"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data For Decision Making in Academic Libraries

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“But What Does It Mean?

” Using Statistical Data for Decision Making

in Academic Libraries

Steve Hiller
Library Assessment Coordinator/Head, Science Libraries, University of Washington Libraries, Seattle,
Washington USA

Academic libraries in North America are turning increasingly to the use of statistical data
to assist and support library management decisions. While some library data, primarily
operational, have been available for years, the degree to which they have been used in
library management varies widely. Recently, there has been a voluminous increase in
library-related data, not only in transactional information from online library systems and
electronic resources usage, but also from efforts to gain more direct user input through
user surveys and focus groups. Libraries are also being asked by funding and accrediting
bodies to demonstrate their impact on the user community by employing a series of
metrics that are outcomes and data based.
As the data turn into a flood, many academic libraries are unsure what the data mean
and how to analyse and use this information in library management.

Introduction • Explosive growth in networked electronic

information and consortial purchasing
Academic libraries today are awash with
• Noticeable changes in library use patterns
numerical and statistical information. But
• New library organisational structures and
what does it mean and how can we use data
strategic planning
– both quantitative and qualitative –
• Instability of library and institutional
effectively in library management? My
focus in this presentation will be on North
• Increased complexity of navigating the
American academic research libraries and
information environment
specifically on some of the assessment work
• Moves towards outcomes based
done at the University of Washington
assessment in higher education
• Accountability for library expenditures
While North American academic research
These changes have been a catalyst for
libraries have used statistical data for many
developing new methods of measuring
years, they have often been limited to such
library performance and service quality. In
areas as budget, collection use, and
North America, the Association of Research
improving efficiency of specific operations,
Libraries (ARL) has sponsored several
especially processing. Rarely have data been
programmes to develop new assessment
tied to broader performance or service
measures, including the E-Metrics project
quality measures at the institutional level
(dealing with measuring use of electronic
where library quality and performance
resources), LibQUAL+TM (a survey tool to
traditionally have been measured by size and
assess library service quality), and a number
budget. However, during the past decade, a
of workshops, courses and conferences
number of changes have taken place that
highlighting assessment efforts and
have eroded the concept of equating
developing associated skills (Blixrud, 2001).
institutional collection size and budget with
A major effort to define and standardise data
library quality. These include:
categories and collection methods in the
United States can be seen in recently

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"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

released draft standard (Z39.7) Metrics and professionals at the DLF institutions she
Statistics for Libraries and Information surveyed responded that their libraries
Providers produced by the National needed to do more of the following for
Information Standards Organization (NISO) assessment to be successful:
which includes e-metrics for the first time
• Collect only meaningful, purposeful data
(NISO, 2002).
• Develop the skills to gather, analyse,
interpret, present and use data
The last decade has also seen a trend
• Develop comprehensive assessment plans
towards establishing more adaptable and
• Organise assessment as a core activity
nimble library organisational structures. This
• Compile and managing assessment data
“new” organisation employs a formal
• Acquire sufficient information about the
strategic planning process, encourages
library environment to understand trends
innovation and risk-taking at different levels
within the organisation, and becomes She went on to state that, “Several DLF
user-focused and outcomes-based rather than respondents commented that they spend a
library process-centred. A user-centred great deal of time gathering data but do not
library depends on establishing more formal have the time or talent to do anything with
assessment efforts that measure the needs of this information. Even if libraries gather the
our user communities and evaluate the right measures for their purposes,
effectiveness of library services, developing the requisite skills to analyse,
programmes, and resources in addressing interpret, present and use the data are
them. Developing a “culture of assessment” separate challenges.”(Covey, 2002, p 3).
is one way to extend data-based decision She concluded with this rather bleak
making throughout the library and keep the assessment:
focus on the user.
“The results of the DLF study suggest
“A Culture of Assessment is an that individually, libraries in many
organisational environment in which cases are collecting data without
decisions are based on facts, research really having the will, organisational
and analysis, and where services are capacity, or interest to interpret and
planned and delivered in ways which use the data effectively in library
maximize positive outcomes and planning. Libraries have been slow to
impacts for library clients. A Culture standardize definitions and assessment
of Assessment exists in organisations methods, develop guidelines and best
where staff care to know what results practices, and provide the benchmarks
they produce and how those results necessary to compare the results of
relate to customer expectations.” assessment across institutions”
(Lakos, 2002, p 313) (Covey, 2002, p 58).

