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For living organisms , Self-reproduction is the most fundamental characteristic of cells.

All cells divide into 2 daughters that also can redivide and grow in a process called cell cycle.

This process is which the bacteria can make a colony

In eukaryotic cells, progression through the cell cycle is controlled by a series of protein kinases

In higher eukaryotes, this cell cycle is itself regulated by the growth factors that control cell proliferation.

Defect in cell cycle leads to abnormal proliferation =cancer

Cell cycle: is the life span of a cell

Under the microscope the cell cycle divides into 2 major parts

1- Interphase: where the cell growth occur but there is no division ,The cell spends most of the
time . There are some other phases occur within this phase
1.1- Growth phase” G1” : longest phase with cell cycle ( most of the life span ), produce proteins
and ribosomes
1.2- S phase : synthesis of DNA (DNA replication ) 23 pairs (half from mother and half from
father) and after replication = 46 pairs
1.3 – Growth phase “G2”: preparing for mitosis by making microtubules

2- Mitosis (nuclear division ) : the active cell division to turn into 2 cells and each cell will undergo
again G1

The duration :
Differ depending on the type of the cell :

-Human cell divides every 24 hours:

G1 11 hours

S 8 hours

G2 4 hours

M 1 hours

- Budding yeast

more rapidly can progress through all four stages of the cell cycle in only about 90 minutes

-Early embryo cells

cell cycle last for (30 minutes or less) : cell growth does not take place. these early embryonic cell cycles
rapidly divide the egg cytoplasm into smaller cells. -There is no G1 or G2 phase, and DNA replication
occurs very rapidly in these early embryonic cell cycles, which therefore consist of very short S phases
alternating with M phases.
-(nerve cells):

cease division altogether

-skin fibroblasts, as well as the cells of some internal organs, such as the liver

These cells divide only occasionally, as needed to replace cells that have been lost because of injury or
cell death.

These cells exit G1 to enter a quiescent stage of the cycle called G0, where they no longer proliferate.
Some cells that are arrested in G0 can re-enter the cell cycle when called on to do so by appropriate
extracellular signals.

other types of cells, including most differentiated cells in adult animals

permanently withdraw from the cell cycle and are incapable of resuming proliferation

Analysis of the cell cycle:

cells can be distinguished microscopically

1- by biochemical criteria in different stages .

2-distinguished by their DNA content by “flow cytometer or fluorescence-activated cell sorter”

- G1 : 2n copy from each chromosome

S phase : 4n

G2 : remain 4n

M : decrease to 2n

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