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Actividad de aprendizaje 14

Evidencia 3 Workshop “Customer satisfaction tolos”

Presentado al Instructor:

De Bilingüismo

Presentado Por:

Hilda Milena Ayala Ayala

Bogotá D.C., 15 de Septiembre de 2021

1. Lea el siguiente texto:

What is customer satisfaction?

Business leaders must realize that pursuing customer satisfaction is a critical and strategic decision. It’s not
something an organization does simply to satisfy a standard or win an award: It’s something an
organization does to stay in business. Top management must embrace this reality by acknowledging,
communicating and acting upon three basic truths:

Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal. There’s no higher achievement than satisfying the
customers an organization has committed itself to serving. This doesn’t mean that the organization should
abandon its competitive business sense and become a nonprofit institution. Financial control is needed,
along with accountability and sound decision making. But customer satisfaction is the ball everybody must
keep his or her eyes on. Revenues and profits are nothing more than the results fulfilling customer needs
and expectations.

Customer satisfaction is an investment. This is important because customer satisfaction processes

often don’t produce results in the very short term. Payoffs more often are realized in the medium or long
term. Resources must be applied to understanding customer requirements, collecting data on customer
perceptions, and analyzing it.

Everyone must be involved in customer satisfaction. All the personnel have the capability to influence
customer at some level. Top management must communicate exactly how personnel will be expected to
contribute because it’s often not intuitively obvious how this is possible. (Cochran, 2003)1
2. Conteste las siguientes preguntas de verdadero/falso sobre el texto:

a. Customer satisfaction is something an organization does simply to satisfy a standard or win an award.

F _X__ V___

b. Customer satisfaction is something an organization does to stay in business.

F___ V__X__

c. Satisfying the customers is the most important achievement an organization has committed itself to
serving. F___ V__X__

d. Payoffs more often are realized in the short term.

F__X__ V___

e. Not all the personnel have the capability to influence customer at some level. F_X___ V___

3. Teniendo en cuenta la lectura anterior escoja 7 verbos regulares y 7 verbos irregulares y

complete el siguiente cuadro:

Sugerencia: Consulte qué diferencia hay entre un verbo regular y un verbo irregular en la
conjugación en el pasado.
Conjugacion en
Verbo Significado Pasado Tipo de Verbo

1 answer responder answered Regular

2 add agregar added Regular

3 carry llevar carried Regular

4 dance bailar danced Regular

5 discover descubrir discovered Regular

6 hire alquilar hired Regular

7 invite invitar invited Regular

8 begin empezar began Inrregular

9 bend doblar bent Inrregular

10 break romper broke Inrregular

11 fall caer fell Inrregular

12 get conseguir got Inrregular

13 lose perder lost Inrregular

14 spend gastar spent Inrregular

4. Escoja 5 verbos y realice una frase en pasado simple en inglés teniendo coherencia con el
contexto de la lectura. (resalte el verbo que usó de la lista)

1. The company lost the client due to its poor customer service
2. The sales executive got excellent customer service.
3. He did a good business so he invited him to lunch.
4. The company manager discovered a way to earn money with good customer service
5. Customer service advisor responded appropriately to customer inquiries.

5. Conjugue los verbos en pasado y presente simple:

I had much clients today

I have much clients today

She did the marketing letters

She does the marketing letters

The table was made in china

The table it’s makes in china

6. Con la ayuda de los verbos, elabore una lista de 10 oraciones sobre la lectura:

1. Customer satisfaction is a marketing concept

2. The objective to achieve is to achieve satisfaction
3. Satisfying the customer correctly is undoubtedly the key to success
4. An adequate customer service guarantees your satisfaction
5. It is very important to fulfill the promise of sale
6. The sales team complies with your good disposition successful organizationsmeet the expectations
of their clients
7. The marketing team performs accounts to the clients
8. When a product does not meet the expectations of costumers, it generatesdisloyalty towards it
9. The level of customer satisfaction is positive
10. The suppliers are also important in the process

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