While service quality assessment has Yet, I believe that the current situation is far
become part of the academic library lexicon, more optimistic than the picture painted in
the effective understanding, use and the DLF report. While libraries may not
application of quantitative and qualitative have the results they hope for, or have
data in management of North American demonstrated the integration of data
academic libraries have lagged behind. In collection, analysis, interpretation and use in
her recent report for the Digital Library management, there is far greater awareness
Federation, Usage and Usability of the issues involved, and the need to
Assessment: Library Practices and develop not only the skills to understand and
Concerns, Denise Troll Covey (2002) wrote use data effectively, but also the
that the library managers, administrators and organisational structures that will facilitate

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"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

application. In this era of ubiquitous made it difficult to identify and test

computer access and instant Web surveys, meaningful measures that can be applied in a
expectations may be unrealistic, since timely manner. It also means that the
effective assessment cannot be done traditional social science research process
overnight but requires time, effort, may take more time than is available to
organisational commitment and resources. produce results that can be used, and seems
The situation has changed dramatically since increasingly out of place in a world where
Chuck McClure wrote in 1986 that academic the information was needed yesterday to
library middle managers were, “distrustful make decisions today to be implemented
of the use of cost and performance tomorrow. As Peters notes in a recent article
measurement data ... and unlikely to use on e-resource usage statistics, “a robust
such data, even if available, for library future for library statistics involves breaking
decision making” (McClure, 1986, p 330). out permanently from the library and
Today, a strategic planning process with information science research community
measurable goals and objectives is a part of into the community of practice” (Peters,
many academic libraries. Library managers 2002, p 41). In addition to these potential
and administrators are keenly interested in barriers, an important one, which often goes
assessment and want decisions to be based unspoken, is that many librarians are just
on data, evidence and cost. However, they uncomfortable with numbers, being
are uncertain how to acquire, interpret and generally “people of the book”.
use the information they need. Finally, there
are a growing number of success stories in A disproportionate number of librarians
using statistical data effectively in the studied in the humanities (Fasick, 1986) and
management of academic libraries, and a have little training or experience working
developing infrastructure of national support with statistical data. Indeed, many librarians
in North American led by ARL. in common with the majority of our society,
are likely to be in some degree innumerate
Obstacles to Using Statistical Data (defined by Paulos (1998) as the “inability
to deal comfortably with the fundamental
While the sheer amount of data is obviously
notions of numbers and chance”). In North
one obstacle to using it for library
America, such library educators as Chuck
management, there are other factors at play.
McClure, Peter Herndon, and Nancy Van
The organisational structure of many
House have focused on developing service
libraries, with their extensive divisional
quality measures and use of quantitative and
hierarchies and lengthy consultation process,
qualitative analysis in management. They
is clearly a barrier at times (Lakos, 2002).
have done much to further awareness of the
Relatively few academic research libraries
need for good applied research within
seem to have the necessary staff expertise or
libraries. It seems clear though that we need
positions with assessment or management
a more practical approach that addresses
information as a primary responsibility.
behavioural and organisational barriers as
Having someone responsible is important, as
well as identifying importance (which is
an effective assessment programme cannot
different from statistical significance) and
be run by just a group or added on to
how can we present and apply data to
someone’s already full plate of activities.
improve our libraries.
The lack of standard performance or
outcome measures and the relative rarity of
The Data
linking performance to resource allocation
mitigate the necessity for developing good Determining what to measure and how to
metrics. The rapidity of change in the measure it must be balanced by the costs
information and funding environments has associated with obtaining the data and, more

