Delighted; Satisfied;
Animated; Vivacious; Hilarious. |38| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Fortitude (N) : [lgu&'kfDr( lgu'khyrk( /kS; Z( 'kfDr( cy ]

Syn : Endurance; Courage; Heroism; Strength; Resolution;
Firmness; Power; Bravery; Boldness.
Ant : Weakness; Cowardice; Fear; Spiritlessness; Panic; Timidity;
Shyness; Cowardliness.

 Foster (Vt) : [ikyuk( ikyu&iks"k.k djuk( c<+kuk( izlUu djuk( vkjke

nsu k( ns[kHkky djuk ]
Syn : Nurture; Bring up; Nurse; Nourish; Cherish; Favour; Please;
Coddle; comfort; Care for; Look after.
Ant : Ignore; Neglect; Scorn; Spurn; Disregard; Overlook;
Reject; Leave; Abnadon; Bereave

 Frugal (Adj.) : [ferO;;h( dat w l ( Ñi.k( vYiO;;h( ferkgkjh( fdQk;rh(

lLrk( lknk( lk/kkj.k( ykyph( de( vi;kZIr ]
Syn : Economical; Miserly; Meagre; Scanty; Insufficient; Careful;
Thrifty; Parsimonious; Niggardly; Avaricious; Penurious;
Ant : Wasteful; Lavish; Prodigal; Extravagant; Luxurious;
Excessive; Superfluous; Profuse.
 Fury (N/c) : [Øks/ k( xqL lk( vkØks'k( izdksi( rhoz mÙkstuk( mUekn( ikxyiu ]
Syn : Anger; Wrath; Frenzy; Rage; Ferocity; Violence;
Vehmence; Turbulence; Ire; Temper; Madness; Wildness.
Ant : Calm; Calmness; Peace; Serenity; Quiet; Lull; Stillness;
Tranquility; Coolness; Relaxation; Unexcitement; Placidity;

 Futile (Adj.) : [O;FkZ( csdkj( rqPN( fujFkZd ( cdokn ]

Syn : Useless; Pointless; Triffling; Worthless; Trivial; Frivolous;
Vain; Abortive; Fruitless; Valueless;
Ant : Useful; Effective; Satisfactory; Gainful; Beneficial;
Conducive; Profitable; Advantageous.
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(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Garish (Adj.) : [HkM+d hyk( pVdhyk( uqe k;'kh ]

Syn : Showy; Gaudy; Pompous; Ostentatious; Dazzling; Frashy;
Glaring; Bright; Tawdry.
Ant : Sober; Somber; Serene; Modest; Discreet; Cool;
Composed; Quiet; Staid; Steady.

 Garnish (Vt) : [Hkkstu dks ltkuk( [kkus dks ltkuk( vyaÑr djuk( dqdZ
djuk( Bgjkuk ]
Syn : Flavour (food); Decorate (food); Ornament; Attach (against
a debt). Garnishee; forefeit; embellish; Adorn; Furnish;
Supply; Bedeck; Array; Trim; Beautify.
Ant : Spoil; Deface; Destroy; Erase; Obliterate; Ruin; Harm;
Bungle; Deteriorate; Damage.

 Garrulous (Adj.) : [ckrwu h( okpky( xIih ]

Syn : Talkative; Loquacious; Prolix; Chattering; Wordy;
Bumptious; Gibbering; Babbling.
Ant : Quiet; Reserved; Silent; Laconic; Reticent; Taciturn; Shy;
Terse; Modest.

 Genial (Adj.) : [Lusgiw. kZ( ln~H kkoiw. kZ( feyulkj( uez( izl Uufpr( gal eq[ k(;( LokLF;dj( vuqd wy ]
Syn : Cordial; Kind; Warm; Warm-hearted; Pleasing; Pleasant;
Affable; Courteous; Cheering; Cheerful; Gracious; Polite;
Brotherly; Lively.
Ant : Dour; Dull; Moody; Gloomy; Sorrowful; Sullen; Sulky;
Peevish; Petulant; Grim; Solemn; Surly; Rough; Rude;
Pensive; Fretful. |40| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Glorious (Adj.) : ['kkunkj( lEekuiw . kZ ( ;'kLoh( vkn'kZ u h;( lUurknk;d(

vkuUnk;h( euks gj ]
Syn : Splendid; Grand; Gorgeous; Illustrious; Delightful-
Enjoyable; Famous; Renowned; Exalted; Wonderous;
Ant : Infamous; Disgraceful; Shameful; Shameless; Ignominious;
Opprobrious; Ridiculous; Nefarious

 Gorgeous (Adj.) : [HkO;( vfr lqUnj( 'kkunkj( vfr mÙke( lqgkouk( jktlh(
pdkpkSa/k ls Hkjk gqvk ]
Syn : Splendid; Sumptuous; Magnificent; Extremely good;
Extremely pleasant; Superb; Grand; Majestic; Princely;
Kingly; Lavish; showy; Brilliant; Dazzling.
Ant : Plain; Simple; Unpretentious; Ordinary; dull; Common;
Lowly; Unimpressive.

 Grandiose (Adj.) : [cgkusc kt( fn[kkÅ( HkM+d hyk( fQtwy [kphZ ]

Syn : Pretentious; Showy; Bombastic; Pompous; Ostentatious;
Extravagant; Flamboyant.
Ant : Plain; clear; Apparent; Distinct; Open; Evident; Vivid;
Obvious; Manifest; Lucid.

 Gregarious (Adj.) : [lqlkekftd( lewg fiz;( feyulkj ]

Syn : Sociable; Social; Affable; cordial; Friendly; Genial; convivial;
Outgoing; companionable.
Ant : Reclusive; Solitary; Ascetic; Reserved; Abstemious;
Unfriendly; Unsociable; Unaffable.

 Grotesque (Adj.) : [foÑr( csey

s ( cs<axk( dq:i( HkkSaMk( mViVkax( csrqdk( Hkn~nk(
csM kSy ( fofp= ]
Syn : Odd; Unnatural; Ugly; Absurd; Incongruous; Ludicrous;
Fantastic; Bizarre; Strange.
Ant : Normal; Natural; Usual; Congruous; Customary. |41| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Gruesome (Adj.) : [ohHkRl( ?k`. kkLin( ?k`.kktud( f?kukSuk( vHknz( #[ks vkpj.k
okyk( ddZ' k( Hk;kog( dq:i ]
Syn : Repungent; Horrible; Ghastly; Rough; Surly; Harsh; Low;
Throaty; Hideous; Ugly; Fearful; Appalling; Abominable;
Repellent; Repulsive; Shocking.
Ant : Charming; Attractive; Alluring; Captivating; Enticing;

 Grumble (Vi) : [cM+c M+kuk( Hkqu Hkqu kuk( f'kdk;r djuk( feyulkj ]
Syn : Bleat; Complain; Growl; Mutter; Murmur; Whine; Rumble.
Ant : Praise; Laud; Approve; Applaud; Confirm; Beglad.

 Grumpy (Adj.) : [fpM+f pM+k( cnfetkt( :[kk( #"V( eugwl ( f[kUu ]

Syn : Peevish; Sulky; Surly; Cantankerous; Petulant; Sullen;
Testy; Irascible; Crabbed; Irritable; Cross; Churlish;
Snarling; Snappish; Short.
Ant : Affable; Loving; Lovely; Mild; Cordial; Gracious; Benign.

 Gullible (Adj.) : [ftl vklkuh ls /kks[kk fn;k tk lds( cq)w( vYgM+( lgt
fo'oklh( Hkksyk( Hkks yk&Hkkyk ]
Syn : Deceivable; Credulous; Confiding; trustful; Unsuspecting;
Trustworthy; Trusting; Naive; Ingenuous; Simple; Foolish;
Innocent; Green; born yesterday.
Ant : Mistrustful; Untrustworthy; Artful; Crafty; Cunning; Foxy;
Vulpine; Deceitful.
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(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Harmonize/Harmonise

(Vi/Vt) : [rky lqj esa feykuk( lqO;ofLFkr gksu k( lqO ;ofLFkr djuk(
,de; gks u k( lgLoj gksu k( lkea t L;iw . kZ gksu k( lq l ax r
gksu k( vuqd wy gksuk ]
Syn : Agree; Accord; Correspond; Cohere; Tally; comport-
Coincide; Adapt; Match; Coordinate; Blend; Attune.
Ant : Differ; Disagree; Discord; Diverge; Vary; Dispute;

 Harmony (N/u) : [lkeatL;( lejlrk( laxfr( lkE;( lekurk( esy( lejlrk ]

Syn : Agreement; Accord; Correspondence; Coherence; Tally;
coincidence; Adaptation; Match; Coordination.
Ant : Difference; Disagreement; Discord; Divergence; Variance;

 Hazy (Adj.) : [vLi"V( vfuf'pr( es? kkPNkfnr( vfLFkj ]

Syn : Misty; Indistinct; Vague; Uncertain; Cloudy; Murky;
Nebulous; Nebulous; Obfuscated; Dull; Fuliginous;
Obscure; Wavering; Dim.
Ant : clear; Bright; Transparent; Transluscent; Luminous; Vivid;
Distinct; Brilliant; Radiant.

 Hostile (Adj.) : ['k=q lca/ kh( fojks/kh( izf rdwy ( 'k=qr kiw. kZ( izfri{kh ]
Syn : Antagonistic; Unfriendly; Contrary; Adverse; Belligerent;
Malevolent; Inimical.
Ant : Friendly; Devoted; Loyal; Amicable; Lovable.
 |43| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Ignominious (Adj.) : [dyaf dr( fua n uh;( 'keZ u kd( viekutud( frjLdkjiw . kZ(
cnuke( ?kfV;k( uhp ]
Syn : Condemnable; Dishonourable; Disgraceful; Shameful;
contemptible; Scornful; Infamous; Scandalous;
contemptuous; Scurrilous; Base; Low; Mean.
Ant : Honourable; Respectable; Reverend; Famous; Glorious;
Renowed' Dignified; Lofty; Praiseworthy.

 Igonominy (N) : [dyad( fuan k( 'keZ( vieku( frjLdkj( cnukeh( ?kfV;kiu(

uhprk ]
Syn : Condemnation; Dishonour; Disgrace; Shame; Contempt;
Scorn; Infame; Scandal; Scurrilous Baseness; Lowliness;
Ant : Honoura; Respect; Reverence; Fame; Glory; Elevation;
Dignity; Loftiness; Praise

 Impeccable (Adj.) : [=qfVjfgr( iw.kZ( ikikrhr( funks"Z k( fu"iki ]

Syn : Flawless; Perfect; Spotless; Immaculate; Faultless;
Accurate; Irreproachable; Unblemished; Pure; Exemplary;
Ant : Faulty; Defective; Imperfect; Blameworthy; Flawed;
Erroneous; Incorrect; Wrong; Fallacious; Invalid; Weak.