12 Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002

"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

importantly, the benefits of using them to collection procedures. We need to exercise

improve libraries. Strategic planning in the special care when our data come from a
library and the host institution may set sample and how much we can reasonably
measurable goals and objectives for which infer from those data about the whole
the data are needed. Performance population or subgroups. When comparing
measurement standards coupled with the internally generated data across institutions,
development of national measures may also the difficulties are often magnified. It is not
direct the type and method of data surprising that the annual ARL Statistics
collection. The recent emphasis on (ARL 2002) has 35 pages of footnotes
accountability and outcomes and the shift to explaining differences in data collection or
an electronic environment have led to much definition methods between member
discussion and work on defining and institutions.
developing appropriate performance
measures. Statistics produced by an external group or
organisation may be even more difficult to
When working with statistical data it is work with unless it is clear as to how the
important to think critically about the data were generated. Regardless of where
numbers: and how the data are produced, we need to
determine if they make sense and can
• Where do the numbers come from?
provide information we can use. That is not
• How and why were they generated?
necessarily the same as performing
• What do they represent?
statistical analysis. This process is
• Can you compare them?
essentially a qualitative control measure. Do
• Do they make sense?
we have sudden spikes or large magnitude
• Can we use the data to improve
data changes? Do survey results show
something totally unexpected? This seems to
be an all too common occurrence with
A one-time, one place set of statistics can be
electronic resource usage statistics where
useful in its own right, but is infinitely more
time periods are missed, or methods of
valuable when it can be compared with
counting have changed but can be a feature
something else. The most common
of any data set.
comparisons may be change over time,
differences between groups, or differences
While the data may be structurally sound, it
between similar types of libraries.
does not necessarily mean that we can use
Comparisons can add context, and context
them. Data elements may be inappropriate
provides a better sense of meaning.
and capture the wrong “kind” of information
for your intended use. Gaps in the data may
However, comparability of data can be
make it difficult to analyse trends. User
complicated. If we use internally generated
surveys may have questions that just do not
data, we have more control and knowledge
work – they may be poorly worded, open to
about the numbers but still need to be careful
differing interpretation, use an inappropriate
about comparisons. For example, in
response scale, or give us data we cannot use
comparing information from surveys done at
for service quality improvement. The more
different times we need to ask such
you know about your subject and your data,
questions as whether the phrasing of the
the better you can analyse and interpret
question was changed, whether the response
results. Indeed, that is a good reason to
scale was different, and does the respondent
develop or have expertise in-house rather
population composition differ between
than rely primarily on external consultants.
surveys. Other internal data collection also
needs to be scrutinised for changes in data

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"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