 Impediment (N/c) : [vM+pu( fu/kZu ( /kughu( /kukHkkoxzL r( t:jrean ]

Syn : Penniless; Poorl Needy; Beggarly; Penurious; Destitute;
Moneyless; Indigent; Necessitous; Pinched; Strained.
Ant : Rich ; Wealthy; Fortunate; Affluent; Opulent; Moneyed;

 Imprevious (Adj.) : [vizo s' ;( vHks/ k( vijkxE;( vizH kkoh( izH kkoghu( ftíh ] |44| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

Syn : Impenetrable; Impregnable; Unaffected; Uninfluenced;

Impermeable; Resistant; Obdurate.
Ant : Penetrable; Pregnable; Permeable; Violent Susceptible;
Sensitive; Exposed.

 Impetuous (Adj.) : [izc y( izpaM ( mrkoyk( vfoosdh( vkØked( dksykgy( ;qDr(

ftíh ]
Syn : Violent; Forceful; Rash; Impulsive; Furious; Boisterous;
Rash; Violent; Obstinate
Ant : Calm, Steady; Slow; Patient; Hesitant; Peaceful; Tranquil;
Composed; Bashful.

 Implicit (Adj.) : [lfUufgr( lka d frd( vO;Dr( fuf'pr( fufookn( vfMx(

fufgr( vrfuZf gr( Q¡l k gqvk( vUrxzLr ]
Syn : Implied; Contained; Inexpressed; Unquestionable;
Undoubtful; Hinted at; Suggested; Tacit; Understood;
Presupposed; Inferred; Implicit.
Ant : Explicit; Stated; Specific; Expressed; Vivid; Clear;
Unequivocal; Distinct; Obvious.

 Impromptu (Adj.) : [fcuk rS; kjh dk( rkRdkfyd( vk'kq ]

Syn : Extempore; Without preparation; Extemporaneous; Adlib;
Offhand; Spontaneous; Improvised; Devised; Off the cuff;
Ant : Rehearsed; Premediated; Deliberated; Considered;
Forthought; Planned.

 Imprudent (Adj.) : [vfoodh( ukle>( vnwj n'khZ( vlko/kku ]

Syn : Unscrupulous; Foolish; Indiscreet; Unwise; Rash;
Impetuous; Silly; Heedless; Hasty
Ant : Prudent; Wise; Careful; Thoughtful; Sagacious; Heedful;
Cautious; Alert; Cool; Sensible |45| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Inadequate (Adj.) : [vi;kZIr( udkQh( de( vlar ks" ktud( v;ksX ;( vleFkZ ]
Syn : Insufficient; Meagre; Scanty; Little; Poor; Unequal;
Unsatisfactory; Worthless; Unfit.
Ant : Adequate; Sufficient; Ample; Enough; Satisfactory; Fit;
Qualified; Suited; Suitable.

 Inadvertent (Adj.) : [ykijokg( vutku( vfuf'pr( vkdfLed ]

Syn : Careless; Heedless; Negligent; Thoughtless; Unmindful;
Inattentive; Unthinking; Accidental; Involutary;
Unintentional; Unpremediated
Ant : Careful; Heedful; Attentive; Thoughtful; Sincere;
Deliberate; Intentional; Premediated; Planned.

 Incredible (Adj.) : [vfo'oluh;( vlaH ko( Hkjksl k u djus ;ksX ; ]

Syn : Unbelievable; Impossible; Unreliable; Untrustworthy;
Improbable; Unplausible; Unreasonable.
Ant : Believable; Credible; Reliable; Trustworthy; Probable;
Plausible; Reasonable; Sincere; Tenable; Trustworthy

 Incriminate (Vt.) : [vfHk;ksx yxkuk( nks"k( yxkuk( vfHk'kIr djuk( vfHk;ksx esa
'kkfey djuk ]
Syn : Accuse; Charge; Blame; Acurse; Involve; Implicate;
Entangle; Indict; Impeach; Arraign; Inculpate; Offend.
Ant : Vihdicate; Exculpate; Clear; Acquit; Defend; Justify;
Exonerate; Support; Uphold; Assert; Maintain; Advocate.

 Indict (Vt.) : [nks" kh Bgjkuk( nks"kkjksi.k djuk( vfHk;ksx yxkuk( bYtke

yxkuk ]
Syn : Accuse; Charge; Blame; Involve; Implicate; Inculpate;
Impeach; Arraign; Prosecute; Convict; Incriminate;
Summon; Condemn.
Ant : Acquit; Exonerate; Free; Liberate; Release; Discharge;
Excuse; Pardon; Absolve; Exculpate; Clear. |46| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Infuriate (Vt.) : [xqL lk fnykuk( mÙksftr djuk( Øzq) djuk( Øks/kkUeÙk djuk ]

Syn : Enrage; Anger; Exasperate; Irritate; Rile; Madder-Incense;

Vex; Provoke; Instigate; Incite.

Ant : Pacify; Appease; Mitigate; Cool; Calm; Propitiate; Molify;

Compose; Soothe; Quell; Subdule.

 Ingenious (Adj.) : [prqj ( gksf 'k;kj( fuiq. k( es/kkoh( dq' ky( izoh.k ]

Syn : Clever; Skilful; Dexterous; Expert; Capable; Proficient;

Competent; Qualified; Resourceful

Ant : Unskillful; Unskilled; Inapt; Incompetent; Unable; Stupid;

Dull; Clumsy; Awkward; Unfit.

 Ingenuous (Adj.) : [fu"dkiV( ljy( Li"Voknh( [kqy k( lPpk( laH kzkar ( lEeku ]

Syn : Candid; Frank; Outspoken; Straightforward; Open; Fair;

Simple; Naive; Guideless; Natural; Honest.

Ant : Cunning; Crafty; Sly; Tricky; Artful; Wily; Foxy; Feline;

Deceptive; Knavish

 Innocuous (Adj.) : [gkfujfgr( lqj f{kr( ykHkizn( LokLF;izn ]

Syn : Harmless; Safe; Innoxious; Innocent; Inoffensive;

Beneficial; Salubrious; Tonic; Wholesome; Healthy.

Ant : Harmful; Injurious; Posionous; Noxious; Deleterious;

Malefic; Maleficent; Toxic; Deadly.

 Innovative (Adj.) : [ifjorZu dkjh( uofuekZ. kdrkZ ]

Syn : Novel; Modern; Cultivate; Unprecedented; New; Fresh;

Original; Uncommon; Noxious; Unusual; Strange;
Unfamiliar; Different.

Ant : Stale; Old; Hackneyed; Commonplace; Unoriginal; Banal;

Trite; Musty. |47| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Inquisitive (Adj.) : [dkSr qg yh( ftKklq ( lh[kus dk bPNqd ( vkØked( [kkst us

okyk ]
Syn : Insatiate; Greedy; Ravenous; Rapacious; Voracious;
Omnivorous; Unappeasable.

Ant : Satiable; Moderate; Temperate; Mild; Reasonable;

Judicious; Frugal; Cool; Calm; Sparing

 Insidious (Adj.) : [fo'okl?kkrh( Nyh( diVh( pkykd( /kwr Z( /kks[ ksc kt ]

Syn : Treacherous; Crafty; Cunning; Artful; Foxy; Vulpine;

Tricky; Elusive; Wily; Feline; Sly; Knave.

Ant : Open; Frank; Aboveboard; Candid; Sincere; Honest; Plain;

Flair; Honourable; Guileless; Naive.

 Insolent (Adj.) : [/k`"V( <hB( mn~n M( vif'k"V( ftíh( vHkzn ( xqL rk[k( voekud ]

Syn : Insulting; Offensive; Presumptuous; Abrasive; Impudent;

Rude; Unmannerly; Arrogant; Bold; Haughty; Bumptious;

Ant : Fawning; Abject; Servile; Slavish; Parasite; Beggarly;

Abased; Cowardly.

 Interim (N & Adj.) : [chp dk le;( vojks/k djuk( jkLrs esa vVdkuk( mM+k nsuk(
u"V dj nsu k( va r jks Z/ ku djuk( fcfNUu djuk( vigj.k
djuk ]
Syn : Meantime; Intervening time; Interval; Meanwhile; Pro-tern;
Provisional; Caretaker; Improvised; Temporary;

 Intervention (N) : [gLr{ksi ( ck/kk( O;o/kku( chp esa vkuk( var jk{ksi .k ]

Syn : Interference; Intrusion; Intercession; Mediation; Agency

Ant : Assistance; Aid; Help; Support; Favour; Encouragement |48| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Intrusion (N) : [vukfodkj izos'k( fcuk vkKk izos'k( cykr~ izo s' k( ?kqliSB (
vukeaf =r izos' k( vfrØe.k( gLr{ksi ( var oksZu ( vkØe.k ]
Syn : Encouragement; Interference; Infringement; Invasion;
Obtrusiveness; Inquisitiveness; Attack; Aggression;
Ingress; Incursion; Inroad; Raid; Fray; Foray; Ingression.

Ant : Defense; Guard; Protection; Fortification; Safeguard;

Blockade; Rampart; Bulwark.

 Irascible (Adj.) : [xqL lSy ( rst &fetkt( Øks/ kh( Øks/ k'khy( fpM+fpM+k ]

Syn : Irritable; Peevish; Petulant; Cantankerous; Short-tempered;

snappish; Cross; Waspish; Touchy; Testy; Crabbed;
Choleric; Hot-headed.

Ant : Composure; Calmness; Serenity; Ease; Tranquility; Sang-

froid; Aplomb; Poise; Equanimity; Placidity; Coolness.
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(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Jester (N/c) : [etkfd;k( HkkaM ( el[kjk( tksd j ]

Syn : Clown: Comedian; Joker; Buffon; Droll; Fool; Wag;
Humorist; Harlequin; Bumpkin; Dunce

 Jolly (Adj.) : [izl Uufpr( ftan kfny( vkuan h( etkfd;k( laqnj ]

Syn : Merry; Humorous; Gay; Cheerful; Jocular; Playful;
Frolicsome; Jocund; Jovial; Blithe.
Ant : Solemn; Sober; Grave; Dour.

 Jubiliant (Adj.) : [gf"kZr( vkuafnr( mYykliw.kZ( izQqYy( fot; xku xkus okyk(
mYyflr( izeqf nr ]
Syn : Rejoicing; Exultant; Gay; Celebrating; Boastful; Joyous;
Triumphant; Cheerful; Happy; Delighted
Ant : Gloomy; Sorrowful; Downcast; Dejected; Sad; Disappointed;
Joyless; Despondent; Cheerless; Melancholy; Unhappy
 |50| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Keen (Adj.) : [iSu k( rst( rhoz( mRlqd( rh{.k( dq' kkxz( rhoz cqf)( xgu ]
Syn : Sharp; Strong; Deep; Sensitive; Acute; Responsive; Acrid;
Bitter; Eager; Poignant; Vivid; Lively; Sagacious; Witty.
Ant : Blunt; Dull; Thick; lazy; Stupid; Pointless; Insipid; Sluggish;
Slothful; Careless.