Statistical Data and Analysis needs of these individuals. Decision

Presentation makers do not want to wade through a
detailed and lengthy report.”
Many of the books and publications dealing
(Herndon, 1989, p 159)
with statistical applications in libraries are
long on techniques and methodology, but
The key to successful analysis,
short on presenting and communicating
understanding and presentation is to keep it
results. The literature dealing with library
simple. Less is indeed more. Numbers that
research often includes a section on
people can relate to, especially those that can
publishing research results, but little on how
be compared, are more persuasive than
to present and use results within libraries.
complex statistical analysis. Trend lines are
For example, Hafner’s Descriptive
more easily grasped than tabular data and
Statistical Techniques for Librarians (1998)
graphical presentation is a powerful method
states boldly on the back cover, “Librarians
of communicating the value of statistical
need statistics, love them or not. Statistics
data, even to the numerically challenged.
persuade library decision makers and
Below are some elements that are important
supporters in a way that rhetoric cannot.”
in communicating results effectively:
While the book provides a thorough review
of descriptive statistics, it spends little space • Provide executive summary or equivalent
on presenting data – just a few paragraphs • Present brief context on scope and
describing charts. However, presentation is a methodology
crucial part of the process of using statistical • Identify key findings (not all results)
data in academic library management – the • Mix text, data, and graphics
link between data and action. • Provide qualitative data (if available) or
other context that buttress quantitative
Presenting statistical data and analysis for findings
library administration and management is • Avoid jargon (statistical and otherwise)
different from presenting that same • Know your audience(s). Make it
information for publication. Administrators understandable to them.
and managers need to know: • Identify potential action items and/or
• What is important?
• How can the information be used to
As Edward Tufte notes in his seminal work
improve services?
The Visual Display of Quantitative
• How can the information be
communicated internally and externally?
• What is the process for change? What “Often the most effective way to
will it cost? describe, explore and summarize a set
of numbers – even a very large set – is
The primary consideration is practical and to look at pictures of those numbers.
applied. As Herndon notes: Furthermore, of all methods for
analyzing and communicating
“A paper submitted for publication
statistical information, well-designed
“speaks” to the editor and editorial
data graphics are usually the simplest
board of a journal, and their
and at the same time the most
perceptions about reader interests. A
powerful.” (Tufte, 2001, p 9)
published article communicates with
fellow researchers, and, it is hoped a
Tufte goes on to provide the characteristics
larger community. ... Of course, an
of graphical excellence. Graphs should:
internal report delivered to library
managers “speaks” to the information • Show the data

14 Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002

"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

• Induce the viewer to think about the responding in 2001. We have tried to build a
substance rather than about methodology multidimensional picture of our user
• Avoid distorting what the data have to community, their library and information
say needs, the ways they use libraries, and their
• Make large data sets coherent satisfaction with library services and
• Encourage the eye to compare different resources.
pieces of data
• Reveal the data at several levels of detail A key element of our assessment programme
• Be closely integrated with the statistical is presenting results from surveys and other
and verbal descriptions of the data set assessment efforts both internally within the
library as well as to our user community.
Tufte further states (p 11) that, “Graphics Initial results and analysis are first posted on
reveal data. Indeed, graphics can be more an internal library site, often within two to
precise and revealing than conventional four weeks of data receipt, and then on our
statistical computations.” With graphing public web page, at
capabilities available in most statistical http://www.lib.washington.edu/surveys/.
analysis, spreadsheet and word processing Written and oral presentations are made to
software, it is comparatively easy to library administrators, managers and
generate charts ... although not necessarily appropriate departments within the Libraries
good ones. as well as to faculty and administrative
groups. We supply our library liaisons with
At the University of Washington Libraries, information they can use as they work with
we have viewed user needs assessment as faculty and students in their subject areas. A
the key to developing, maintaining, and report is written and distributed for internal
strengthening the user-centred library. The use by email and Web, as well as the
University of Washington, located in Seattle, Libraries’ quarterly newsletter and the
Washington, is a comprehensive research official University weekly newspaper. We
institution with 25,000 undergraduates, find the Web is an excellent vehicle for
10,000 graduate and professional students, presentation and communication. It is easily
nearly 4,000 faculty, and thousands of other accessible, always there, uses a mix of
researchers and clinicians. The University formats and images, can be updated quickly,
Libraries has conducted large-scale surveys and provides linkages to other information,
of faculty and students on a triennial basis including data sets.
since 1992 and supplemented this and other
survey data with qualitative information Our local surveys (as well as the
from focus groups, observation and usability LibQUAL+TM surveys at the University of
studies. Surveys are sent to all faculty and a Washington) show that we have very high
sample of students, with 1,345 faculty satisfaction and low dissatisfaction.

Table 1 Triennial Survey – Response rate

2001 2001 2001 % 1998 % 1995 % 1992 %

Sent Returned Returned Returned Returned Returned
Faculty 3720 1345 36% 40% 31% 28%
Graduate Students 1500 597 40% 46% 41% 56%
Undergraduates 2000 497 25% 39% 23% 41%

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"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

Institutional surveys of graduating seniors approximately 85% of faculty and graduate

show they rate the quality of library services student survey respondents reported that
highest among academic activities such as they used libraries at least weekly in 1998
instruction and advising. It is reassuring to and 2001, an increasing majority were doing
see that the Libraries is viewed positively so remotely rather than visiting.
but it doesn’t really tell us much. Moving
beyond satisfaction, our assessment efforts Table 2 In-Person Library Use 1998 and 2001
have looked at use, importance, and needs.
Group 2001 1998 Change
Results have revealed a very heterogeneous
academic community who have different Faculty 38.7% 47.3% -18.2%
library needs and use libraries in different 59.5% 77.7% -23.4%
Graduate students
ways. Undergraduates use libraries
Undergraduates 60.4% 70.3% -14.1%
differently from faculty. Faculty in the
health sciences have different needs from
those in the humanities. The data support the Table 3 Remote Computer Use 1998 and 2001
development of different strategies to
Group 2001 1998 Change
address the needs of these user groups. A
single approach will not work. Faculty 78.7% 73.2% 7.5%

Graduate students 75.4% 63.7% 18.4%

For example, our surveys show a decline in
Undergraduates 54.1% 42.9% 26.1%
the frequency of library visits and an
increase in remote computer use of libraries
between 1998 and 2001. While

Fig 1 Faculty Use Patterns by Academic Area 2001

(Percent using each category at least weekly)







In-Person Office Computer Home Computer

Health Science Science Humanities- Soc Sci

16 Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002

"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

The only category of in-library use that in many of our libraries, but were
increased between 1998 and 2001 was the substantially higher in the undergraduate
weekly or more often use of library library, so it was difficult to spot trends.
computers by undergraduates, which rose by Fortunately, we have kept very detailed
34%. This rise likely reflected the statistics on loans, reserves, and in-library
installation in late 1998 of a 350 seat use of material in the on-site collections. We
computer laboratory with 24 hour access in can easily chart this data in a time sequence
the Undergraduate Library. While faculty in (Fig 2). In looking at actual loans, the
the humanities, social sciences and arts visit numbers remain relatively stable, perhaps
libraries more often than those in the somewhat inflated by a higher proportion of
sciences and health sciences, there is no renewals since we initiated self-renewal
difference by subject area in the frequency through the Web. However, if we look at
of use from campus offices or laboratories. in-library use and reserve use, those
numbers drop sharply. Statistics showed that
Our survey programme gives us the in seven years, total use of materials had
opportunity to develop and frame specific gone down by more than 1.1 million items –
questions that can provide information we 33% – while in-library use declined by more
can use for planning and decision-making than 50%. Further analysis revealed that the
within the library. However, responses, sharpest decrease had occurred in those
especially on use patterns, are perceived libraries with a high proportion of journals
behaviours, not actual use. The ability to tap and general news or business information.
into other data can help verify and add When this information was presented to
another dimension to survey responses. library administration using these charts, the
Entrance gate counts had declined somewhat situation was easily grasped.