 Knave (N/c) : [csb Ze ku( /kks[ ksc kt( eDdkj ]

Syn : Scoundrel; Villain; Criminal; Rascal; Rogue; Fraud;
Miscreant; Duplicate.
Ant : Moralist; Hero.
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(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Languid (Adj.) : [detks j ( eUn( f'kfFky( LQwfrZf oghu( fu:Rlkgh( mnklhu ]

Syn : Weak; Feeble; Dropping; Pensive; Lethargic; Inert; Slow;

Torpid; Sluggish; Weary; Drowsy; Slack.

Ant : Brisk; Animated; Lively; Vigorous; Vivacious; Nimble;

Alert; Sharp; Smart.

 Latent (Adj.) : [XkqIr( fNih gqbZ( fn[kkbZ u nsus okyh( vizdV( lqIrkoLFkk esa ]

Syn : Hidden; Invisible; Concealed; Dormant; Unknown; Secret;

Imperceptible; Implicit; Unperceived; Unseen; Recondite;
Torpid; Mystic; Cryptic

Ant : Obvious; Distinct; Clear; Open; Plain; Exposed; Evident;

Perceptible; Visible; Undisguished; Definite

 Lenient (Adj.) : [uje( uje fny( e`nq LokHkko( lân;( fygkt djus okyk(
mnkj ]
Syn : Tolerant; Permissive; Intelligent; Generous; Kind-hearted;
Mild; Moderate; Reasonable; Merciful; Tender;
Compassionate; Soft; Soft-Hearted

Ant : Harsh; Rough; Cruel; Merciless; Wicked; Tyrannical;

Atrocious; Exacting; Hard; Furious; Ferocious.

 Lucid (Adj.) : [Li"V( cks/ kxE;( pedhyk( mTtoy( ikjn'khZ( lqcks/ k ]

Syn : Clear; Understandable; Plain; Evident; Distinct; Pellucid;

Bright; Shining; Resplendent; Comprehensible.

Ant : Dark; Murky; Gloomy; Obscure; Dim; Nebulous;

Unintelligent; Incomprehensible; Puzzling. |52| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Ludicrous (Adj.) : [gkL;kLin( gal h fnykus okyk( csr qd k( fouksn h( gkL;dj(

gkL;tud( ifjgkltud ]
Syn : Ridiculous; Comical; Odd; Funny; Farcical; Bizzare;
Outlandhish; Absurd.

Ant : Serious; Solemn; Sad; Pensive; Terrible; Mournful; Grim;


 Luminous (Adj.) : [izdk'koku( nsn h";eku( pednkj( pedhyk( Kkuh( fo}ku ]

Syn : Shiny; Bright; Dazzling; Brilliant; Enlightened; Radiant; Lit;

Lucid; Effulgent; Alight; Glowing; Incandescent.

Ant : Dark; Obscure; Dim; Bleak; Murky; Cloudy; Shady; Dull.

 |53| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Magnificent (Adj.) : [HkO;( izr kih( egku~( vkØked geyk( izpM
a vfHk;ku( tcjnLr
ekjdkV ]
Syn : Brilliant; Excellent; Elegant; Gorgeous; Grand; Imposing;
Majestic; Outstanding; Superb; Splendid.
Ant : Humble; Modest; Simple; Plain

 Malicious (Adj.) : [}s " kiw . kZ ( cq j h fu;r j[kus okyk( cq j k( rh[kk( fo}s " kh(
nqH kkZ o uk'khy ]
Syn : Spiteful; Malignant; Malevolent; Virulent; Malign; Evil;
Evil-minded; III-intentioned; Bitter; Rancorous; Caustic
Ant : Amiable; Cordial; Kind; Kindly; Tender; Kind-hearted;
Benevolent; Sympathetic.

 Mellifluous (Adj.) : [ek/kq;Ziw.kZ( ehBk( jl Hkjk( lqLokn ]

Syn : Sweet-sounding; Sweet; Dulcet; Euphonic; Euphonious;
Mellow; Silvery; Soft; Smooth; Harmonious; Tuneful.
Ant : Discordant; Dissonant; Harsh; Jarring; Unharmonious;
Incongruous; Repugnant; Contradictory; Contrary.

 Mellow (Adj.) : [eqyk;e rFkk idk gqvk( Lokn esa ehBk( e/kqj ( e`nq( iDo(
ifjiDo( LokLFk;dj( enksUer( xqykch u'ks esa ]
Syn : Ripe; Sweet; Mature; Perfect; Soft; Rich; Seasoned;
Pleasing; Intoxicated; Genial; Jolly; Hearty; Pungent;
Insipid; Sober; Serious; Harsh.

 Melodious (Adj.) : [lqj hyk( lqj hyh( e/kqj ( lqe/kqj ( jkxiw.kZ( Jqfre/kqj ( LojkuqØeh ]
Syn : Sweet-sounding; Melodic; Dulcet; Musical; Tuneful;
Harmonious; Euphonious; Sonorous; Silvery
Ant : Discordant; Grating; Harsh; Dissonant; Jarring;
Unharmonious; Incongruous |54| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Meticulous (Adj.) : [foLr`r ( ,dne lgh( vfrlkoku( lw{e( tkx:d ]

Syn : Careful; Exact; Punctilious; Scrupulous; Fastidious; Precise;
Prissy; Fussy; Particular; Finical; Prudent.
Ant : Careless; Sloppy; Remiss; Casual; Unscrupulous;
Negligent; Heedless; Unmindful; Forgetful.

 Mitigate (Adj.) : ['kka r djuk( de djuk( 'keu djuk( gYdk djuk( e`n q
djuk( rhozrk( Øks/k ;k cqjkbZ de djuk ]
Syn : Lessen; Alleviate; Assuage; Abate; Mollify; Appease;
Soothe; Palliate; Subdue; Weaken; Diminish; Soften;
Relieve; Calm.
Ant : Aggravate; Increase; Augment; Intensify; Excite; Incite;
Provoke; Stimulate; Swell; Acerbate; Exacerbate;
Exasperate; Worsen.

 Molify (Adj.) : ['kkar djuk( eqyk;e djuk( de djuk( ?kVkuk( uje djuk(
ean djuk( gYrk djuk( rq"V djuk ]
Syn : Make calmer; Make quieter; Quieten; Soften; Mitigate;
Reduce; Assuage; Lessen; Appease; Ameliorate; Soothe;
Compose; Smooth; Alleviate; Temper; Calm; Pacify;
Ant : Provoke; Anger; Enrage; Infuriate; Taunt; Excite; Incite;
Worry; Disturb; Harass; Agitate; Vex.

 Monotony (Adj.) : [uhjlrk( jax ghurk ]

Syn : Boredom; Colourlessness; Flatness; Dullness;
Tiresomeness; Wearisomeness; Tedium.
Ant : Colour; Liveliness; Agility; Alertness; Excitement. |55| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Naive (Adj.) : [lh/kk( diVjfgr( fo'oklh( vukjh( ukSflf[k;k( Hkksyk( ljy(
lgt izd`r ]
Syn : Simple; Innocent; Arthless; Credulous; Beginner; Tyro;
Unsophisticated; Fresh; Plain; Ingenuous; Unaffected;

Ant : Artful; Crafty; Cunning; Shrewd; Incredulous; Expert;

Sophisticated; Complex; Primeval; Knave.

 Nefarious (Adj.) : [vfr nq"V( ?k` t?kU;( uhp( ikih( vuSfrd( Hkz"V( fuyZTt(
cqj k ]
Syn : Extremely wicked; Unlawful; Impious; Mean; Heinous;
Wicked; Sinful; Vile; Base; Immoral; Corrupt; Shameless;
Vicious; Evil.

Ant : Virtuous; Good; Right; Righteous; Upright; Moral;

Praiseworthy; Noble; Innocent; Right.

 Negligent (Adj.) : [ykijokg( vlko/kku( mis{ kk djus okyk( ykijokgh djus

okyk ]
Syn : Careless; Inattentive; Neglectful; Unmindful; Heedless;
Dreamy; Unwatchful; Remiss; Perfunctory

Ant : Careful; Fleedful; Attentive; Watchful; Mindful; Alert;

Vigilant; Keen; Sharp; Quick.

 Nonchalant (Adj.) : [ykijokg( mnklhu( :[kk( vuklDr ]

Syn : Careless; Indifferent; Negligent; Uncaring; Unconcerned;

Neglectful; Thoughtless; Inconsiderate; Reckless.

Ant : Careful; Considerate; Thoughful; Cautious; Anxious; Eager;

Heedful. |56| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Novice (Adj.) : [ukSflf[k;k( vuqHkoghu O;fDr( uof'k{kq( izkjaHkd( uohu /kerfjr(

O;fDr( uo nhf{kr O;fDr ]
Syn : Beginner; Tyro; Learner; Neophyte; Schoolboy; Schoolgirl;
Discpile; Recruit; Follower; Apprentice.
Ant : Master; Trainer; Instructor; Tutor; Professor; Teacher;
Guide; Coach; Director; Advisor

 Nurture (Adj.) : [ikyu&iks"k.k( ykyu&ikyu( ns[kHkky( Hkkstu( vkgkj( [kqj kd(

f'k{kk&nh{kk( mins' k( ns[kjs[ k( ns[ kHkky( izksR lkgu( leFkZu ]
Syn : Food; Nourishment; Education; Instruction; Care;
Encouragement; Support; Training; Approval
Ant : Ignorance; Negligence; Discouragement; Disapproval
 |57| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Obliterate (Vt.) : [feVkuk( iksaNuk( u"V djuk( dksbZ Li"V fu'kku u NksM+u k ]
Syn : Rub; Blot out; Erase; Destroy; Delete; Expunge; Cancel;
Nullify; Efface; Raze; Eradicate; Wipe out.
Ant : Restore; Return; Replace; Bring back; Put back; Reinstate;
Reestablish; Reintroduce; Renovate; Repair; Mend;
Renew; Revive; Refresh
 Obscene (Adj.) : [dkeksí hid( v'yhy( dqf Rlr( dked( dkeks Ù kst d( vHkz n (
ohHkRl( vkifÙktud( cs' keZ ]
Syn : Morally disgusting; Indecent; Immodest; Sensual; Sexy;
Immoral; Sexual; Abdominal; Disgusting; Repulsive;
Corrupt; Dirty; Filthy; Defiled; Polluted.
Ant : Pure; Upright; Virtuous; Innocent; Decent; Respectable;
Immaculate; Clean; Spotless.
 Obscure (Adj.) : [,lh ckr tks le> esa uk vk,( vLi"V( vizfl)( xqeuke(
vKkr( vcks/k( /kwf ey( xqIr( fNik gqvk ]
Syn : Unknown; Anonymous; Dark; Hidden; Dim ; Mysterious;
Cloudy; Abstruse; Concealed; Ambiguous;
Incomprehensible; Vague; Dubious
Ant : Plain; Clear; Vivid; Evident; Explicit; Apparent;
Unequivocal; Unambiguous; Known.
 Obstacle (Adj.) : [ck/kk( vojks/ k( :dkoV( vM+p u( fo?u ]
Syn : Hindrance; Barrier; Impediment; Check; Obstruction; Snag;
Prevention; Inhibition
Ant : Aid; Assistance; Help; Favour; Encouragement; Support;
Promotion; Speed; Expedition; Acceleration.
 Obtuse (Adj.) : [dqan ( HkksaF kjk( dqfBr( dqB kxz( lqL r( ean ( ew< +( csodwQ ( ean
cqf ) ]
Syn : Slow; Dull; Stupid; Thick; Dense; Blunt; Rounded; Thick-
skinned; Crass; Dull-witted
Ant : Pointed; Bright; Sharp; Intelligent; Keen; Brilliant; Alert;
Artful; Observant; Perveptive; Astute. |58| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Obvious (Adj.) : [Li"V( ljy( izR;{k( lqL i"V( ikjn'khZ( xzkg;( lqx e ]
Syn : Clear; Plain; Lucid; Apparent; Transparent; Distinct;
Intelligible; Explicit; Comprehensible; Unequivocal.
Ant : Complicated; Complex; Puzzling; Obscure; Mysterious;
Unintelligble; Ambiguous; Latent; Hidden; Occult; Esoteric.
 Onslaught (N/c) : [?kkrd vkØe.k( p<kbZ( vkØked geyk( tcnZL r ekjdkV ]
Syn : Assault; Attack; Invasion; Offence; Bombardment; Blitz;
Ant : Defense; Protection Guard; Shelter; Fortification;
Barricade; Bulwark.
 Opaque (Adj.) : [vkikjn'kZd ( vkijn'khZ( eUncqf )( vLi"V( /kqa / kyk( efyu(
fu"izHk( xw<+( :<+ ]
Syn : Dark; Dull; Stupid; Unintelligent; Obscure; Imprevious to
light; Shady; Smoky; Dusky; Nubilous.
Ant : Clear; Transparent; Pellucid; Lucid; Bright; Shinning;
Glassy; Unclouded; Lustrous
 Orthodox (Adj.) : ['kkL=h;( 'kkL= lEer( izk ekf.kd( ijai jkfu"V( ijai jkxr(
:f<+o knh( dV~V jiaFkh ]
Syn : Conventional; Conservative; Traditional; Conformist;
Correct; True; Sound; Approved; Accepted; Official;
Customary; Usual.
Ant : Unorthodox; Unconventional; Unusual; Abnormal; Irregular;
Heterdox; Heretical.
 Ostracize (Vt.) : [lekt ls cfg"dkj djuk( lkekftd vf/kdkjksa ls oaf pr
djuk( gqDdk ikuh can djuk( ns'k fudkyk nsuk ]
Syn : Exclude; Expatriate; Banish; Exile; Deport; Bar; Expel;
Blackball; Seperate; Reject; Excommunicate.
Ant : Include; Allow; Admit; Embrace; Hold; Embody; Comprise;
 |59| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Pacify (Vt.) : ['kkar djuk( 'kkfer djuk( fojks/ k 'kkar djuk( 'kkafr LFkkfir
djuk ]
Syn : Compose; Appease; Allay; Tranquilise; Reconcile; Mollify;
Propitiate; Placate; Relieve
Ant : Antagonise; Stir; Anger; Roil

 Paragon (Adj.) : [uewu k( vkn'kZ( ewf rZeku vkn'kZ( rqY;rk( cjkcjh( ghjk ]
Syn : Model; Epitome; Archetype; Prototype; Ideal Masterpiece;
Standard; Jewel; Pattern

 Parsimonious (Adj.): [ferO;;h( vYiO;;h( d` i .k( da t w l ( fdQk;rh( vi;kZI r

vYi ]
Syn : Frugal; Economical; Miserly; Penurious; Niggardly; Tight;
Stingy; Penny-pinching; Mercenary; Avaracious; Grasping;
Inexorbitant; Insufficient.
Ant : Prodigal; Lavish; Profuse; Exorabitant; Generous;

 Pancity (N/c) : [deh( vHkko( vQyrk( U;wu rk ]

Syn : Shortage; Smallness; Insufficiency; Scarcity; Scantiness;
Dearth; Meagreness; Lack; Deficiency; Inadequacy;
Sparseness; Fewness.
Ant : Abundance; Plenty; Plentifulness; Copious; Luxuriance;
Ampleness; Fullness; Excess; Affluence; Profusion.
 Peculiar (Adj.) :
Syn : Strange; Unique; Particular; Specific; Uncommon; Odd;
Queer; Unusual; Individual; Distinctive
Ant : Common; Usual; Ordinary |60| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Pensive (Adj.) : [fopkjeXu( xaHkhj eqn zk esa( fo"kknxzL r( mnkl ]

Syn : Mediating; Thinking; Meditative; Thoughtful; Dreamy;
Grave; Serious; Sober; Solemn; Sad; Mournful;
Preoccupied; Musing; Wondering; Absent-minded;
Ant : Careless; Carefree; light-hearted; Cheery; Cheerful;
Happy; Easy-going; Breezy; Blithe; Untroubled; Unworried;
 Perishable (Adj.) : [u"V gksu s okyk( uk'k gksu s ;ksX ;( uk'koku( u'oj( fodkjh(
fcxM+u s okyk( ej.k'khy( {kf.kd ]
Syn : Destructible; Fragile; Vulnerable; Frail; Impermanent;
Transitory; Temporary; Fleeting; Mortal.
Ant : Imperishable; Everlasting; Eternal; Immortal; Permanent;
 Perspicacious (Adj.) : [dq' kkxz cqf )( lw{en'khZ( iSuh fuxkg okyk( rst n`f"V ]
Syn : Perceptive; Discerning; Keen; Sharp; Acute; Shrewd; Astute;
Penetrating Clever; Intelligent; Sagacious
Ant : Dull; Doltish; Foolish; Silly; Unintelligent; Stupid; Blunt;
Dulled; Obtuse; Inactive; Slow; Insensible
 Pester (Vt.) : [rax djuk( ijs' kku djuk( fpfUrr djuk( ukjkt djuk(
NsM +u k( mdlkuk ]
Syn : Annoy; Worry; Vex; Tease; Torment; Bother; Provoke;
Heckle; Nettle; Harass; Trouble.
Ant : Comfort; Soothe; Please; Flatter; Cheer; Calm; Assuage;
Mitigate; Conciliate.
 Pilfer (Vt.) : [pqj kuk( pqjk ysu k( mBk ysu k( xcu djuk ]
Syn : Steal; Thieve; Abstract; Embezzle; Peculate; Purloin; Rob;
Flitch; Pinch; Nick.
Ant : Restore; Compensate; Requite; Repay; Refund; Indemnify;
Return; Give back; Replace; Reinstate. |61| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Plethora (N) : [vko';drk ls vf/kd ek=k( <s+ j ( cgqr T;knk( vokaf Nr(
pqj ( i;kZIr ]
Syn : Glut; Overabundance; Superabundance; Abundance;
Excess; Lavish; Plenty; Plenteous; Sufficient; Adequate;
Luxuriant; Inexhaustible; Bountiful.
Ant : lota; Scare; Little; Small; Insufficient; Scant; Scanty;
Deficient; Inadequate; Bare; Niggardly.

 Plummet (Adj.) : [rsth ls fxjuk( lh/kk fxjuk( lh/kk Mwcuk ]

Syn : Fall; Crash; Drop; Nosedive; Dive; Descent; Tumble;
Hurtle; Plunge.
Ant : Soar; Real; Fly; Plane; Ascend; Climb; Wing; Tower;
Rocket; Escalate

 Poignant (Adj.) : [rh{.k( dVq( rh[kk( eeZL i'khZ( iSu k( Hks n d( ân;fonkjd(
Syn : Keen; Piercing; Acute; Pungent; Biting; Mordant; Sharp;
Intense; Bitter; Painful.
Ant : Dull; Soothing; Pleasant.

 Porous (Adj.) : [fNnziw.kZ( nzo lh[kus okyh( ikuh lks[kus okyh ]

Syn : Absorbent; Pervious; Permeable; Penetrable Honeycombed;
Pitted; Sponge; Sponge-like.
Ant : Impermeable; Impervious; Impenetrable; Tight; Proof;
Sealed; Resistant; Impassable; Hermetic.

 Pragmatic (Adj.) : [dksj k fl)kUroknh( gB/kehZ( O;ogkfjd( O;Lr( Qqr hZyk n[ky
nsus okyk( gLr{ksi djus okyk ]
Syn : Dogmatic; Conceited; Practical; Busy; Active; Officious;
Meddlesome; Realistic; Sensible; Interfering; Intrusive;
Opinionated; Practicable; Businesslike.
Ant : Impractical; Undogmatic; Idealistic; Visionary;
Impracticable; Inapplicable; Unworkable; Unserviceable;
Wild. |62| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Prejudice (Adj.) : [iwokZx zg( iwo Zxzg( iwo Z fu.kZ;( iwokZj .kk( i{kikr( gkfu( {kfr(
izfrdwy ifjfLFkfr ]
Syn : Bias; Disadvantages; Loss; Partially; Prejudgment;
Preconception; Dislike; Disgust; Unfairness; Spleen
Ant : Appreciation; Admiration; Attraction; Regard; Good opinion;
Approval; Esteem; Friendship; Sympathy.