Fig 2 UW Libraries Print Collection Use 1995/96 to 2001/02

2,200,000 2,121,895

1,831,768 1,853,964




1,200,000 1,163,321

1,018,721 1,040,719 1,006,856 1,032,155

1,000,000 1,092,525

1995-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 2001-02

Loans In-Library Use

Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002 17

"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

Ironically, if we looked just at the ARL the research nature of the project has taken
statistics we would have missed the sharp precedence over how to understand and
decline in in-library use, as the ARL apply results, and the ability to use the data
categories are initial circulations (first time at individual institutions has proved to be
loans but not renewals) and total circulations challenging. Local survey coordinators from
(loans and renewals). Reserve use and the 2001 survey expressed a number of
in-library use are not included. There is a difficulties in trying to use the results. These
general downward trend but it is a relatively included “a dearth of in-house statistical
modest 8.5% overall decline between 1995 skills for understanding the survey
and 2001 in the mean and a 17% decline in methodology and working with the data; a
the median. lack of organisational culture that
encourages assessment; concern about low
Using Statistical Data for Effective sample sizes as compared to print surveys;
Management negative feedback from faculty about the
survey; lack of time and money to work with
Analysing, understanding and presenting
the results; and the need for more
your data are crucial components of the
documentation accompanying the data.”
assessment process. However, the
(Waller and Hipps, 2002, p 10). ARL and
application and use of those data in library
Texas A&M have devoted more effort to the
management is the ultimate test. No matter
issues associated with data analysis,
how good the survey, cost or usage data, if
presentation and use (e.g. the Library
they are not applied, you have not only
Service Quality Academy in May 2002 and
missed an opportunity for data-based
other workshops) as a result of input from
decision making but also implicitly sent a
participating libraries.
powerful message to library staff that data
do not matter. As Covey concludes in the
Some of the key elements to using the data
user surveys portion of the DLF report:
effectively include:
“Many DLF respondents reported
• Timeliness
surveys whose results were never
• Prioritisation of costs and benefits
analysed. Others reported that survey
• Identification of organisational
results were analysed and
recommendations made, but nothing
• Communication with staff and
happened after that. No one knew, or
felt comfortable enough to mention,
• Validation with other information sources
who dropped the ball. ... The problem
could be loss of momentum and
In our rapidly changing information
commitment, but it could also be lack
environment it is critical that data be
of skill. ... Libraries appear to be slow
analysed, interpreted, presented and used in
in acquiring the skills needed to use
a timely manner. In some large
survey data.” (Covey, 2002, p 14)
organisations, it takes so long for the process
to move along that results can easily be
For example, LibQUAL+TM has been a
outdated. It is much easier then to make no
powerful catalyst in developing a culture of
decision than to decide on a course of action.
assessment in North American academic
When designing a process for data
research libraries. During the past three
collection, it is vital to identify the method
years there have been more conference
and time needed to enter data and analyse
presentations focussing on LibQUAL+TM,
and more words written about LibQUAL+TM
than any other library assessment effort. Yet,

18 Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002

"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

The data may show a number of areas that During the past ten years at the University of
need action, but in most libraries the ability Washington Libraries, we have collected an
to make changes may be limited due to time, impressive amount of data related to user
staffing, complexity, and resource needs and priorities, use patterns, library
availability. It is important to prioritise – satisfaction and the impact of libraries and
identify those actions that are not only online resources and services on work. We
crucial to programme improvement – but have invested substantial funding and
also can be done in a timely manner with resources to keep in close contact with our
limited resources. A quick win can also community of faculty and students. So, what
demonstrate to staff that assessment works have we learned, how have we used our data
and to stakeholders outside the library that and what have we done to improve the
their input is important. University of Washington Libraries? I will
briefly highlight two areas in which we have
Identifying those in the organisation used assessment information to make
responsible for action is a necessary link to substantive changes: facilities planning and
using data effectively. A flexible access to online information.
organisation where communication is strong,
service improvement is encouraged, Library Facilities
responsibility is identified, and
The library as a place is important for
decision-making is decentralised will
students, especially undergraduates. It is a
facilitate action.
place where they work ... and do much more.
For faculty, the library as a place has value
Staff and stake-holders should be kept
as a construct and as a social good, but is
informed. Results and analysis should be
primarily a place where the intellectual
made available and presented in a way that
content they need for their work is made
is timely and understandable. Staff and
accessible and stored. As content becomes
stake-holders should be told how you the
more easily available in a networked
data have been used to improve services and
environment, faculty and research need for
how important staff and user feedback is. As
the physical library lessens.
a result, staff will better understand the value
of data and users will see that the library is
We have used our data in facilities planning
for new and renovated library spaces. Since
students are our primary users, we design
Finally, the more ways that the results can
and renovate our libraries to provide student
be validated with complementary
support. This means providing varied seating
information, the easier it will be to convince
and user spaces to handle both individual
library staff (as well as stakeholders) of the
quiet study and collaborative group work,
need for change. Survey data corroborated
adding computers (both desktop and laptop)
with usage statistics and focus group
that can access not only networked
interviews can provide a powerful
resources, but also have application software
three-dimensional picture of an issue. Your
for students to do their work – wired
results may also show the need to collect
teaching areas for both library and class
data in new or different areas using different
instruction. In the new construction, we
methods. And, if you cannot “use” the data
increased the proportion of library space for
to understand or improve services, perhaps it
user work areas and in our major
should not be collected.
renovations, we reduced the amount of space
given to housing collections.

Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002 19

"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

Figure 3 Reasons for Visiting Libraries (Among those visiting at least weekly)

Use Collections Use as Workspace Use Only Use Only Workspace

Faculty Undergraduate

We reviewed our hours of opening using surveys were returned with initial results
survey data (including comments). Changes confirming undergraduate use of the library
began in 1998 and included opening libraries as a work place.
for more hours during the week before
Autumn Quarter, adding a weekend day of Provision of Electronic Information
opening and evening hours for three smaller
Recent surveys (and focus groups) have
units so that all library units were open
shown desktop access to electronic
weekday evenings and at least one weekend
information to be the highest priority –
day during the academic quarter, and
especially for faculty and students.
opening undergraduate library 24 hours a
However, importance has varied by subject
day. Satisfaction with library hours has
area, especially for faculty. We also asked
increased, especially among undergraduates.
about trade-offs given relatively flat funding.
Based on survey data and focus group
We have also used our data in considering
results, we have picked up a number of
consolidation of library units. We have a
electronic journal packages, have cancelled
large decentralized library system with many
print subscriptions where electronic is
branch libraries. Three social science
available in the sciences and health sciences,
libraries were consolidated into our main
and now order new titles only in electronic
humanities-social science library in 1995,
when available. Electronic access to older
and our decision was buttressed by our
journals was also identified as a high priority
survey and use data. We are currently
for a number of areas in the sciences, and we
reviewing our service points and collections
have moved aggressively to pick up access
locations and, in addition to using existing
to archival collections – using some book
data, have developed and distributed an
money to do so. For undergraduates, we now
in-library use survey during Spring 2002.
subscribe to several large full-text sources
The survey asked what people did in a
covering general interest periodicals and
specific library, why they came there, and
have expanded our efforts to provide online
what the libraries could do better to support
course reserves.
their use. More than 4,000 completed

20 Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002

"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

Table 4 Top Three Library Priorities for Faculty and Students

Library Priority Faculty Undergrads

Full-text to desktop 73.5% 72.8% 54.9%

Online access to older journals 59.6% 61.8% 40.0%

Maintain quality of print collection 57.4% 53.3% 24.5%

Electronic reserves 23.8% 37.5% 49.5%

Fig 4 Faculty Priorities by Academic Area







Full-text to desktop Online acess to older Maintain print Preserve library
journals collection quality materials
Health Science Science Humanities-Soc Sci

Fig 5 Subscribe to Journals in Online Format Only







Health Sci Health Sci Grad Science Faculty Science Grad Hum-Soc Sci Hum-Soc Sci
Faculty Faculty Grad

Agree Disagree

Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002 21

"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

Conclusion skills to make them numerically and

statistically literate. These might include
There is keen interest among North
short courses and workshops, as well as
American academic research libraries in
hiring staff with expertise in these areas.
using quantitative and qualitative data in
Organisational attitudes appear to be the
library management. However, there are a
most critical factor. Library organisations
number of obstacles to overcome before this
need to be strategic, flexible and
becomes the norm rather than the exception.
user-centred with a philosophy that
Usage data need to be standardised and
encourages the use of data in
consistent. Different approaches are needed
to provide librarians and other staff with the

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22 Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002

"But What Does It Mean?" Using Statistical Data for Decision Making in Academic Libraries

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Statistics in Practice – Measuring & Managing 2002 23

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