 Pretentious (Adj.) : [feF;fHkekuh( fn[kkoVh( cgkusckt( >wB k( /kwr Z( ik[kaM h( diVh(

vkMac jiw. kZ ]
Syn : Conceited; Showy; Tricky; Copious; False; Perversive;
Equivocal; Pervaricative; Insincere; Hypocritical
Ant : Honest; True; Open; Fair; Sincere; Veracious;
Straightforward; Guideless; Plain; Trustworthy

 Prodigal (Adj.) : [vfrO;;h( fQtwy [kphZ( izp qj ( eqD r gLr( vfrO;;h( fny
[kksydj [kpZ djus okyk( cgqr vf/kd( Hkjiwj ]
Syn : Extravagant; Spendthrift; Profuse; Lavish; Abundant;
Careless; Reckless; Wasteful; Thriftless; Improvident;
Ant : Economical; Frugal; Careful; Miserly; Close-fisted;

 Proficient (Adj.) : [izo h.k( dq' ky( fuiq.k( n{k( gksf 'k;kj( ;ksX; ]
Syn : Skilled; Expert; Competent; Adept; Able; Dextrous;
Ant : Awkward; Clumsy; Gauche; Maladroit; Unskilled;
Incompetent; Novice; Beginner

 Profound (Adj.) : [xgjh( izxk<+( xgju( xw< +( rhoz( izcy( jgL;e;h( cqf )eku ]
Syn : Deep; Great; Intense; Extreme; Fathomless; Mysterious;
Abstruse; Intellectual; Sagacious
Ant : Shallow; Light; Slight; Superficial; Erratic; Simple; Silly;
Foolish |63| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Profuse (Adj.) : [cgq r vf/kd( iz p q j ( foiq y ( vfr'k;( vR;Ur [kphZ y k(

vfrO;;h ]
Syn : Abundant; Lavish; Extravagant; Plentiful; Prodigal;
Abundant; Excessive; Copious; Redundant

Ant : Scare; Meagre; Scanty; Inadequate; Insufficient; Bare;

Empty; Beggarly; Limited

 Prominent (Adj.) : [ize q[ k( fof'k"V( fo[;kr( lqO;Dr( izR ;{k( lqL i"V ]

Syn : Celibrated; Distinguished; Eminent; Famous; Important;

Renowned; Outstanding; Leading

Ant : Insignificant; Unimportant; Unknown; Common;

Inconspicuous; Ordinary.

 Promiscuous (Adj.) : [xMqeMq( ladqy ( lad h.kZ( vfoosdh( LoPNan ( vuSf rd( Hkz" V ]

Syn : Dissolute; Immoral; Casual; Licentious; Loose; Profligate

Ant : Chaste; Moral; Pure; Reverend; Reverential

 Promulgte (Vt.) : [?kks " k.kk djuk( lw f pr djuk( iz p kfjr djuk( QSy kuk(
Hkfo"; djuk ]
Syn : Proclaim; Announce (officially); Declare; Publicise;
Advertise; Spread; Herald; Circulate; Disseminate; Foretell;

Ant : Hide; Conceal; Suppress; Disguise; Veil; Cover; Smother-

withhold; Keep back.

 Propinquity (N/c) : [Hkfo"; is' khu xksbZ( Hkfo"; dFku( iwo Z dFku ]

Syn : Nearness; Similarity; Proximity; Kinship; Likeness;

Closeness; Contiguity; Adjacency; Vicinity.

Ant : Distance; Farness; Space; Range; Extent; Remoteness;

Length; Width. |64| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Prosper (Vi/Vt) : [lQy gksuk( mUufr djuk( le`f) izkIr djuk( Qyuk&Qwyuk(
iuiuk( mUur djuk( le`) djuk( c<+kok nsuk ]
Syn : Succeed; Do well; Flourish; Achieve; Attain; Fulfil; Win;
Triumph; Bloom; Boom; Advance; Progress; Thrive; Grow
rich; Get on; Flower; Turn out well.
Ant : Fail; Lose; Cease; Sink; Die; Cut out; Fade; Founder;
Dwindle; Decline; Miss; Go bankrupt; Flop.
 Prosperity (N/u) : [le`f)( [kq' kgkyh( oSHko( lkSHkkX;( /ku( miyfC/k( iSlk( lEifÙk(
fot;( thr ]
Syn : Good luck; Success; Wealth; Riches; Welfare; Good fortune;
Affluence; Attainment; Opulence; Money; Property;
Possessions; Victory; Triumph; Fortune.
Ant : Adversity; Failure; Misfortune; Misery; Bad luck; Calamity;
Ruin; Loss; Misadventure; Poverty; Penury; Distress.
 Prosperous (Adj.) : [lQy( HkkX;'kkyh( le` ) Qyrk&Qw y rk( le` f )'kkyh(
oSH ko'kkyh( mUur ]
Syn : Successful; Thriving; Lucky; Fortunate; Happy; Opulent;
Affluent; Rich; Wealthy; Consummate.
Ant : Unsuccessful; Misfortunate; Sad; Unhappy; Sorrowful;
Afflicted; Troubled; Poor; Penurious.
 Provoke (Vt) : [mÙksf rt djuk( Øks f /kr djuk( xqL lk fnykuk( mdlkuk(
iSnk djuk( fdlh pht dk dkj.k gksuk ]
Syn : Vex; Anger; Incite; Stimulate; Stir up; Arouse; Call forth;
Give rise to; Induce; Bring about; Infuriate.
Ant : Mollify; Pacify; Soothe; Placate; Cheer; Propitiate; Comfort;
Please; Mitigate; Lull; Alleviate.
 Pungent (Adj.) : [dMqvk( rh[kk( rhoz( pqH kus okyk( eeZH ksn h( uqdhyk( rh{.k ]
Syn : Sharp; Bitter; Keen; Strong; Biting; Critical; Satiric;
Piercing; Sharp-pointed; Piquant; Poignant; Acute.
Ant : Sweet; Mild; Soothing; Pleasant; Pleasing; Agreeable;
Stale; Flavourless; Aromatic; Fragrant.
 |65| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Querulous (Adj.) : [f'kdk;rckt( f'kdk;rh ]
Syn : Complaining; Discontented; Petulant; Peevish; Irritable;
Fretful; Captious; Grumbling; Whining.
Ant : Contented; Cheerful; Happy; Joyous; Gay Merry; Jubiliat;
Rejoicing; Dashing; Elated.

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(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Ravage (Vt/Vi) : [ywV&[klksV djuk( mtkM+u k( rckg djuk( cckZn djuk ]
Syn : Pillage; Overrun; Crush; Destroy; Devastate; Despoil;
Desolate; Waste; Wreck; Demolish; Disrupt; Annihilate;
Break up; Smash; Crash; Shatter; Ruin.
Ant : Upraise; Uprear; Upbuild; Raise; Build; Rear; Erect; Set
up; Institute; Mend; Amend; Improve; Revive; Replace;
Renovate; Establish.

 Recurrent (Adj.) : [iqu jkorhZ( vkorhZ( izR ;korhZ ]

Syn : Happening repeatedly; Repetition; Frequency; Regular;
Persistent; Intermittent; Continued;
Ant : Solitary; Lone; Secluded; Unfrequent; Discontinued;
Irregular; Intermittent.

 Redundant (Adj.) : [i;kZIr( izpqj ( Qkyrw( vuko';d ]

Syn : Excessive; Superabundant; Superfluous; Unnecessary;
Extra; Wordy; Plethoric; Supernumerary; Tautological;
Prolix; Verbose.
Ant : Concise; Laconic; Terse; Succint; Compact; Brief;
Compressed; Condensed; Prithy.

 Rejuvenate (Vt/Vi) : [uothou nsu k( iqu % ;kSou izkIr djuk( r#.k gksuk( dk;kdYi
djuk( u;k dj nsuk ]
Syn : Reanimate; Renew; Reinvigorate; Recharge; Revitalise;
Revivify; Rekindle; Restore; Recharge; Regenerate.
Ant : Exhaust; Tire; Bankrupt; Consume; Fatigue; Weaken;
Weary; Overwork; Spend; Tax. |67| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Relish (Vt/Vi) : [Lokn ysu k( jl ysuk( etk ysuk( r`Ir gksu k( r`"V gksu k( ilan
djuk ]
Syn : Apprecite; Enjoy; Taste; Prefer; Like; Savour; Lap up;
Revel in.
Ant : Dislike; Hate; Abhor; Despise.

 Reluctant (Adj.) : [vfuPNqd ( foeq[ k( izfrjks/ kh( mnklhu( vfuPN( izf rdwy ]
Syn : Unwilling; Disinclined; Averse; Opposed; Adverse;
Repungant; Involuntary; Queasy.
Ant : Willing; Eager; Inclined; Desirous; Ready; Longing;
Sedulous; Wishful.

 Renovate (Vt) : [u;k djuk( ejEer djuk( dkQh ifjorZu djuk( vPNh
voLFkk esa igq¡ pkuk( vPNh 'kfDr esa igqapkuk ]
Syn : Make new; Renew; Repair; Restore; Continue;
Reinvigorate; Refresh; Revive; Regenerate; Resuscitate;
Ant : Exhaust; Deplete; Diminish; Enfeeble; Bankrupt; Cripple;
Finish; Impoverish; Wear out; Weary; Tax; Tire; Weaken;

 Repeal (Vt) : [jí djuk( fujLr djuk( okfil ys u k( fujflr djuk(

fujlu djuk ]
Syn : Revoke; Abolish; Annul; Nullify; Reverse; Cancel; Rescind;
Abrogate; Invalidate; Annul; Countermand; Overrule.
Ant : Enact; Implement; Execute.

 Repel (Vt) : [gVkuk( ysu s ls euk djuk( /kfd;kuk( grksR lkfgr djuk(
[knsM+uk( nwj djuk( ihNs [knsM+uk( MVdj eqdkcyk djuk ]
Syn : Drive back; Drive away; Refuse; Reject; Discourage;
Dishearten; Thrust back; Thrust away; Resist; Repulse;
Disperse; Scatter; Sicken; Disgust; Rebuff.
Ant : Attract; Allure; Captivate; Entice; Invite; Lure. |68| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Reprimand (Vt) : [ l[rh l s f >M + d uk ( d M+ h QV dkj y xkuk( M ka V u k(

MkaV&QVdkj djuk( izf rca/k yxkuk( nks"kkjksi .k djuk ]
Syn : Rebuke, Chide; Admonish; Reprove; Reprehend; Reproach;
Berate; Scold; Censure; Blame.
Ant : Approve; Consent; Applaud; Laud; Eulogize; Appreciate;
Flatter; Extol.

 Reproof (N/u) : [fuUnk( HkRlZu k( vLohÑfr( f/kDdkj( f>M+d h ]

Syn : Condemnation; Rebuke; Censure; Disapproval; Blame;
Denunciation; Vituperation.
Ant : Credit; Praise; Adulation; Appreciation; Flattery; Approval;
Eulogy; Eulogium.

 Repugnant (Adj.) : [v#fpdj( izf rdw y ( fujk'kktud( vla x r( fojks / kHkklh(

vfLFkj( ?k`f .kr ]
Syn : Distasteful; Unpalatable; Objectionable; Offensive;
Disgusting; contradictory; Inconsistent; Incompatible;
Repellent; Repulsive; Hostile; Opposed; Obnoxious.
Ant : Acceptable; Delightful; Pleasant; Desirable; Gratifying;
Satisfactory; Suitable; Passable; Admissible.

 Repulsive (Adj.) : [?k`f .kr( ohHkRl( vizhfrdj( v#fpdj ]

Syn : Disgusting; Unpleasant; Odious; Horrible; Repellent;
Detestable; Disagreeable; Shocking; Loathsome; Grisly;
Nauseous; Nauseating; Graceful.
Ant : Pleasing; Agreeable; Attractive; Captivating; Alluring;
Inviting; Elegant; Graceful; Superb.

 Rescind (Vt) : [¼dksbZ fo/kku½ jí djuk( fo[kaMu djuk( okfil ysu k( fujLr
djuk( dkV nsuk ]
Syn : Repeal; Annul; Invalidate; Cancel; Revoke; Abrogate;
Reverse; Quash; Countermand; Recall; Discard.
Ant : Commission; Command; Delegate; Accredit; Permit;
Establish; Order; Enact; Sanction; Ordain. |69| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Resume (Vt) : [fQj ls ysu k( nksckjk 'kq: djuk( iqu % xzg.k djuk( fQj ls
izkIr djuk( tkjh j[kuk ]
Syn : Take back; Restart; Rebegin; Proceed; Continue; Keep up;
Keep on; Recommence; Renew; Carry on.
Ant : Stop; End; Abandon; Desert; Forsake; Quit; Give up;

 Retaliate (Vt/Vi) : [cnyk ysuk( izfr'kks/k ysuk( izfrdkj djuk( izR;kØe.k djuk(
b±V dk tokc iRFkj ls nsuk ]
Syn : Revenge; Requite; Return; Reciprocate; Repay; Strike
back; Avenge.
Ant : Forgive; Pardon; Exonerate; Condone; Let off; Overlook;
Remit; Absolve; Excuse; Aquit.

 Reveal (Vt) : [fn[kkuk( izn f'kZr djuk( tkfgj djuk( izd V djuk( HkaM k
QksM +u k( jgL; [kksy uk( O;Dr djuk ]
Syn : Show; Display; Exhibit; Disclose; Divulge; Open; Unveil;
Discover; Uncover; Unmask.
Ant : Conceal; Hide; Veil; Cover; Shade; Mask; Evade; Deceive;
Delude; Mystify.

 Reverie (N) : [fnokLoIu( euksf oykl ]

Syn : Day-dreaming; Day-Dream; Dream. Fantasy; Brown Study;
Trance; Abstraction.
Ant : Attention; Alertness; Watchfulness; Sincerity.

 Revile (Vt/Vi) : [xkyh nsu k( f>M+d uk( MkaV uk( QVdkjuk( vfHk'kki nsu k ]
Syn : Abuse; Vilify; Execrate; Upbraid; Caluminate; Malign; Rail;
Slander; Asperse; Curse; Scold.
Ant : Praise; Applaud; Laud; Extol; Eulogize; Appreciate; Admire. |70| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Revoke (Vt/Vi) : [jí djuk( okil cqy kuk( jksduk ]

Syn : Repeal; Cancel; Take back; Withdraw; Nullify;
Countermand; Annul; Reverse; Quash; Retract; Recant;
Rescind; Repudiate; Renege; Abrogate.
Ant : Confirm; Corroborate; Endorse; Approve; Affirm; Execute;
Sanction; Validate; Prove.

 Ridiculous (Adj.) : [csr qdk( gkL;kLin( etkd cukus yk;d( ew[kZr kiw.kZ( fofp=(
ew[ kZ ]
Syn : Absurd; Funny; Ludicrous; Nonsensical; Comic; Odd;
Preposterous; Laughable; Grotesque; Foolish; Silly.
Ant : Serious; Grave; Reasonable; Rational.

 Robust (Adj.) : [gV~V k&dV~V k( rxM+k( tks' khyk( etcwr( cyoku( â"V&iq" V(
l[r( dM+k ]
Syn : Healthy; Vigourous; Hale; Strong; Sturdy; Stalwart; Sinewy;
Lusty; Muscular; Stout.
Ant : Week; Feeble; Infirm; Fragile; Frail; Puny; Debilitated;
Nervous; Languid.

 Ruthless (Adj.) : [funZ;h] Øwj( fu"Bqj ( csj ge ]

Syn : Cruel; Pitiless; Merciless; Atrocious; Tyrannical; Savage;
Brutal; Barbarous; Inhuman; Unkind.
Ant : Kind; Generous; Merciful; Pitiful; Soft; Tender; Placable;
Benevolent; Cordial; Benign; Benignant.
 |71| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Savour (N) : [Lokn( tk;dk( xa/ k( lqxa/k( jl( etk ]
Syn : Excitement; Fascination; Flavour; Relish; Spice; Interest.
Ant : Shrink from: Wince at.

 Scattered (Adj.) : [fc[kjs gq, ( fc[kjk gqvk( fNrjk gqvk( fNrjk;k gqvk( QSy k
gqv k ]
Syn : Wide apart; Spersed; Deranged; Dissipated; Disseminated;
Diffused; Distributed; Separated.
Ant : Collected; Gathered; Assembled; United; Converged;
Crowded; Grouped; Thronged.

 Scrimp (Vt/Vi) : [ekatuk( jxM+u k( jí djuk( ektZu djuk( 'kks/ku djuk ]

Syn : Rub; Do away with; Cancel; Clean; Cleanse; Abandon;
Abolish; Delete; Ditch; Drop; Scour; Give up; Forget;
Discontinue; Ignore.
Ant : Soil; Stain; Tarnish; Sully; Taint; Continue; Persist; Support;
Remember; Forward; Keep; Hold; Restrain.

 Scrupulous (Adj.) : [vfr lrdZ( vfr lko/kku( dÙkZO;fu"B( Jelk/;( bZekunkj ]

Syn : Careful; Precise; Exact; Punctilious; Cautious; Meticulous;
Conscientious; Rigorous; Finical.
Ant : Careless; Inexact; Unprecise; Remiss; Negligent; Heedless;
Unmindful; Irrational.

 Seamy (Adj.) : [vjkspd( ?k`f .kr( t?kU;( Hkz"V ]

Syn : Unpleasant; Disagreeable; Sordid; Morally low; Heinous;
Corrupt; Dark; Degraded; Rough; sleazy; Nasty; Low;
Ant : Pleasant; Respectable; Honourable; Upright; Moral; Pure;
chaste; Wholesome. |72| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Serene (Adj.) : ['kkar ( LoPN( lkQ( vppap y( iz' kkar ( vfo{kqC/k ]

Syn : Calm; Quiet; Tranquil; Peaceful; Clear; Fair; Unruffled;
Sedate; Placid; Cheerful.
Ant : Confused; Disturbed; Ruffled; Furious; Vehement;
Tumultuous; Irascible; Rampant; Clamorous.

 Servitude (N/u) : [xqykeh( nklRo( pkdjh( nklrk( ijk/khurk( tcju lso k ]

Syn : Slavery; Bondage; Captivity; Bonds; Subjugation;
Obedience; Serfdom; chains.
Ant : Freedom; Liberty; Independence; Exemption; Homerule;
Emancipation; Release; Self-government.

 Silly (Adj.) : [cqf)ghu( ew[kZ( vlgk;( csr qdk( gkL;tud( vlaxr( ikxy(
rqP N ]
Syn : Unwise; Foolish; Helpless; Absurd; Ridiculous; Irrational;
Unreasonable; Vacuous; Stupid; Insane; Frivolous;
Senseless; Fatuous; Childish; Imprudent
Ant : Sensible; Rational; Sane; Reasonable; Wise; Judicious;
Sagacious; Prudent; Sound; Shrewd; Intelligent; Discreet.

 Solicit (Vt/Vi) : [fou; lfgr ekax uk( izkFkZu k djuk( fourh djuk( ;kpuk
djuk( fuosn u djuk( Hkh[k ekaxuk ]
Syn : Ask; Request, Entreat; Beg; Implore; Beseech; Importune;
Crave; Desire; Plead; Invoke; Conjure.
Ant : Protest; Oppose; Deprecate; Remonstrate; Expostulate;
Disapprove; Argue against.

 Soothing (Adj.) : [vkjkenk;d( lkaR ouknk;d( pkiywl h djus okyk ]

Syn : Comfortable; Refreshing; Pleasant; Pleasing; Appeasing;
Assuaging; Pacifying; Relieving; Tranquillising; Flattering.
Ant : Aggravating; Annoying; Irritating; Vexing; Troublesome;
Unpleasant; Painful. |73| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Sordid (Adj.) : [xan k( eSyk( f?kukSuk( uhp( dehuk( v/ke( datwl ]

Syn : Mean; Contemptible; Base; Ignoble; Cheap; Dirty; Low;
Abject; Filthy; Foul; Greedy; Selfish.
Ant : Respectable; Honourable; Venerable; Generous.

 Sparse (Adj.) : [QSy k gqv k( fNrjk;k gqvk( nwj &nwj ( vizp q j ( vYi( fojy(
fc[kjk( fodh.kZ( NqV&iqV ( vi;kZIr ]
Syn : Scattered; Not dense; Not thick; Not crowded; Inabundant;
Thin; Meagre; Scanty; Scarce; Few; Sporadic; Infrequent;
Ant : Dense; Thick; Compact; Compressed; Heavy; Condensed;
Packed; Crowded; Close; Thickest; Solid; Knit.

 Speculate (Vi) : [euu djuk( fparu djuk( vuqeku yxkuk( van kt yxkuk(
ckth yxkuk( lV~V k djuk ]
Syn : Conjecture; Contemplate; Guess; Suppose; Surmise;
Meditate; Theories.
Ant : Know; Realise; Understand; Comprehend; Perceive;
Recognise; Appreciate.

 Spite (N) : [bZ";k( }s" k( fojks/k( fo}s"k( nqHkkZo( cSj &Hkko( Mkg( eueqV ko ]
Syn : Ill-will; Jealousy; Envy; Protest; Rancour; Meanness;
Malice; Malignity; Hostility Animosity; Spitefulness;
Venom; Viciousness; Ill-nature; Grudge; Hate; Hatred.
Ant : Affection; Compassion; Goodwill; Attachment; Care;
Devotion; Kindness; Love; Tenderness; Penchant; Liking;
Desire; Fondness; Friendliness.

 Sporadic (Adj.) : [QSyk gqvk( fodh.kZ( frrj*fcrj( QSys gq,( vfu;fer :i ls

?kVus okyh( dHkh*dHkkj gksu s okyh( fNViqV ]
Syn : Scattered; Wide apart; Infrequent; Uncommon; Rare;
Separate; Isolate.
Ant : Constant; Continual; Perennial; Habitual; Prevalent;
Common; Grouped; Frequent; Clustered. |74| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Spurious (Adj.) : [udyh( [kks V k( >wB k( Nyh( Nfy;k( tkyh( dw V ( feF;k(

Hkzk ed( voS/ k ]
Syn : Not genuine; Counterfeit; Fictitious; False; Apocryphal;
Deceptive; Faked; Adulterate; Fraudulent; Fabricated.
Ant : Genuine; Original; Real; True; Proven; Actual; Authentic;
Pure; True; Tested.

 Squander (Vt) : [mM+k nsuk( Qwad nsuk( fQtwy [kphZ djuk( viO;; djuk ]
Syn : Waste; Misuse; Misspend; Consume; Dissipate; Lavish.
Ant : Use; Save; Utilise.

 Stannch (Adj.) : [n`< +( oQknkj( dV~V j( iDdk( fo'oLr( eetcwr ( lqn `< +( iujksd(
tyjksd ]
Syn : Firm; Steadfast; Loyal; Strong; Substantial; Watertight.
Ant : Shaky; Fickle; Disloyal; Infidel; Treacherous; Weak;
Unsubstantial; Immaterial.

 Steadfast (Adj.) : [n`< +( dV~V j( iDdk( etcwr ( lqn `< + ]

Syn : Firm; Consistent; Rigid; Constant; Fixed; Immovable;
Persistent; Settled; Unwavering.
Ant : Shaky; Inconsistent; Wavering; Careless; Unsteady;

 Stern (Adj.) : [l[r( funZ;h( Øwj ( dM+k( dBksj ( vfouhr ]

Syn : Firm; Strict; Uncompromising; Several; Harsh; Cruel;
Austere; Rigid; Resolute; Immodest; Obstinate; Dour.
Ant : Gentle; Kind; Considerate; Lenient; Merciful; Amiable;
Social. Sociable; Friendly; Meek; Mild.

 Stimulate (VT) : [mÙksf tr djuk( mdlkuk( HkM+dkuk( LQwfrZ nsu k( mRlkfgr

djuk( mHkkM+uk( izsfjr djuk( izsj.kk nsuk ]
Syn : Excite; Instigate; Incite; Rouse; Encourage; Invigorate;
Spur on; Stir; Kindle; Impel; Prick. |75| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

Ant : Deter; Discourage; Hinder; Prevent; Dissuade; Disincline;

Scare; Restrain; Withhold; Warn; Terrify.

 Stimulation (N) : [izksR lkgu( mÙkst uk( izsj .k( míhiu( mdlko( mHkkM+ ]
Syn : Encouragement; Excitement; Provocation; Instigation;
Ant : Comfort; Appeasement; Mollification; Propitiation;
Tranquilization; Abatement; Conciliation; Mitigation;

 Strife (N) : [la?k"kZ( foxzg( fookn( fojks/ k( >xM+k( dyg( vucu( erHksn (
QwV ]
Syn : Conflict; Dissension; Discord; Animosity; Disagreement;
Struggle; Fight; Dispute; Rivalry; Brawl.
Ant : Peace; Harmony; Agreement; Concord.

 Sturdy (Adj.) : [cyoku( gV~V k&dV~V k( etcwr ( n`< + ( lkglh( 'kfDr'kkyh(

fVdkÅ( tks' khyk( dkeqd ]
Syn : Strong; Bobust; Firm; Courageous; Indomitable; Stalwart-
Stout; Powerful; Durable; Hardy; Vigorous; Lusty.
Ant : Weak; Infirm; Sickly; Feeble; Flimsy; Vulnerable; Frail;
Fragile; Delicate; Puny; Enervated.

 Subjugate (Vt) : [v/khu djuk( thruk( o'khHkwr djuk( o'k esas djuk( gjkuk(
dq pyuk ]
Syn : Conquer; Overcome; Vanquish; Defeat; Overpower;
Overwhelm; Subdue; Humble; Enslave; Oppress; Subject;
Quell; Crush.
Ant : Liberate; Free; Emancipate; Release; Discharge; Rescue;
Disenthrall; Manumit.

 Sullen (Adj.) : [f[kUu fpÙk( m[kM+k&m[kM+k( mnkl( eugwl( dqf ir( f[kUu(
#"V ] |76| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

Syn : Gloomy; Dull; Ill-humoured; Resentful; Aloof; Dour;

Morose; Lowering; Sour; Sulky; Surly; Stubborn;
Illtempered; Crusty; Comber; Grumpy; Cross.
Ant : Cheerful; Smiling; Jovial; Jocund; Happy; Pleased;

 Sumptuous (Adj.) : [BkBnkj( cgqe wY;( [kphZy k( dherh( 'kkunkj( vf/kd ykxr
okyk ]
Syn : Luxurious; Splendid; Expensive; Costly; Dear; Lavish;
Extravagant; Opulent; Rich; Magnificent;
Ant : Poor; Poorly; Miserly; Frugal; Economic; Inferior;
Substandard; Useless; Worthless.

 Superfluous (Adj.) : [vko';drk ls vf/kd( vuko';d( xSj t:jh( izp qj ( cgqr

T;knk ]
Syn : Extra; Excessive; Redundant; Unnecessary; Needless;
Useless; Superabundant; Overmuch; Exorbitant; Luxuriant.
Ant : Scarce; Scanty; Little; Few; Small; Wanting; Penniless;
Impoverised; Bare; Empty.

 Surmount (Vt) : [¼ck/kk vkfn½ ikj djuk( pksV h ij igqapuk( Qrg dj ysu k(
thr ysuk( ij fot; ikuk( Åij p<+uk ]
Syn : Get over; Get across; Prevail over; Mount; Get on the top
of; Climb; Scale; Surpass; Vanquish; Conquer; Overcome;
Subdue; Clear; Meet.
Ant : Succumb; Yield; Surrender; Submit; Die; Give; Capitulate;
Acquiesce; Accede.
 |77| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Taciturnity (N/u) : [vYiHkkf"kr( pqIih( ekSu ( [kkeks' kh ]

Syn : Reservation; Reticence; Sententiousness; Dumbness;
Silence; Muteness; Mumness.
Ant : Garrulousness; Talkativeness; Loquaciousness;
Multiloquence; Fluency; Volubleness.
 Transient (Adj.) : [vLFkk;h( vYidkfyd( vYilkef;d( vYidkyhu( {k.kHkaxqj (
{kf.kd ]
Syn : Temporary; Transitory; Fleeting; Brief; Ephemeral;
Momentary; Short; Flying; Cursory; Volatile; Vanishing;
Ant : Permanent; Durable; Lasting; Ceaseless; Imperishable;
Everlasting; Perpetual; Immortal.
 Tedious (Adj.) : [Fkdkus okyk( eu dks mckus okyk( mckÅ ]
Syn : Tiresome; Tiring; Wearisome; Irksome; Dilatory; Prosy;
Soporific; Stupid; Tardy; Prolix; Tiring.
Ant : Light; Lightsome; Hearty; Cheery; Cheerful; Charming;
Enthralling; Fascinating.
 Tempest (N/c) : [rwQ ku( >a> kokr( va/ kM+( gaxkek( foIyo ]
Syn : Agitation; Violence; Fury; Excitement; Turbulence; Passion;
Tumult; Storm.
Ant : Calmness; Quiet; Quietness; Peace.

 Tentative (Adj.) : [vktekb'kh( iz; ksxkRed( ladksp iw.kZ( vYidkfyd( vfuf'pr ]

Syn : Experimental; Hesitant; Indefinite; Uncertain; Unsure;
Empirical; Probatory; Speculative; Probative; Precarious.
Ant : Sure; Certain; Definite; Abiding; Assured; Secure;
Permanent; Lasting; Safe; Fixed; Unerring; Unfailing;
Steady; Strong; Trustworthy. |78| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Thrifty (Adj.) : [ferO;;h( de [kphZyk( le`)( lEiUu( fdQk;rh ]

Syn : Economical: Frugal; Prudent; Provident; Miserly;
Parsimonious; Prosperous; Profitable.
Ant : Wasteful; Prodigal; Extravagant; Careless; Lavish;
Reckless; Spendthrift.

 Tranquil (Adj.) : ['kkar ( iz' kka r( LrC/k( 'kkaf re; ]

Syn : Calm; Peaceful; Serene; Quiet; Still; Composed; Moderate;
Gentle; Placid; Halcyon; Sedative; Soothing; Smooth;
Ant : Noisy; Uproarious; Clamorous; Disturbing; Violent; Furious;
blatant; Agitated; Frenzied.

 Trauma (N) : [pksV ( {kr( ?kko ]

Syn : Shock; blow; Upset; Injury; Suffering; Pain; Wound;

 Treacherous (Adj.) : [tks oQknkj u gks( fo'okl?kkrh( vfo'oluh;( Nyh( /

kks[ksc kt( [krjukd( eDdkj( >wB ]
Syn : Unfaithful; Disloyal; Unreliable; Untrustworthy; Deceptive;
Fraud; Dangerous; False; Evil.
Ant : True; Faithful; Trustworthy; Kindly; Friendly; Loyal;
Honourable; Frank.

 Trivial (Adj.) : [rqP N( {kqn z( ux.;( vks Nk( gYdk( ekewyh( f?klkfiVk ]
Syn : Petty; Frivolous; Small; Unimportant; Little; Insignificant;
Scanty; Meagre; Paltry; Worthless.
Ant : Great; Large; Massive; Ponderous; Valuable; Big; Powerful;
Significant; Grand; Useful; Necessary. |79| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Truant (Adj.) : [csdkj ?kweus okyk( dkepksj( deZR;kxh( iyk;u'khy( vkylh(

vkokjk( HkxksM +k ]
Syn : Wandering; Idle; shirking; Vagabound; Vagrant; Idling;
Loitering; Roaming; Roving; Strolling; Itinerant; Nomadic.
Ant : Sedulous; Active; Assiduous; Laborious; Energetic;
Industrious; busy; Careful; Persevering; Painstaking.

 Turbulent (Adj.) : [v'kkar ( mxz( vkØked( fo{kqC /k( dksy kgye;( minzo h ]
Syn : Tumult; Disturbed; Disordered; Violent; Aggressive;
Tumultous; Agitated; Boisterous; Stormy.
Ant : Calm; quiet; Serene; Tranquil; Meek; Mild; Gentle.
 |80| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Unanimity (N) : [loZl Eefr ]

Syn : Accord; Agreement; Concord; Unison; Concordance;
Conformity; Unity; Sympathy; Congruence.
Ant : Discord; Disagreement; Dissonance; Dissidence;
Difference; Variance.

 Unpredictable (Adj.): [vuuq e s; ( vizk DdFkuh; ]

Syn : Unforeseeable; Chance; Changeable; Erratic; Inconstant;
Random; Unreliable; Variable; Unstable.
Ant : Predictable; Foreseeable; Unchangeable; Reliable; Stable;

 Unruly (Adj.) : [míaM ( csy xke( v'kkluh;( mPN`a[ky( vfu;a= .kh;( fo{kqC/k(
mÙksf tr( minzo h ]
Syn : Impudent; Uncontrolled; Obstinate; Headstrong;
Refractory; Rebellious; Mutinous; Intractable; Disobedient;
Disorderly; Turbulent; Unmanageable; Riotous; Untidy.
Ant : Orderly; Obedient; Quiet; Sober; Regular; Equable;
Peaceable; Methodical; Tidy; Neat.

 Untidy (Adj.) : [xan k( nks"k;qDr( vuSfrd( dkeqd( uhp( ?kfV;k ]

Syn : Dirty; Unclean; Soiled; Filthy; Polluted; Nasty; Stained;
Spotted; Tarnished; Immoral; Lewd; Lascivious; Low; Mean.
Ant : Tidy; clean; Upright; Decent; Noble; Virtuous; Honourable;
Honest; Unspotted; Unstained; Untarnished; Exalted;
Admirable. |81| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Vanish (Vi) : [yqIr gksu k( foyhu gksu k( vks>y gks tkuk( xk;c gksu k( u"V
gksu k( feVuk ]
Syn : Disappear; Dissolve; Depart; Fade; Wither; Evaporate;
Evanesce; Mell; Go away.
Ant : Appear; Surface; Emerge; Arrive; Loom up; Arise.

 Vanity (N) : [feF;kfHkeku( naH k( ?keaM ]

Syn : Ostentation; Pride; Conceit; Display; Show; Vainglory;
Affectation; Self-esteem; Self-applause.
Ant : Modesty; Diffidence; Humility; Backwardness;
Bashfulness; Unpretention.

 Vanquish (Vt) : [ijkLr djuk( ijkftr djuk( neu djuk( vfHkHkwr djuk ]
Syn : Defeat; Conquer; Subjugate; Overcome; Overpower; Beat;
Crush; Overwhelm; Quell.
Ant : Surrender; Yield; Succumb; Forego; Relinquish.

 Veil (Vt) : [ijnk djuk( vkoj.k Mkyuk( ?kwa?kV ls <+duk( Nqikuk ]

Syn : Conceal; Cover; Screen; Cloak; Mantle; Disguise; Mask;
Obscure; Muffle; Dim.
Ant : Expose; Show; Demonstrate; Reveal.

 Venality (N/u) : [?kw l [kksj h( Hkz" Vkpkj( /kuyksy qi rk( foØs;rk ]

Syn : Bribery; Corruption; Gratification; Corruptibility;
Meanness; Prostitution; Contamination; Putrefaction;
Ant : Incorruptibility; Purity; Amelioration; Chastity; Piety;
Honesty; Guilelessness; Integrity; Simplicity |82| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Veracity (N/c) : [lR;rk( ;FkkrF;rk( lR;( lp( lPpkbZ ( okLrfodrk(

bZe kunkjh ]
Syn : Truthfulness; Truth; Correctness; Accuracy; Reality;
Honesty; Fairness; Exactness; Plain.
Ant : Falsehood; Falsification; Lying; Trickery; Artifice;
Chicanery; Sophistry.

 Vicissitude (N/u) : [myVQsj ( ifjorZu ( mrkj&p<+ko( lq[ k&nq[ k ]

Syn : Change; Variation; Ups and downs; Mutation; Fluctuation;
Alternation; Shift.
Ant : Stability; Steadfastness; Firmness; Rigidity; Constancy;
Soundness; Fastness; Immutation; Permanence.

 Vindictive (Adj.) : [cnyk ysus dh Hkkouk ls vksr &izk sr ( izf rdkjh( izf r'kks/kh(
iz f r'kks/ kkRed( naM kRed ]
Syn : Revengeful; Vengeful; Malevolent; Malicious; Rancorous;
Unforgiving; Grudgeful; Spiteful; unrelenting; Relentless;
Punitive; Malignant.
Ant : Charitable; Merciful; forgiving; Gracious; Benevolent;
Magnanimous; Mild; Tolerant; Philanthropic; Kind; Lenient;
Kindly; Generous.

 Virulent (Adj.) : [vfr fo"kkDr( fo"kkDr( tgjhyk( fo}s"kiw.kZ( ?kkrd( gkfudkjd ]

Syn : Poisonous; Noxious; Hostile; Malicious; Infective;
Venomous; Harmful; Deadly; Acrimonious; Bitter-
Malignant; Malevolent; Toxic.
Ant : Mild; Forgiving; Gentle; Kind; Lenient; Merciful; Soft;
Soothing; Moderate.

 Visionary (Adj.) : [dkYifud( vokLrfod( LofIuy( vO;kogkfjd( [;kyh(

fnO;n'khZ( LoIun'khZ( lad kYifud ]
Syn : Fanciful; Imaginary; Unreal; Dreamy; Idealistic; Impractical;
Unrealizable; Romantic; Utopian; Illusory; Chimerical;
Impracticable. |83| 8429288939 | 8429788939
(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

Ant : Real; Natural; Actual; Factual; Honest; Substantial;

Tangible; Existent; Genuine; Authentic; Veritable;
Legitimate; Positive.

 Vivacious (Adj.) : [ltho( izQqYy( thoar( ftan kfny( thou 'kfDr ls iw.kZ ]
Syn : Lively; Animated; Gay; Spirited; Sported; Sportive;
Sprightly; Jolly; Cheerful; Merry; Ebullient; Effervescent;
Bubbly; Active.
Ant : Torpid; Inanimate; Lifeless; Inert; Dull; Inactive; Indolent;
Lazy; Languid; Lethargic; Dull; Listless.

 Vivid (Adj.) : [pedhyk( pVdhyk( ftUnkfny( ltho( thoUr( lqL i"V(

thrk&tkxrk ]
Syn : Bright; Intense; Lively; Animated; Fresh; Spirited; Distinct;
Clear; Striking; REal; Vibrant; Quick; Telling.
Ant : dull; Dim; Weak; Feeble; Stale; Inspirited; Indistinct-
Abstruse; Hidden; Sad.

 Volatile (Adj.) : [mM+us okyk( mM+u'khy( ifjorZu h;( papy( fgald( foLQksV d ]
Syn : Vaporous; Vopary; Voprizable; Evaporable; Changeable;
Mercurial; Flightly; Violent; Explosive; Wavering; Airy;
Light; Wabby.
Ant : Soluble; Dissoluble; Resolute; Determined; Steadfast; Firm;
Heavy; Ponderous; Massive; Liquefied; Liquescent.

 Voracious (Adj.) : [cgqr Hkw[kk( isVw( HkqD [kM+( [kkÅ( cgqr ykyph( yksHkh( vfr
yksy qi ( vr`I; ]
Syn : Hungry; Gluttonous; Famished; Rapacious; Ravening;
Ravenous; Greedy; Curious; Eager; Inquisitive; Insatiable;
Ant : Satisfied; Gorged; Fastidious; Satiated; Sated. |84| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Wary (Adj.) : [lko/kku( pkSd Uuk( lrdZ( [kcjnkj( fopkj'khy ]
Syn : Cautious; Alert; Watchful; Vigilant; Careful; Circumspect;
Mindful; Prudent; Thoughtful; Heedful.
Ant : Incautious; Unwary; Careless; Rash; Headlong; Imprudent;
Wanton; Headstrong; Giddy; Neglectful.

 Weary (Adj.) : [ru] eu ls Fkdk gqvk( FkdkoV iSn k djus okyk( Åck gqvk(
mckÅ( v/khj( vlar q" V ]
Syn : Tired; Exhausted; Zonked; Fatigued; Tiring; Disgusted;
Disgusting; Impatient; Dissatisfied; Lethargic; Harassed;
Displeased; Discouraged; Disheartened.
Ant : Refreshed; Invigorated; Inspirited; Enthused; Revived;
Pleased; Happy; Enlivened; Encouraged; Boosted; Fresh.

 Wicked (Adj.) : [nq"V( ikih( cqj k( ukfLrd( Øwj ( vR;kpkjh( 'kjkjrh( cnek'k ]
Syn : Evil; Vicious; Iniquitous; Base; Shameful; Impure;
Malevolent; Villainous; Devilish.
Ant : Good; Kind; Loving Affectionate; Fine; Pure; Praiseworthy;

 Withstand (Vt) : [izfrjks/ k djuk( fojks/k djuk( jksd yxkuk( lgu djuk( lg
lduk( cjnk'r djuk ]
Syn : Resist; Counteract; Oppose; HInder; Check; REact;
Rebuff; Revolt; Recalcitrate; Violate.
Ant : Comply; Concur; Help; Assist; Obey; Observe; Surrender;
Co-operate; Assent. |85| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)


 Yearn (Vi) : [ykykf;r gksu k( rjluk( mRdafBr gksu k ]

Syn : Crave; Long; Pine; Desire; Hanker after; Hunger; Covet;
Ant : Quench; Satiate; Satisfy.

 Yield (Vt) : [iS n k djuk( mRiUu djuk( Lohdkj djuk( lger gksu k(
vkReleiZ. k djuk( v/khurk Lohdkj djuk ]
Syn : Produce; Bear; Supply; Give; Afford; Surrender; Part with;
Relinquish; Succumb; Resign; Quit; Abandon.
Ant : Resist; Challenge; Flight; Continue.

 Yielding (Adj.) : [nsu s okyk( vkReleiZ.k'khy( gkjusokyk( >qdusokyk( vkKkdkjh(

lqu E; ]
Syn : Submissive; Docile; Tractable; Obedient; Manageable;
Obliging; Accommodating.
Ant : Unyielding; Rigid; Intractable; Disobedient. |86| 8429288939 | 8429788939

(Most Trusted Study Group in India)

 Zeal (N/u) : [mRlkg( mÙkst uk( tks' k( ljxehZ( mRdaB k( O;xzrk ]
Syn : Ardour; Devotion; Dedication; Enthusiasm; Gusto;
Keenness; Passion; Warmth.
Ant : Apathy; Indifference; Coldness.

 Zealous (Adj.) : [mRlkgiw. kZ( yXu'khy( vkRelefiZr ( tks' khyk( mÙks f tr ]

Syn : Fervent; Enthusiastic; Ardent; Intense; Earnest; Animated;
Vivacious; Assiduous; Steadfast.
Ant : Apathetic; Indifferent; Lazy; Idle; Sluggish; Inactive; Inert;
Languid; Careless; Dormant.

 Zenith (N) : [mPpre fcanq( f'k[kj( f'kjksfcan q( pjeksRd"kZ ]

Syn : Top; Pinnacle; Culmination; Climax; Apex; Vertex; Peak;
Summit; Acme; Eminence; Elevation; Maximum.
Ant : Nadir; Base; Foundation; Lowest point; Bottom; Foot;
Bedrock; Floor; Depth; Lowness; Minimum. |87| 8429288939 | 8429788939

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